A Shoulder to Cry On (MF Breeding Cheating DubCon Drunk Creampie Unsafe Tricked)

The first thing Angie did when she stormed out of her ex’s was to call her best friend crying. The second was to start drinking as soon as she got home. They’d broken up again for the last time, and she was done. By the time the Uber had arrived to take her over to Sasha’s for dinner, she was already buzzed on the last half bottle of red wine she’d found in her kitchen. Her ex-boyfriend wasn’t just a cheating asshole – he was a cheating asshole that drank all of her booze without replacing it. Now that he was out of her life he’d not only reduced her to tears, but he’d reduced her to drinking the cheap stuff she euphemistically referred to as cooking wine, and she hated him equally for both reasons.

The ride across town only took ten minutes, but in that time she managed to overshare all the sorted details of her heartbreak with the driver that she’d never meet again. “Beggars can’t be choosers though, amiright?” Angie said, wearing her brightest fakest smile to the Uber driver as she finished up her whole rant on men. The longer she talked, the more she leaned forward, making sure he could get a good look down her braless cleavage. Thanks to her loose top that jiggled and bounced with every bump in the road he got a real eyeful too.

“It’s not even cheap though… you can’t even buy two buck chuck now. It’s more like ten buck chuck, ya know? What’s the world coming to?” She knew she shouldn’t be pouring out her problems to a stranger as recklessly as she’d emptied out the bottle in her house, but here she was doing just that. He replied noncommittally as he drove, obviously uncomfortable with the conversation, not that she would take the hint and stop. He kept his eyes on the road the whole time except for quick glances in the rearview mirror to look at her tits. At least someone thought she was pretty. At least someone would rather fuck her than fuck Maria fucking Rodrigez.

Behind the fake smile and casual words, Angie fumed. She was at least three times as pretty as that dumb slut, so either Peter… her Peter had gone insane or he’d had an awful lot of tequila before he’d stuck his dick in that Latina whore. Taking a mental inventory of both of their features she could list any number of ways she was better than that tan tramp: her face was prettier, her lips were fuller, her hair was more lustrous, her teeth were straighter, her C cup tits were bigger, and she was sure her pussy was tighter on top of everything else. She’d have to ask her ex-boyfriend to confirm that last bit of course. Maybe she would too… just to rub it in. Something about break ups brought out the cruelty in her, and though this wasn’t her worst break up, it was up there. They always put her in the mood to break something, and talking trash to strangers about him was as good a place as any to start.

After her awkward ride across town Angie got to her best friend Sasha’s place. Unlike Angie, Sasha had snagged a good guy in college. She’d accidentally gotten knocked up by “forgetting” to take her birth control and the rest was history. Today they were happily married with two kids, and living in a nicer neighborhood than she could afford. Their blue two story craftsman with a large backyard and hot tub made a great place for dinner parties normally. Tonight it was the perfect place to soak, and drink while she let out as Sasha comforted her. They both went suit-less for the occasion of course. Just two girls, two glasses, and a pitcher of sangria. Her husband Kyle made himself scarce, taking care of the little ones so they could share some quality girl time.

Angie hadn’t seen him since she’d first gotten there. He’d given her a hug first thing, and then he was off dealing with the rugrats the rest of the night. So when she glanced at the house towards the end of the evening, she was surprised to see him standing at one of the bedroom windows, looking down at her. He was a pretty good looking guy, so honestly, she didn’t mind if he peeked out the window for an eyeful of her buoyant tits that were floating in the bubbling water, half in view. It wouldn’t do to catch him so quickly though, so she just kept talking to her friend and used the excuse of refilling her glass to give him a quick look at her whole body as she stood up out of the water before putting the pitcher back. When she sat back down she did it in such a way that he got an even better view than before, without being too obvious.

A few minutes later, during a lull in the conversation she glanced up and was surprised to see he was still watching. Did he want to get caught, she wondered, as Sasha consoled her with the whole ‘plenty of fish in the sea line.’ It was true, there were always more men, but Angie pointed out to her friend that the best way to get over a guy was to get under a couple new ones, and while she said that she looked up meaningfully, meeting Kyle’s eyes in a way that left no doubt she’d caught him. “Maybe even like that one time back at the sorority?” Sasha asked, feigning innocence. “I’m pretty sure when they say a couple guys, they don’t mean at the same time…” They both laughed, and Angie blushed, as she remembered that night.

“But I’ve changed,” Angie insisted. “I mean I still love a good dick, but I’m twenty-seven now. I’m ready to meet Mister Right and settle down, just like you did.” She left out that she had cheated on Peter a couple times, but in fairness she’d never been caught, so that was hardly the point. She didn’t get the chance to follow up this train of thought very far because Sasha chose that moment to give Angie her most skeptical expression, and they were both reduced to fits of giggles. When Angie finally looked up, Kyle was gone, and they were alone again.

Sasha smiled knowingly and finished her last glass for the night. “Listen Angie,” she said finally, “I love you like a sister, but you love to be in love and waiting around for Mr. Right can be awfully boring when Mr. Right Now is asking if you want to come back to his place. A month…”

“I do,” Angie interrupted, “but…”

“But nothing,” Sasha said, refusing to be talked over. “A month from now you’ll be over telling me how great the new guy is, and six months from now we’ll be right here with margaritas while you tell me how you never saw it coming. You’ll always be welcome of course, but I have an early call tomorrow, so finish that drink and call it a night before I leave you out here all by your lonesome self.”

“Yes Mother,” Angie said sarcastically, before she downed the dregs of her sangria and started to climb out of the hot tub toward their waiting towels.

“You’re welcome to use the guest bedroom as always, of course,” Sasha said, wrapping herself in the towel around her body before heading inside. “Kyle should have already made it up for you.”

Angie didn’t put up a fight. She couldn’t. She was wasted, and sleep was a wonderful idea.

The guest bedroom was decorated in the best cheap furniture that could be found at Ikea and the thrift store, and always felt like home to her whenever she stayed here. Angie didn’t even bother to get dressed, though she did take a few minutes to admire her body in the mirror. Her chestnut hair had lost its curl thanks to the water, but her tits and ass still looked great. Age hadn’t caught her yet, so it clearly wasn’t her fault that things hadn’t worked out with Peter. Once she was satisfied that she was still hot, she took the comforter and moved to the couch. She’d crashed here often enough to know that if she passed out on that bed she would wake up sore in the morning. The couch was much more comfortable.

As she snuggled into the blanket, feeling the pleasant haze of drunkenness as she drifted off. She idly fingered herself wishing she had someone to fuck. Nothing made her hornier than being drunk and even though her whole body was still damp from the jacuzzi, her needy pussy was soaked. She gave the briefest of thoughts to calling Peter and asking him to come over and fuck her before deciding that was a bad idea, but not so bad an idea that she stopped teasing her clit as she drifted closer to a lazy orgasm. That was when she heard Sasha and Kyle arguing in their bedroom upstairs.

Angie learned during previous stays that if her friends were fucking in the master bedroom, she was going to hear it in the guest bedroom that was directly underneath it. That didn’t mean she could just hear the thumping of the headboard as it hit the wall either; she could hear Sasha’s loudest moans, and some of Kyle’s filthiest words. Most of it wasn’t loud enough to travel down the vent. This was the first time they’d had a fight when she was here though, and she was mortified. It was like finding out that your parents fought, or that the Easter Bunny wasn’t real. Angie couldn’t hear what they were saying, but with the help of an occasional clear word, it sounded like Kyle wasn’t going to get lucky tonight.

Angie laid in bed, drunkenly contemplating the argument that had interrupted her masturbation. There wasn’t such a thing as a perfect marriage after all she supposed. Not that she cared if Kyle went to bed with a hard on, especially not one that she had caused. She smiled. It was fitting punishment for a peeping Tom. Maybe next time he wouldn’t gawk… or maybe next time he would make a move instead, she thought smiling wickedly. As newlyweds Sasha used to brag about her husband’s wonderful dick to her girlfriends. She didn’t bring up their sex life much these days, but Angie would love to see if the rumor was true – not that she’d ever get the chance. He didn’t seem like the type to cheat on anyone, let alone on someone as wonderful as his wife.

That certainty was shaken a moment later when she heard the heavy footfalls of Kyle coming downstairs. Suddenly Angie was wide awake. Was he coming downstairs to take advantage of a drunk sleeping woman after his wife fell asleep? That would be so hot, Angie thought as a shiver went through her. She’d always had that fantasy, and adjusted her blankets so that if he did come in she’d have her tits out to be as tempting as possible. Then she pretended to be asleep and waited. After a few minutes though, her door never creaked open. Annoyed, she sat up. Wasn’t she good enough to be taken advantage of? Wasn’t she as pretty as Sasha or Maria?

Disappointed and angrier than she had any right to be at her unfulfilled fantasy, Angie got up. She considered walking out there naked to shock him, but it was just a little too cold to do that this late in the year. Instead, she wrapped herself in her comforter and walked out into the dark hallway. When she walked by the living room, she saw him sitting on the couch, phone in hand as he jerked off to porn. Angie kept walking though, pretending not to notice. Instead, she walked to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water, and then started to walk back to the guest bedroom. On the way back she pretended to finally notice Kyle and sat down in the recliner across from him. As she plopped down onto the chair, the comforter came partially loose, and she was sure that if the lights were on he’d be able to see her pussy, but as it was, between the darkness and the blanket, he could see nothing but cleavage. Everything else was only barely hidden.

“What’s the matter babe,” she asked, slurring her words slightly, “Can’t sleep?”

“Oh, Angie – Christ, you scared me,” he said, obviously faking his surprise. “No, it’s Sasha – she’s got a call in the morning and I figured I’d come down here and chill until she passes out so that I don’t keep her up.” That much at least made sense to Angie. Kyle got hard imagining fucking his wife’s best friend, he tried to have sex with Sasha, she kicked him out of the bedroom because she had important shit to do, and now he was down here jerking off and licking his wounded male pride. All that was obvious enough to her, but she couldn’t help but immediately wonder how to tease him even worse. After all, she didn’t want to fuck her best friend’s husband, she just wanted to make him suffer for being a dog like all the other men in her life.

“But she always used to be such a sound sleeper,” Angie said, undermining his little story, “I didn’t know she’d had any problems there.”

“Oh, you know Sasha,” Kyle said, using one hand to smooth his short dark hair back nervously, “Once she goes to sleep it’s impossible to get her up, but getting her to fall asleep in the first place can be hit and miss.”

“Ah, I see,” Angie said, even though she didn’t. What she did see was his cock tenting his boxers now that her eyes had adjusted to the dim light. It was somewhere between good and decent, but hardly the amazing piece of dick Sasha had made it out to be. She wondered if it was extra thick, or if he was just good at using it…”

“What about you,” Kyle said, trying to change the subject as he tried and failed to keep eye contact with her as his gaze steadily drifted down to her barely covered tits. “Can’t sleep?”

“Nah,” Angie said smiling, “I’ll pass right out as soon as I hydrate. If I don’t drink a little bit of water before bed, I’ll wake up with a serious hangover.” Angie struggled to open the bottle one handed for a moment, and then pretending to forget why her other hand was occupied, she let go of the blanket, used it to remove the bottle cap, and then she tilted her head back, forcing her now uncovered tits out away from her body, taking a long slow drink from her plastic bottle. When it was almost gone, she lowered the bottle, closed it, and then grabbed the blanket, covering herself once again.

“Oopsie,” she said playfully, “You won’t tell Sasha, will you?”

“I don’t think it’s any secret that you’re Sasha’s sluttiest friend. Everyone knows that.” Kyle countered, not even bothering to meet her eyes as he stared at the body she was flaunting so carelessly. “I’ll bet you knew I was watching for a good long time earlier, when you put on that show, didn’t you.”

“Show?” Angie asked, smiling coyly, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“No?” Kyle countered, “You don’t find any excuse you can to show that body whenever you can? Even to your best friend’s husband?”

“No, not me, I’m a good girl” Angie said seductively, shaking her head. “And you’re a loyal husband who would never take advantage of a poor drunk girl like me.”

“It’s true” Kyle said, the desire unmistakable on his face as he leaned in, “and that’s the problem.”

“Really, and I thought your little problem was throbbing right there in your underwear.” Angie said, chuckling as she pointed to his erection with her bottle of water.

“Well now, that problem isn’t so little,” Kyle said, a touch more seriously, making Angie uncomfortably aware that he seemed inclined to take her up on an offer that never existed. “Maybe you want to see what a big problem your teasing has been for me tonight.”

“I don’t know,” Angie said, pulling the blanket around her a little more tightly, suddenly having second thoughts. “It’s getting late, maybe I should…” But her words trailed off as Kyle jerked his boxers down, showing off his cock for the first time. Her mouth went dry as she stared at it like the forbidden fruit it was. His pubic hair was well trimmed, which made his uncut six inch veiny prick look even better. Kyle could have been a dick model if just a job existed. She’d certainly had bigger dicks inside of her, but this one just looked so perfect. Without waiting for her to say anything he started to slowly jerk off his cock while he leaned back on the couch and stared at her.

“What’s the matter Angie? You like to tease and flirt, but as soon as someone shows you the consequences you just shut down?” He said confidently “If you’re not going to do anything useful with that mouth, then why don’t you show me those tits again so I can cum properly.”

“You want to see my tits?” Angie asked as she let the blanket slide off her shoulders and took a deep breath so they’d look extra nice.

“Of course I do.” He whispered huskily, quickly adding “Everyone wants to see your tits” after he saw how much she lit up at the compliment. “Now come closer, so I can see them better.”

Angie knew that she shouldn’t, but in the end the whole scene was too erotic. During the best of times she had trouble not doing whatever she was told by strong men, but as horny as she was right now, it was impossible. Slowly she slid out of the seat and started to stand when suddenly Kyle hissed, “No, on your knees where you belong.” A wave of goosebumps instantly passed across her as she moved to obey. Angie sank to her knees and started to crawl slowly towards the man stroking his cock only a few feet from her. When she had almost crossed the space between them, Kyle stood, towering over her as he kept stroking his meat, practically in her face.

“So, do you want me to cum on your beautiful face or those sweet breasts of yours?” he asked, starting to breathe heavily. Angie felt dizzy, and it wasn’t just because she was drunk. She could smell not only Kyle’s manly musk, but the scent of precum.

“Mmmm,” she moaned, surprising herself as her lust started to overflow, “Cum on my face. I want to taste it.”

“You want to taste it, do you?” Kyle asked as he smeared the head of his cock along her generous lips. When she instantly licked them clean though he stopped stroking his cock, and let it hang in her face, bobbing and throbbing as she watched it wide eyed. “If you want to taste it then maybe I shouldn’t jerking off. Maybe you should be sucking the cum out of my balls instead. How’s that sound, slut?”

It sounded amazing, but Angie knew that she shouldn’t. She’d already gone much farther than she’d intended, but somehow she couldn’t stop herself. “We shouldn’t Kyle,” she murmured. “I want to, but we both know this is wrong.” No matter what she said though, she didn’t pull away.

“That wasn’t a no,” Kyle countered, looking down at the slut kneeling in front of him. “Let me rephrase. Open your slutty little mouth and suck the cock that you worked so hard to get hard tonight. If you make a mess then you clean it up, right?”

Angie sighed lustfully, her pussy clenching at the idea. Was she really going to do this? Even as she thought about it she leaned forward, inhaling the thick prick that had made her mouth water the last couple minutes. Once it was about halfway inside her mouth she reached up to use her hand so she could make him cum faster, but he stopped her. “No slut, just use your mouth and give me a nice sloppy blowjob. That will be even sexier.” A little jolt of pleasure went through Angie as she complied, sinking her mouth down to the base of his cock as she relaxed her throat. She loved giving head, but she loved being told what to do even more. Looking up as far as she could, she struggled to maintain eye contact as she started to glide slowly up and down his beautiful cock. The effect on Kyle was immediate. His breathing became faster and more shallow and he started to shake after only 45 seconds of her intense blowjob.

“My wife told me what a little cock sucking slut you were,” he moaned in a voice barely above a whisper, “But she was selling you short. You’re a horny little blowjob queen aren’t you.”

Angie nodded, tentatively. Not because she was ashamed to be a talented cock sucker, but because dirty talk was one of her biggest weaknesses and being talked down to like this while her mouth was filled with cock was making her feel extra submissive and needy. She should be consumed with guilt of betraying her best friend like this, but she wasn’t. Technically it wasn’t even cheating – it was just a blowjob. Technicalities aside though, she needed this. She needed to make this man cum down her tight throat.

“Is it true about the blowbang?” Kyle asked after a few more strokes. “That you sucked off two dozen guys in one night because you had dressed as a nun for a Halloween party, and you told them you were saving your virginity for god?”

Angie nodded again, this time barely slowing down at all as she flushed in pride and embarrassment. She’d only had sex with three guys before that night – she was practically a virgin, but after the whole campus knew about her oral fixation. She’d been very popular afterwards. Now wasn’t the time to reminisce though, she could tell he was starting to get close.

“Maybe we should have you around for dinner more often” he said through gritted teeth, “Sasha could make us a nice dinner and then I could let you feast on my cum for dessert. I love my wife, but she hates sucking dick, and hasn’t so much as kissed mine since before the kids were born, she…Uhhhh” Talk of Sasha was incredibly hot, but it also made Angie feel guilty in this moment, so she redoubled her efforts as the topic shifted, alternating between the slow deepthroat she’d been giving him, and attacking the head of his cock every time she reached the tip. The result was explosive, and as she tongued frantically against foreskin, teasing the sensitive area underneath, his stamina finally gave out. Kyle shoved his cock another inch or two in her mouth before he started to shoot his cum against her tonsils. “Ffffuck… take that slut, take it all,” he growled as his cock jerked and spurt after spurt of cum filled her mouth.

Angie pulled away for the last two spurts, not to get away from them, but so he could see her catch them on her sperm coated tongue which she stuck out obscenely. Then once he was done she made a big show of swallowing it. She didn’t care for cum really, but she loved how men looked at her after she swallowed it like that. She never felt hotter than at that moment. The way that Kyle stared at her didn’t let her down either, she could see that Sasha had definitely chosen well, and… She didn’t finish the thought as she started to feel a little guilty about what she’d let her friend’s husband do to her, even if it wasn’t exactly cheating.

“That was really sexy Kyle, but I think I should brush my teeth and go to bed…” Angie said, standing up unsteadily.

“You think so?” Kyle smiled wickedly. “I think that we’re just getting warmed up. After all, you helped me with my little problem, but I haven’t helped you with yours…” As he spoke Angie tried to back away, but he was too quick, and as his big hand brushed the inside of her thigh on its quest for her shaved pussy, she was paralyzed with need and indecision.

“It’s just that I don’t want to…” She squeaked, trying to think of anything that might defuse the situation. She’d never meant for things to go quite this far, and as he palmed her mound, sliding his middle finger frictionlessly inside of her, she sucked in her breath sharply. She couldn’t lie to him or to herself. She was soaked and probably dripping on the carpet. She needed this.

“You don’t want to what?” He gloated, as he twisted that finger inside of her. “You don’t want to stop. You don’t want to go to bed without getting fucked. You don’t have any self-control because you’re a little nympho slut?”

“Mmmmm,” she moaned, getting off on the shame as much as the sensation of being fingered by Kyle.

“No,” she said, putting her hands against his chest and pushing him back towards the couch, and forcing him to take a seat. “I don’t want to make you cheat.” She declared, the conflict evident in her voice. She’d gotten his hands off her, but she still hadn’t left yet. A small part of her wanted to go back to the guest room and finger herself until she fell asleep, but the rest of her wanted him to take her and claim her. Ever since her first boyfriend had taken her cherry after she’d told him no on prom night, she had a thing for men that wouldn’t take no for an answer. Sasha would say that was the reason behind the awful partners in her life, but she was a slave to her perverted desires.

“You’re not making me do anything,” Kyle objected as he grabbed her hands and pulled her towards him, until she was forced to straddle him on the couch. Goosebumps covered her body as she felt his still hard cock brush against her inner thigh. She couldn’t see how close his dick was to her pussy, but she could imagine. In fact, she couldn’t stop imagining it. Her mind was consumed with images of sinking down on that magnificent shaft, an inch at a time until she was stretched properly. “No one made my wife blow me off when all I wanted to do was fill her with my cum, no one made you show me your tits or suck my cock, and no one is going to make you fuck me until you cum like the cheap slut you are, but that’s exactly what’s going to happen.”

His words hit her in the only spot on her body more sensitive than her clit: her dignity. “You got a vasectomy, right?” she whispered as she reached down and positioned his spit slick cock against her drooling hole. “Sasha told me you were going to after your second kid was born last year. You know. The wife you’re going to be cheating on as soon as I sink down on your cock?”

“A Vasectomy? Of course I did” he lied smoothly. “Two is enough don’t you think?” That was all she needed to hear, and she stared into Kyle’s eyes as she slowly took his cock inside her in one agonizingly slow motion.

“What’s a matter slut, you don’t want a man to spray your womb with sperm so they can gangbang your helpless little egg at the after party?” While Kyle talked, he groped her generous tits. “You don’t want to see how much bigger these are going to get once you start to get swollen and milky?”

Angie stifled a moan, bringing her right hand up to bite her fingers to try to stay quiet. She knew just how loud she could be during a good fuck, and normally the idea of getting caught was a real turn on, but not tonight. Tonight, she was scared to death that her best friend might come down the stairs at any moment and catch them in the act. The fear just made every dirty word he spoke to her that much more exciting though. She gasped as she started to rock back and forth on his dick while he mauled her sensitive tits. Each slide only sawed a couple inches of his dick in and out of her, but the way that she could grind her clit at the end more than made up for that loss of stroke.

“I’m too young to be a mother,” she said as if it was an explanation, but she didn’t mean it. Half of her fantasies were about being held down and bred, especially in the middle of her cycle like she was right now.

“Mmmm, I don’t believe that slut,” Kyle egged her on while she did the work of fucking him, whispering in her ear before nibbling at it with his teeth, “I think all you want is to find a guy that you can keep around long enough to breed this fertile pussy of yours. I can feel it. I can feel how much you tighten up when I talk about making you a mommy.”

“Nnnnn… uhhhhh…” she moaned with each thrust, his words already taking a toll on her dangerously overheated body. “Please. Don’t. D-don’t say that… It’s not… uhhhhh…” and then she was cumming. It was a small orgasm; her first one usually was. Typically, though it came after a few minutes of good hard fucking. This was practically cuddling. Her foreplay was usually more extreme than this, but Kyle’s words were lighting her on fire, and her drunk mind was utterly unprepared for him to toy with it like this. “Just shut up and fuck me,” she hissed, trying to take back control as she quickly glanced at the stairs.

“Fuck you huh?” He asked, letting go of her bouncing tits after a final hard squeeze. Kyle put his hands on her hips so that he could control the pace and give the slut the frantic fuck she was craving. “Because telling you what a hot little mommy you’d be, didn’t already make you cum like a whore, right? It’s okay. You’re on top. You can get off any time you want. I won’t stop you.”

Kyle started to fuck her properly then, lifting up her tiny body and bringing it down hard on his dick making her shudder and spasm. “I’ll even warn you when I’m about to cum,” he whispered in her ear so closely that she could feel his words as well as she could hear it “so you can get off my dick before I spray your cervix with my hot dangerous cum. Does that sound fair to you?

Angie’s only response was to moan. She tried to nod, but it was lost in the little spasms of her body as he started to thrust in and out of her for real. His pistoning cock tormented her mind as his words and the pleasure of both attacked her sanity. “Please,” she whispered, almost ashamed of the thought. “Please… you have to tell me when you get close. I can’t get pregnant. Not now. It’s the worst time…

It was the worst time, but she thought it was just a game. A particularly hot and dangerous game, but still just a game. “You know,” he whispered, not able to keep the secret to himself, “Not only was my dick covered in sperm from cumming in your mouth, but it’s been drooling precum with every thrust. I’ve probably already claimed your womb.” He timed his words to match his strokes, to maximize their effect, but he didn’t stop thrusting.

“No, please,” she whimpered. Her words were part of her game, but her fear was real. His cum was inside her, and if it wasn’t for that vasectomy, there would be sperm inside her even now… “Please, we have to… Mmmmm… we h-have tooo stoooopppp…..” As her orgasm rose, her volume started to follow it, but Kyle was quick to use his left hand to cover her mouth and muffle her moans as she started to cum again.

“The only way we’re stopping is after I’ve made your womb overflow” he growled quietly not sure that she could even hear him as she spasmed on his cock, “Get. Pregnant. Bitch.” And then he began to shoot his second load of the night. Just as promised, she started to overflow almost immediately as her fertile young pussy was flooded with cum. Angie was too far gone to feel him throb deep within her. She was lost in her own little world of bliss and shame. When she finally came down, she was slumped against Kyle’s chest. They were both panting. She smiled at him, but deep down she felt sick at what she had done, and how good it had felt doing it.

“We can never do this again,” she said, grabbing the comforter and retreating to the guest room before he had a chance to say a word. Now that the pleasure was receding, only the shame remained. Angie cursed Kyle as she lay on the couch – not for fucking her, but for not following her into the bedroom and doing it again. Couldn’t he see that she was playing hard to get, or that the only thing that could shelter her from her own shame was another brutal fuck, another soul bending orgasm to hide her from another stupid mistake? He probably just wasn’t man enough to go another round, she thought as Angie started to finger her creamy pussy.

She so rarely let men cum in her because she hated the way the pill made her feel. It was a shame, because there was nothing sexier than feeling a man’s sperm slowly oozing out of her except perhaps feeling him force it inside, her in the first place. As she slid two fingers inside her pussy she marveled at how different his lubrication felt than hers did. Was it the different consistency, or the different level of danger? It didn’t matter. As she heard him finally walk back up the stairs, she started to finger fuck her pussy in earnest, whimpering at how good it felt. She imagined that if he hadn’t gotten snipped, that even now millions of his sperm would be scouring her insides, looking for their little prize.

The thought made Angie moan out loud as the jolt of fear amplified the pleasure from her slick fingers. She quickly brought her other hand up to her mouth to stifle it though as she remembered how well she could hear her friends when they fucked in the room above. It instantly occurred to her that if she could hear them then they could hear here. It only came to her slowly though, as the wicked idea slowly surfaced between her drunken haze and the rising tide of pleasure that she might want them to. Sasha would definitely sleep through whatever sounds she made, but Kyle, well she wanted him to hear everything, didn’t she? Angie brought her hand down, away from her mouth and started to gently but forcefully grope her own tits as the fingers in her pussy sped up.

“MMmmm,” Angie moaned, starting to really get into it. “Fuck that feels good, but you have to remember to pull out baby. It’s a really bad time. If you cum inside, I’ll definitely… Mhmmm… I’ll definitely make you a daddy.”

Angie already knew how much she enjoyed her breeding fantasies, but until tonight she didn’t know how much better it felt to vocalize them with a pussy full of cum. Both elements made the fantasy feel more real, and more dangerous. It was as if even now she was only minutes from being bred. As if any minute her phantom lover would force himself inside her as deep as he could and fill her pussy with his cum.

“Mmm… mmmm… Uhhh… Please. No.” She moaned, “You promised that you’d – UHnhhh.” Angie timed her orgasm for the same moment her fantasy ignored her warnings and bred her against her will, moaning and groaning so there was no doubt that Kyle heard her. As she laid there enjoying the afterglow, she hoped that he was back to square one: lying in bed with his wife with a hard-on that refused to go down. Her last conscious thought before she fell asleep with a messy pussy and sticky fingers was that she hoped he regretted not giving her one more fuck before bed.

In the morning, it was like it never happened. At least it was after she took a shower, washed away the smell of sex, and cleaned away all the evidence from her sticky pussy. Kyle didn’t have to know that she came one last time on their showerhead to thoughts of the night before.

Two months later though, she broke the news to Sasha that she was pregnant. Angie had fucked three guys in that time that she could actually tell her about, and one of them had involved a broken condom, not that she could remember their name of course. Kyle was the only man she had fucked that couldn’t have been the father. It didn’t matter though, she insisted, she was going to keep it anyway, and didn’t need a man.

Life moved on for the next couple months, but one day when Angie was visiting her friend and just starting to show, Sasha cooed while admiring Angie’s swelling body, “seeing you like this makes me want to have a third baby you know. You’re a bad influence.”

“Well, it’s a shame that Kyle got that vasectomy then,” Angie chortled, “unless you think he’d be okay with being cucked.” They both laughed at that thought. It could easily be filed under ‘literally never going to happen.’

“We’ll see,” Sasha said finally. “He never got around to getting snipped a few years ago, so maybe I can talk him into knocking me up again and we can go through the joys of motherhood together.”

Angie turned pale but forced a smile. The last thing she wanted to do was make her friend suspicious. “You should!” she exclaimed, “I’ll tell you what. One of these days I’ll corner him and give him a piece of my mind about the whole thing.” Sasha smiled at that, and they went back to the book they were looking at on what to expect next, but Angie’s mind was a million miles away. She was going to figure out how to get even with that motherfucker; this was all his fault.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rakhur/a_shoulder_to_cry_on_mf_breeding_cheating_dubcon