Cuddling Coworkers [MF] (Update)

Part 1:

Apologies for the delay on this, I’ve had a hectic week and a half, but I do have some bigger updates, but I’d be lying if I said it’s anything too sexy.
A lot of you have been asking if my current partner is Emily from a previous story and sorry to disappoint but she’s not, we messed around a couple of times but things fizzled out amicably. My current partner is someone else I met on an app, we’ve only been together for a couple of months.
After Sarah and I had our little moment in the break room, I did feel somewhat guilty. I knew my partner wouldn’t be happy if she were to find out. That being said, I wasn’t ready to throw a good thing away over a silly, potentially one time mistake.
Sarah and I hadn’t talked throughout the week so I had no idea where her head was at with things and that’s not exactly something that should be discussed over text.
When I got to work last weekend, I anxiously walked to the back and sure enough Sarah was in the break room on her phone. We said hey to each other and made our typical small talk, but no hug this time. Things definitely felt a little off, not necessarily in a bad way, just in a way that we both knew we were going to have to talk about what happened between us at some point.
One by one, our coworkers left for the day and after a few hours it was just Sarah and I in the store again. It was a pretty slow night so we had a fair amount of downtime, just as I was working up the courage to bring things up, Sarah spoke up. “So about the other night.” We both looked at each other and began to laugh. She followed up with. “I don’t know how things got to that, but we obviously went to far, we’re not those types of people and Nicole and Mike don’t deserve that.”
A little context on Sarah’s and my relationships with our respective partners. I have been seeing a girl who we’ll call Nicole for about 2 months now, we get along really well and she’s really cute, but I wouldn’t say I’m in love, at least not yet. Sarah on the other hand has been with her boyfriend, who we’ll call Mike, for 4 years, Mike’s a good guy and they have what looks like the perfect relationship, they hang with each other’s families, go on cute dates and trips, they’re that couple that gives you hope that true love is real, at least that’s how it looks on the surface.
I wish this was as simple as saying we threw caution to the wind, embraced each other and decided to break it off with our partners and live happily ever after, but that was far from the case. Things were weird and they stayed weird over the next week. I was starting to think we ruined a great friendship over some light petting and it sucked.
On Thursday, we found ourselves in the usual situation, just the two of us working the closing shift together, I had to say something. “Look I’m really sorry if I pushed things that night and that I may have put you in an uncomfortable spot with Mike and your relationship.” “You have nothing to apologize to me for, that was mutual pushing.” Sarah replied with a little laugh. We talked about things for the rest of the night, revolving around us wanting to be able to be friends again, how our partners deserve better and overall how we both want things to go back to the way they were before that night. The conversation went really well and we were back to joking around by the end of the shift.
The conversation showed me how understanding Sarah can be and how easy it is working through conflict with her…it also revealed to me that I am head over heels into her. This probably won’t come as surprise to most of you, it’s not even a surprise to me, but this is the night I really accepted that this girl is perfect for me and my current partner, while great, is not.
Now this isn’t as simple as saying “Hey let’s both dump our partners and date each other!” Breaking up with my partner the day after we reconnect and confessing my love to Sarah, who’s still in a relationship, is a lot to throw at her and not fair.
So when I found myself closing with Sarah again that Saturday, I knew the best thing I could do is be myself like I was before. This isn’t my first chase, so I knew this could take weeks or months, but sometimes the universe has other plans and it throws you a bone. “So uh, Mike and I broke up.” Sarah said nervously “What?! I’m sorry to hear that.” I said trying my best to hide my excitement and not smile. She went on to explain that she realized she still had things she wanted to experience and when she talked to Mike about it, he actually felt similarly and after a very long talk, they decided to call it quits.
Again, I wish this was the part where we shared a long kiss and confessed our feelings for each other, but it’s never as simple as they make it seem in TV or the movies. At this moment, I think Sarah truly just needed a friend so that what I was. I managed to have her laughing and joking around by the end of the night and we shared a long hug on our way out, the first since our dry humping in the break room.
And that’s where things stand for now, I’m either deep in the friend zone, about to be a rebound or on the doorstep of a potential great relationship, only time will tell. One things that’s for sure is I’m going to be ending things with Nicole in the next couple of days, regardless if things workout between Sarah and I, I obviously shouldn’t be pursuing another woman while still dating another.
If you’re still interested, I’ll keep updating. Again my apologies for the delay and the lack of any kind of sex in this gonewild story.



  1. Yoo… You got an excellent emotional intelligence man. If I was in your situation, I would’ve messed it up, since this is so delicate to handle and you have handled it the way it needs to be handled. I hope she sees you the way you see her. You guys would be a great couple with this level of understanding. I am talking much about your understanding especially due to the last part where you don’t take advantage her vulnerability and just been a friend, that takes a lot from you too. You may have strong feelings for her and also fear loosing an opportunity to be with her, so may want to make a move asap. But thats not the right thing to do and you understood it. That’s brilliant man. Cheers.

  2. Kuddos for you to taking it slow and showing her some respect. Good luck in the future and I look forward to your updates. There’s nothing wrong with an occasional wholesome story in this sub.

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