She called [M]e a sex god

This happened just before the story on the Amazonas. A certain redditor teased me about my use of the term “sex god” in that story. Hey, *she* called me that, I’m just reporting! Anyway, that made me remember this story. This happened in the middle of the year where I never masturbated because of all the sex – I was truly at the top of my sexual game I guess. This was the night I realized I had overcome the insecurities of my late-bloomer past.

It’s my last weekend in the city where I’ve spent the last half year of my life. I’m at a rooftop party with all my friends dancing to beautiful electronic music. I am high on MDMA and in love with the world. The sun is slowly going down and the vibes are peaceful and happy. I’ve taken off my shirt and am enjoying the time with my friends, not wasting a thought on getting girls.

While I’m on my way to the bar to grab a beer, I see my buddy sitting on a couch talking to two blonde girls. He’s way too fucked up, and he’s leaning into them with a real creepy grin. I am sure he is throwing the weirdest lines at them just trying to freak them out, as he does. One of the girls is making such a weirded out face that I crack up. I try to sneak up to them to take a picture, but they notice me. He waves me over and introduces me, so I sit down on the other side of them. There is one really, really sexy girl with a perfect hot little body and pornstar lips, and one that is a bit bigger but cute too. I talk to the hot one, just doing the friendly “where you from what you do”, being nice and smiling. They are from Norway. It’s my buddy’s girls after all, so I’m holding back. Still, she’s giving me smiles and a very interested vibe in general.

My buddy gets up after a short while and convinces them to go dancing with him. They look at each other with doubtful eyes, but to my surprise decide to follow him on the dancefloor. I let them go off pretending to read something on my phone so he can work on them alone, because I’ve noticed that they are more into me than into him. I join everybody on the dancefloor, but dance with my friends rather than the girls. There are about twenty people I know, so I am constantly high-fiving, vibing and hugging with people anyway. My buddy is trying to work on the girls, but it is clear that they are not into him. He’s simply too fucked up. It’s a pity, the man’s got game and exceptional charm, but he likes getting fucked up more than getting the girls. Oh well.

At one point, I am dancing close to them and they both turn their attention onto me like I’m a homing beacon. They both start to touch my body, running their hands over my chest and abs. I tell them that they are treating me like a piece of meat, and they tell me that’s right. It’s obviously very, very on. Somebody takes a picture of the three of us arm in arm, and as we’re getting out of the pose, I lean into the sexy one and whisper into her ear that she smells good. Then I smile and start dancing with somebody else and lose them out of focus. When I see the sexy one again a few minutes later, she is without her chubby friend. I grab her and pull her towards me.

Me: “Hey, did your friend leave you alone?”

Her: “Yeah…”

Me: “Don’t you think it is dangerous to leave you alone here with us?”

She smiles and it is blatantly obvious that I should stop spilling flirty lines, so I kiss her. She has such sexy lips and is a good kisser. As I pull away, she says:

Her: “Such great lips!”

I guess that feeling was mutual.

We dance some more, kiss some more, and the other girl joins us again. For the next quarter hour or so, I alternate between dancing with them and my friends and kissing my sexy conquest. I find out that they are on a vacation and have a hotel room in this hotel. Perfect logistics. After one kiss, I whisper in her ear:

Me: “If you keep kissing me like this, I’ll have to take you to your room”

She just smiles coyly. The deal is sealed. The only issue is her friend who’s staying in the room too, and as the party is heading towards its end, she tells me we have to find a man for her too. Naughty as I am, my immediate reaction to that is this:

Me: “Hmmm, well… do you girls share your men?”

She lights up and then motions for me to kiss the other one. I pull the friend in, but she’s slightly hesitant, looking at my girl for approval. After a little back and forth, I kiss her. From there on, I am dancing with both of them in my arms and making out with them, alternating. Obviously, I am getting all sorts of looks and thumbs up from people around us and our friends as this is all still happening in the middle of the dancefloor. I stay very chilled and smily and keep the vibe going.

Then I blow it.

Me: “Have you girls ever tried a three-way kiss?”

Them: “No”

Me: “Want to try it out?”

They look at each other with very doubtful eyes, and then deny. Oh well – this has worked for me on other occasions. I tell them that’s okay, and go back to the former modus operandum. As I am kissing the bigger one, she stops me and tells me to go kiss the other chick. I oblige and the friend slowly removes herself from my immediate vicinity. We start walking towards the exit, and the girls start talking to a group of German guys. I stay in the conversation politely for some minutes and then pull my sexy blonde one away and walk her to the elevator. We take the elevator to her floor and walk towards her room. I wall-slam her and make out a bit more, then we go to the room.

Inside, we are on the bed and naked quite quickly. I am just starting to finger her when her friend opens the door. A funny awkward situation ensues as she comes in to get something and we’re both naked. She’s with a bunch of people, so I drop the idea of inviting her. When she’s gone, I immediately go back to where we were. I put my middle finger inside of this sexy Scandinavian beauty.

Her: “Oh my god, you are so good!”

She is ridiculously wet, and moaning in my ear. My only problem is that my cock is not yet reacting despite her stroking it furiously. Not surprising, given the cocktail of poisons I’ve put in my body throughout the last few days and hours. I tell her it’s the booze and just keep going. I add the ringfinger to practice the spiderman squirting technique that I have recently managed to make work for the first time. She is going crazy, and a few minutes later I feel a stream of hot liquid over my hand.

Now that is doing it for me. I’m suddenly rock-hard.

Her: “I want you inside me!”

I put on a condom and start fucking her. The sex is great and she is going crazy. I throw her in every position I like, but I can’t get myself to cum. After half an hour or so, I pull out because I am sweating all over and out of breath. She starts cuddling up to me and we have a really sweet intimate vibe. Her English is kinda broken in a cute way. I ask her a few questions about herself, and find out that she had not been comfortable with the threesome idea, but her friend had already been in a threesome. I also tell her that me not cumming was due to the booze and not her fault. I am being really nice and reassuring.

Me: “You know you have a really sexy body”

Her: “You too…. you’re like a sex god!”

I thank her and start playing with her again. I make her squirt another time, more intensely, and then fuck her a second time still without cumming. Then I tell her I have to leave because I am leaving the city. She accepts, but as I am walking out the door tries to pull me back in. She looks like she’s in a trance. She’s absolutely blown away. I wish I could enjoy the vibe for longer but I really have to leave.

In the cab on the way home, I am thinking about how much I changed since moving to that city. Before that, I had started getting some success with girls but was still figuring things out as a late bloomer. Now, half a year later, I was living the life of my dreams. Just a few days ago, I’ve made out with a girl in the middle of a restaurant with all her friends sitting at her table watching (that one only didn’t pan out because of logistics). One of my girls took me to a burlesque show in a cabaret, to a fancy dinner and then to a hotel to fuck the shit out of me, and paid for it all just to say goodbye to me properly. Girls and guys come up to me to tell me they’re impressed with how much I get laid. My sexual confidence has skyrocketed and it’s all so deeply rooted that I feel like it vibrates from me from a very calm place. I’ve overcome the ghosts of my past.

I am going to miss this place.


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