[Part 9] Lisa Galaxia – Unexpected Guests (captured, no sex, sci-fi, choose your own adventure)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – Story summary and links to earlier chapters for people who want to get caught up!

Previously Lisa and Rachel were able to fend off a pirate attack by releasing several squid-like Night Terrors, which they were transporting for their employer. Now they’ve elected to make their way onto the seemingly disabled pirate ship.


“Okay push!”

Both women strained hard as they forced the cockpit doors of the Rose Rocket open. A stinky mass of tentacles and bodies from the dead night terrors slid down from behind the door as the women tiptoed cautiously out.

“This is beyond creepy,” Rachel commented as they crept down the darkened hallway, blasters drawn. Lisa’s security bot struggled and stumbled over the mass of bodies behind them, eventually catching up to the pair as they worked their way aft.

“They have quite the smell too,” do you think they’re all dead?” Rachel asked.

“No idea, but if they are then there are probably still pirates here.” Lisa replied as she peered cautiously around a corner into the kitchen.

“Good point,” Rachel replied, not really sure which one she’d rather run across right now. The Rose Rocket was a mess, pirate bodies were buried in masses of translucent goop and gelatinous eggs, with the squid-like dead bodies of the Night Terrors all around. Other than the one barely conscious girl just outside the cockpit doors there was no movement.

After trekking cautiously across the ship the two women approached the docking port to the pirate ship and found it suspiciously empty. “I guess we check inside?” Rachel shrugged and asked.

Lisa just nodded tentatively and they headed through the docking portal connecting the two ships. The pirate ship looked similar at first, bodies laid scattered around, but the main power was on still at least, and the women and their security bot eventually came across a locked door.

“That should be the entry to the bridge,” Lisa observed as the two of them examined the door.

“Do you think they locked it to keep the Night Terror’s out?” Rachel asked, looking around nervously.

“Probably, it doesn’t look damaged like ours either.” Lisa observed with a bit of dismay.

“No it doesn’t, do you think that means anything?” Rachel wondered aloud.

“Means whoever locked it is likely still safe inside there, and we don’t really have a way in. I’m starting to get the feeling they were able to survive” Lisa stepped back and examined the doorway a bit closer, then her eyes spotted something. “Look there.” She said pointing to a small camera embedded above the door frame.

“What? Where?” Rachel asked.

“The green light by the camera, it’s on and recording just fine. If anyone is still alive they probably know we’re here now.” Lisa looked over at a worried Rachel.

“I think maybe we should head back to our ship now,” Rachel commented.

“Maybe, let’s backtrack at least,” Lisa replied.

The two girls worked their way back along the empty hallways. They hurried a bit more now, but still tried to be cautious, as who knows what was waiting around the next turn. There was no telling what was still alive in this place. Rounding a bend back towards their ship they were surprised to encounter another locked door.

“Um… did we take a wrong turn?” Rachel asked.

“I don’t think so,” Lisa replied in a nervous voice. “I’m certain this was open before.”

“Why is it closed now?” Rachel’s voice was beginning to sound fearful.

Lisa gripped at the door with her fingers, but it wouldn’t budge. “I’m starting to think someone doesn’t want us to leave…” She said while searching the wall for a control panel of some kind.

There was an awkward nervous silence for a minute while Lisa kept looking around. She was unable to find any way past the obstacle. “Come on, let’s try another way.”

A bit of hurry and hustle and the two women found themselves down another hallway that reached a dead end at a lift. “Damn it!” Lisa muttered in frustration. “No way around in this direction.”

“Shh I hear something,” Rachel cautioned. The sounds of several footsteps could be heard down the hallway along with some muffled voices. Her eyes got wide, “Lisa what do we do?”

“In the lift,” Lisa decided. She pushed a couple of buttons and the door opened. The two girls and their security bot hurried in and the door closed. Lisa looked around the lift, “there’s only one other floor, I guess we go there?”

The lift started descending, and Lisa pulled her blaster out and pointed it at the door warily. It only took moments to descend before the lift stopped and the door opened.

There was only darkness greeting them.

The women stepped out into the blackened hallway with hesitation. Seemingly understanding the situation their security bot turned on a small light to brighten their way a bit. As they walked away they could hear the lift returning to the previous floor behind them.

“We really need to find a way out of here before that lift gets back” said Rachel stating the obvious. The women rounded a corner to find another locked door.

“Da….” Lisa started to say when a thump interrupted her. A hidden door closed behind them. The women suddenly found themselves trapped in a small space between two sealed doors.

Immediately a loud hissing sound filled the small space as some unknown gas began to fill the room. The two women had just enough time to look briefly at each other before their vision blurred and everything faded to black.

It was hours later when Lisa slowly opened her eyes. Her head was pounding as she shook it briefly to try and clear the fogginess. She looked around. She wasn’t in the hallway any more, she looked to be on the floor of a small room that bore striking resemblance to a jail cell. Rachel was sitting on the floor beside her, fully conscious.

“Hey are you alright?” Rachel asked her groggy companion.

“Ugh, my head hurts.” Lisa groaned. “Where are we?”

“I don’t know, I only woke up a few minutes ago myself. The door is locked though, and they seem to have taken everything but our clothes.” Lisa replied, then added. “The headache clears up rather fast if you move around a bit. Can you stand?”

Across the ship the captain of the pirate vessel was watching the two women wake up on a security camera. While one of his subordinates was looking over his shoulder, “Hard to believe those two were the ones who gave us so much trouble. You finally captured them though.”

The captain was clearly frustrated, “Damn them both, how much did they cost us in crew and damage?”

“21 dead and several more wounded. No idea of how hard it’ll be to clean up that goop from the creatures she let loose yet. We’re almost up and operational now though. We were able to retake the power room, and engines and weapons are back online now.” The subordinate replied.

“That’s nearly half my crew. They’ll pay a heavy price, no one messes with the Black Claw without consequences.” The captain replied angrily.

“What should we do with them then?” Asked the subordinate.

The captain thought for a moment.


Option A: An eye for an eye. They deserve the same as they did to us. Turn loose the mated Night Terrors and lets see how they like being the ones filled with eggs for a change.

Option B: Auction them off at a slave market. They cost us a small fortune, and this will help recover some of it.

Option C: Those who survived deserve to enjoy the spoils of their victory. Have them service the crew until everyone is satisfied.

Option D: They’ve been such a pain in my side. I’d like to even the score personally. I’ll take them as my own personal servants, and enjoy using them
as I see fit.


Hi again everyone! 👋

Not much in the way of erotic stuff that time, but that’s coming up next! Let me know which scene you’d like to see played out in the next chapter! 😉

Last chapter’s rejected storylines: A general distress call would have had them rescued by a handsome stranger. A call to their employer would have brought a government patrol to rescue them and capture the pirates. Undocking and limping away would have let them deliver their cargo, but also would have had given the women another encounter with a Night Terror while trying to manually undock their vessel.

Anyway, hope you all have a fun and sexy day! Take care! 😊

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ra0drs/part_9_lisa_galaxia_unexpected_guests_captured_no


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