The New Guy in Town part 1

Hey all, I sometimes enjoy writing when I am feeling up for it. I recently started this story and wanted to post the first bit. If you all enjoy it I will post the rest when I get it all finished up. Thanks for reading and for any feedback.

The moon was the only thing lighting up the beach as Jasmine and her 2 friends sat and listened to the waves crash while they passed the blunt around.  “Jazz, whatever happened to that guy you were seeing a few months ago?” Becca asked.  “Oh, you mean Rob? I mean, he was fun for a while, but he wasnt really doing it for me anymore”  “You mean he wasnt doing you anymore?” Becca interrupted.  “Shut up whore, I can get any guy I want” Jasmine jokingly snapped back.  “You know Jazz” Becca continued “Arent you tired of just being a cum dumpster for these guys?  We need to find you someone to settle down with.  A nice guy that wants to wine and dine you.  Good looking, nice cock of course” Jasmine interrupted “As long as he still wants to fuck me and use these holes as he pleases”  “Jesus Jazz, and you called me a whore” Becca replied.  “Well I mean, he can be a good guy, but I still want to get fucked nice and hard.  Nothing wrong with that” Jasmine stated.

“Nothing wrong with that at all” A voice from the dark spoke out, startling the girls.  “What the fuck? Who are you? What are you doing here?” All 3 girls spoke out.  Soon a face appeared from the dark.  “Sorry, I didnt mean to scare you, but you arent exactly being discrete with your weed.  I could smell it all the way down the beach.  I’m new to town and dont have any connections yet, so I wanted to come introduce myself and honestly, see if I could get a puff from that blunt with you all.”  The young man looked around the group and locked eyes with Jasmine. She was just his type.  Blonde hair, nice tits from what he could tell under her crop top, and she was smiling from ear to ear.  He wasnt sure if it was from the weed, or if she was happy to see him.  “My name is Jax, by the way, mind if I have a seat”?

“What?! NO! Get the fuck out of here creep!” Becca shouted.  “Yeah, leave us the fuck alone wierdo” Samantha, the usually quiet one, chimed in.  “Oh, alright, my apologies, I didnt mean any harm, take care” Jax stated as he started to walk away.

“Wait!” Becca and Samantha both turn and stare directly at Jasmine, as if trying to telepathically tell her to shut her mouth and let him leave.  “Wait, Jax, dont mind these 2, they arent exactly the best welcoming committee.  So on behalf of all 3 of us, let me welcome you to our little island and introduce myself, my name is Jasmine, but you can call me Jazz, this is Becca” she pointed to the petite red headed girl “and this is Samantha” and she pointed to the tall brunette.  “We just werent really expecting anyone else, but I think it would be okay if you joined us.  There is plenty of the blunt left for you to hit if you want”

Practically eye fucking her, Jax replied “Thank you Jazz, thats very kind of you” as he pulled up a seat close to Jazz.

“So what brings you to our little island Jax?” Jasmine asked as she handed him the blunt.  “Oh, I actually escaped from prison a few islands over, hopped on a cargo ship and I guess it was headed to this island”.  All three girls stare in complete shock and disbelief at what they just heard.  “Jesus, I am FUCKING with you!” Jax exclaims as he takes a couple hits from the blunt before passing it on.  Jax was 6 foot tall, muscular, very clean and very very attractive, at least so thought Jasmine.  “Ohhh haha yeah of course, we know you were fucking with us….asshole” Jasmine exclaims.  At least she had hoped so, he sure didnt look like the prison type.  He was very clean cut and very attractive, she thought to herself.  As Jax reaches to take the blunt from Jasmine, she stops, and pulls it back.  “Before you get another hit, tell us what really brings you to the island”  “Okay, Okay” Jax replied. “Its simple.  Im here for the babes.  I heard this island had the most beautiful women, and so far I think that might be right”  All 3 girls gushed and giggled over this new, very attractive character that had randomly entered their lives.   “But seriously…” Jasmine continued.  “Okay, seriously, I am just here for the summer, helping my elderly aunt.  She lives alone and owns a little shop.  She has fallen ill lately and needs someone to help fix some things around her house and take care of her shop while she recovers.”  You could almost hear all three girls give a big sigh of relief as they realize that maybe he isnt a murderer who escaped prison after all.  He actually seemed very sweet and caring toward his aunt as he talked and told them about himself.  

The 4 of them sat around smoking, and chatting until late into the night.  Finally, Jax stood up and says “Okay, well ladies, I appreciate the company, but I think my aunt has a big day in store for me tomorrow, so I better head home to get some sleep.  But hopefully I can run into you all here again”.  They say their goodbyes and Jax disappears into the dark.  “Oh My God! He is so fucking hot!” Becca exclaims.  “Woah woah woah, you clam down, you told him to fuck off!” Jasmine exclaims.  “Ohhhh is someone jealous because he was checking me out all night?” Becca replies.  “Oh fuck that, did you see the way he was eye fucking me, and guess who he chose to sit by!” Jasmine and Becca argued back and forth over who would get the boy, and Samantha quietly chimes in “I’m still not sure I trust him…”  The 2 other girls sigh and laugh.  “Oh Sam, dont be ridiculous, he seems like a really great guy”.  They chat a bit longer, before deciding to call it a night and they go their separate ways.

Jasmine gets home to her little apartment which has a beautiful view of the ocean.  As she does every night, with her curtains wide open, Jasmine begins to strip down to get ready for bed while looking out over the ocean.  It turned Jasmine on a lot, to think that maybe someone would catch a glimpse of her stripping down in her room and like what they see.  She would probably never know if anyone ever saw her, but just the thought of it turned her on anyway. After stripping down, thoughts of Jax raced through her mind.  He had beautiful eyes, great hair, a chiseled jaw line, and she could only imagine the muscles he was hiding under his shirt.  That was great and all, but maybe Becca was right.  What about his cock?  She thought about, if he is as muscular as he looks, I bet he is packing a nice big, thick cock, she thought to herself.  She was getting herself turned on thinking about it and felt her pussy start to get wet. She went to close the curtains as she always did before masturbating, but this time she stopped.  You know what, if someone has been watching and made it this far, I guess they can have a little show.  She went and laid in bed and closed her eyes.  She ran her hand over her body, playing with her tits, and pinching her nipples, getting herself even more turned on.  Then she began to run her hand down her body.  And just as she brushed her wet lips, her phone vibrated, startling her.  “Holy shit! OMG” she laughed to herself at how startled she got as she was so lost in her naughty thoughts of Jax.  She reached over and grabbed her phone and saw a text from Becca “You thinking about his cock too? I sure am.  I bet I can have it in me by the end of the week”.  Jasmine just shook her head and thought  to let it go, but decided to reply.  “You fucking slut, dont you even think about it, he is all mine.  And whether I let him fuck me or not, is none of your business”.
