Erotic Threesome poem called On the couch (oc) written by me (m)

On the couch they chatted about life drinking their fill very slow,

Her between these two men how was she to know,

Unexpected question leads to giggles and blushing as she is shy,

But the answer to that question she really could not deny,

So in a soft little voice nose twitching like a rabbits would,

Yes my fantasy is two guys she says i want to try if I could,

And as the words leave her mouth she tingles at being brave,

One of them leans close and whispers we want you both to be our kitty slave,

Suddenly upon her both sides of her neck,

Mouths hit her skin sensations rush what the heck,

She is lost tho no longer herself she gives over to their desire,

Clothes ripped off body naked their touch in her she is inspired,

Use me she pants fuck me i want your cream,

Oh we will little kitten and we will make you scream.
