Step Sister Corruption Part 188 – Day 111 Rooms (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I looked at the different girl’s as they each held onto every word of my story as I *tried* to get each of them sponsorship’s from Vuse Productions instead of the blatant offer of turning each girl into porn.

One of the girl’s, otherwise known as Kumi, spoke, “You really did that?”

I looked at Kumi and nodded.

Kumi Hayashi, age 20, stood about 5’1”. A petite little thing with fair curves weighing in the 100lb range with asian American features. She had mid back length black hair with deep hazel eyes and a cute button nose.

Kumi Hayashi much like Kel or myself is a student at the same college in our home town. Though she was a year older than us I’m not too sure I have seen her around the college but then again our college is large and our city is even larger.

Kumi just looked at me like I had done something she wasn’t expecting.

I looked around at the other girl’s and decided to speak, “I know this is a lot to take in, each of you. It was either this or a low chance of becoming a porn star.”

One of the girl’s leaned forward, Bonnie, spoke, “How can you be so sure?”

Bonnie Smith, age 20, stood about 5’ nothing. She had accented curves with an average body possibly weighing in at 120lbs. Her fair skin and long blonde hair with blue eyes.

I shrugged, “I can’t.”

Bonnie sighed.

One of the original girl’s who stopped me, Jaime Levi, “Listen. None of you were in there when Morgan offered us only a chance at porn.”

Jaime Levi, age 24, stood about 5’2”. She had a large chest, though not as large as Kel but she might match Summer, a small butt and like either of my girl’s she must weigh in the 110 lbs range. Her long light red hair and blue eyes gave her a mischievous wild look.

Her sister, Heidi, the doll looking one, stood about the same. Had about the same curves. Same hair and eyes. Just younger, our age of 19. It was obvious that her and Jaime were cut from the same cloth as their features were near identical.

Heidi spoke, “Yeah you didn’t hear what we heard. Not only did he make that asshole think but Morgan actually agreed to his terms.”

The other girl’s, Josephine Moore, Felicity Chase, Anita Desmond, and Georgina Burke just looked from them to me.

All the girl’s in front of me were gorgeous in their own rights. But I still say Kel and Summer are queens compared to them.

Call me jaded.

Or the simple fact that I had feelings for Kel and Summer made me see each girl as just a person and not some beautiful creature.

Hell I didn’t even think of what they would look like with my cock in them.

Ok I did but it was very quick. I’m a guy not a saint.

All the girl’s I was shocked to find out came from my town and the majority of them were either 19 or 20 and were students at my college. Well most were, the only outliner was Jaime. Jaime was out of college and working somewhere plus doing her online adult thing with her sister for extra cash to essentially survive.

I lightly wondered if Vuse did an analysis of the girl’s from our town and called everyone from our town and invited whoever they could to become possible stars that had an online adult account.

Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if they *hacked* each of the girl’s accounts somehow. Sure as fuck would explain how they knew about me.

Anita was the first to speak, “So what do we do now?”

I looked at them coming back to the now, “I was thinking that myself. How many of you accepted Vuse’s hotel accommodations?”

All of them quickly frowned as they slowly raised they hands.

I looked at them and sighed, “Well seeing how you all have declined Vuse’s Offer don’t be surprised if your reservation is rescinded. You might want to call and find out.”

All of them widened their eyes and quickly pulled out their cell phone’s and started calling.

I looked at Kel and smiled. She mouthed to me *you just want to fuck them*. I mouthed to Kel *not as bad as I want to fuck you* as I winked at her. She blushed and mouthed *promise?*. I smiled *as long as you let me*. She blushed and nodded.

The first to get off their phone was Anita and instantly growled, “That dirty motherfucker!!”

Heidi looked at me wide eyed, “How’d you know that would happen?”

I shrugged, “Makes sense.”

Felicity who had remained quiet up until now, “What do we do? I can’t afford a hotel.”

Georgina, “Same.”

Heidi and Jaime, “We can.”

I looked at them, “Well I don’t know about you all but Kel and I are here until tomorrow. If you’re willing I can get two rooms with two Queen beds for the night.”

Bonnie spoke, “You’d really do that?”

I looked at them, “Sure. If you’re willing to be my client’s and if you each get sponsorship’s I’ll just take back to hotel fee then.”

Josephine squinted at me, “And if you don’t get us a sponsorship?”

I shrugged, “Then call it an act of kindness. The only thing I ask is you all stay in touch.”

Heidi smiled, “I can handle that.”

Jaime looked at Heidi, “Really?”

Heidi nodded but Jaime shrugged and she addressed me, “Thank you Gabe that’s kind of you.”

I smiled, “Well if it’s settled you all should rush and get your stuff before they trash it. I’ll go get the rooms booked and meet you back here in say…” I looked at the clock, “an hour. Get here back in time maybe we can use the hotel’s restaurant and eat dinner. Maybe get to know each other better.”

Heidi smiled at me and winked before she and Jaime rushed off.

Both Anita and Georgina looked me up and down before nodding and followed Heidi and Jaime.

Kumi squinted at me, “I’ll agree but I’m not fucking you.”

I shrugged, “Never asked you to.”

Kumi stood, “Thanks Gabe.”

And she ran off.

Josephine got up and left not saying another word.

Felicity looked at me, “Who are you?”

I looked at her, “Just a guy willing to help.”

Felicity looked at Kel, “He being for real?”

Kel nodded.

Felicity, “Huh who would have guessed.”

She got up and left.

Bonnie waited until she was the only one left and she spoke, “I’m more than happy sleeping on the floor you don’t have to get a bed.”

I laughed, “That’s kind of you but you all can decide who sleeps where.”

Bonnie looked at the other girl’s as the left before she looked at me, “And if I don’t like them?”

I shrugged, “Then you can sleep on the floor.”

She frowned as I obviously missed something.

Kel didn’t, “We have an open bed.”

She blinked, “Aren’t you brother and sister?”

I laughed, “Step and it’s not the first time we’ve slept in the same bed.”

Kel added, “Or the last.”

Bonnie smiled, “Thank you.” And she got up and left.

Kel waited for all of them to leave before she smiled at me, “Flirt!”

I smiled at her, “But you love me.”

Kel blushed and spoke, “Now and always.”

I got up and looked at Kel, “Wait here while I get the rooms.”

[Character Charts – **UPDATED**](

