Coming home for a visit. [inc]

*I hope you like this one. Also not based on a true story. :) *


“It was nice you and Todd could visit us. I know you’ve been busy with life since the wedding.”
“I’m always happy to visit my parents, you know that.”
“I know, and we appreciate it, really.
“Todd gone to bed already?” mom asked, looking at the clock mounted on the wall. “It’s only 10.”
“Yes,” said Li. “He was tired from the long drive and tireder – more tired? – from the dinner and the movie.”
“That’s all right,” said her dad. “He deserves a rest after the long day he had.”
Li yawned and stretched. “I’m starting to get tired, too. Think I’ll take a quick shower and get ready for bed myself.”
“All right,” said her mom. “Don’t be too long.”

After a quick shower and a blow-dry, she wrapped herself in her towel and walked down the hallway to her bedroom. She peeked in at Todd and smiled to herself at the soft snores coming from the bed. Closing the door as quietly as she could, she turned to the room at the end of the hall.

Quickly opening and closing the door, she smiled at her parents in the dim light of the lamp they had placed on the end-table. Mom was on her favorite chair, a leather-covered foldable that she’d had for years, her clothes folded neatly on the floor beside her, shiny from her favorite oil that dad would rub on her skin. Dad was in his usual spot on the edge of the bed. Letting her towel fall to the floor, she joined him on it, climbing onto his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing herself against him as she did, feeling his hair grind against the folds of her vulva. “Hi, mom. Hi, dad.”

“Hi, Li,” he dad murmured in her ear. “It’s good to have you home.”
“I’m happy you’re home,” said her mom. From behind Li could hear her adjust herself in the seat.
“I am too, mom. You want me on top or underneath tonight?” She began to move every so slightly in his lap, feeling him start to stiffen and moving so that he was sliding between her lips as he did instead of pressing her closed.
“Underneath, if that’s OK with you?”
“Yeah, mom. Of course it is.” She climbed off his lap and sat beside him, smiled at her mother on her chair beside the bed, her back straight, her breasts heavy with the years but still beautiful, her legs already open with her ankles tucked behind the front legs in anticipation. Then lay on the bed with her head on her mother’s pillow.

As her dad moved to the foot of the bed and slid up between her legs, she took and held her mother’s hand. She stroked her mom’s hand with her thumb as her dad licked and nibbled, and how she loved the weird feeling of his tongue moving inside of her when he’d push it in as far as it could go, massaging her clit with his finger as he did. Every time he did she’d rub the joint between her mother’s fingers to let her know what was happening, and she watched her mother grow wet – so wet – at the sight and the sounds.

Soon, her mother got up from the chair and sat on the edge of the bed, facing her. As she did, her dad moved up onto her, and her mom took him and gently, very gently, guided him to her entrance and inside of her, only moving her hand away when there was no more room for it. Slowly at first, then a little faster, her dad began to move inside of her. He felt different than Todd – Todd was her first, after they’d been dating for a few months – but he touched her in ways that Todd didn’t and took more care…

And speak of the devil! From down the hall they heard their door open, then the bathroom door close. Her dad froze mid-stroke, her mom mid-breath, and Li laughed at them both, raising her hips to take her dad fully within her again. “Relax,” she breathed. “He’s too tired, he won’t even notice I’m not there.”

They waited half a minute, a minute, Li quietly moving her hips to keep it going, it felt too good to stop at shadows *now*…and then the sound of a toilet flushing, water running, and their door closing once more made her stick her tongue out at them and whisper, “See? Told you.”

“You were right,” said her dad, moving again. Relaxing, her mom lay down beside them, her head on the pillow beside Li’s, watching her dad move in and out, sometimes staying within her and bumping against her clit, sometimes coming almost all the way out before sliding back in.

She closed her eyes as the feeling of orgasm began to build, her breath coming quicker.She bit her hand to keep from groaning, then pulled it away to ask her mother, “Does he need to stop?”
She felt her mother’s head shake. “Not tonight. He took a pill just before.”
“But should I –” she gasped.
“No,” her mother said softly in her ear, “Let him.”
“But..,” she said, trying not to whine. She was close, *so close*.
She dropped her voice even lower. “We don’t know when we’ll get to see you again,” she whispered. “So go ahead. For me.”
she nodded, and then lost herself in the feeling of her father inside of her, his hands in her hair, his breath on her ear, in and out and *in* and *out* faster and faster in *just* the right spot and….
She bit his shoulder to keep from screaming as first one, then another orgasm shook her, ones that she felt from the base of her neck to the tips of her feet, then – he still moving within her – she wrapped her arms around his back, lifted her knees and whispered in his ear, “C’mon dad, c’mon, come in me, dad, *come* in me, come in*side* of me, yes, yes, oooohhhhh *yesssssss!* as another, smaller one shook her again and this time she clenched as tight as she could down there. When she did he gave one, two, *three* long thrusts then fell down upon her, panting and heaving.
“Stay there for a minute, dad, until you catch your breath. OK?” she murmured as he propped himself up on his elbows, and he nodded. When his breathing slowed, he moved in her again – just a bit – then pulled out to let her roll over out of the way so her mom could move into the spot she just occupied.
Li lay there for a minute, letting the come run out of her, and watched her dad, still wet from come and, well, *her*, mount between her mother’s legs and slide inside of her. Watched her mother come almost immediately from the sensation of *his* rod – still warm and slick and wet – enter her, then smiled at her mother closing her eyes, lost in the feeling of her own daughter inside of her.

Still smiling, she picked up her towel, and left the room. Cleaning herself as best she could, she walked back to her own room to get some sleep.
