Third story about when my wife [F] and I [M] first started dating — and fucking

Ok, here goes part three of the stories about the sexual adventures my wife and I had when we first started seeing each other. Check out the [first]( two stories for more of the background. This is gonna be another long read.

After our, er, adventure in the back of the cross country car, when she had her first ever orgasm by grinding against my thigh 6 inches behind our classmates, we decided to actually start dating. Both of us coming from conservative parents (hers religious and mine just prudes), it was a little weird to go from bathing naked in a creek in the woods and having her basically fuck my thigh in a crowded car to having our first official date a week later. I was surprisingly nervous. I knew we were matched on a physical level, but past that?? I had no idea.

I’ll skip the details on a lot of this, given the nature of this sub, but essentially she picked me up since I didn’t have a car, we went to a movie, and dinner afterword. We were both 18 and had been on enough dates before this, but never before had one of us had an orgasm *before* the first date. We held hands during the movie and cuddled a little, which also felt oddly formal given what we had done the last few weeks. After eating, we first just drove for a bit. Her parents had given her a 1 am curfew (later than either of us expected!) so she needed to get me back home with enough time to get back herself. It gave us about 2.5 hours to kill.

As we drove, I put my hand on her thigh and rested it there, just rubbing lightly back and forth. I was very aware of how close my hand was to the heat coming from between her legs. We drove around for a minute, and I suggested that we go somewhere private to park the car for a bit. She nodded, biting her lip. Before this, we had mostly been around each other at cross country practice, things like that. Our friend circles outside of cross country didn’t cross much, and previously, we had never had many classes together either. That was funny, because we were both ranked near the top of the class (she was several spots ahead of me) but somehow our schedules were always mismatched.

That night, she had done up her makeup and braided her hair into long, loose braids. She had on tight jeans and short boots and a tight shirt that stretched across her small and perky tits. We had been fooling around for a few weeks at this point, and although I had never gone this far or this a fast with a girl before, I still hadn’t actually seen her tits, only felt them.

She pulled into a parking lot, the old jeep bouncing on the potholes. We were at a state conservation, a wooded 100 acres and several miles of trails in the middle of the city. The parking lot was nice and secluded, no lights and surrounded by tall pine trees. There were no other cars at all. She drove to the north end of the lot and parked and turned the car off. She looked at me. “What now?”

I leaned over and kissed her, my hand holding her cheek. Her lips were sweet and tasted vaguely of vanilla. We made out for a minute, and I moved my hand from her face down and cupped her left breast gently. She broke away, her lips parted and her cheeks flushed. She looked down, disappointed, at the console and emergency brake between the two front seats. She looked at the bench seat in the back, and back at me again. “Wanna go back there?” She bit her lip again, like she really wanted to but she didn’t want to seem to eager. I nodded, trying the same. “Um, you first?” I said.

She crawled up, feet on her seat, and put her butt between the seats, and slipped backward. I heard the *thump* as she landed lightly on the backseat, laughing a little. I was more than a head taller than her, and my legs were long and awkward, so when I tried it, I landed a little bit harder and basically plopped in her lap. We were both laughing now, feeling a little ridiculous. I turned around, and we tried to position ourselves. The seat was narrow, and she ended up leaning with her back against the side window and putting her feet of the foot well in front of her. I leaned in on her and we started to make out again.

It was hard to reach her in that position. I put my hands on her hips and gently pulled. She went with it and ended up on my lap, straddling me. My dick was hard and was pushing up against my jeans. She was sitting right on top of it, with only a few layers of fabric keeping her pussy from it. We started moving harder, and she was rocking back and forth in tandem with me.

She grabbed her shirt and pulled it off over her head, hitting her elbows on the roof of the car. “Fuck!” She said, laughing and throwing the shirt up in the front seat. Her hair wasn’t in the way this time; the bra she was wearing was a pale purple, no pattern. She didn’t have much in the way of cleavage, but I could see the pale curve of her breasts hidden under the small purple cups. I kissed her again, this time kissing her cheek, back to her ear, down to her neck. As I moved to her shoulder, kissing along her collar bone and under her bra strap, she whispered “you can take that off.”

Not taking my lips off of her body, I reached behind her for the clasp of the bra. I had never taken one off before, and I fumbled for a moment before getting it right. It popped undone and she shrugged her shoulders forward, and the bra fell off. Her breasts were small and perfectly formed; her skin so pale they almost seemed to glow; they were very perky, and in the dark of the car at night her nipples were shadows against the pale. I reached up with both my hands and gently cupped them, rubbing them thumb across the soft ridges of her areola and and hard mound of her nipples.

“Kiss them?” She asked, barely more than a whisper. I nodded, my lips brushing against her shoulder, and I kissed down her chest, around the curve of her breast. I kissed the inside, down her sternum, and around the underside, and then I put my lips around her nipple. It was hard and warm in my lips. I pressed my tongue gently against it and rubbed the tip of her nipple. She moaned softly and ran both of her fingers through my hair, keeping my head on her breasts. I reached up and cupped them in my hands, pushing them together, so I could lick and kiss them both, alternating between them both while she held my head.

It seemed like we had only been back there for a minute or two when the alarm I had set on my watch went off, signaling that she needed to get me home asap so she could make it home by her 1 am curfew. She groaned loudly, in frustration, and pressed herself down hard against me before sliding off of me and slumping against the seat next to me. The blue light from the stereos cast an ethereal look on her. Her braids were messy and loose—I had apparently been playing with her hair without realizing it. Her pale skin shone in the blue light, almost like she was a hologram. I touched her stomach, tracing the lines of her ribs, just to make sure she was real. She gazed at me with what I’m pretty sure was a combination of longing, aching, and desire, and there was a gleam in her eye that made me think, for a second, she’d say “fuck it” and climb back on me.

But I didn’t want her to get in trouble and jeopardize any further chances at being with her. I handed her the bra back, and, with an adorable pouting look on her face, pulled it back on. She turned and I clasped it for her, hating myself a little, and we climbed into the front seat. She pulled her shirt on and we started to drive home. I put my hand back on her thigh as we drove, little it slide a little closer to her pussy with each pothole, but never quite reaching it.

When she got back to my house, I kissed her deeply and grabbed her left tit through her shirt before getting out of the car and walking back inside.

Part IV on the way.


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