Welcome Home: Part Three (Two of Two) [MF] [Straight Sex] [Busty] [Huge Boobs] [Cleavage] [Oral Sex] [Throat Pie] [Masturbation] [Female Sex Toy]

Jordan lay in her bed, still feeling the rush and euphoria of what she had done. She reached under her bed and grabbed her toy box, slowly she slipped out of her clothes. She took her favourite toy out and slid it down her body.

A low gentle moan escaped her mouth as she slipped it inside her. She turned it on, and a soft buzz sound filled the room. She turned it back off, fearing that her parents down the hall would hear it.

She increased the pace, slamming it into her over and over. Another louder moan escaped her lips. She took the pillow behind her head and pushed it against her face as she fucked herself with her toy. Her body finally gave in as an orgasm racked her body. She slowed the pace down as she slowly came down from her high. “Damn I need to get my own place,” she said as she put her toy away.

The following day went easy. Mike dropped off the papers to the bank and had them change their ownership of them. Jordan picked up the new forms and brought them to Ethan. Ethan smiled ear to ear.

“This is good news, but there is one hang up,” Ethan said as he looked at the women. “One of those jobs I talked about need my attention right away.”

They all looked at him angrily, but they understood. “I can leave three of my men here with you, they will do most of the heavy lifting and make sure everything is up to code, but they will need your help to get it done.”

They smiled; they already knew they would have to put in some of the work themselves, so this wasn’t a problem.

When they drove over to the site, they noticed that the men had already gotten started as they saw large machines lifting a large amount of wood into the air.

“Name is Ashley, that’s Brandon and the one lifting the wood over there is Jason,” the first man said as they approached. “We aren’t getting paid for this, Ethan said he would pay us when he got back. So, you got us for eight hours a day, that’s it. If we say we are leaving, that means we are going. We good on that?”

Jordan didn’t like his tone, but she could understand where he was coming from, she looked at the other women, and they all nodded. “Good, other than that, we will get your place up and built in the time given.”

He walked away, and Mary’s head went to the side. “Damn,” she said. “Remind me that I am married to a good man, once or twice a day, will you?”

“His name is Ashley,” Sherry said, shaking her head. “I don’t care how good he looks. I can’t imagine saying that name in bed.”

“You just had to ruin it, didn’t you?” Mary said as they followed behind him.

A truck skidded to a stop just short of Jordan. Rick got out and walked up to her. “You think you’re slick!” he shouted at her. Jordan stood her ground. “You ever pull a stunt like that again, I will personally throw you back to New York myself!”

“Back away from my sister, Rick,” Sherry said, holding a gun to his head.

“Don’t be stupid, Sherry,” Rick looked at her. “I am the sheriff, you stupid fat bitch!”

“And you’re on our property, with your fists clenched and threatening her sister, there isn’t a judge in town that would say she was wrong if she put a bullet in your head,” Mary said.

“I am going to count….” Sherry said as she pushed the gun forward.

“This isn’t over, by a long shot,” Rick said as he turned and got back in his truck. Sherry followed the vehicle with her gun in hand until he was gone.

“Here,” Sherry said, handing the gun over to Jordan. “You still remember how to use one?”

Jordan nodded, visibly shaken. That was a side of Rick she never thought she would be on the other end of. She had seen him mad when they were younger, but nothing like that.

“Go, we got this,” Claudia smiled.

Jordan quietly nodded again. She took the gun and put it next to her in the passenger seat. She drove straight home. She didn’t dare tell her father or Rick would be dead, and he would be in jail within a few hours. She lay quietly in bed, wondering what was going to happen next.

Days turned weeks, and with each passing day, the bar began to take shape. Rick didn’t show up again, and as long as Jordan stayed out of his way, he seemed content to stay out of hers. “The roof will be ready to be put on tomorrow,” Brandon said as they were about to leave for the day. “Then it will mostly be interior work, and that is the hardest part.”

Jordan liked Brandon, unlike the others. He didn’t rub it in her face that they weren’t getting paid. He was taller than the other two, bald head brown eyes and dark-skinned. Or, as Claudia would say, black, she was funny when she tried talking to him. She would put her head down and stare at the floor.

“I have never talked to a you know guy before,” she had said the first time they had noticed her reactions around him. “Danny would kill me if he knew I was talking to, well him.”

Danny was her husband and one of the meanest people anybody had come across. He was mean just for the sake of being mean, which surprised everybody that Claudia, the quietest, shy person in town, had married him.

“I thank you again,” Jordan said as she looked up at the sky, it was about to come down.

“I’ll put the wrap up before I leave,” Brandon said as he walked towards the frame of the building.

“I’ll help,” Jordan said as the two of them began to put the large tarp up and over the frame of the building. Just as they finished, the sky opened up. They both ran to Jordan’s truck because it was the closest shelter.

“Sorry,” Brandon said as he reached for the door.

“No, it’s okay, your car was on the other side of the lot,” Jordan said, looking over at him. She put her truck in gear and drove around to his vehicle.

“Thank you,” he smiled. He opened the door.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” Jordan blurted out. “I mean after work?”

“Nothing, going back to the motel,” Brandon shrugged.

“Some of us are having a party out in the woods. You should come,” Jordan smiled.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Brandon shook his head.

“I believe we owe it to you. I know the other two are coming,” Jordan nodded.

“Yes, but they would be welcomed, me not so much,” Brandon smiled.

Jordan finally caught on to what he was hinting. “Oh, yeah, I forgot about that,” she said, shaking her head. “Living in New York made me forget about things like that.”

“Thanks for the invite, though,” Brandon said as he ran out into the rain. She watched him get in his car, and the two went their separate ways.

Jordan drove the truck back towards home, then suddenly changed directions. She had someone she wanted to see. “Fine!” she yelled as she opened the office door. “I need another favor!”

Mike shot up from his seat. “Wait, what?” A blonde young woman appeared from under the desk. Mike zipped up his pants as she darted out the door. “You should knock first,” Mike shrugged, sitting back down.

Jordan shook her head. “I need a huge favor, and I know you’re the only one that can do it for me, so I will pay up right now if I have to,” Jordan said as she tied her long hair back in a ponytail.

“No,” Mike said, getting up from his seat and moving away from Jordan as she approached him. “What the hell is going on?”

“You said, you wanted me to owe you a favor, and I do, so let’s get on with it,” Jordan yelled at him.

“Calm your fucking tits!” Mike yelled as he backed away from her. “Speak fucking English woman!”

Jordan plummeted into the chair nearest her. “I think I like him,” she said, shaking her head.

“Who? Rick?” Mike said as he sat near her.

“No! Brandon,” Jordan said, tearing up. “I think I actually like him,” she shook her head.

“Okay,” Mike said, rubbing her back as she began to cry into his shoulder. “Who the hell is Brandon?”

Jordan brought Mike up to speed about Brandon and the other two men helping with their bar project. Jordan told him that she and Brandon had these long conversations about living in the city and how things were different.

Every day at lunchtime, she would go into town to get their lunch, and he never ordered anything; he just told her to pick something out for him.

“Sounds like a good guy to me, so what’s the problem?”

“He’s a black man,” she told him with tears in her eyes.

“Oh, you mean,” he said as he looked at her, “Holy fuck Jordan, you really can pick them!” Mike said, standing up.

“That’s why I need a favor,” she said to him.

“Jordan, I am good, I mean excellent at fixing things around here, but…” he let out a deep sigh, “You’re asking for a fucking miracle.”

“I know, I just want to bring him to the party tomorrow, let people see him for the person and not the…” Jordan began to say.

“Don’t you fucking say it, don’t say skin color, don’t you fucking dare,” Mike shouted. “We’re tolerant around here to the world changes. We really are, things just go slower here, we will get there when we damn good and ready.”

Jordan nodded. She knew she needed him. “Okay.”

Mike sat down in his chair, “Just the party right?” he looked over at her, “Y’all aren’t going to be making out or nothing like that in front of everyone?”

“I will keep him close to me at all times, but no I will try to keep my hands where people can see,” Jordan said.

Mike looked over at her; he scratched his beard. “Okay, you can bring him, but you will arrive an hour late, and as soon as the sun goes down, you and your friend are to be gone!” he pointed at her.

Jordan nodded with a smile. “I mean it Jordie, I will not be responsible for what happens after it gets dark, and I know for sure he might not make it out of those woods if I am not around.”

“Thank you!” Jordan smiled. “What do I owe you?”

“Nothing right now, we will see what happens tomorrow then we will talk,” Mike said as he pointed at the door.

“You’re going to do what?” her father yelled.

“Jordie!” her mom shouted.

“I thought you two were going to be okay with this?” Jordan looked at her parents as they sat on their porch swing.

“Jordan Matthews!” her father said as he stood up, he took his cap off his head and scratched his hair before pulling it back down. “I am nothing like your grandfather, and not even close to his father, but there is a limit, and that is as close as I can get.”

Jordan knew her grandfather, and he was the most racist, ignorant, self-righteous person that ever walked the earth. Her father was nothing like him. He had hired many people of different races when the farm was booming. He had never told Jordan or Sherry what friends they could or couldn’t have. His only rule was to date within their race.

“Jordie, it’s not like we are telling you not to,” her mom said, looking at her husband. “We know that city life may have changed you and we both accept that we really do.”

Her father nodded. “If you said you were bringing him here, no problem go right ahead,” he said as he sat down. “I can accept that, I honestly can, you changed, and I will not change you back.”

“But people around here, aren’t going to change, they just won’t and as good as Mike is, he can’t make people act a certain way, without it getting violent and fast.”

Jordan nodded. She sat back in her chair. “Will you meet him?”

“Me?” her father asked.

“Cole said you’re a human lie detector. If you meet him and you still think it’s a mistake, I will accept that,” Jordan said.

“I can do that,” her father nodded as he looked at his wife. “Sure, I can definitely meet the guy.”

Jordan sat in her truck, biting her nails as her father and Brandon sat on the side of the parking lot. Her father had worked with them the whole day. Cole had come along as well, and now the three of them were sitting there talking. Finally, Brandon stood up, shook both their hands and walked towards his car.

Jordan got out of her truck and walked over to Cole and her father. “You can bring him,” Cole said.

“You mean that?” Jordan asked.

“Yes,” her father nodded. “He has a head on his shoulders, and he can respect our way of thinking, so go ahead, but you better keep him close to you.”

“I will!” Jordan screamed as she hugged them both.

Jordan slowly pulled the truck up to a stop as she looked over the large crowd outside. The large trees had parted, and a large clearing had formed.

People had parked their trucks next to the tree line. A massive fire burned in the centre as kids ran back and forth. Some of the young teens were on four-wheelers making large circles around the edges of the clearing. Then they disappeared into the woods only to come out from somewhere else.

“You sure about this?” Brandon asked.

“Yes,” Jordan said as her head said No.

A knock on her window broke the silence. She looked over to see Mike staring back at her. He nodded for her to wind down the window.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hi,” he replied. He looked over at Brandon. “I was hoping you were going to change your mind.”

“We can go,” Brandon said.

“Too late now, most of them already seen you pull up,” Mike said as he looked at the fire, some of the people were looking directly at the truck. “Pull up beside my truck,” he said as he backed off.

“Well, here we go,” Jordan said. She slowly moved the truck forward and parked it next to Mike’s colossal truck. Jordan put it in park and got out. She could feel the eyes on her as she walked around to his side. She was wearing a dark grey shirt with short jeans shorts. She had chosen to wear her brown boots today. As they looked at her, most men stared at her chest, others at her legs.

Mike and his friends walked towards the fire. She knew Mike was the most intimidating person here. He wore his black baseball cap, black leathers, and his fingers had giant silver rings on them.

Brandon slowly got down from the truck. “Now, we all seen a black person before, he has come to enjoy himself, and have a few drinks, and then be on his way,” Mike yelled. “We all know he has been helping build up Bill’s old place, and I know for a fact if Bill were here, he would tell all of you to deal with it because many of you have kept telling us, young folks, constantly that was the man he was.”

Everybody nodded. A lot of them had a smile on their face. “Now does anyone have a problem with someone having a few drinks?”

Jordan looked around; no one moved. “Anyone have a problem with someone having a good time?”

Again, there were a few looks, but no one said anything. “Good, now crank the music back up!” Mike said as he walked back towards them. “You got till sundown, after that you’re on your own,” he said as he walked away.

Jordan pulled the tailgate of her truck down and sat down; she pulled Brandon back between her legs and wrapped them tightly around his waist. People came up and talked to her about the bar project. Sherry and the other girls, including Claudia, set up their chairs close to her.

Then the place fell silent again. Jordan looked at the new truck that pulled up. “Shit!” she hissed. It was Rick.

“Relax!” he shouted as he got out of his truck. “I’m off duty!” he laughed. Everyone went back to what they were doing. He looked over in their direction and shook his head. “You constantly just want to push that button to see what it does huh?” he said as he came close.

“Not here to cause a problem, Rick,” Jordan said, moving her hand behind her, where she was keeping her gun.

“How many guns do you think are out here?” Rick asked. “You shoot me, I can guarantee he won’t make it to the front of the truck,” he laughed. “I told you this wasn’t over, have a good day,” he said as he tipped his hat.

“We should go,” Brandon said.

“Soon, I promise,” Jordan smiled. “Don’t make them intimidate you, it’s what they want.”

Jordan’s father pulled up in his truck, Cole followed close behind in his. Everybody was here now. The music began to fill the air as some people started to dance, others were starting to cook food by the fire.

Some of the people were getting used to Brandon’s presence. Some even began to talk to him. The most surprising was Danny, who had started a whole conversation about music differences.

Jordan talked to another group of women about the bar and line dancing and colour schemes when Claudia jumped out of her seat. “Where is he?” she yelled.

It suddenly dawned on Jordan; Brandon wasn’t with her. He had gone to use the bathroom, but that was a while ago. Her heart began to beat out of her chest as she looked around. She couldn’t see him, she looked for Mike but couldn’t see him either.

“Rick’s gone too,” Sherry said

“Fight!” a boy yelled from a distance.

“Shit!” Jordan yelled.

“Daniel go get Mike,” Sherry told her son.

“Who?” Daniel asked.

“The guy with the tattoos and the cool truck!” she yelled back at him.

Jordan ran as she tried to keep up with the crowd as it dispersed between the trees. They finally stopped. She pushed her way through them as she heard them talk about the black guy getting what he deserved.

“Shouldn’t have brought him,” she heard someone say. She wanted to get out her gun and shoot them all. But it would only make matters worse. She finally got to the front.

“See this is what the fucking button does!” Rick said as he kicked Brandon, who was already on the floor.

“You’ve proven your point, Rick,” Jordan yelled. “We will go, I will go, I will take my ass back to New York and leave you alone!”

“Too late, you had to press the godamn button,” he said as he kicked him again. “Couldn’t just leave it alone, had to press and press and press,” he said as he repeatedly kicked him.

“He’s right,” someone yelled. “Stop pushing it and leave us alone.”

The group cheered. “See Jordie. You can’t change shit!” Rick laughed. “Don’t worry. He will be okay after a few alterations.”

“Over my dead body,” Mike said as he pushed his way through, the Davey brothers right behind him.

“Thank you,” Jordan sighed.

“I warned you,” Mike pointed at her.

“Stay out of this Mike,” Rick said as his old friend got close.

“Shut up,” Mike said, shaking his head at Rick. He leaned down as he took a look at Brandon, “You all, right?”

Brandon reached for Mike, who helped him up. “Well look at you,” Mike smiled as he held him up. He leaned forward and listened. “You sure? Okay then.”

Mike let him go, “Seems he is fine and wants to continue. Fair fight it is then.”

Everybody yelled. Mike stood back next to Jordan.

“You really don’t know when to quit do you?” Rick said as he swung. It missed, and Brandon fired a punch straight to his jaw. Rick fell backwards.

“All I wanted to do was have a beer,” Brandon said. Rick rushed him and pinned him against a tree; Brandon began to knee him then tossed Rick to the side. “Then I heard you were yelling at a woman, somewhere out here,” Brandon said. “I was going to leave it alone,” he said as he dodged another punch. This time he returned it with a kick. “But when she screamed, I had to do something.”

“Wait,” someone said. “Vanessa!”

“You didn’t want her to yell, so you hit her,” Brandon said as he kicked Rick to the ground. “Stay down!”

“Vanessa!” the man yelled again.

“Over here,” a woman shouted from the bushes. “Is he gone?”

Mike walked forward; he looked down at Rick. “Listen to the man, stay down, or someone will put you down for good.”

“Thank you,” the woman rushed Brandon.

“It’s okay,” Brandon smiled through bruised lips and his left eye half-closed.

“I told him, no, but he didn’t want to listen,” Vanessa said to the man.

“He has been after my sister for over a week now,” the man said, taking his sister away. The crowd looked at Brandon.

“What did I do wrong?” Brandon asked.

No one said anything. “Nothing big guy,” Mike said as he grabbed him, “It just takes time, that’s all,” he walked with him. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Mike winked at Jordan as they passed. “Someone pick that piece of shit up and put him in his truck,” Mike said.

Jordan walked with them to Mike’s truck. “He got a few good strikes in didn’t he?” Mike said, looking at Brandon’s face. Brandon smiled. “Yeah, but you got a few good ones in too, that’s what makes it a good fight,” Mike laughed.

Jordan sighed as she sat down. “He’ll be fine, I seen worse after a day of hunting,” Mike said as he picked up a First Aid kit.

“Good fight,” someone said as they passed.

“Thank you,” Brandon nodded.

“Way to stand up,” someone else said.

“That’s how you earn respect around here,” Mike nodded. “Take a few as well as deal a few out and never stay down,” He turned and looked at Jordan. “You guys can stay out here as long as you want, no one will touch you now.”

Jordan took Brandon back to her truck as she passed a group of people. One of the guys stopped them. “Here,” he said, handing Brandon a beer.

“Thanks,” Brandon nodded.

“No problem,” the man said as he went back to his conversation.

“That’s when I saw the truck was rocking back and forth, and I knocked on the window,” Daniel said; he was telling the story of how he had found Mike.

“This lady came out, and she had no top on, she smiled at me as she left,” Daniel said excitedly. “Mike came out, and his pants were near to the floor….”

“Okay, someone needs to stop,” Sherry said as she put her hand around her son’s mouth. Jordan’s father smiled as Brandon approached.

“Well, that will leave a mark,” he said as he looked up at him.

“Yeah, feels like it will,” Brandon said, holding the side of his face. “I better get to the motel, before it gets dark.”

“Bullshit!” Jordan’s father said. “Not with a shiner like that, you might fall asleep and not wake up.”

“He’s right,” Jordan’s mother said, “You took a few good kicks to the head, you might feel okay now, but after the adrenaline is gone, you’re going to pass out and well, worst things have happened.”

“You can stay in the barn tonight,” Jordan’s father said. “Just don’t wake the horses.”

Jordan looked back at the barn as she turned off her bedroom light. Her father was staying with him. She had offered to stay, but both of her parents gave her a look that would kill.

The morning sun broke the sky, and Jordan rushed downstairs to see Brandon sitting down to breakfast with her parents. They had one of the old photo books out. “No!” she screamed.

“You looked cute with pigtails,” Brandon smiled.

“Mom!” Jordan screamed.

*Authors Note: The rest of this story as well as many other stories can be found on my other pages, the links to which can be found* [*here*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Shadowforce2/comments/ob2xvs/stories_and_where_to_find_them/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/r3t1jy/welcome_home_part_three_two_of_two_mf_straight