My Sister’s Best Friend Asked Me to Explain Teabagging, So I Showed Her [M/F]

“What the hell are you doing?”

I looked up from my late-night round of video games to see Kiera staring at the living room TV with an amused grin. “Is your controller broken or something?”

I had just killed an enemy player for the third time that match, and I was vigorously teabagging.

“Um … it’s … complicated,” I stammered. I felt my face blush and get hot at the thought of having to explain to my sister’s hottest friend that I was repeatedly putting my character’s testicles on a dead person.

Kiera is Bethany’s “bff” and she often spends the night at our house when they were home on college break. She had come downstairs to the kitchen for a midnight plate of Thanksgiving leftovers. If I’m being completely honest, I had no problem with her interrupting my game.

I’ve had a crush on Kiera for a while now, but as Bethany’s nerdy “gamer brother” who just graduated from high school, I’ve accepted that I don’t have a chance with a university sophomore. Especially one who looks like Kiera.

Even in pajamas, she is stunning. A blue-eyed blonde, Kiera was wearing pink short shorts that looked like cut-off sweatpants, tall white socks, and a plain white tank top that revealed the black straps to her bra.

Even in the dim light of the TV, I could tell her clothes were working overtime to keep her curves covered.

Kiera is what we would call “well endowed.” She has large D-cup breasts and a big butt that she and Bethany jokingly refer to as her “dumptruck ass.” They even make beeping noises like a truck when she is backing up.

“It definitely looks like your controller is glitching, bro,” Kiera said with a giggle. “You just keep crouching for no reason, like this.” She put her plate down on the coffee table, moved to the middle of the room facing the TV, and began mimicking my on-screen celebration.

I watched in awe as she dropped her ass toward the carpet in what seemed like slow motion.

Her shorts aren’t built like the battle armor in my game, so they apparently aren’t designed for the range of motion needed for teabagging. With each squat, the pink material disappeared further between her perfect, perky ass cheeks. Her bikini tan lines were visible.

Kiera looked over her shoulder at me with a playful smile and said, “See how ridiculous it looks?” I had to shift how I was sitting on the couch so she wouldn’t see my erection. “Th-that does looks pretty … uh … pretty ridiculous in person.”

She stopped squatting and picked her plate back up. “G’night, bro,” she said as she headed toward the stairs. I didn’t want her to leave though.

“It’s called teabagging,” I said with the kind of sigh you use when you come clean about something embarrassing.

Kiera stopped in the doorway and turned her head with a devious look. “What is teabagging?”

*Oh shit, she called my bluff. Great, now I actually have to explain …*

“It’s when … well, y’know how when you’re making tea and you dip the … uh … bag in the water? It’s kind of like that but … in the game, it’s just a dumb way of showing that you’re better than an opponent by … putting your balls on them.”

Kiera raised an eyebrow when she heard me say the word “balls” like she was intrigued. “But they’re wearing costumes, aren’t they? You can’t actually see their … balls, right?”

“Armor,” I corrected. *She doesn’t care what it’s called, dumbass.* “But yes. It’s just kind of a stupid meme that everyone does when they’re playing.”

“Do it again,” Kiera said with an odd level of determination. She walked back across the living room and sat down next to me on the couch. “Um, okay, let me get back into another match,” I said. I had been killed multiple times while watching Kiera “teabagging” and we’d lost our last game. Totally worth it.

“Will Bethany wonder where you’re at?” I asked while the game was loading, hoping the answer would be no. “Nope,” Kiera said quickly. “She’s asleep upstairs … your parents are asleep too.”

Her sentence trailed off in a way that made my dick hard again. *Why would she include that last detail about my parents out of nowhere?*

“Yeah, I guess it’s pretty late … why are you up?” I asked. “I was hungry,” she replied quietly.

I glanced at her plate that she had placed back on the coffee table. The word “hungry” had gotten caught in her throat in a way that made me think she was distracted and somehow wasn’t thinking about food.

The game had finally started, allowing me to focus my attention on something other than the beautiful woman on the couch next to me and the growing ache in my balls.

Kiera gave a little cheer and fist bump when I shot down the first enemy player I came across. “Do it! Teabag that motherfucker.” I teabagged like I have never teabagged before.

“Yep, so … uh, that’s teabagging,” I said.

I looked over at Kiera expecting her curiosity to be satisfied. But her brows were furrowed and she had an adorably confused pout. “I don’t think that would work,” she said skeptically.

“What wouldn’t work?”

“I don’t think his balls would reach.”

“W-wait, what?”

“Even if your character wasn’t wearing the costu—I mean—armor, his balls wouldn’t reach the other person’s face.”

“Um, yes, they would.”

“I haven’t seen many ballsacks, but I really don’t think it would work like this.”

It’s stupid to say this now, but I was starting to get slightly frustrated. I tried not to let it show on my face, but I think she could hear it in my voice. “I’m telling you, people wouldn’t do it in the game if it wouldn’t be possible in real life.”

That was it.

That was the sentences she was waiting for. Without a moment of hesitation, Kiera responded with the two words I was least expecting.

“Prove it.”

It felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room.

I looked across the couch expecting Kiera to burst out in a laugh, grab her plate, and head upstairs after a successful trolling of her best friend’s brother. But none of that happened.

She looked me right in the eye with the confident smirk of someone who was completely convinced they’re right, or at least pretending to be confident so they can get what they want.

“Wh-what?” My brain still wasn’t sure I’d heard her correctly. Kiera stood up silently, walked back to the middle of the room, and laid down on the plush carpet.

“Prove that teabagging is possible.” I felt my heart skip a beat, as if it had started redirecting blood to a very specific part of my body …

“Prove it right now, unless of course, you’d rather not,” Kiera said. “I can take my plate upstairs, you can go back to your game, and we can just agree to disagree. Privately, of course. Nobody else is ever gonna know we had a late-night chat about balls,” she added with a laugh.

I have never felt so conflicted in my life. Not about whether I wanted to have this kind of encounter with Kiera—this was a dream come true. Literally. I had to pinch myself to make sure I hadn’t fallen asleep playing video games. Nope. This wasn’t one of my wet dreams about Kiera.

I was conflicted because if I stood up, she was going to see my cock straining against my shorts. I was obviously going to keep them on if I played her dumb game to win this argument, but there would be no question that I was very attracted to her.

“You just beat me, bro,” she said from the floor. Kiera stuck her tongue out and splayed her arms and legs out dramatically like a fallen space marine. “I’m dead on the moon or wherever you guys are fighting. Come prove whether you can teabag.”

Her playful confidence got the better of me. “Fine,” I said.

I stood up from the couch and walked across the room briskly, hoping that if I got over there fast and got in a squatting position, she might not see my boner.

Kiera totally saw my boner.

My brisk walk only made it bounce and strain more noticeably against the fabric of my shorts. I know she saw it because she was biting her lip and blushing when I was finally standing at her feet.

Laying on her back and facing me in the light of the TV, Kiera looked incredible. Her hair fell on the carpet like little streams of gold. Her tits were spilling out the top of her shirt as if we were affected by a different kind of gravity on an alien planet. In the artificial glow of the screen, her legs looked amazing and her shorts were falling in a way that drew my eyes between her thighs.

I took a few steps forward and carefully positioned myself over her, legs on either side of her head. “Okay, so if you squat like they do in the game … “ I started to lower myself down but then I felt her hand against the underside of my leg, keeping me from crouching any further.

I felt the warmth of her fingers through the fabric of my shorts and tried to ignore the unmistakable sensation of precum gathering in my cock. “Wh-what’s wrong,” I managed to say. *Did she change her mind?*

“Take them off,” Kiera whispered. “Take your shorts off, and your boxers too if you’re wearing those. This is the only way I’ll admit that I’m wrong. We have to see if you can actually put your balls on my face.”

*Holy shit.*

I stood back up, took a step to the side so I wasn’t straddling her body, and pulled my shorts down. I dropped the on the floor. I was standing in the light of the television, half naked and fully erect in front of my sister’s best friend.

I prayed that nobody in my family would need to come downstairs. There would be a lot of explaining to do … and the conversation would be much more difficult than explaining teabagging to a non-gamer.

I stood back over Kiera’s head with my back to the rest of her body, my heels barely touching the top of her shoulders. I looked down at her, craning my neck slightly to the side so we could make eye contact without my hard dick in the way. “You’re … uh … you’re sure you want to be proven wrong this way?” I asked. Kiera nodded eagerly.

“I know I’m right, but even if your … even if *you* touch my face, it’ll be fine,” she said with a breathless smile. “C’mon down.”

*Here goes nothing.* I very slowly lowered myself down into the iconic pose I’d done in my game a million times.

And I was right.

My balls landed squarely on Kiera’s chin. I felt her smooth bottom lip right on the edge of my sack, and her breath was warm on my shaft. The middle part of my dick rested on the tip of her nose in a tantalizing balancing act, and the tip hovered just above her eyebrows.

“Are you convinced?” I asked, ready to stand back up victorious.

With the most sensitive parts of my body resting on Kiera’s face, I could feel her open her mouth. But it wasn’t to admit she was wrong.

“I want to suck on you.” She said it so quietly that you only would have heard it if you were right over her, straddling her between your legs.

“But, I thought you just wanted to see whether teaba-” I began to say. But I was interrupted.

“I was wrong,” she said with a hint of desperation in her voice. “Now can I have your balls and cock?”

In my head was a chaotic stream of consciousness that went something like, “Yes fuck yes holy shit is this actually happening what have I done right in my life to deserve this oh my god they said video games would get me nowhere but here I am goddammit … ”

Fortunately all I said out loud was a whispered, “Yes.”

The word had barely left my mouth when I felt Kiera’s warm tongue pressed firmly against the base of my dick. Immediately a few drops of precum leaked out of my tip and onto her forehead, just above the bridge of her nose.

Kiera giggled beneath me and kept licking like nothing had happened. Like I hadn’t just dribbled my juices on my sister’s best friend’s face. I felt compelled to wipe it away with my hand but she dodged playfully. Apparently she didn’t mind, or maybe even liked it.

Kiera took both of my balls in her mouth and sucked gently, rolling them back and forth rhythmically with her tongue. I felt her hand reach up and begin stroking my shaft, working more of my precum out of my body and onto hers.

My cock was huge at this point, and she was obviously having fun tracing every throbbing ridge with her mouth. I’d lost all sense of time. She may have been kissing, sucking, and licking for five minutes or five hours. Your guess is as good as mine.

All I know is that when I felt I could no longer contain my cum, I asked, “Where should I finish?” between heavy breaths.

Once again, I felt Kiera’s warm hands on the back of my legs as she lifted me gently so my balls were no longer on her face.

I had been squatting over her, but now she positioned me so I was on my hands and knees, still straddling her face. This new angle allowed her to take the head of my cock with her lips and suck me. Hard. She wanted what I was about to give up.

When she heard me make a stifled moan, she started lifting her head slightly off the floor and taking me deeper. I felt her lips wrapped tightly around my shaft as she forced me deep into the back of her throat.

She bobbed her head like this a few times, making me fill every empty space in her mouth, before I finally came. My legs shook and it took everything in me not to let out a deep sound of satisfaction as my balls emptied into her throat in big, warm spurts.

The whole time, Kiera sucked passionately and ran her hot palms over my lower back and legs. Keeping me in place until she was done sucking every drop.

Drained of my cum and all stamina, I collapsed next to her on the floor, laid on my side, and smiled at at the beautiful woman next to me. “That … that was incredible.”

Kiera smiled back at me warmly before handing me my shorts. While I pulled them on, I watched Kiera use her thumb to gather the stray drops of cum from her forehead and lips and suck them down with the rest of my load.

She looked up at the TV and grinned. The opposing team had been murdering my idle character for some time now, racking up easy kills. “Man, tonight is going to be hard on your KD ratio,” she said with a little giggle. “I am sorry I distracted you.”

“You’re right, but you have nothing to apologize for,” I said with a look of complete satisfaction on my face.


In my groggy, post-orgasm state, I had heard what she said without completely processing how she said it.

“Did you just say ‘KD ratio’?” I asked, a bit dumbfounded. Only a gamer would reference the number of kills and deaths that way.

Kiera got up silently and smiled down at me on the floor. She picked up her plate of food and walked back into the kitchen. I heard the sounds of the microwave turning on. She then walked back into the living room and stood above me.

Then she squatted down over my head, her pussy just inches from my face, in the stance of a perfect teabag.

She whispered in a voice so low that I could tell she was confiding in me, not just trying to keep everyone else in the house asleep:

“I know what teabagging is. I’ve known for years because I’ve played this game for years.” Kiera was grinning ear to ear at this point, enjoying the look of shock on my face. “I just wanted to see what teabagging was like in real life.”

I was speechless. Not only from the realization that we played the same game, but also because I wanted her to squat lower.

I wanted to pull her shorts aside and eat her pussy. I wanted to make her feel as good as she had made me feel.

Kiera even smiled knowingly when she saw me staring at the warm folds hidden just under the fabric. But at that moment, the microwave dinged. Kiera stood back up.

She could see I was unbelievably hard again from having her pussy in my face. She bent over to caress my cock one more time. “You should probably take care of that,” Kiera said as she walked back into the kitchen and retrieved her plate.

“W-wait, you’re just … you’re just going to go back upstairs?” I stammered.

The room was now filled with the mouthwatering smells of juicy turkey, garlicky mashed potatoes, and rich gravy.

“Like I said,” Kiera whispered with a heart-stopping smile. “I came down here because I was hungry.”

She flirtatiously licked her lips, turned, and silently walked upstairs. I watched her ass shake with every step as she disappeared in the dark.

Alone, I looked up at the TV from my spot on the floor. In that moment, with my body limp and tired, I resembled my lifeless character on the battlefield. The word “DEFEAT” was spelled out across the screen in big, bold letters.

I had won our little disagreement but lost a new battle. She had even teabagged me after winning.

And that’s when I saw it.

Kiera had left the plate on the coffee table. Next to it was a napkin with girly handwriting.

“Thanks for taking care of my late-night appetite … here’s something to keep your strength up. P.S. I’ve written my gamertag on the back. If you ‘take care of me’ next time, I’ll help you level up and unlock better skins, rookie.”

I took a bite of the piping hot meal Kiera had made for me, picked up my controller, and opened my account to send her a friend request.

I included a single-word message: “Deal.”



  1. Come on bro, Teabags are well deserved!!! You don’t teabag every person you kill

  2. okay, not the futurekinks post that i expecting, but a welcome one anyways

  3. The setting, the story, the plot twist, I love it all. I always had some random sexual thoughts about teabagging, I’m somehow really happy to see it turned into a good piece of erotica.

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