First story about when my wife [F] and I [M] first started to see each other (and have sex).

Ok, so I figured that I would tell some of the stories about how my future wife (f) and I (m) started hooking up when we were in high school. We’re in our 30s now so these are definitely flash backs, but I’ll tell them as accurately as I can remember. It kinda starts off mild, and if people like it enough I’ll post more. We had some fun and fairly public sex quite a bit. This is kinda long, but I want to give to clearest picture I can.

It starts in cross country practice when we were seniors in high school, both 18. We had met the year before, when we were juniors, and we were friendly but never anything more than that. I always thought she was hot—athletic, with small breasts that still always managed to bounce when she was running, dark red hair, a cute butt, and really nice legs. That first year, it was hard for me not to look and her and wonder what she looked like naked. But I was really shy and awkward around girls, so I just admired her from afar.

But that year, several of the other people we both knew from cross country didn’t come out for the season, so we naturally talked more just because we had ran together before. Our first practice was in the rain. It was August and this usually meant to was incredibly hot, but the unexpected rain made everyone cold. Cold enough that her nipples were straining incredibly hard again her white sports bra and white shirt. I couldn’t help but stare (I tried to be subtle and only look out of the corner of my eye, but I’m sure that she noticed). We all gathered in the football locker room after we were done to escape the rain, and I both loved it and hated it when she sat next to me—her nipples were still very erect, and I suddenly had a hard to keeping my own throbbing erection hidden in my short running shorts. The last thing I needed was for my dick to burst out of my shorts like the movie Alien. I don’t know what it was about that day, but something flipped about my ability to talk to her, and to my surprise, when I started flirting she started flirting back.

I’ll fast forward to the first time I saw her naked. Little bit of backstory first, for context. We were both virgins, and had never really done anything sexual with anyone else before. My awkward gawking at her pokey nipples was probably the closest that anyone had come to seeing her naked. She was also raised in a very conservative household, and had some reluctance about having sex before marriage. We had texted about a metric shit-ton before this next part, and I had *casually* as I could brought up topics like this. But we still weren’t dating or anything and had never even really done anything alone together. If I post more stories, they’ll rapidly become more sexual.

Anyway, it was cross country again, and it was fucking raining again. The coach had wanted us to practice running on the trails, because we had a very trail-heavy meet next week. So despite the rain, we were running in the woods at a park near the school. The pack of everyone broke apart in the woods and everyone got really separated. We had all been in there a hundred times before so we could theoretically find our way blindfolded, but it was still a little disorienting in the heavy rain. By luck or if she planned it I’m not sure, but the two of us somehow ended up alone. She was always a better sprinter, and I was better at long distance. As I caught up to her, she looked over at me and yelled for me to catch her, and she bolted off deeper into the trees. Grinning, I went after her. It was getting more and more muddy, and we both kept slipping as we went. Right as I caught up to her, we slipped and went sprawling in the mud. She shrieked and laughed as we went down, clutching at me. I felt it happen in slow motion, and my palm brushed at one of her tits as we landed. I felt her hard nipple run across my hand, and almost instantly I felt blood rush to my dick.

She was straddling me when we landed, her ass on my stomach. I looked at her. Her blue shorts were indeed very short, and I could see all the way up her thighs. She was wearing pink underwear. She was sitting triumphantly on me. The rain stopped suddenly, and she looked up at the sky breaking through the trees. Her shirt wasn’t white this time, but her nipples were definitely still straining against the thin fabric.

“Do you think practice is over?” She asked me, looking down and me and not moving.

“Probably so,” I replied, also not making any motion to move. Behind where she was on my stomach, my dick was now fully, painfully erect.

She looked around at us, lying in the mud. “There’s a creek not too far ahead. We could rinse the mud off there.” She was staring straight into my eyes.

I nodded, “sure,” and she stood up and move off of me. I stood as quick as I could and hoped that she didn’t see my dick, but I can’t imagine there was anyway she didn’t see it. We walked this time, in silence, just listening to the mud squish under our feet and water dripping down off the trees. Pretty soon, the trail opened up to the small stream. The waterfall was about three feet high or so, usually not much more than a trickle but not it was a stronger flow, thanks to the rain. We waded into the stream, which was only about one foot deep, and walked toward the waterfall. She slipped and fell into me. I caught her with my hands on her waist. She leaned against me for a second before standing back up again. We held hands going forward. Her hand was smaller than my and very smooth, her fingers seeming very delicate. We reached the waterfall and she stuck her hands out, rinsing the mud off up to her elbows. She pulled away shivering. I stuck my hands in and did the same. The sun was coming out now, and the air was getting back to the mid September heat. Using one hand on my shoulder, she balanced against me and pulled her shoes and socks off, which were just still dripping with mud despite standing in the creek. I then did the same, relishing the feel of her shoulder under my hand. I felt the thin step of the sports bra. We both washed our shoes and socks and set them on the rocks next to the top of the waterfall to dry in the sunlight. I pulled my shirt off, which was both exhilarating and not out of the normal—I often ran without a shirt in the summer—and held it under the waterfall to wash it. I stuck my head under to too, to get the mud out of my hair. It was freezing, and I pulled my head out, gasping a little. She laughed lightly, and then looked down at her own clothes, and her long hair, which wasn’t auburn anymore but just mud covered from when we fell.

She grabbed her shirt by the hem and pulled it up over her head in one quick motion, standing in just a small black sports bra. Many of the other girls, especially the more athletic ones like her, usually ran practices in just their sports bra, but she always just wore her shirt, so I had never seen her topless before. Her stomach was flat and had faint ab lines from the core training we did. Her tits were small just like a runners, and her nipples pressed against the fabric of the bra. Her shoulders were slim and her arms were skinny but the muscles were clearly evident. Her skin was very pale with, with a smattering of brown freckles on her shoulders that matched her face. Her face blushed when she saw my gaze and she squeezed her shoulders together and pushed the arms in front of her breasts. “Turn around,” she told me. I did, and heard as she pulled her bra off too. She backed up into me, and I felt her bare back against mine. “I’m going to wash my hair,” she said, “so don’t turn around.”

“Sure,” I told her. I could hear her softly splashing in the waterfall behind me. I told her that she was the hottest person I had seen. She scoffed, and that, and I heard her stand back up. Her hand pressed against my shoulder. “I have to wash my pants too,” she said, “they’re too covered in mud to get back in the car. DONT turn around.” I nodded and agreed. I heard her slide the shorts down, lifted her feet one at a time to get them off. She was still standing really close to me, just a few inches away, and very briefly when she bent over I felt her bare ass brush up against me. I realized that she had taken her underwear off too. I glanced back —I couldn’t help it. I only caught a glimpse, since I looked back ahead guiltily after just a second, but I saw her completely naked form standing in front of the waterfall. Her ass was small from running but plump and obviously very fit. Her back curved in a very sexy way, with two little dimples where it met her ass. Her shoulders were petite and bony. And her legs were smooth and pale and held her ass up nicely. When I looked back forward my cock was fully hard again.

After a moment, she said I could turn around. She was sitting on top of the waterfall, on the rock shelf, still completely naked. Her legs were crossed tightly and her arms were crossed in front of her breasts, so I couldn’t actually see much that I wouldn’t see in a bikini. But the way her hip bones angled like an arrow down toward her pussy, and the long lines of her legs curved straight up into her back were incredible sexy. I could see just a brief hint of pubic hair tufting you from between her thighs, just barely, and I was suddenly very, very curious if she had red hair just like in her head. She was completely washed of the mud, and was so pale she was essentially glowing in the sunlight as the water droplets dried on her skin.

She slid one arm to cover both of her tits and pulled her long red hair over her shoulders until it covered her chest. She inspected them, and satisfied they were covered, put her arms behind her, palms on the rocks, and leaned back. I stared at her chest, hoping to see glimpses of her breasts under the hair, but her thick, wavy locks were long enough to completely cover them up. She noticed me staring, and I felt her eyes rest on my very obvious erection. “Your turn,” she said lightly.

I hesitated, and she turned her head away and held up one hand to cover her eyes. The wind blew lightly at the ends of her hair, but it was still too wet to really blow at all.

I pulled my pants off, and, after a second of thinking, pulled my underwear down too. I guess I should describe myself at that age, too. I was reasonably tall —about 6ft — and skinny too. We ran like 10 or 15 miles a day that summer, and lifted maybe three times a week. I didn’t realize it at the times, but that was definitely the best shape of my life. My cock is average, maybe 7 or 8 inches when fully hard. And it was the hardest then that it had ever been in my life. I knew that neither of us had been naked in front of anyone before, and it was incredibly arousing. I stepped closer to her and rinsed off in the waterfall. I was close enough that I could see the tiny blonde hairs on her arms, and the soft shapes of her tits under her drying hair. After I was completely rinsed, I hopped up on the rock shelf and sat with my back to her. She leaned back and pressed her bare back against mine. She asked me what I was thinking, and I was completely honest—I did not go to school the morning thinking that we’d end up bathing together in a stream in the fucking woods. Not even in my horniest dreams did I come up with this scenario. I also told her that I really wanted to feel her all over. She was silent for a moment, and then I felt her pull away from my back. “Keep your eyes closed,” she told me in almost a whisper, “and please don’t move.” Then all of a sudden I felt the tips of her nipples pressing against my back, and she pushed her tits into my back. Her hands clenched on biceps, and she rested her forehead against the back of my head. I could hear her breathing hard. “I don’t want to do thinks too fast,” she said. “I’ve never done anything like this before.” She took a deep, jagged breath in. “But I can’t stop thinking about having you touch me.” She stood slowly, and rubbed her tits all the way up my back as she did so. “Is this ok, until I’m ready for me?” I told her that it was, too frozen in place to move.

We then both stood up and got dressed with our backs to each other. I stole a few glimpses, never seeing her breasts or her pussy, but her entire body was incredibly sexy and delicious looking. I know she looked at me a couple of times too. After we were fully clothed, we walked silently out of the woods back the her car, this time holding hands the entire way. We didn’t talk or say anything. All the rest of the cars were gone, and we got in hers and she drove me home.

And when we got home I masturbated furious to the image of her in my head. It’s been like 10 fucking years and I can still see her very clearly.

Edit: link to part II

Second story about when my wife [F] and I [M] started seeing and sleeping with each other. from gonewildstories



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