(PART 3) I [M] worked as a busboy at the hottest sorority [F] house on campus

Thank you to everyone who has personally reached out to compliment my past stories, and apologies for such a long wait for the next entry! I was moving across the country and it’s been difficult to keep up with everything, but I’m finally settled in and ready to keep writing. As per the advice of a few people who messaged me, I also set up a [buymeacoffee profile](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/angrydinosaur) so that folks can tip me if they like. No pressure whatsoever to tip me, but it’s definitely a great motivator to help keep me writing (these take me many many hours of free time) and will help fund any dates I go on in the near future ;)

In case you missed the other two chapters in this story, here’s [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qqj36m/i_m_worked_as_a_busboy_at_the_hottest_sorority_f/?sort=new) and here’s [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qrbpvv/part_2_i_m_worked_as_a_busboy_at_the_hottest/).

And with that, I hope you enjoy the next chapter…


I decided not to text Jazmine back. While there was definitely some spite behind that decision, I also realized that I had no reason to chase after her. If she wanted to talk, she’d see me at the house during my next shift, and we could take it from there.

Upon waking up the next morning, my mind was still stuck on Casey — I couldn’t get the image of her gagging on my cock out of my head, so I went to the bathroom to jerk off while the memory was still fresh. If she was normally as freaky as she was that night, I could only imagine all the other things I might get to do with her. Just as I was finishing up in the bathroom, I got a text.

“Hey I had a lot of fun last night. I have to go out of town for the next week for a family trip, but I’d love to hang when I get back :)”

“Hey I had a lot of fun too, and of course, I have to return the favor ;)”

“Haha yes you do, let’s grab drinks next week?”

I agreed and Casey went on to tell me how she was travelling up to Michigan for one of her cousins’ weddings. She asked for my Snap, which I gave to her, and the conversation slowly fizzled out from there.

It was almost 10am, so I showered and got dressed before my lunch shift at the sorority house. I threw on some jeans, a t-shirt, and a baseball cap to look good, but not too good. Being watched by 150-ish girls while scrubbing marinara sauce off their plates made me a little self conscious, but I also knew I couldn’t try too hard or it would come off as obvious.

This was technically only my second day on the job and my first time working the lunch shift. As I started to unload the dishwasher, I met an assistant chef who talked me through how the lunch setup worked. Unlike dinner time where food was served directly to the tables where the girls sat, lunch was served to the sorority through a buffet-style line. The line started right outside the dishwasher room window, which meant a lot more girls had the chance to hang around the window and say hello to the busboy.

Over the next few days, I came into work on a regular routine and got to know a lot more of the girls. Oddly enough, I didn’t see Jazmine in the dining room at all that week — she was either really busy or was purposefully avoiding me. I found out that she didn’t live at the house, which could explain why she wasn’t around, and that she was also relatively new to the sorority, which was rare for a junior like her. Anyway, the thought of her was slowly displaced as Andrea introduced me to more hot friends from their group.

First, there was Alyssa — Alyssa was the only redhead (more of a strawberry blonde really) I had seen so far in the entire sorority, and her style resembled city girls I knew from the Northeast. She was probably around 5’1, and what she lacked in height, she made up for with an incredibly slim-thick body. I had the pleasure of seeing her in gym clothes a few times — her ass was bubbly and firm, and while her tits were not huge, they were tight and perky from working out so much. Her ass wasn’t as round as Jazmine’s, but the way her cheeks sat in her yoga pants accentuated the perfect gap between her thighs. She was a finance major who gave off major girl-boss energy, and she immediately connected with me as we talked about entrepreneurship and the business she wanted to start.

Next, there was Madison, or Madi as most people called her. She was the quietest of Andrea’s friends, and she was also a self-proclaimed “model”. It’s not that I thought she wasn’t pretty enough to be a model (she definitely was), it’s just that all her modelling career consisted of so far was mediocre Instagram photoshoots with random local photographers. Madi was the tallest of the group, probably 6 feet tall on the dot, and she was also the skinniest of her friends. She didn’t have much of an ass from what I could tell, and her boobs seemed small yet perky in the loose t-shirts she would often wear without a bra. Madi’s best asset by far was her face, and I tried to stare and appreciate it whenever I got the chance. Her sharp cheekbones, full lips, and emerald green eyes all complimented her silky pale complexion. She sort of looked like Taylor Swift and had a composure about her that felt refined and regal. We hit it off once we started talking about music — we had apparently been to a couple of the same festivals, and she was very eager to show me the pictures she modeled for at each show.

Then, there was Joanna. To my knowledge, she was one of only two latina girls in the sorority — she was Puerto Rican and was impressed to learn that I could speak both Portuguese and Spanish. She was around 5’9, just shorter than me, and had dyed her hair honey blonde, which beautifully complimented her warm beige skin and chocolate eyes. As for her body, she was incredible. Her slim waist somehow managed to support one of the roundest asses I had ever seen in my life. She put all the white girls in the sorority to shame — yes, even Jazmine. I’d later confirm just how insane her body was when I found her Instagram and saw that she was a fitness influencer with over 100k followers. She didn’t show off much of her body around the house, but she sure did in her g-string clad beach pictures.

Finally, there was Andrea herself. I described her a bit in the last chapter, but I’ll give a bit more detail here as she will continue to get more relevant throughout the longer story. When I think of Andrea, I think of a sexually charged yet frustrated Christian milf — Andrea wasn’t actually a mom, she just gave off that energy. She had a commanding presence to her and seemed like the shotcaller of the friend group. She was always dressed in Lululemon tights that perfectly outlined her athletic curves, and without fail, she always had on two green rosaries that drew the already wandering eye to her milky white cleavage. What really drew me to Andrea was her Southern accent, which would come in and out like waves. One minute she’d sound like a valley girl, the next you’d remember that this girl willingly went to rodeos. I was into it.

Over the next week, I got to know that core clique of girls pretty well. But with Casey still away and no signs of Jazmine, my raging hormonal college brain turned its attention towards sexy-southern accent Andrea. Unfortunately for me, my chemistry with Andrea seemingly evaporated in one single exchange that week.

“Oh that’s cool, I didn’t know you were in a frat.”

One of the other girls at the table had asked me what frat I was in, and when I responded with a name that they didn’t recognize, there was an awkward silence.

“I’ve never heard of them, are they new?” Andrea asked.

“Yeah, our house is still being built, and I’m not super involved anyways.”

A few of the girls looked at each other as if I had just told an inappropriate joke. I scanned around the table to read their reactions and was very confused by the glance that Andrea had thrown at her friends. My lunch break was about to end so I used the awkward moment as an excuse to get up.

“Hey my shifts about to start up again and Ms. Carter [the housemom] asked me to help her move some furniture. I’ll see you all later.”

They said goodbye and I headed to Ms. Carter’s back office to help her start moving furniture to another room. This wasn’t technically part of my job but it sure did help me break out of the awkward situation I had just been in. Whatever had just transpired in the dining room had definitely lowered my clout with Andrea and her friends, but I figured it wouldn’t matter too much over time as they got to know me. What I didn’t expect was that they would totally ghost me at lunch the next day.

The group all showed up for lunch like usual, but unlike every other day that week, they didn’t save me a seat and chose to sit at another already near-full table. *Fair enough, I’ll let them cool down. Even though I don’t know what I did…* After about an hour of helping Ms. Carter, I texted Andrea to see if she would be at dinner later that night since I was also working that shift. No response. *Hmmmm.*

Ms. Carter ended up paying me extra to stay after lunch and continue helping her with the move. I don’t know if it was legal, but she gave me double my normal wage for the moving work and called in another busboy to cover my usual dinner shift. Lifting boxes and tables was much nicer than scrubbing day-old casserole, so I obliged. This also meant that for the first time since I had started my job, I was on the opposite side of the house from the kitchen — the living room and girls’ bedrooms were in this area, which was normally off-limits to all guys. Ms. Carter of course reminded me of this when she showed me where to move her old office furniture — she even showed me she had cameras watching — but I assured her that she had nothing to worry about.

After pulling a large wardrobe across the hallway with a moving blanket, I bumped into Madi. *Nothing to worry about.* She leaned against the wardrobe, almost as if to test if it could support her weight.

“Hey busboy, what’s up.” *Oh how I love that name.*

“Hey srat (short for “sorority”) girl, not much, how are you?”

She smirked. “I’m good, and it’s funny I ran into you right now. What are you moving?”

“I’m moving Ms. Carter’s old office furniture into a new room. I have no idea why, just the boss’s orders. And why’s it funny?”

Her eyes met mine. “Well it just so happens that I just had a new bed delivered…” She brushed her hand across the side of the wardrobe and turned her body to show off her side profile, “…and I need someone to help me bring it to my room.”

My mind immediately shifted to the dirtiest of thoughts. This felt like it was straight out of a porno, and although I wasn’t really into tall and skinny girls, I couldn’t help but wonder what Madi looked like under her baggy t-shirt. The only problem now was that Ms. Carter and her cameras were watching.

“Ms. Carter specifically told me not to go into any girls’ rooms.” I pointed above the crown molding in one corner of the room. “See, she even has cameras.”

Madi pointed above one of the doorways and said, “Yeah but look again. She can’t tell where you go once you pass that hall. The cameras only see up to a certain point. You really think we don’t bring guys here?”

I loved how direct she was. And if I played my cards right, I would be one of those guys being brought *there*. “Ok you’ve convinced on the cameras, but I still have to finish moving this wardrobe. Can you give me a hand?”

“Sure.” We pushed the wardrobe the remainder of the way and left it in Ms. Carter’s new storage room. I caught Madi staring at me, and for some stupid reason I decided to ask, “Did I say anything weird at lunch yesterday?”

“What do you mean?”

“I got the vibe that you and your squad we’re ignoring me today.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that, Andrea is just being dumb. You’ll notice she does that a lot once you’ve worked here longer.”

“How is she being dumb?”

“Trust me, don’t worry about it. Now let’s go get my bed — it’s in the living room.”

In the moment, I decided not to get caught up on the thought of Andrea, and the mention of Madi’s bed sent my horny brain spiralling once again. I fantasized about what her slender legs might feel like wrapped around me, as she bent over and grabbed the corner of her new mattress — for the first time, I truly noticed how tall she was. She was at least two inches taller than me, which was slightly intimidating when we were right next to each other, but she didn’t seem to mind. As she maneuvered her bed and I through a few doorways, she brushed up against me and I could swear I felt her body tremble.

“That’s good, you can leave it there.” I flipped the mattress off its side and onto her bedspring. I leaned forward and pressed my arms into the bed to test its softness.

“Wow this is a nice mattress, I expect a full review once you get the chance to try it out.” I smirked.

“Why don’t you lay down and try it out.”

“Like right now?”

“Yeah, right now.”

*Can’t say no to that.* I hopped onto the bed and layed on my side, facing towards where Madi was standing. “This feels like I’m on a cloud, you have to try it.”

She didn’t hesitate for even one second — she hopped up onto the bed right next to me so that our faces were just a few inches from each other. She closed her eyes, I closed mine, and we both leaned in until our lips met. Her perfectly sculpted lips wrapped around and sucked on my tongue as my hands began to explore her long legs. I squeezed her tight ass as hard as I could and spanked her right ass cheek — she let out a soft moan and used her legs to prop herself up onto me so that she was now riding me in her yoga pants.

I pulled her oversized shirt over her head to reveal the most perky tits I had ever seen. What I had thought we’re going to be small A cups turned out to be the perkiest C sized tits on the planet. I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her chest towards my face so that I could suck on her perfectly shaped breasts as she continued grinding on me. I sucked individually on each nipple while twisting the other between my fingertips, which sent Madi over the edge. I pinched harder and softly bit one nipple, and she threw her head back as her body trembled. This girl was cumming from only nipple play, and I was in disbelief. She tensed back up, grabbed my jaw, and pulled me in to make out with her. I started undoing her belt.

Then I realized something. I didn’t have a condom on me. “Do you have a condom?” I whispered in as sexy of a voice as is possible when you ask that.

“No.” She continued biting my lower lip.

“Are you on birth control?”

“No.” She moved her mouth to kiss the side of my neck.

“Then maybe we shouldn’t…”

“Yeah, we shouldn’t.” She squeezed my crotch and I was confused by what she meant. “But I have to know what you feel like.” *Hmmm, can’t say no to that either.*

She loosened my belt and her hands quickly reached below my briefs to grab my bulging seven inch cock.

“You’re so big, can I please see what you feel like?”

“What do you mean?”

“I want you inside me for just a second, and then I’ll give you what you want.” I was only about 80% sure of what she was talking about, but I nodded anyway — she pulled my pants down to the floor, grabbed my hand, and stood me up in front of her so that we were now leaning against her bed’s baseboard. “Put it in me, please.”

Every piece of sex-ed advice I had been told in the past went out the window in an instant. I was face to face with a Taylor Swift lookalike and she was begging me to stick my raw cock inside her soaking pussy. She removed her yoga pants, began fingering herself, and I grabbed her throat, choking her slightly. I whispered in her ear, “you want to feel me, don’t you?”

She whimpered back, “yes please.”

She grabbed my cock and pulled me gently in towards her as she bent over slightly, her face directly in front of mine. She arched her back so that her pussy slit was now hovering just over the tip of my dick, and with a slight bend of her knees, her pussy enveloped me. “Don’t move. Just sit there and let me feel you.”

I was kinda weirded out but also extremely turned on and eager to see what she did next. I had never done this position before, and I harnessed all the willpower in my body to not move up and down and fuck her tight slit. Instead, I sat there and pulled her mouth onto mine.

“Fuck, you’re so tight, I don’t even fit all the way.”

She immediately pushed herself in even deeper to disprove my theory — I felt the wall of her soaking wet pussy flex over and over again as if she was controlling it. “Fuck me, that’s so good Madi.” Her eyes locked onto mine and she smiled. I felt her pussy convulse around my shaft — her eyes rolled back as she wrapped her legs around me such that I was now carrying her against the side of the baseboard. This girl was getting off again just by flexing her pussy muscles on me. If she kept up the flexing, I was going to blow my load any second. I pushed off the wall and pushed her onto her knees so that I was now standing above her. Her emerald eyes fixated on my cock and she took it deep into her throat, leaving my shaft covered in her saliva. She stroked my shaft with one hand and massaged my balls with another — after just a few seconds of feeling her slender hands massaging me, my cock erupted and covered her beautiful face in my cum. She licked up the cum that had dripped onto her hands and swallowed it without any hesitation.

I had fallen back onto the bed — she crawled in next to me and gave me one last sloppy kiss. I tried to collect my thoughts and say something, but only one word came to mind.


“I know.”

“Bring a condom next time and I might let you fuck me.”

I was speechless. We both stood up and started putting on our clothes in silence. When she reached over me to grab her shirt, I picked her up so that she was grinding on me once again. I playfully bit her lower lip and pushed her off as a tease. “Deal.”

I closed her bedroom door softly behind me and was careful to make sure no one heard me in the hallway. I checked my phone to see how much time had passed, but my focus quickly shifted to one of the notifications on my homescreen. There was a new Snap from Casey.


Thank you for reading my story! If you’d like to support me so that I can write more of these, feel free to leave a tip [here](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/angrydinosaur). But seriously no pressure if you don’t want to, a comment or upvote will also make me happy :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/r3rqo6/part_3_i_m_worked_as_a_busboy_at_the_hottest


  1. Being a Brazilian-American that went to a southern college reminds me a lot of my experiences. Great writing!

  2. You’re going to have to explain this position, you are standing face to face and she arches her back away from you? I thought she was just tipy toeing on top of your dick

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