Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F/F] Part 37


=== ***?????*** ===

1/18/2021 will forever be buried in my head as the worst and the best day of my life.

Monday morning, the 20th of January. I decided to start going to the gym during the morning time, seeing as he comes in during the afternoon. I’m not an early riser or anything, but I do run a few miles before dawn so it makes sense for me to go to the gym afterwards.

He comes in, early morning, all smiles and shit while he’s greeting everyone he meets. I tried to hide from him, but he sees me and makes for me.

“Hey! I didn’t get to congratulate you on your match. You must have been tired.”

“Yes, I was tired,” I lied, trying to go back to my bags. There was nothing tiring about that bout, all I did was throw a knee and that was it! Sure I’m glad I won my first match, but it was a really boring one.

He moved over to steady my bag, and I’m trying to give him my best glares. All he did was hold the punching bag, so I might as well use it. I threw kicks and punches, as hard and as fast as I can give, and I am imagining kicking and punching him.

But I couldn’t! My heart still wants him! Because of my obsessive personality, he’s in my head for the better part of my day! Every time I try to forget about him, my body instantly aches for him. My head yearns to listen to his voice.

I didn’t even notice I was crying until he stopped me and asked if I was alright. He gently rests his hands on my shoulder, and I wanted to walk away from him, from all of this. But where am I going to find a coach willing to give me a stipend? Other fighters have said that this guy is the best one on the city too.

I pulled away from his hands and walked away, but then I walked back to him and looked at him with my hands on my waist.

“Look, you gotta tell me what’s been bugging you or it’s going to affect your fights.”

I just walked up to him and gave him a kiss. My lips went over his own while my hands went and caressed his back. “I’ve been in love with you ever since I saw you, and when I found out your taken… I couldn’t handle it.”

He stood there, dumbstruck, and when he finally regained himself he walked away. Now I really think I fucked up.

=== Chris ===

Somehow, I’m back in the apartment. Somehow, I’ve got Bella and Roxxy in my arms, cuddling against me while Alana is in the kitchen. I don’t even remember how I got here.

“She kissed me,” I said all of a sudden that got Roxxy and Bella’s attention.

“Kiss who? You? Who kissed you? Who!?” Bella snarled as she sat up and looked at me, “who’s the bitch? I swear to god!”

“Chris, was it one of the girls from work? Was it Tabitha? That fucking bitch! I knew she was going to gun for you!” Roxxy screeched as she went for her phone.

“N-No, not Tabitha… the girl from the boxing gym. S-She said she’s in love with me and then she kissed me…”

“Eve? I thought she’s with Trevor! That bitch!” Bella growled as she made a fist and slammed it against the cushion.

“Calm down, it’s not Eve and she’d never turn her back to Trevor. She and that guy are practically glued to one another. No, it’s the new girl. The girl who had a match last Saturday.”

“Her?! Babe, don’t worry. I’ll fix this.”

I’m kind of scared at how she said those words, like how a fixer would fix problems for the mob. I just gave her a suspicious look as she went to her phone and made some calls, then she walked out of ear shot. Sometimes, I wonder who she calls on her phone because she doesn’t really call anyone. She calls her parents, that’s it. She only texts me, Alana, Laura, Roxxy and her parents, she doesn’t really have any other friends and it’s not like she has co workers or anything.

I’ve seen her contact info and it’s pretty barren, like mine, and she calls *me* strange.

I didn’t get my workout in and I’m feeling particularly stressed out. Alana bounced her way to me and sat where Bella once did and nuzzled her way into my arms. I’ll admit that Alana and I haven’t had a lot of chance to bond or anything because she works during the daytime and sometimes during the nights.

I hear Bella make for the door. What is she going to do? I called for her, but she’s already out of the door by the time I piped up. I hope she doesn’t do anything stupid. Or illegal.

I think she’d do well in prison, honestly…

=== Bella ===

It didn’t take long to find her. All I did was call up the coach, offer to buy him new gloves for his fighters and all he had to do was tell me where she lives. Sure, I’m out about 2 grand, but that’s a price my parents are willing to pay.

She lives in a very… shoddy apartment. It reminds me of Chris’ apartment when we broke up. In fact, I think it’s in the same neighborhood.

She’s not home. The coach did say that she works in a convenience store nearby, so I scoured the area, looking for her. It didn’t take long, she works in one of those store where they sell everything and it’s known for its medical prescription services. I walked in and she instantly recognized me, and I flashed her a smile.

“H-Hello,” she hesitated for a moment. I don’t think she knew how tall I am because she looked at me with wide eyes while my eyes looked down at her.

“Hi,” I returned the greeting. I placed a pack of gum on the counter which she scanned. “So, you love my boyfriend I hear.”

She didn’t answer. For a fighter, she’s pretty meek. “You even laid your lips on him. I don’t appreciate that.”

She shook her head. “I don’t appreciate it when girls approach my man without my knowledge.” I placed a bar of chocolate which she scanned as well, “and I don’t appreciate being disrespected.”

“I-I am sorry,” she said, refusing to look at me, “he just… he just captivated me. I did not know that the feeling of someone caring for you can be… intense.”

I can tell she’s faking it, but there is some truth to her words. While she is apologizing to me, she’s gritting her teeth. She needs this job, poor girl, and she’s trying to hold herself back. She’s a very pretty girl, a different kind of beauty compared to Alana or Roxxy. I mean, she’s naturally blonde and quite pale for one, and has a pair of striking blue eyes, as clear and blue as the Arctic sea! What is she doing working in a place like this, she could be so much more.

“Talk to me outside,” I tell her as I pocket my candies and walked out. She followed me and she got another worker to cover for her, got her jacket on and slid her hand into the pockets.

I leaned against the wall while she sat against a concrete planter. “Do you smoke?” She asks and I only laughed and shook my head in the negative.

“No, Chris does not like smokers.”

She bit her lip, “that’s his name. Chris.”

She fell for him and she doesn’t even know his name?! My man, he doesn’t seem to recognize how charming he can be sometimes.

“So, what are your plans? What’s your name? How old are you, and where are your parents.”

She looked up at me and blinked a few times, then took a deep breath in. “My name is Aleksandra Kuznetsov, I am from Russia, and I am 21. My parents are 6 feet under the Russian tundra, unless the wolves dug them up to chew on their bones.”

Oh, a dark origin story! How nice. I walked up to her and picked up her chin. “Chris likes his girls to have more self confidence.”

“Girls? There are more?”

I smiled at her and left with a wink. “Tomorrow will be his birthday. Be ready by morning, I will have an uber pick you up.”

=== Alana ===

“Izz, what the fuck are you planning?”

She sat there acting innocent, which she can’t really pull off because of how thick and muscular she is. It’s almost funny, but she is cute when she tries.

“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” she gave me a smile while those words dropped out of her mouth.

“God damn it, Izz are you planning of taking in this girl!? We decided to not share him anymore, oh my god!”

“Alana, look. This girl is head over heels in love with him. She’s young, she has no family and she’s living practically on her own, and she lives in a shit apartment.”

“So?! So fucking what?! We don’t know her, we fucking don’t! At least we knew Rox a bit, but this bitch is a complete stranger!”

She’s not relenting. Izz can be so fucking selfish and hard headed sometimes, and when she plans something it’s usually dumb. God damn it, can Chris even handle four girls?! Izz and her god damn fetish, she needs to reel it in or feelings will be hurt.

“Belle, did you even run this through Chris? You need to start communicating properly with him, and with us! This relationship isn’t just you two anymore.”

At least someone’s making sense.

“It’ll be fine. Look, let’s see how she is. If she’s not a match with us, we cut our losses and I’ll give her some cash for her trouble.”

Fucking rich kids, I swear.

Chris is out shopping. We asked him to buy some lunch and he was glad to do so. I told him to just buy some chicken breast, some potatoes and cherry tomatoes and I’ll come up with something.

“Izz, we don’t know this girl. How do we know she’s not going to slit our throat in the morning? How?”

“Look, let’s just give her a chance ok?”

I give up. It’s like talking to a wall with her. She saw how frustrated I am, I guess, and she came up and gave me a hug. “It’s going to be fine, trust me babe. You trust me, right?”

She gave me a kiss, fuck this girl. “I trust you. I don’t trust her,” I sighed against her buxom bosoms, and she strokes my hair. “If she fucks with us, she’s out. Got it? She’s the last, alright? For real, she’s the last or I swear to god, I don’t know what I’ll do… probably run away somewhere!”

She strokes my head again and gave me another kiss. It’s so awkward kissing someone who’s so much taller than you. I had to go on my toes and she bent down slightly. “Don’t do that to me. I need you in my life Alana, alright? I’m lost without you.”

Fuck. She can really manipulate me well. I hope this doesn’t bite us in the ass.

Chris finally came home to his girls hugging each other. He set the groceries in the kitchen and joined in, and we each gave him a tight hug and a kiss.

“Babe, I know it’s not your birthday yet. But I wanted to show you something.”

Izz went to the kitchen and Rox and I joined her. She took deep breaths and she took the ingredients from the bags. Rox and I have each other nervous glances as we watched her hands.

She carefully took the raw chicken breast from the packet and placed it inside a ziplock, then poured in orange juice and a few squirts of fresh lemons. She nearly dropped the baggie and she sighed in relief when Rox caught it, earning a disappointed shake of her head.

“Belle, just relax alright? Breathe in and out, relax. You’re not in a competition, you’re not on a time line, just relax.”

She took a deep breath as she set her bag down inside a large bowl. She gathered the potatoes, the parsnip, carrots, and spices aside. She slowly peeled and cut the potatoes and the other vegetables down, and then gathered them into baking pan with a length of parchment paper down on it. She drizzled it with some olive oil, some salt and pepper, some paprika, garlic and onion powder and cayenne pepper, mixed them all up and placed them in a preheated oven for about 45 minutes.

We all clapped for her, especially Chris who watched in quiet amazement. She smiled and laughed as she takes it all in, but then recomposes herself.

She placed the chicken breast on another length of baking tray and parchment paper, sprinkling some lemon pepper on it, and then it all went into the oven as well.

She ran up to Chris and hugged him, like she just won the god damn Oscar or something.

“I’ve been taking some cooking classes babe,” she said while in tears, “it took me a while, but I got to prepare lunch by myself!”

“Oh, I’m so proud of you babe! So proud!”


Lunch was good. Surprisingly good. The chicken was moist and tender, but kind of pale so we were kind of wary in trying it. I fried mine to put some color into it, and I fixed up everyone else’s. Still, it was a good first lunch for Izz and she beamed with pride the entire time.

After lunch we sat around and talked. We try to get some quality time with each other, talking about what the plans are and what we’re doing. Rox sold a house the other day, while Chris has finally stopped being asked for some “relaxation” time at work. Izz doesn’t have a lot of things going on other than continuing with her cooking class.

Eventually our talks turned into what turns us on. Like really turns us on. Rox confessed that she likes dirty talks, especially from Chris and that she liked it when Chris spanks her. I want to try my hand at being dominant for once, telling Chris or Rox what to do. While I like being taken and thrown around and my brain fucked with, I think it’s a nice change of pace. Izz talked about wanting to get bred, that for Chris to start trying to get her pregnant, but she reassured us that she plans to stay on the pill until we’re ready to get pregnant. She just wants him to say that he’s going to put a baby in her or something.

She wants all of us, all three of us, to get pregnant at around the same time, so our kids would grow up together. Honestly I love that idea, and I think Rox is on board as well.

“Three kids at once,” Chris muttered, “I… that’s kind of scary to be honest.”

I see Izz’s hand moving across his chest while Roxxy reached over and rubbed his thighs. My hand went for his arm and I rubbed his shoulder a bit.

“What’s so scary about it?” Izz asked, gently purring against him. “It’s a man’s job to breed his women, you know.”

“W-Well, I’m just scared of all the things that can go wrong with a pregnancy. Don’t get me wrong, I want kids, but I also want my girls to be healthy afterwards.”

I love it when he calls us “his girls”. He fully accepted the fact that he owns us, or at least I’d like to think so. We’re at his beck and call, sex wise at least, and while he doesn’t exert his authority over us or anything he’s forceful enough to let us know he owns us. I don’t even think he realizes his control over us, nor do we even let him realize it.

He leaned over to his right and already Rox went over and gave him a passionate kiss. He didn’t even ask for it, and frankly he’s surprised by it. Eventually his hand went over and found the small of her back as he pulled her in close. When they parted, she licked her lips hungrily. I know she wanted more, but she’ll have to wait.

By this time, Izz has already worked his pants off him and she’s kneeling between his legs. She already has her mouth wrapped around his cock, though it’s still somewhat soft, but she’s sucking him off real well.

Rox went down to kneel next to her, sucking on his balls and taking it into her mouth. They moaned while looking up at us with hungry eyes. Chris is muttering softly under his breath, asking himself how did his life ended up in this situation.

“Sweetie,” I cooed against him as I sat closer to him, “you know exactly how you ended up in this situation. You let your cuckqueen of a girlfriend dictate your sex life!”

“Hey!” Izz pouted at me, causing Rox to quickly take Chris cock into her small mouth, “you begged to be in this relationship, you both begged!”

I giggled at her while I took my top off, “and Rox and I thank you for that, Izz-baby.” Chris’ right hand gravitated to my tits, grabbing at my orbs and molding them under his grip, while his left hand snaked their way behind me and grabbed a handful of my ass cheeks. Instantly I moaned, feeling his strong hands take control of my body as he pulled me in for a kiss. “Daddy, I want you. I fucking want you,” I whispered into his ears, ending it with a flick of my tongue, and he smiled again as we shared another hungry, aggressive kiss.

For once, I feel like THE girl. Usually it’s Izz, whenever the four of us fuck, that stands over us, but having her and Rox swapping spit and dick while I sit above them enjoying Chris’ lips and his attention made me feel important and loved.

“Alana, I love you. I love everything about you. The way you talk, the way you carry yourself, and just your general personality.”

Motherfucker can charm the pants off me. Those words alone sent my heart spiraling, and I feel that tug on my chest. “Fuck, Chris, you really ruined me for another relationship you know that sweetie?”

“Babe, you can’t be doing that and expect a girl to not swoon for you,” Izz retorted as she popped his cock out from her mouth and hands it over to Rox, “and you ask yourself why Alana or Roxxy fell for you; it’s because you say things like that.”

“Well I’m sorry, alright!”

He took Rox by the hand and lead her up to sit next to him, while I made my way down to join Izz.

=== Roxxy ===

He is so sweet. His lips are like nectar to me, and so is his dick.

Our lips touched together and his hands went to fondle my breast. I wish mine were bigger, as big as Alana’s maybe but I don’t have the back muscles to support a size like Belle’s.

“Don’t be silly, your tits are perfect,” he tells me every day, “and I wouldn’t change anything about you, or Alana or Bella. You’re all perfect to me.”

I took my shirt and pants off, keeping my thong on as Alana tells me he loves fucking his girls while they’ve got their thong on. It’s a visual kink that he and Victor shares. Those two shares a lot of kinks if I’m being honest.

Damn, he really has a way with how he delivers his words. He leaned over and took one of my breast into his mouth, sucking and licking my nipples while his hands played with my clit.

I can hear Alana or Belle gagging on his massive dick. I can hear their efforts with their blowjobs. Their rhythmic noises started to really turn me on, and I wasn’t even aware of it until Chris stuck a finger into my sloppy cunt, pulled it out and he opened his fingers before me to show a length of my cunt juice stretch between his finger. He gave me a smile as he sucked in his fingers. Oh, that turns me on too! He’s such a filthy, sexy man!

“Get on my face,” he told me, and at first I didn’t think it was a good idea but somehow… I wanted to do it. I climbed over his chest, swung my leg over his shoulder and then I felt his warm mouth envelop me. His sloppy tongue cleaning up my pussy, licking and drinking my juices with no remorse.

“Fuck! Oh god, that’s good! Oh, god! Keep… keep going, oh shit!”

I hooked my legs against one another while my hand grabbed the back of his strong neck while his hands went and supported my lower back. “Shit! Holy, shit babe! I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”

His lips and tongues are relentless. He would playfully bite my labia and poke and flick my bean with his tongue. He gave me heaps of pleasure all the while having Belle and Alana sucking and slobbering all over his cock. They giggled as they watched me squirm and shake around him, throwing my head back, crying and moaning while my hips bucked against him. “Chris, baby, l-let me down. I can’t hold on anymore, let me down, please!”

Alana and Belle helped me down as I keep squirming, “s-so good,” I managed to mumble and the pair just laughed at me softly, “that was great but -”

I guess he didn’t want to wait as he plunged himself into my wetness. I moaned and cried out in surprise as I looked at him, slowly pushing his thick rod into me. Slowly and passionately, he’s letting me savor his thickness spreading my walls apart. Usually he goes for Bella first, the proverbial pecking order, but we’ve had a meeting recently where he laid down a few ground rules moving forward.

He didn’t want to show any favoritism, which kind of made Belle irritated. She enjoyed being the first in his eyes and he knows that, but Chris wanted the relationship to be of equal footing. No one has more say in what goes on. He says that, but the three of us will always know that Belle sits on top. Alana and I has resigned to that, that’s mostly why Belle went off on this plan of hers with that other girl.

Chris also would like to show each of us equal amounts of affection. Going forward, he would like to have sex with one girl only each night so he can better focus his attention to that girl. The three of us didn’t think too much on this point of his. In reality, we like getting fucked all at once. We like seeing each other get rammed by his hard cock, or slobbering and making a mess as we blow his thick, hard cock. We like seeing each other’s faces as we take in the pleasures he’s giving us. We just like seeing each other get fucked, really. Belle, I think, is going to contest that during his birthday.

He also reinforced that he will not tolerate cheating. If any one of us, even Belle, wanted to leave him then we are free to do so. I wasn’t sure what he meant by this, but he told us he will not tolerate any sort of infidelity. If he finds out that one of his girls is cheating on him, then he’ll just kick them out of the relationship and the house. I don’t have any experience regarding cheating, but I assured him that I wanted him and only him.

“I would rather we end a relationship on a good note, perhaps a broken heart but trust intact, than to have both my heart and trust be broken at the same time. Time heals a broken heart, but trust is extremely hard to repair.” Those were his words.

Another point is where and how he ejaculates. He likes cumming inside us, in our pussy specifically, but he also asked us if there are any other places he would like to… deposit his load, as he puts it. We looked at each other shyly at first, until Belle said that she doesn’t care where he drops his cum on. He can cum on her face, in her mouth, in her asshole, on her pussy, in her pussy, on her abs, on her back, anywhere he wants really. Except for the hair, because she’s forced to have to wash her hair to get it out. Alana added that she likes feeling his cum roll into her pussy or her throat, and would like it if her face could be defiled. She was so cute when she said that. I added that I’m fine with anywhere, except for the hair too and Alana quickly added that as well.

Next topic was anal. He wasn’t so sure if all of his girls liked anal. Belle eagerly pronounced that she would like to have more anal sex, while Alana is fine with either one but she did like having both of her holes filled. I enjoyed that feeling as well, and so Alana and I will most likely be participating in both of our anal adventures with Chris. He then nodded, and mumbled about buying some butt plugs to help us out. And lube.

Finally, Chris would also like to include our input in what our life is going to be. Obviously he’s going to get married, but to whom? More than likely, he’s going to marry Belle but he also intends on giving each of us a ring to signify our love for one another. He’s said this once before, when it was just Belle and Alana in the relationship, but now that I’ve been taken in I’ve been shown the same amount of love and respect. Chris would also like to meet my parents, but I doubt they’ll be receptive to him. I don’t think they’ll like the idea of their daughter, their ONLY daughter, being in such a complicated relationship. Hell, I don’t even think my brothers would take too kindly to him.

But they’re smaller, less muscular, and less physically intimidating than Chris is.

Chris kneeled down between my leg as he finally pushed in the middle part of his cock into me, the thicker part, which caused me to gasp and moan sensually at him. “You’re so beautiful, Roxanne, so beautiful.”

“Chris, you really need to stop that. You’re going to make me cry,” I sniffled at him, but he shook his head.

“I don’t know if I say it enough,” he reasoned as he pulled his cock back slowly, making the rim of his thick helmet grind against my walls, “and frankly, I don’t know if you hear it enough. But you are beautiful, and I love you and everything about you.”

I covered my eyes as I felt a tear roll down the side of my head and onto my ears. “Damn it, Chris! This is why I’ll never leave you for anyone else! I hope you’re happy being stuck with me.” Feeling his cock retreating is making me feel that warmth building up inside me.

“Tell me I’m pretty again,” I asked him and he just smiled at me while he slowly retrieves his cock from me but kept the head inside the entrance.

“You,” he started as he began to thrust in, “Are,” he added as he got to the thickest part of his dick, “Pretty,” he finished as he finally dug his entire cock into me. I gasped and moaned against him, rubbing and squeezing his thick, veiny arms. He started to pick up his tempo and I looked over to watch his cock continuously penetrate me. “God, you’re just as tight as the first time,” he remarked as he grinned at me, throwing himself over me so that his face is looking right at me.

“I love you, Chris,” I whispered softly, “I mean that.”

He gave me a kiss with his tongue forcing its way into my mouth, licking the insides and even rubbing itself against my teeth. “Sorry, I got carried away there for a second.”

I gave him a soft giggle as I pull him back into me while my legs splayed out before him. Belle and Alana watched as Chris has his way with me, with Belle holding Alana over her lap and has been rubbing her pussy as it grows even more wet. Chris started kissing down my neck, gently nibbling the muscles running down and he even gave my earlobes a nibble.

“Shit, I might have worked myself up too much,” he mumbled and I’m left with the feeling of him starting to piston pump into me, faster and faster, harder and harder.

“Fuck me! Fuck me, harder! Faster, faster!” I commanded him and he just groaned as his slammed his pelvis down into me. I love that feeling of being taken, being used like I’m some sort of toy for him to get himself off. Don’t get me wrong, I still love it when he’s sensual and he caress me and treats me lovingly, but whenever he fucks me hard and fast, slaps my face and my ass, and grabs me a little too tight, it makes me feel wanted and loved as well.

“I’m cumming! Keep fucking me, keep going! Fuck me, slap my face, slap my face babe!”

He slapped me, hard and that tingling sensation as blood rushes to the area gave me a sort of high. “Again! Fucking slap the other side! Do it! Hurt me, daddy, hurt your little princess!” Again, he slapped me and I came just from that. I groaned loud as I scratched at his back, biting his shoulder as I scream into him.

He flipped over to his back while carrying me along, making me mount him and immediately my hips started bucking against him. “Slap my ass. Slap it hard, alright? I want your handprint on my ass.”

He drew his hand back and slammed it hard on my ass. I felt that surge of momentary pain, but then it turned into pleasure in my brain. I see his other hand drew back again and I waited for that sensation, that hard sting on my ass, and when his palm came down the pain gave me such a high. I felt my twitching pussy climb over his cock as I bounce over him again, but then I felt another set of hands on my ass. I looked back to see Alana spreading me wide back there, looking at me curiously. Then, she went down and started licking my sensitive asshole. “Alana, don’t!” I called out but she just grinned at me.

She held “Chris” in her hands. I haven’t seen it, I’ve heard of it, but these two has never revealed him to me. Even the times where Alana and I made love, she never used it on me. Now, I know why.

She gave that thick, black, rubber cock a few licks and sucks and then she teased my brown hole with it. She dropped a length of drool on my asshole and she made sure to press down slightly when she spreads it. “Don’t bite too hard, babe,” she giggled at me as she teased me.

“No, no I’m not ready,” I whined but they weren’t listening.

“Roxxy, it’s a tradition. Don’t worry, it’ll feel really, really good,” Belle said as she laid down next to Chris, “you ready babe?” she grinned at him and he just nodded while his eyes are closed and I felt his hands tighten around my waist.

I could feel Alana’s warm breath brushing against me, that teasing bitch. I nervously looked back, it’s been a couple of weeks since the New Years party and I haven’t really done anything to loosen up my asshole a bit. I don’t think Belle or Alana did either, so I’m starting to think this is something they thought up on the fly.

Alana pressed it gently into me, letting my asshole get used to the “Chris” girth. Honestly, it’s not as thick as the actual meaty cock, but it still felt good. I appreciate how Alana is treating me gingerly. She knows I like sexual pain, but right now she’s choosing to make sure I am comfortable and to not be so rough.

I looked back and bit my lip seductively, giving her a nod and she gave me a nod in response. She pressed it in deeper, and deeper, and I felt that familiar pain coursing through my lower quarters. Dear god, it’s so painful! It felt like a burning rod being stuck into my ass, but at the same time it felt so good to me.

I dug my fingers into Chris’ shoulder, groaning as an incredible pressure crept up into me. I can hear Alana’s soothing voice trying to calm me down, and as I look over to Belle, she’s rubbing her pussy while she simply watches. That’s been her kink, just watching girls get fucked by her boyfriend. She said she enjoys watching our faces contort and rapidly change from the pleasures Chris is giving us, and she derives her own kind of pleasure from that. She also said that she has to reign it in, to suppress it because Chris, really, doesn’t want to have random sex with girls he doesn’t know or care about. He would rather build up a relationship and let it flourish into something grand and beautiful. So Belle has to sacrifice that kink of hers, settling down to just watching Alana and my face. Maybe her plans with that girl has something to do with this kink of hers.

I howled softly as Alana advanced “Chris” into me and she shushed me softly while rubbing my back. Eventually, she gave my ass a hard slap as I think she’s about hilted it into me. Then, Chris started moving. “Fuck, that feels good. A tight pussy and that dildo in your ass is making your little throbs harder,” he told me as he thrusted upwards then added, “and whenever I fuck you, your pussy tightens up even more.”

I have no idea what he’s talking about. I got a dildo up my ass and a big, white cock inside my pussy and I’m not in the position to listen at this moment. My brain can only handle so much and right now it’s swimming in a feel-good cocktail.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” I muttered, it’s about the only thing my brain and mouth can say right now. Even worse when I hear a little *plink* and then it started. That little bitch! “Chris” started vibrating in my ass as Alana drew it back and forth slowly, full on vibrating! I couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t handle it all… It’s too much!

=== ***Chris*** ===

I feel Roxxy just slump down against me. She was mumbling and moaning before, but now she’s just quiet. I cup her cheeks and turn her head towards me.

“I think she’s passed out.”

Alana took the vibrating dildo from her ass slowly and I could feel the entire thing being drawn out. The entire, vibrating, thing rubbing against me through Roxxy’s walls. That felt good, to be honest. Alana gingerly took her to her arms and started slapping her cheeks, calling out her name, while Bella went up and walked to the room. She came back with a small cylinder which she held against Roxxy’s nose, immediately drawing her awake.

“Holy shit!” Roxxy yelled out, “Holy shit, holy fuck! Holy shit!”

“Roxxy, calm down, babe,” Alana laughed as she tried to hold her down, “relax, babe, relax!”

“Fuck! That was… that was good. That was really good. That was fantastic! Holy shit, don’t do that again, Alana. Don’t do that again!”

She grabbed Alana’s cheeks and pulled her towards her own and the two started making out. I was worried that these two wouldn’t get along, but I guess they eventually started being attracted to one another.

“Chris, fuck us babe,” Roxxy seductively said as she straddled Alana and pumped her ass out, “make us feel good, please.”

My cock is still slick from Roxxy, so I positioned myself before them. I started fucking Alana’s tight pussy first, causing her to immediately scream while her hands wrapped around Roxxy’s back. “Does that feel good for you babe? Tell me how it feels.”

“It feels good. It feels so good. I don’t ever want this to go away, Rox.”

After a minute or so of fucking Alana, I switched over and penetarated Roxxy’s quivering mound. She’s still so tight, even after all that fucking we did she’s still tight. She started moaning, groaning out obscenities. Alana started slapping her ass while I grabbed her thin waist.

“Oh, Alana baby, he feels so good! His thick cock is just banging into me so good!”

“Don’t pass out on me, baby, don’t pass out again alright?’

Roxxy only giggled at that then they went back to kissing one another.

Bella decided she’s had enough. She got on top of them, bent over by the waist and presented herself to me. She’s so tall, so tall, that she can do this and her pussy is just tall enough that I only needed to bend down slightly to enjoy her.

Dear god, my life is turning into a porno… Victor warned me about this. He’s always commenting that I’m making a harem, and at first I didn’t agree with him. But now, now that I’m living with three girlfriends and our sex life is taking up a huge part of our lives, I’m compelled to agree. I need to have a real connection with them. I need to establish myself emotionally with them, not just through sex but with other things. I need to properly date them.

The orchestra of my girlfriends moaning, how Bella’s slightly lower tone lifts up Roxxy and Alana’s higher pitched moans. I feasted on Bella’s impeccable pussy while I slid my cock in and out of Alana’s own, switching into Roxxy’s when I felt she needed attention. Eventually, I started feeling that pressure inside my loins beginning to overwhelm me, and I bid my girls to kneel before me. Bella took the helm, sitting directly in front while Alana and Roxxy sat and flanked her.

“You’re going to cum for us? You want to coat us with your ditty, yummy, thick cum?” Bella smiled as she flicked her tongue teasingly at my tip.

“Daddy, give us your warm cum. Feed us your warm cum, please,” Alana begged as she latched ont my right ball, nodding and giving me her big, doe eyes.

“We want your cum, daddy. We want your warm cum. Feed it to us, feed your pretty little princess your thick, warm, hot cum,” Roxxy mewled as her lips encapsulated my left ball. My hand stroked furiously as I aimed the head towards their wide, open mouths.

I let out a jet of white milk into Bella’s waiting mouth, then a rope into Alana’s and then another into Roxxy. Fifteen streams of my cum landed onto their faces. Fifteen. I only really cum that hard when I’m turned on, and seeing my girls begging for me to feed them has really gotten my motor running. My girls giggled as they licked each other clean, and I was careful not to get any in their hair.

I sat down on the floor, with my cock still hard and full mast, and took a breather.

But my girls wouldn’t let me. They see that I’m still erect, and they crawled up to me. It’s not even my birthday yet and already this is a good day for me.

~ End of Part 37 ~
