MILF meeting of the landscapers

It was the beginning of June and summer was a coming. This morning I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking my coffee listening to the morning news where the forecast for the upcoming week was a preview of summer. Sunny and hot for the upcoming week was the weather for my area. I always loved the summer because my two teenagers went to summer camp and they got to spend the entire month of July down the shore with their grandparents. My husband was always busy during summer as he ran a fishing charter down at the shore. He too stayed down at his parents house most of the summer to eliminate all the long drives back and forth to our house 40 miles from the shore.

We were that family that lived in the house with the white picked fence and all was perfect looking from the outside in on our life. Noone knew the turmoil I went through being married right out of highschool to my husband now and having two kids within a 20 month period. Now coming up on our 20th wedding anniversary I still had deep inner desires. I wanted attention and I wanted to be desired by a young hard bodied good looking young man. To be perfectly honest I wanted to be used in the bedroom like a bad bad girl. All I knew was missionary with my husband and I felt more and more as I just had a pussy for a place for my husband to cum deep inside of and for him to feel pleasure. I seemed more and more to be left with the thoughts of hey what about me and my needs and how much longer can I keep overlooking the importance of my needs and wants. I hurried along and woke the kids up and got them moving for their first day of the beginning of their summer vacation.

The kids were up and about and I was going to get into my car and take a drive to clear my mind. I would do this from time to time to escape my deep thoughts and to attempt to sort through these thoughts. I had my bikini on as we have a built in pool and I usually spend 90 percent of the summer laying by the pool or lounging in the pool. I went upstairs and turn the corner as I reached the top of the stairs and smack I ran right into my towel only wrapped around my teenage sons waist Aaron and my tits bounced right off his developing muscular pecs. My instinct was to grab on to hisself and I found my right hand grabbing on his right hip and how sexy did his abds feel. I know it is my blood and never did I ever have any XXX thoughts about Aaron. This specific day I just had my deep thoughts be more of a distraction as I thought about wow how nice it would be to be used by a guy with a body like Aaron’s. I bet my son would explore all the intimate parts of my womanhood that his dad takes for granted ever so often and neglects all my needs. I giggled with my son and told him jokingly watch where the fuck your going son and that is how our relationship was friendly, very close and always joking around. He responded with Momma your always such a bad bad girl and you keep it up and it will be punishment for you MOMMY. I caught myself and reeled it in and told Aaron I was going out for awhile and would see him in a few hours.

I hurried into my room and went to my chest of drawers and pulled out my cut off jeans and slide them up over my black bikini bottom and sat down on the bed. I laid back on the bed and just tried to take a breather after that eerie and odd encounter with Aaron but I slide my hand down my flat tummy and into the waistband of my bikini bottom. I slide my hand down to the top of my womanhood and slide my middle finger down the front of my box and felt the moisture of my puffy pussy lips. They were wet and I slide my finger in my pussy and it was getting wetter as I kept visiting the XXX thoughts of Aaron. Quickly I sat up button my shorts and slide my feet into my 7 inch heels which I was that neighborhood lady that was always parading around in such high high heels. I stood up and saw myself in the mirror and thought to myself how sexy I still look and my new 34 D’s were looking so good. If my husband was good for anythi g that would be the new titties he bought me over the winter.

I walk out of the side door and the walkway leads me to the driveway and that is where I parked my car. As I was walking to my car I noticed my neighbors had their landscaping crew working today out on their always well manicured lawn. I noticed the one guy working out there was shirtless and about 6 inches taller then Aaron. I was walking slowly while watching this shirtless guy move ever so sexually as my mind was going into the gutter for sure as this heightened sexual awareness or lack of sexual pleasure was growing more and more and becoming an obsession today for whatever reason. We made eye contact and I quick looked away and went to get into my car. I started the car and rolled down the passenger window as I had a thought. I slowly backed out of my driveway and slowly proceeded to the park but was slowly driving by the landscapers on my neighbors lawn. I came almost to a complete stop and quietly called out to the shirtless guy, “Ex ex excuse me young man?”. He turned to look at my car passing on by and slowly started to walk towards my car. I came to a complete stop and waited until he came up to the side of my car where I had the passenger window rolled down. There he was a young man with thick black hair and he had a well tanned face and some stubble growing in on his lower chin. I said, ” hi young man I wanted to see if you would do me a favor and take a ride to the gas station with me and help me get air in my spare tire. It is just too heavy for me to lift all by myself.

The strange shirtless landscaper responded, “Ok but I gotta get right back as I gotta watch my crew.”. I told him to jump in and let’s go the gas station is just around the corner. He opened the door and got in my car and sat in the front passenger seat. I rolled up the window and drove away as I somehow got me a prize for the day in my car. I asked him his name and he told me it was Greg and I told him my name was Tara and it was great to meet him. As I was driving to the gas station I reached my right hand over to touch his naked stomach and just ran my fingers across his stomach finishing off with a lightly run of my pinkie fingernail across his tight young skin. He tensed up when he felt my sharp nail go into his skin and I smiled at him and said Greg we need to have a fun summer together.

We reached the gas station and I drove to the back of the lot where the air pump was and I released the trunk from under the dash. We both got out of the car and headed to the trunk. With my high heels on I was eye level to his shoulder and we stood next to each other with me liking that this young man was taller then me and I was in my head thinking with Greg being taller then me he should be able to take control of my needed self. I bend into the trunk and grabbed onto the spare tire and I started to move it towards the front of the trunk. Greg persistent and take charge reached in and told me no no I will take care of getting air in this tire for you Ma’am. The one crushing word I hated to hear….all my son’s friends call me Ma’am ….all my good looking flirty husbands friends calls me Ma’am and it seems like any guy I find interest in responds with Ma’am. I took a mental note of him calling me that and headed back into the car. I got into the car and leaned over and opened the glove compartment and checked to make sure that my PINK pal was in there so I could hopefully start the plan to finally be that bad girl and be with YES ANOTHER MAN besides my husband of close to 20 years.

Slam slam and with that the trunk was closed and my passenger door opens and Greg jumps in and closes the door. He tells me all is set with the spare tire and reminds me he needs to get back to his crew. I have the key that locks the spare tire to the trunk and I reach my hand out to Greg and asks him to put these key into my glove compartment so I don’t lose it. Greg opens the glove box and like my plan was set up my bright pink vibrator falls out onto the floor on the passenger side. Greg sees it falls out and tries to ignore the fact that my friend is now on the floor in the car rolling all around as I am driving out of the gas stations parking lot. I giggle and say, “Greg I am sorry and I am so embarrassed but you know if my man cannot satisfy me then I need something else to satisfy my sexual urges and needs. I continue to drive and I take a chance and reach over and grab Greg’s lower thigh right above his knee.and I just leave my hand there as I ask him do you mind please pick it up for me as I dont want it to break. I said dont worry it is clean and besides I would think you would love to be able to touch or grab my toy even if I had just used it right Greg as I slowly began to move my hand lightly up and down a small area of his lower thigh. He bent forward and grabbed my vibrator.
