Forbidden Desires-Part 13

When my brother joined the army and left me alone with my twin Sarah and our parents, all I felt was a sense of extreme vertigo from heartbreak. My feet laid firmly on the ground as he went up the bus steps and my head and body went into the sickening spinning freefall. A screaming of my sub and unconscious mind in unmistakable unison. And when he died, the vertigo went from a six out of ten to a hundred out of ten as I lost the only family that ever truly accepted me for being me.

This is how I felt, a sense of vertigo as flames lept from my hands and towards the five hooded figures, followed shortly by the melting of Seattle into the sight of the inside of my studio apartment in Bellingham, WA.

Fernando, someone I had known for less then two days, held me steady and helped me sit on my couch before my cluttered coffee table.

“I’ll get you some water,” he says to my spinning head.

But before he goes I grab his arm, stopping him in his tracks and making the room settle into a still silence as the events at Pike Place Market storm my senses and everything odd about him melt into it like cheese on hot bread.

“No,” I tell him. “You are going to explain everything to me right now, Fernando.”

His face flushes red and he nods his head, taking a seat next to me.

“What’s going on?” I ask him. “Why is all of this happening?”

“It’s complicated,” he says. “There are many parts to it, like a puzzle. You might think I’m crazy, if I tell you though. I–”

“Tell me,” I interrupt him.  “I’m sure it’s not as complicated as you make it sound.”

“Okay,” he says, licking his lips. “I wasn’t born in this reality but rather across what is known as the Veil.  I came here to hide, to get away from my family who hate me for being gay.  They tried to force my hand in marriage to a woman I could never love no matter how hard I tried.

“They sent Rodger, an old friend of mine, to bring me back no matter what because over there I am the sole heir to the Providence of Rosa and the last of my bloodline.”

My head reels I wonder if this is how Bella felt when she found out Edward was a vampire. I ask him, “How am I able to shoot fire?”

“We mated,” he said. “When we had sex, an emotional connection formed between us, a Tither as my people call it. That is the sole reason why royals marry other royals for together they share each other’s powers by the tying of their souls with the gifting of their virginities.”

“But I’m not a virgin,” I say.

“That’s fine,” he says, blushing. “It doesn’t work that way for you because you aren’t from the other side of the Veil and you have no power to gift. Because I gifted you with my first time, it created the Tither still by burning not just the crescent moon, which is the symbol of my family and kingdom, onto my body, but also yours. It is the reason why you shot flames from your palms at Rodger and his men, but it’s also the reason why you already feel as though we are soul mates. 

“It turns us into soulmates, strengthening the love we already had or may never have had. Making it where we would do anything for eachother, no matter the cost, Alonso.”

My hands shake with resentment towards his family and anger that he did this before we even fully knew each other. How could he possibly subject me to such a life without fully giving me the option? Then again, would it have mattered if he told me this before we had made passionate sex? I probably would have still had intercourse with him even if he told me about it. There was something about him when I first met him that already made me start to fall head over heels for him as though he were the love interest in a romcom.

“Rodger knows that we’ve Tithered?” I say.

“He does now,” Fernando frowns and his brow creases. “Which adds more issues. Now that he knows, no doubt he’s sent a message over the Veil and to my parents. They aren’t just after me now but also you.”

“How did they find you?” I ask him with a swallow.

“I’m still mystified that they found me,” he says, holding my hand and moving his thumb in a circle over my skin. “I cloaked myself from Rodger which means that they had to have gotten the blood or follicle of a relative to digest for the tracking spell.”

“Can they still track you,” I ask. “And what will they do with me now they know you and I have Tithered?”

“Knowing my mother, she probably only gave them enough to track me once or maybe twice,” he grimaces. “And as for what they will do to you, I dare not wish to think of it, my love.”

I swallow again and say, ” Is there a way for them to track me?”

“I’m afraid so,” he say. “When they saw you, they gathered an image of you in their minds. They can use that in half a dozen tracker spells if they haven’t placed a marker on you during the attack.  But I have a way to fix it. If you’ll let me.”

“Will it hurt?” I ask him.

“Some,” he grimaces and takes my hand. “But it’s not bad, not compared to what they may do.”

“Then do it,” I say and he kisses my hand.

I can’t help it but I laugh and Fernando looks at me weirdly which makes me laugh even more.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I can’t help it. It’s just something I do when I get nervous sometimes.

“It’s fine,” he said. “When I was to told of my engagement I laughed for hours in my chambers that night.”

“Does this mean I’ll have to leave my studio for a while?”

“More than likely,” he says grimly. 

“For how long?” I say, worry filling me from the thought of being on the run. 

“One thing at a time,” he says. “First though let’s get you fixed.”

“What do we have to do?”

Following his instructions, I strip naked. Apart of me feels immodest peeling my clothes off while he stays in his clothes. 

Fernando’s eyes divert but every now and then me catching them roam to my body. Once or twice I catch him and he blushes. My cock hardens some and I tug it, smirking at him as he takes it in and adjusts himself now that I’m fully nude. 

A part of me wants him to fuck me. For him to throw the contents off my coffee table, bend me over, and eat my coffee brown Latino ass with his beautiful and perfect pink tongue as though he’s an anteater. Then, as my hole is nice and open, to feel his uncut cock slide into me and just slam pleasure through my body.

“My” he says, interrupting my thoughts. “I would love more then anything to fuck you over the table. Sadly, we’re pressed for time.”

I blush and I’m caught off guard with the fact he knew what I was thinking.

“It’s the Tither,” he says. “I can’t read your thoughts but I can feel your hunger and curiousity.”

“What now?” I ask him, my uncut cock hard and throbbing. Leaking some even.

“Lay down on the ground,”he says.

Fernando removes a piece of chalk from his jean pockets and outlines my body on the rug. After that he drags a sun over my right shoulder and a moon over my left.

“Take a deep breath,” he says, looking down into my face from where he stands over my head.

I inhale the aroma of my studio, a mixer of duty laundry, sweat, and rain. My eyes watch his face as his eyes roll into the back of his head and chatting begins in a speed my ears can’t follow.

My body blazes with heat and I scream in agony.

Darkness falls and Fernando is gone. My studio is gone. I am gone. 
