Our Hot Daughters [M/F]

Being a father is great. And even greater if you got some beautiful daughters. Guiding them into adulthood is just a great, but demanding experience. Especially when you are a pervert like me: I like my girls barely legal. Not that I am not attracted to some older women, like my wife, but all together I prefer them young. It is just my kink.

So it got tricky, difficult for me when my two daughters came into that age. They were just a total taboo temptation. Luckily, when I started to see them as something different as just my daughters, the time of family vacation trips were over. And they both had just moved out of our family home. The were smart, they went to study at a university out of down. So I was safe. Temptation was low. At least regarding my daughters.

And yes, I mentioned her earlier, my wife. We were the ideal match. We still loved each other after more than two decades with each other. And there were some sparkles left in bed. But something was missing, it wasn’t as explosive as it used to be years ago.

One night, we both had dinner together at home, I began to talk with her about it. And her response really surprised me: She felt the same way. We both somehow seemed relieved, but weren’t ready to go in deeper.

A few days later, we were cuddling on the couch, she came up with the topic again. Out of the blue she told me for the first time that she was Bi. I just said okay. And came up with the grand idea to get another woman into our bedroom. She said yes, but said no to the woman: She wanted a girl. Something young. Something the age our daughters had back then. I told her, that I was okay with the idea. And I even told her, that I really had something for such young girls. We kept on cuddling. And we made love.

The day after, we began to develop a concrete plan about how to go on, how to seduce some young girls to join us in bed. At first we failed miserable, but after a few weeks we had our first victory. Our first threesome with some young girl. And it was awesome. For both of us. So we kept on going. Got better in our game.

And damn it, we had some great orgies. Some awesome weekends filled with nothing but sex. We even had some of our daughters former classmates in our bed. Our former family home turned into a wild and kinky playground for two perverts around 50. We just had fun. And no remorse at all. It even brought us together closer. We landed in bed more often, just the two of us. And we even brought back date night.

And date night was always special: We either went out for a fancy dinner. Or we just ordered some takeout and had a candlelight dinner at home. Or we just went for some drinks to a nice bar. And it was one of those alcohol fueled bar nights that I will never forget: We were talking about some hot young girls and somehow we changed over to our own daughters. It started with some casual parents chit chat, but moved into a total different direction. It got sexual. Thanks to our old taboo breaking friend called alcohol. We both admitted that our daughters were beautiful. And hot. And we started to fantasizing about having them in our bed. Committing the cardinal sin. We dove deep into it. And it was a big turn on for us both. A really big one. A minute later we were in the restroom of the bar. Fucking each other like some horny drunk 18 year old. After we were done, we just left the bar and took a taxi back home.

And it was her, who asked me if I was serious with having our daughters in our bed? I said no, just the alcohol, and the horniness speaking. She told about the same. Back home, we just went to bed, cuddled a little and fell asleep. But somehow, that fucking my own daughters thing, wasn’t gone in the next morning. It was there to stay.

It was a few weeks later. My wife and I were planning some nice sex filled weekend together. And we were looking for ways to spice things up even further. And I just said, lets get two young girls and let them pretend that they are our daughters. Just some nice and dirty role-play. My wife was silent for a moment. I was already beginning to pull back. To make her forget about what I proposed. But she just said yes.

When the weekend came, we both were damn nervous. How would it be? Would it be a turn on or a disgusting failure? And you might already have guessed it, it was nothing but a big turn on. Being called dad while you fuck some young thing up her ass just did it for me. It just gave me that I break a taboo feeling deep inside my guts. I enjoyed. I enjoyed everything about it. I enjoyed having dinner with the girls, talking about their university experience while having a big hard one between my legs in anticipation what would cum next. Fucking one of them in one of my daughters bed’s was just a big big turn on. And I love my wife. I just love her for being her: She was thinking the same. And in our post weekend talk, we always cuddled together in the living room after the orgy was over and the place cleaned up, we came up with the grand idea to seduce our own daughters. To turn our family into a family that shares everything. And knows no borders. But it will be a difficult task.

It was around one month until Christmas. Both of our daughter will come back home and visit their parents for a week or so. A week of time for my wife and me to achieve our goal: Fucking our daughters. And yes it is wrong. A terrible wrong thing to do, but well, we just didn’t care back then. And still don’t do now.

One date night, we began setting up a plan: First thing, we got more open with our sexuality. We were planning to fuck like some rabbits and don’t care if a door is open or not. Second, we decided to change to a more open hearted dress code. I would run around in boxers and T-shirts more often, she probably just wearing some large T-shirt. Or some night gown.

And yes, we both began to fantasize about it. Painted a scenario. Together. And had to disappear to the toilet again. To relieve some pressure. Back at the table at the restaurant – it was an isolated table, so no one else could listen into our conversation, and who cared, because it was a small town, and we were already known as the perverts – we kept on talking and planning. In the middle of our meal, we had to visit the bathroom again. After that, we kept the conversation casual. And went back home, some cuddling and some sweet dreams.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/quqpp0/our_hot_daughters_mf

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