I [M] got drunk & high and cheated on my girlfriend with her really beautiful best friend [F] [LONG]

For reasons that will become obvious in the story, I’m going to change some names to protect some identities.


Before the pandemic hit, I was single and content with being alone. I never had to much trouble getting girls (A lot of girls have told me I’m handsome) and felt that having a gf would only serve to hinder my options and freedom. Not that I’m like some sex god who’s constantly fucking or anything, but I like to mess around more casually with different people (I think like most people my age [Early-Mid 20s]). I hadn’t been in an exclusive relationship since high school and I figured I probably wouldn’t be committed to a girl at this point in my life anyways. However, over the pandemic, I became gradually lonelier and began trying to look for a girl to cuff.

My main way of doing this was by sliding in the DMs and telling girls I thought they looked cute or something like that… I hooked up with a number of girls this way since the pandemic started but never found girlfriend material, that is of course until I met Rachel in the middle of spring 2021.

Like pretty much any other girl I met over the pandemic, the first contact with Rachel was over Dms. We exchanged a few messages where we flirted. I essentially told her I found her attractive and she said she thought I was too. We exchanged numbers, and within the next couple of days, set up a date to meet up at the end of the week…

On that first date we clicked instantly. Conversation flowed super easily and we were laughing at each others jokes, maybe harder than we should have been because people were looking at us like we were annoying them.

On her IG she looked pretty cute, despite this, she actually looked cuter in person. And her laugh was super sexy.

We were into a lot the same music, movies, tv shows, books… (she’s a fellow Olaf Stapledon fan which is rare to find) but most importantly we had the same sense of humor. We both knew from the first date that there was something electric between us.

So for the next month we hung out a lot – just to two of us. We would often just walk around the city talking and grabbing food. She was into photography so she liked to take me to scenic places like rooftops of really tall buildings (we fucked on rooftops a couple times).

We kissed on the first date but we didn’t fuck until the 3rd date. She’s not the most skilled in bed but she’s very passionate and tender which is nice. She prefers it slow and soft which can be frustrating for me sometimes when I have urges to go crazy and dominate her like an animal.

None the less, she has such a warm and sparkling personality that it felt impossible to not catch feelings for her. About a month after our first date, I asked her to be my girl and she said yes, enthusiastically. She told me that she’d been wanting me to meet the people who are important to her (friends and family). About two days later she asked me to go out to a bar with her to meet her best friend Mika for drinks – which I accepted, of course.

She had mentioned Mika a number times during that first month before we became bf and gf. I knew that Mika was the same age as Rachel and that they met at college and that they did photography projects together but that’s it. I had no concept of what she looked like, what her personality was like, etc… I don’t recall ever seeing her on Rachel’s IG (not even on her photography acct). I wasn’t super interested about this ‘Mika’ person so I never really asked follow up questions about her when she was mentioned.

I arrived at the bar for drinks and spotted the girls before they saw me. My girlfriend Rachel was sitting in a booth across from some girl I’d never ever seen before.

I stopped approaching the booth and just stared at this mystery girl for a moment. I realized that I had definitely seen her on Rachel’s photography account. My heart started pounding. I still feel horrible saying it but during that moment I felt that this girl that was sitting across from my girlfriend was probably the most beautiful woman I had ever seen with my own eyes. I was totally mesmerized by her. I composed myself and began moving towards the booth again. Rachel finally saw me and waved me over. I took the seat beside her, took off my mask, and kissed her. Then Rachel introduced us – that’s when I finally got a good look at the mystery girl up close.

I’ve never had much difficulty being around girls but Mika was something else. She’s the only girl I ever really felt nervous/intimidated around to the point where I didn’t know what to say. She was pretty as a picture with a smile that could brighten an entire room and I feel could make most men fall weak for her. Beautiful facial features with a particularly cute button nose and dimples. She had that ageless type of beauty.

Mika introduced herself with a warm smile and the three of us got to talking and drinking. She had the smoothest and most provocative voice that made her sound like she was flirting even when it was clear she wasn’t. She had healthy shining lush hair that went down to her mid back.

Her most striking feature is her eyes though. She had the most piercing emerald eyes that made you feel naked and exposed when they were looking at you. Making direct eye contact for the first time was intense – It felt like she was looking directly at your soul and knew what you were thinking and feeling. At one point during the evening I made a little joke that got a giggle from her. I felt overwhelmed when she stopped giggling and glanced directly into my pupils with her soft yet deeply intense eyes and shot her powerful smile at me, slightly bitting her lip for a moment, as she pushed her hair behind her ear. I literally gulped in that moment. I don’t know if Rachel noticed she probably did.

For the most part though, Mika and I could never really get a good conversational flow going that night. She was nice enough on the surface but she remained a little reserved, I think because she could kinda sense that I found her attractive (how could I not? Every guy in that bar was stealing glances at her).

Rachel prevented the whole thing from being awkward and did most of the steering of the conversation while also doing the most talking. It turned out that Mika had a pretty huge following on Instagram herself (in the 100s of thousands) and Rachel was her go-to photographer, which is how they got close. The way Mika describes it, they became friends in class tutorials, then she declined Rachel’s first offer to take photos for her but Rachel was stubborn in continually offering and telling her that phone cameras aren’t good enough saying over and over “subtle differences in quality make a huge difference overall” which I can totally see cause once Rachel has an idea or a plan in her mind she is unreaonsably unwavering. So she let Rachel take photos for her and she ended up loving them – the rest is history.

Overall the interaction that evening was alright but Mika and I didn’t really get to know each other on a personal level.

Even though the evening with Mika was pretty uneventful, for the next little while, I just couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was just so goddamn beautiful. I was cumming buckets to her pics on Insta. I felt guilty cause even when I was fucking Rachel, I was thinking about Mika.

After a while though the effect finally wore off. At the end of the day I knew nothing would happen between us. I knew she was out of my league. Rachel told me that Mika showed her the DMs she got from pro athletes, rich and powerful businessmen, influencers, and a handful of minor celebrities trying to get at her (apparently a lot of them were pure cringe). More importantly, I think the effect wore off because, I enjoyed spending more time with Rachel. She was a good long term take-home-to-mom kind of gal and, over the few months that passed after that night we met Mika, I had thoughts in the back of my mind about settling down with Rachel and having children with her… things were going that good with her.

Over those same passing few months in which spring changed into summer, I didn’t see Mika at all really. Maybe only 5 or 6 times over a span of 5 months after that night at the bar. And each time was when I was accompanying Rachel to do a photoshoot for her. Mika loved getting pictures wearing tight yet fashionable sundresses or mini-dresses that hugged her perfect curves. She was slim-thick. She had distractingly nice plump breasts, an hourglass-like hip-to-waist ratio, and a cute, round, bouncy butt. I was quietly embarrassed because Mika kept catching me stealing glances at her (thank god Rachel lives on her phone or she’d notice). I’d be looking at Mika just admiring her beauty then she’d turn those hypnotic eyes on me and I’d dart my gaze in another direction as my heart began racing. For all the times she caught me, she never said anything about it. In fact during one of the first times where she caught me staring and I darted my eyes away, I took a quick glance back at her and it looked like she tucked her lips in trying to hold back a smile to herself. The great thing is that a few times I caught her doing the same thing. I’d be on my phone or zoned out then, like Peter Parker with the spidey sense, I’d feel something and turn my head exactly where she was standing and catch her looking at me. She would quickly shoot her eyes in another direction with a look of slight embarrassment and then pretend like she wasn’t looking – but she wasn’t smooth about it at all – she was totally obvious. The fact that I could cause such a beautiful girl to get flustered slightly like that was in a weird way super flattering. I wondered if maybe she thought I was a little bit cute too.

Nonetheless, I never really got to know Mika personally until relatively recently – really only a few week’s ago. It’s probably because we never really hung out together. She would hang out with Rachel, and I would hang out with Rachel, but the three of us never really hung out together except those handful of phtotoshoots. As a result, the first time I ever got to know Mika was the first I was alone with her…

On a Friday a few weeks ago, Mika invited Rachel to stay over at hers for the night to chill like they used to in their college days (get drunk, high, and make roasted marshmallows in the small fire pit in her backyard). Rachel invited me, which I accepted. The plan was to pick up Rachel at work after her part-time shift ended at 8:30pm then to head over to Mika’s. However, this plan went out the window real quick.

2 of Rachel’s co-workers called sick so she was absolutely swamped. She said she’d be 30 minutes late. By the time 9pm rolled around, she said that she’d be done soon and told me to just meet her at Mika’s. She said she felt really bad about making us both wait up alone for her on a Friday night and that we should just link until she finished work. I raised concern saying that I could just wait for her to finish and that it’s honestly not even that big a deal. But she’s stubborn and said she already texted Mika that I was on my way – so I reluctantly agreed with her request and made my way over to Mika’s.

I could feel my anxieties rising the closer I got to her place. I knew that it was going to be awkward because I’ve literally only had 1 real conversation with this girl and it was months ago while Rachel was sitting beside me.

I knocked on the door and, after a few moments longer than expected, it finally came open. When I first made eye-contact with Mika, it felt like she slapped me in the face with her beauty. Goddamn this girl is beautiful. She was wearing an oversized sweatshirt, yoga pants, and had her hair up in a pony tail. You couldn’t see her perfect curves under the oversized sweatshirt but it was still hard to stay composed. She gave me a warm slightly awkward smile and greeted me like always in her unintentionally sexy tone. She smelled really good – I don’t quite know how to describe it but it was like some coconut/tropical smell. It made her more attractive and made me hunger to get closer to her. I could feel myself getting nervous in my stomach and getting lost in her eyes. I could feel my dick slowly being filled with blood. I truly resented (and was turned on by) the fact that she was the only girl I’d ever met who could make me so flustered like this and she did it without even fucking trying. When she asked innocently if I wanted to come inside, my cock twitched a little. I said sure and put my hands in my pockets to try mask the slowly growing bulge in my pants.

Inside, it was a little uncomfortable at first. We both lounged awkwardly at a distance from each other without saying much. She took the band out of her hair to let down her pony tail and played with her hair a little bit before giving me a polite smile. I could still feel my erection growing but hid it well. I tried to make small talk but it wasn’t really connecting, that’s when she offered drinks to ease the awkwardness we were both feeling.

Drinks make everything so much easier probably because she went straight for Don Julio. We put a few shots back and all the sudden we were talking more openly than ever before. First we started with Rachel, then we talked about our lives, then childhoods, romances etc… Whenever one of us sensed the conversation was potentially headed into inappropriate territory we smoothly transitioned topics. It was easy to listen to her because she is so attractive that it feels like your falling in love with her while you’re watching her talk.

Her personality was somewhat similar to Rachel’s but more shy, thoughtful, and introspective. She was more introverted than Rachel. She paused noticeably longer before answering a question. You could tell she had a sharp intellect. Luckily, we had a similar sense of humor. For the first time I felt like we actually got along and had things to say to eachother.

Around 35 mins after I arrived, I contacted Rachel to see when she’d be coming. She said she was super sorry and that it was taking a lot longer than expected so maybe like 1 hour – 2 absolute tops. She said she would call when she was on her way.

When I told Mika, her response was to get out more alcohol for us to drink. We got drunker than anticipated and eventually went out to the backyard where the fire pit is. We laughed as I poked fun at her failed attempts to start a fire. We celebrated when she finally succeeded. Then we made roasted marshmallows, smoked a blunt, and talked and laughed some more. We hit it off better than I could have ever imagined and it was clear that there was chemistry here. I certainly felt it and I’m sure she did. I felt like I was catching feelings for her, especially when she looked at me with those hypnotic piercing eyes and showed her heart-melting and endearing smile after I said something she though was sweet or nice. ‘How the hell could I not fall for this girl?’I thought to myself. There were a couple of moments when we made eye contact and there was enough tension that we both guiltily readjusted in our seats to recompose ourselves. At one point she laid her head on my shoulder for a while after saying something and exhaling. I felt like my heart was going to explode. Nonetheless, I made sure to remain a gentleman. Honestly I felt satisfied just to be able to keep this insanely beautiful girl company on a Friday night.

At one point she said “you know… you’re not the guy I thought you were.” I asked what she meant by that and she said that she though I was undressing her with my eyes the first time we met at that bar so she assumed I would be some guy who wouldn’t be in Rachel’s life very long. I felt my face go a little red with embarrassment when I realized that I might have been too obvious in my attraction to her… She said that tonight changed that impression of me, however. She said that it showed her that I was a good guy and that she gets now why Rachel is with me. I accepted the compliment and we sat in silence watching the fire for a moment.

After we had our fill of marshmallows we went back inside – drunker than when we first went out, with the addition of now being stoned off hitting the B. I was feeling as though I had at long last established some kind of connection/friendship with her. As a commemoration of the beginning of this friendship I collected all the cups and began washing them in the sink along with the few dirty plates in there. Mika asked what I was doing in confusion.

I told her that I helped make the mess and that, therefore, I would help clean up and that it was the least I could do for the free booze, weed, and marshmallows (It made sense to me cause I was cross-faded + ‘acts of service’ are my love language). Mika’s reaction still seemed confused but then she looked touched. “Aww” she said, “see, this is what I mean when I say you’re a good guy”. She approached me and began hugging me from the side while I was washing. I could feel my heart pounding as she wrapped her delicate arms around me and her soft titties pressed against my arm under her sweater. I felt her head coming closer to mine and turned to see what she was doing. She was aiming to kiss my cheek as a way of saying ‘thank you’ but I turned my head at just the wrong moment so that her kiss caught the very corner of my mouth. She pulled away immediately and looked anxiously at me without saying a word – arms still wrapped around me. My heart felt like it was going to explode; My mind went totally blank. With the anxious look still on her beautiful face, she glanced down at my lips for a few seconds, then she glanced back deeply into my eyes with an inquisitive look for an instant, then she glanced back down at my lips.

She slowly moved her gorgeous face closer to mine inch-by-inch and then cautiously planted the softest shyest little kiss on my lips. I stood there frozen without kissing her back, my mind still blank and not fully processing what was happening. She pulled back slightly, looked at my soul through my eyes, and then touched her forehead against mine. Then she planted another one of those soft little kisses, then another, and another until I lost control of myself and started kissing her back. We started making out heavily in no time – finally giving in to the tension. She’s a great kisser – very sensual & passionate.

When I started kissing her neck, she closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and let out the sexiest little gasps and moans. My cock began to growing longer and harder. I grabbed handfuls of that bouncy round ass of hers that was being hidden under her oversized sweater. She moaned and smiled lustfully then began to whisper in my ear, “I knew you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off me”. My cock twitched. “I knew you fucking wanted this, you’ve been eye-fucking me ever since the first moment you saw me at that bar” she continued whispering, “such a naughty boy, eye fucking me with your girlfriend sitting right there beside you. You just couldn’t help yourself around me could you? You still can’t.” “…N-no I can’t” I reluctantly growled while grabbing her tighter. She gasped a little when I tightened my grip of her then gave me that lustful smile again and planted a passionate kiss.

Things escalated quickly. She seemed to have a kink for dirty talk. She quickly undid my belt she reached into my pants. I could feel her small soft hand grabbing and feeling around down there and eventually make its way into my underwear.

She put her little hand around my rock hard cock. “Wow” she said, “Rachel said you were big but it feels bigger than I imagined… and you’re already… already so hard for me”. She moved her fingers under my balls to tickle them a bit and cup them. “And you’re balls are so full you must be aching” she whispered then followed up with a juicy kiss, “I could help you feel better if you want. I could help make you feel… really really good if you want”. My cock became hard like a fucking hammer. She let out a slutty giggle when she felt it get harder. I told her that was what I wanted, she smiled and said “good, then follow me.” She pulled my pants and underwear down around my upper tights and used her little hand to grab my cock like a relay baton and guide me into her bedroom by it.

Once we walked though her door entering her dark bedroom, she let go of my cock and slid under the covers of her bed and popped her head out from them giving me a devilish look that said ‘come and get me’. I followed her under the dark toasty covers and began play wrestling with her, laughing, kissing and dry-humping. It was so hot the way she would moan whenever she stuggled and attempted overpower me while wrestling. Those little attempts of hers would always end with me pinning her down showing her who is in charge and then her getting turned on and frisky cause of it (hence the kissing and dry-humping). In those moments, I paused for a second to appreciate the fact that I was getting intimate with the most beautiful woman I’d literally ever seen with my own eyes.

While we were play wrestling under the covers, one piece of clothing came off after another. First she took off my clothes then I took off hers. When I finally took that oversized sweater off of her, there was nothing underneath it. I immediately threw the sweater out from under the covers and began playing with and kissing her soft full titties as she made gentle high pitched moans and put her hand behind my head. My hands then made their way from her titties down to her stomach, then to her hips where I then I pulled her yoga pants off. She was wearing the cutest pink panties with a little blow on the front of them and they were absolutely soaked at the bottom. After throwing her pants out from under the covers, I moved my hands all across her soft skin at last getting a hands-on look and feel for those perfect curves without any clothes.

Finally, we began exploring each-others naked bodies under the covers. I loved the way she moaned and quivered whenever I explored a new part of her perfectly sculpted soft body. “I feel like I’m looking at art” I said while kissing my way down her tight torso. “Shut up” she laughed before moaning again. She was more sensitive and reactive to my touch than Rachel ever was. Finally, my hand made its way down to her pussy. It was so wet that patting your fingers on it sounded like when you step into a small puddle after a light rain shower. When I finally slid my fingers in it after teasing her for a bit, she let out a ‘fuck’ beneath her breath and shook. I moved up to lay beside her and she gave me a big loving kiss.

I started playing with her pussy. “You’re so wet for me” I said, “Look how fucking wet you are for your best friend’s boyfriend”. She quivered then let out another ‘fuck’, this time much more audibly. I started patting her pussy again and she started squirming and moaning.

“Please stop teasing me” she begged in a playfully whiny voice. She put her hand on my face and looked at me deeply with her hypnotic eyes. “Fuck me” she whispered before giving me another juicy kiss. My cock throbbed but I said nothing in reply. All of the sudden I started thinking about Rachel. She would be emotionally destroyed if she ever found out I fucked her best friend and she’d lose two of the most important people in her life… The feeling began to rise in the back of my mind that maybe I shouldn’t go any further and just nip this thing in the bud. Suddenly I felt Mika’s little hand wrap around my rock hard cock. “We’ve already gone this far so just fuck me already.” She whispered. I became even harder. “And I can feel your cock growing in my hand so I know you want to… A-are you clean?”. I told her I was and that I got tested recently. She whispered in reply, “Good. Then we don’t need a condom… I’m already nice and soaked for you so just come on and fuck me already…. Please?… Daddy?” That last word… it sent me over the edge. My body went wild in its hunger for her’s.

My body swiftly jumped in position over hers. Her soft perfect curvy body was the only thing I could see (other than my own) in the black void of darkness under the covers. She spread her legs open for me in anticipation. “I knew that would get you to fuck me. You can’t resist when-“ she stopped mid-dirty talk as her beautiful eyes widened and she gasped deeply. I had just pushed my hammer hard cock inside…. Only a few inches… then I gradually pushed the rest in till I was balls deep in her heavenly pussy. It was so tight and warm. This was some intense feeling pussy. It clenched around every inch my cock like it was holding on for dear life. I uncontrollably let out groans and deep breaths. I continued to hold/push my cock deep inside her without pulling out. She was moaning and mumbled something under her breath. I looked deeply into her hypnotic eyes. She wrapped her hands around the back of my head and neck and gave me such a warm and affectionate smile that it looked like she was in love with me.

I slid my entire length out until just the tip was inside and pushed back in slowly. She closed her eyes in pleasure and her beautiful loving smile was overtaken by an o-face. I slowly slid deeper and deeper into her tight warmth until I was balls deep again then held myself there. She moaned then giggled a bit. “You’re… you’re stretching me out.” She said.

I gradually began thrusting in and out of her more rhythmically. Her moans became more and more audible. “Fuck me harder” she said. I was so used to being soft and tender with Rachel that I automatically fuck in slow and sensual ways. Finally the demon in me could come out. I removed her hands from behind my head, put my hand around her delicate throat, and began to choke her. Mika looked surprised. “Is this okay?” I asked her. “Y-Yes, Daddy” she replied adding a smile and coughing a little. I choked her a little harder. I began thrusting with a little more force into her, then more force. I began fucking her like I owned her – like she was my property. I dicked her down properly for maybe 5-6 minutes. Her moans grew much louder and she was quivering more violently. You definitely could hear her from outside the room. I continued fucking her like she was my little bitch and showing her I was in charge. Her moans reached a crescendo. Suddenly her legs wrapped around me, holding me in place, and she hugged me tightly, preventing me from moving at all. she began singing her orgasm. She was shaking uncontrollably beneath me, my dick still buried in her – throbbing. She was cumming pretty hard.

Eventually, her shaking and moaning gradually lessened but she was still breathing heavily. Her hold of me got less tight. We stayed in that position for a few moments until she recouped. “Fuck… I’ve never cum that fast before” she said. I said nothing in reply but just looked in her eyes. “Now it’s your turn” she said. I slowly began stroking again. she started breathing heavier and moaning again.

I became forceful again. The sound of low growls and grunts that came out of me contrasted nicely with her feminine moans. I was really dicking her down good for a solid 2 minutes when without warning I could feel my self suddenly about to cum. Intellectually I knew I was supposed to pull out but my body didn’t care. The energy which was spread throughout my body concentrated in my cock and balls. they became extremely tense in a matter of seconds – too tense for me to pull out. I felt ecstasy as the tension burst out of my balls through my pulsating cock and spurted into her tight wet warm pussy. I groaned loudly grabbed onto Mika. “Shit, pull out.” She saying as I flooded her heavenly pussy. It was to late, my cock was already in her, pumping more cum into her with each and every throb. I came like a wild animal. I came so hard it felt like all of my power left my body after my balls were completely drained.

I collapsed on Mika with my cock still in her throbbing sporadically. “Why the fuck did you do that?” She said in a slightly annoyed voice. I was still panting so I couldn’t reply. Then she kissed my cheek. “You were supposed to pull out” she said, still slightly annoyed. “I’m sorry” I whispered in reply in between breaths. She started kissing me and we got to making out very slowly and sensually . “You’re luck I’m on the pill” she said and went back to kissing. She spoken again whispering to me, “that was a really good fuck” then gave me a warm smile and continued kissing me some more.

I stopped kissing her, moved off her, and laid on my back beside her. She cuddled into me her naked body embracing mine. We cuddled in silence for a moment. “This never happened” I said breaking the silence of the moment. “Of course” she replied, “we’re taking this to our grave.” We cuddled in silence for a few minutes.

After those few minutes, she shifted in bed and I felt her little hand feeling around my crotch – playing around. “Round 2?” she whispered. I felt my cock awakening. She leaned towards me and I kissed her. Suddenly we were interrupted by the ringing of my phone. I got out of bed to check. It was Rachel. I picked up.

“10 minutes?” I replied into the phone while looking at Mika. “Okay, we’re just watching a movie.” She looked a little freaked and quickly entered the bathroom. I told Rachel I loved her and I would see her soon and hung up. Surprisingly I didn’t feel as guilty as I anticipated, which means I’m a bigger piece of shit than I realized. Mika came back from the bathroom a with towels. She threw one to me and we wiped the sweat off ourselves and got our clothes on. After we got fully clothed – she told me my cum was still inside her. I told her to stop trying to turn me on to which she laughed. She quickly went to making her bed while I went to the living room to turn on Netflix. I put on the first light-hearted movie I saw which was ‘17 Again’. Mika came out of her room and skipped to about 3/4 of the way through movie to make it look like we’d been watching for the last hour and change – a clever and manipulative little touch.

We watched for about 3 minutes before we heard a knock on the door. Mika answered it and gave Rachel a hug (I found it so dirty and hot that she was hugging Rachel with my cum still inside her). Rachel apologized for being so late, sat down beside me and gave me a kiss. Then she looked at me and went ‘hmm’. I asked what she was ‘hmming’ about. “You guys smell the same” she said before pausing. I never in my life felt anxiety like I did in that moment. I looked at Mika and saw panic wash over her face. I kept a poker face as I asked, “we smell the same?”. “Yeah, you both smell like smoke…“ she said. Mika let out a sigh of relief which caught Rachel’s attention. “You guys made marshmellows without me?” Rachel said with a playful pout on her face. Mika apologized and said there still plenty more and that we were pretty drunk and high so she had some catching up to do. The rest of the night was good platonic fun with drugs and alcohol.

That was mid-October. Since then I’ve fucked and cum in Mika over 10 times on 4 separate occasions. We have to be super sneaky when we link up which makes it hotter. I feel bad but at the same I don’t. I’m greedy for Mika and weak to my impulses. So far Rachel hasn’t found out but I wonder how long we can keep this up. My dream is to turn this situation into a threesome, but that’s not Rachel’s style. In any case I’m going to keep fucking and cumming in Mika, I’m too addicted to stop cause she makes me cum so much harder than anyone else. And yes… I realize I’m human garbage for that.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qu5qjm/i_m_got_drunk_high_and_cheated_on_my_girlfriend


  1. From past experience this isn’t going to end well. Highly recommend speaking with Mika to see if she wants something serious or not..

    Rachel sounds like an awesome girl and not fair for her to be treated poorly. If y’all want to keep the secret to not hurt her feelings than it’s okay. (Kinda) but you have to figure shit out and stop cheating.

    If you and Mika want to be together, both of you need to have a conversation with Rachel. It’ll be 10x worse if she finds out a different way especially if she see you fucking her. Hope this helps and keep us updated with the situation.

  2. I for one would be very interested in reading the stories behind your other “encounters” with Mika

  3. I didn’t read through this because why would I – but whether this story has any truth to it, since when are we celebrating cheating? This is the most creativity you got? Try being more original.

  4. So first OP I have to applaud you; you did everything right and even resisted at first…but you were also 100% screwed; that entire situation was just too perfectly set up to make you fail. The moment you gave in you murdered both futures simultaneously; women tend to pick besties over dudes (and it sounds likely they can both replace you easily). Even assuming you somehow keep this buried long enough that Rachel marries you…it *will* come out eventually. If in the uncommon chance Mika caught feelings in any way, it will just be a matter of time before she moves to claim you for her own. Your two options are either the harem route, or to simply come clean and take both Ls. I hope the sex was and is worth the loss of a good future.

  5. really hot story bro. i obviously don’t know the girls, but it reads like M gets turned on over being able to steal other girl’s guys. imo, it’s not gonna end well if you try to get together with M. enjoy the ride while it lasts because it doesn’t look like it’ll end well.

  6. I got to the daddy part and lost interest a bit. Sorry it really turns me off; I don’t get it and some guys like it but I hate it.

    You obviously like Mika; why don’t you just break up with Rachel? What’s stopping you? It seems like you don’t like just fucking her but you do like her. Why string Rachel along? Let her go so that she can meet someone she deserves – a decent guy who will make her happy.

    You’re not the first guy I know who cheats. I haven’t cheated on a partner ever but I’ve been party to it without my knowledge (or after the fact). I see the desperation and the greediness in the men who have girlfriends but want something on the side. I don’t quite understand it but I think you’re still very young to be more concerned about appearances over substance. Or this could be the start of something else; maybe you and Mika do have a type of connection. Personally if someone has no conscience stealing their friend’s boyfriend, I think that’s something off…

    Break it up with the gf and go to Mika. Or break it up and start sleeping around again, whilst screwing on the side. At least your conscience will be clear.

  7. Great writing. Just take the apostrophe out of “her’s”. Pronouns never take them

  8. For the love of everything good on this earth get a picture of Mika, she sounds perfect, especially her dirty mouth. I’d love to fuck my girlfriends best friend so I resonated strongly to this story

  9. Was a nice read I hope your manage to get out of this without imploding everything but I’ll be honest I don’t think you have the right best odds of pulling that off

  10. Poly would be best for all but if that’s not possible do what you know in your heart. Good luck

  11. Remember, the moment you try and end things with Rachel, Mika will loose all interest….

  12. Hot story.


    Why do people care about his relationships on a fucking goneWILD sub, its not therapy session.

  13. I love the inevitable part of all of these stories where OP has a big cock. Without fail.

    Otherwise good story and very hot.

  14. Good story telling. If it was true, if there’s a care for Rachel in you, you’d let her go man. You just went from imagining have a future with her to cheating with her best friend for more than 10 times. But who cares what rando’s on the net think.

  15. Hot story! Mika has the prime choice in the matter, the taboo situation and the fact she chose to learn more about you and fell for you, means she can lose interest just as fast.

  16. Been in your situation before. The “Mika” ended up catching feelings and told “Rachael” and then I lost both girls. Best of luck though OP, maybe yours will end in a different way but I doubt it. You cummed in Mika 10 times in the span of a month so she is definitely catching feelings soon.

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