[MFF] I’ve (22F) been invited to a billionaire’s yacht party

I made a throwaway for this, and I have to be vague because I signed an NDA.

So first, I’m a college student in a major American city. I don’t spend a ton of time online (and I don’t aspire to be an influencer or model) but I have a nice natural body and a pretty face and my social media is attracting a growing number of followers. I won’t lie, it’s very fun to be considered hot, but I don’t take it too seriously.

I was messaged a few weeks ago by the representative for an unidentified individual, asking if I was interested in a lucrative opportunity. They offered me a substantial fee upfront simply to sign a non-disclosure form and hear the details. Of course I said yes.

The money was transferred instantly, from a company I didn’t recognize and couldn’t find on google. Then, as a first step (“in order to proceed with our proposal”) the rep requested several closeup photos and a video of my face, smiling, without makeup or filters, as well as a full-body video in a mirror—front, rear and side views—in a bikini or lingerie. I sent these.

The next day, they followed up with a proposal. I would attend an event hosted on a yacht this coming friday night. I was to be “one of multiple hostesses“ whose job would be ”to socialize with the guests throughout the evening.” Suggestions included chatting and dancing “but other interactions are highly encouraged, at the guests’ discretion and yours.” It stressed that no activities were required, but that a substantial bonus would be rewarded to hostesses who “perform their duties with energy and enthusiasm” and that it would place me in “priority consideration for future events.”

The fee was eye-popping. I’ll have college loans to pay back once I graduate, and this could help pay those down significantly. And I won’t be required to do anything I’m not comfortable with. Plus, it’s a yacht! I said yes immediately.

More instructions came. I’m to wear a one-piece, form-fitting, single-color (no patterns) dress, no longer than mid-thigh, and either low-cut in the front or backless. If I don’t have a suitable outfit, they’ll reimburse me for the purchase of one. No jewelry aside from piercings. Underwear should have “no visible lines”. Makeup is to be tasteful and minimal. Body hair strongly discouraged. Hair should be styled “casually but elegantly” (they’ll pay for a visit to my hair stylist of choice).

No problem. I can pull off that look.

Today, I was sent the name and location of the yacht. I googled the name of the yacht and found who it belongs to. I didn’t recognize his name but a little more googling told me he’s a billionaire. I know it’s silly, but when I saw that, I felt a wonderful rush at being chosen. I’m nervous, but curious and excited for what Friday night will bring.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qr6quo/mff_ive_22f_been_invited_to_a_billionaires_yacht


  1. Well, you signed an NDA, so just be careful. It’s a yacht, you’ve signed up for a party on a yacht, on the ocean, where a yacht can last a very long time in international waters. Hopefully it’s a great time, just wanted to bring that point up

  2. I look forward to hearing what might hypothetically (ofcourse) happen if someone was to receive an invite to this kind of situation.

  3. Wow, I always thought “yachting” was just what they called it, but this is on the nose

  4. “And I have to be vague because I signed an NDA”

    You must be new to this part of reddit.

    I have yet to see anyone in this sub post any more detail than you wrote about. And they didn’t need to sign a contract, they just don’t want any of the negative consequences that come with posting details of their sex lives in a public forum.

  5. Basically asking you to prostitute yourself, but saying it and paying in a way that can not come back on them legally. Most likely cameras everywhere so they can’t be blackmailed and or acused of rape. I am sure the bonus structure will be explained and very lucrative. Do you think you can resist the big bucks and not prostitute yourself? Don’t kid yourself. It will be expected and you will be groomed during the trip to be receptive along with future trips and $$$$$. What boundaries do you have for yourself and how disciplined are you to maintain them?

  6. This is exciting! I hope you have a great time. Please share what you can about your experience!

    (why MFF in the title if things are yet to happen?)

  7. There are no good billionaires. Do your part for the revolution and throw him overboard.

  8. And thats how you do prostitution without doing prostitution. if you’re wealthy enough you have everyone under a nda, and while you dont say you’re going to pay them for it, you imply that its highly encouraged.

    And these young hot women see the money, and get used. Maybe some will be trophy wives if theyre lucky. If the wealthy can ignore laws, why bother having laws against prostitution?

  9. Sounds like they will give you a good bonus if you let them fuck you and you are going to be under maritime law so they can rape and kill you and no one will do anything about it, however enjoy your trip! 🥰

  10. Exciting, but also… hope you’re not kidnapped. Kind of difficult to get off a yacht once it’s been underway for 10 minutes.

  11. You do realize how bad your gonna be ran through right? Hope your ready for it. I assume you are since you signed up for it. “Have fun”

  12. That’s a smart guy. You basically have no choice but to sleep with him,…you know, because of the implication.

  13. Sounds too good to be true. No one gives something for nothing. You’re expected to… do things while you’re there. And if you do well, they’ll invite you back. Be careful… billionaires have strange and dangerous tastes.

  14. While I understand your enthusiasm about the situation I must tell you about the documentary I just watched yesterday about sexual assault on yachts. It’s a natural thing. With all the consequences included. Don’t naively assume that “you won’t be required to do anything you’re not comfortable with”. Yachts are islands and countries. That’s why you signed an NDA. What happens on yachts is supposed to stay on yachts. Alcohol, drugs and their consequences do, too.
    Sincerely a fellow female.

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