I’m Your Biggest Fan (Part 3)

This is part 3 of my story. Please check out the first two parts in previous posts or in the full story link at the bottom.

“I never knew I had so many fans.” Said Lexy to herself and she smiled and rolled her eyes. Her head was swimming. She felt confused and not quite sure how to process any of this. The one thing she knew for sure was that she was NOT ready to head back out to the convention floor or to be surrounded by so many people just yet. She looked up to see the balcony of the mezzanine. In other years she could recall that being the way into the convention itself but it looked deserted now and that, with some air, was exactly what she needed.

Lexy hurried up the steps and was grateful to find it completely empty up there. No tables or chairs were set up; all of the windows and doors leading outside were surely locked as they all had their blinds pulled. She walked along the railing of the balcony. Her hand glided along the polished wooden balustrade that rested atop the waist-high frosted glass. This overlooked the open lobby that led into the convention center itself, down where the long space also led to the restrooms she’d just finished her adventure in. She leaned on the railing and just people watched for a moment though her mind wandered back to the frantic beat off she’d just witnessed. Lexy smiled at this and mindlessly ran a finger in and out of her cleavage about a quarter of the speed of the hand that stroked the stall neighbor’s cock so swiftly. And then he came. He looked right at her and came. His cum shot out while his eyes had locked with hers. The smile after he came out of the restroom, was that to acknowledge they were even perhaps? She had given him a show after all and in turn he knew her to be there, watching him; watching him stroke that cock up until his load exploded with sweet release, cum flying upward as he looked her in the eyes, shooting out every last rope, telling her—

“I’m your biggest fan.” The voice was real and scared the shit out of Lexy when she heard it. She stopped fingering her breasts and clutched at her shirt. She hadn’t realized how wobbly her legs were becoming again until she now tried to stand upright and collapsed back down to the rail.

She turned to the source and a young woman cosplaying as Spider-Gwen stood at attention, her hands held together in front of her and an overwhelming smile on her face as the hood of her costume was down.

“Oh! I’m so sorry!!” She apologized and helped Lexy regain her balance. “I didn’t mean to scare you!” She continued, not looking worried but still star struck. “I saw you up here and came up to say hi—I didn’t mean to bother you!”

“No! No, no, not at all!” Laughed Lexy, her heart still racing both at the shock and the timing.

The girl had returned to her stance and former smile now that she felt Lexy was fine. “Seriously though, I’m, like, your biggest fan! When I first found your channel I immediately fell in love with all the stuff you guys talk about—but the places you go to is my favorite. I was actually in two of your cosplay contest videos and I really, really appreciate you having me in the videos and showing it off because I love to show people what I was dressed up as!” She then outstretched her arms, “I was hoping you’d be here because I picked this one just for you! I’m Spider-Gwen! I know she’s one of your favorites!”

“Oh, that’s so sweet!! You look great!” The girl smiled even more and blushed. “You’re so adorable!” Said Lexy and she began to really take her in. The outfit DID look good but it looked even better on this girl.

Husband Don was quite the fan of some of the pictures Lexy would get at conventions, generally of cosplayers showing a good deal of skin or in the seemingly tightest outfits, and this had to have been one of the tightest of the latter. When the girl angled to the side from what Lexy could see of her butt in the costume, she thought if THIS girl had been taken at the comic book boxes like she had, there may as well have been penetration with a suit THIS tight. “Damn!” She said it softly but it stunned Lexy herself that she’d said it aloud at all.

The girl blushed and looked back at her own ass. “Yeah? You think so?” She angled and pointed her butt at Lexy. The cosplayer bent forward a little to help push it out and then reached back and ran both of her hands over it, one per cheek. “It’s almost too revealing, ya know? It seriously feels like I’m wearing nothing back here.” She slapped both hands on her butt cheeks and Lexy marveled at the jiggle that followed. She thought it looked good, real good on her and even said so. The cosplayer blushed and again as she looked back over her shoulder, past her ass where she had clutched each cheek with each hand while biting her lip. A humming sound was her only response until she stood up straight again and turned around. Lexy may not have noticed it before or maybe they weren’t there before but this girl wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples were incredibly strained against the thin layer of bodysuit. She had begun to walk Lexy’s way in an over-the-top sultry one leg before the other fashion.

“You know what I think looks real good?” Asked the cosplayer with extra emphasis on her “I.” She didn’t hesitate as she pressed her body against Lexy’s. “I think YOU look good in these jeans with that nice fat MILF ass of yours.” A hand squeezed Lexy’s butt and it made her gasp. “I think THESE look pretty good too.” The cosplayer’s other hand rubbed over one of Lexy’s breasts and then the other where it stayed groped to her. “I think…this face is pretty cute.” The cosplayer moved in to glide her face against Lexy’s, cheek to cheek, and then she blew just a bit of hot air into Lexy’s ear that sent goosebumps out all over her skin and down her spine. “I think…” Cheek on cheek gliding back from the ear and face-to-face again, “These…look…delicious.” The cosplayer ran her lips over Lexy’s top lip and then bottom in between words before locking them. She kissed her and to Lexy’s surprise she kissed back. Breath from each of them sighed into the other and their bodies writhed with the kissing. The cosplayer’s hand kneaded circles around Lexy’s breast as her other gripped the purchase of ass it had taken. As tongue entered her mouth and she used her own to slide against and over it, Lexy took the cosplayer’s butt into her own hands and squeezed, she squeezed with such a grip that the girl seemed to almost make a bark sound into her mouth.

The makeout session continued and hands moved from breast to ass and back again, sometimes coming up to cup the other’s face or mingle with their hair on the back of the head as they pushed the opposite face into their own. Tongues wriggled together as if in competition to push the other back or pin the other down, rolling, twisting, and gliding against one another. Lexy’s nipples were just as hard as the cosplayer’s based on feel. She used her fingertips to nip at the girl’s still covered breasts and she felt herself getting so wet but it wasn’t herself that her hand went to, it was the girl dressed as Spider-Gwen. Without thinking of her actions Lexy’s hand fondled and then slid back and forth against this girl’s warm mound between her legs. The cosplayer broke free of their kiss to gasp at this, her head tilted back and up as Lexy rubbed her again and again, faster and faster and it was too much happening too soon and she came—she already came. Her legs tightened and just as she had almost trapped her own hand in the stall moments earlier, Lexy now had her hand stopped and in danger of being crushed between this girl’s thighs and she shuddered from the sensation coursing through her. She panted and tried to kiss but had to pull away to pant again and again while Lexy left her hand in place, certain she felt a renewed warmth there and maybe a bit of moistness now too.

The tension eased up and the hand was released as the cosplayer composed herself. She was looking at Lexy, smiling, and giggled. She kissed her on the lips, just a peck, and turned her to face the balcony.

They had been standing this whole time and now Lexy used her hands to brace against the wooden railing as she was nearly pushed forward by the girl who had at some point unfastened her jeans and was now pulling Lexy’s pants down. The cosplayer brought her mouth close to Lexy’s ear to say, “No panties? At a convention? My, my, somebody IS naughty isn’t she?” Her hands rested on each of Lexy’s shoulders and gently guided her to her bare knees, just high enough behind the frosted glass that Lexy was able to rest her chin on the wood now.

Before she knew it the cosplayer had gotten under her and slid between Lexy’s legs and was now looking up at her from the floor. Her eyes were wide, her smile wide, both wild with lust as she spoke, “C’mon! Do this for me. I’m your biggest fan—now sit on my face!” Lexy raised her gaze from the girl’s face up, across the glass and over the railing to look out on the groups of people below who seemed to have no idea what was happening a few feet over their heads. During this she seemed to have no control over herself as she slowly lowered and felt her wet, shaved pussy touch something just as warm and wet. Her mouth, thought Lexy, my pussy is on her mouth. And at that, the first lap of the tongue shocked her; Lexy’s expression was wide opened mouth and closed eyes though her eyebrows popped in surprise; her body raised in surprise but didn’t break contact with the face below.

The cosplayer licked at the slit a couple of times before going to the side, carefully sucking on one bit of labia before crossing over to the other. She buried her face in and found the clit and followed a simple circle, circle, suck pattern, alternating which direction she circled. At the end she lapped over it twice and left it to plunge into Lexy’s pussy. It was hot and wet here, so, so badly did she need this release. The cosplayer focused on Lexy’s breathing through this and repeated what worked best—the labia not so much, the clit yes on circles and very yes on sucking. She would repeat these steps in between tongue fucking and that was the relief she got from Lexy’s thighs. Each time she took care of the clit the thighs closed in and Lexy pushed her pussy more against her mouth which then made it easier to bury her tongue deeper inside until Lexy relaxed and so she would begin again. This pattern had the YouTuber essentially rocking her pelvis against the cosplayer’s mouth.

While the Spider-Gwen between her legs licked wave after wave of pleasure from her, Lexy tried to maintain a facial countenance to not give herself away. Though she was fucking this girls face with her pussy it was only her lower body that moved and she kept her torso and up stationary and propped on the balcony railing. Her facial expressions gave away more than she would want, should anybody be looking at her. She would go from biting her lip as the cosplayer sucked her little clit to a look of surprise when she would feel the tongue part her lips and wiggle around in her pussy in a tickling French kiss. One hand stayed here on the banister but the other found her breast, opposite of the one that got play time in the bathroom. Again she went under her shirt and beneath her bra to fondle and grope herself, nipping and pinching at her nipple each time the tongue was in her pussy; circling it around and around and around in rhythm to the tongue on her clit.

The cosplayer had unzipped the front of her suit just enough to be able to get her hand in and was now fingering herself. She tried to concentrate on eating out Lexy but she was making herself feel so good that she was losing all control and all of her own rhythm. In and out her fingers went, rub and rub, and rub; penetrating herself when she tongued inside Lexy’s pussy and rubbing her clit in time with sucking the other. She herself had begun to moan and the vibrations were sent into the soaking sex in her mouth. She could hear Lexy saying as softly as possible, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuuck!” And then it came, she came, all over the cosplayer and juices ran down either side of her cheeks and this in turn had a domino effect on herself as she came again from her own finger fucking. She bucked and bounced her butt up and down on the floor while Lexy ground her pussy into her face a few last times before she began to stand on wobbly legs.

Lexy pulled her pants up and helped the girl to her feet. “I’ve never…with a girl, I’ve…” The cosplayer cut her off with a kiss. When she pulled away she straightened Lexy’s hair and wiped at her mouth any lipstick evidence of their makeout session until she was good to go. “Then I’m glad I was your first.” Said the Spider-Gwen. Lexy sighed and smiled. She took the costume’s zipper in hand and slowly, very slowly, brought it all the way back up, both girls watching it pass over navel and stomach then in between breasts and chest and all the way to the top. Their eyes locked and the cosplayer leaned in to whisper in Lexy’s ear, “I’ll always be your biggest fan.”

When they parted ways the Spider-Gwen girl went to the stairway that Lexy had taken to come up here. The YouTuber took a moment to compose herself, cool off and catch her breath, and maybe make sure her still wobbly legs were okay to walk on.

One more part to come, or find the full story here:

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qqblq0/im_your_biggest_fan_part_3