F 34. My husband can’t get me pregnant due to his medical condition. So we have his best friend do this job for us and he did it thrice. [MF]

I will try to keep this post as concise as possible to keep it short. My husband, has this condition of necrospermia. That is his semen contains mostly of dead sperms which prevented my chance of getting pregnant by him. So we opted for IVF. Twice. And failed both the times. The procedure drained us both emotionally and financially and I decided that I am not gonna do this for the third time.

A little later it was my husband who came up with this idea of natural insemination. He knew he can’t so we needed someone else to help us with this. I was in the middle ground at first given how serious this whole thing is. After some talks my husband nominated his candidate- his best friend. Let’s call him Andy. I have known Andy since I was dating my husband and he is a good friend of mine as well. And at this point of time he was perhaps the guy whom we could trust the most with this.

My husband talked with Andy. Obviously he asked for some time to think about it. Meanwhile, we both discussed this with our families. My parents and my husband’s parents as well. We wanted everyone aboard in this. They were supportive, though were tad concerned about Andy. But their doubts cleared after they met Andy and Andy too had agreed now.

So we did it. I moved in with Andy for a week. Then came back to my husband. Then we got the news that we all had been waiting for for a long time. I was pregnant. Our joy know no bounds. Everyone was happy for me, for us. During the course of pregnancy my sex drive increased and also felt a sort of ‘connection’ towards Andy. My husband was understanding and he encouraged me to see Andy whenever I felt like and we both had sex as well. I often moved in with Andy and then went back to my husband. And by the third trimester my husband suggested me to stay with Andy to avoid to and fro traveling, until delivery. I no longer felt that ‘connection’ after delivery.

Everyone in the family accepted the new one wholeheartedly and so did my husband who was in the seventh heaven for becoming a father.

Then we had our second one. Same story and the same process and I am currently four months pregnant with our third one.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qq95u7/f_34_my_husband_cant_get_me_pregnant_due_to_his


  1. Tell us about your escapades during the week you spent at andy’s house and how your husband reacted when you checked in with him.

  2. This guy just posted this two days ago. Totally a creepy guy not a woman.

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