I [F] hooked up with my law school rival’s [M] girlfriend [F]

I’m mostly not proud of this.

There was this dude in law school I absolutely could not stand. This was when the inevitability of LGBTQ marriage going up to the Supreme Court was obvious so we had a lot of debates about it during my time in law school. This jerk would say the absolute most homophobic things in class that would just make my blood boil.

*Side note: I definitely never expected to talk about the Supreme Court on a sex blog, but here we are*

What’s worse is we were close in class rank and constantly one-upping each other during lectures. This was not playful banter. I genuinely hated this man.

So one day I’m in the library and this super hot girl walks up to me and asks me how to get to a certain section. I’m so distracted by how hot she is it barely registers that she says she’s not a law student and only here to see her boyfriend. We chat for a bit and it turns out she’s actually pretty cool. She was in undergrad and kind of shy, but I could almost swear she was flirting with me.

Just then, Rival comes out and kisses her. My jaw drops because I am absolutely floored this man somehow scored this girl. She was MILES out of his league and genuinely cool. He immediately gets agitated when he realizes we’ve been talking and even more pissed when she says we should hang out. He steers her away pretty quickly, but five minutes later I get a friend request on Facebook and wonder if she felt a spark like I did.

So I’m not going to say what unfolded next was because Rival was homophobic AF, but let’s just say it was a nice bonus.

So during our spring formal, I make it a point to find her. She’s not exactly hard to spot because she’s in a red dress that was distracting half the room. The two of us start talking again and Rival walks up looking very annoyed at the prospect of us becoming friends.

He quickly makes an excuse about how they need to mingle and leads her to the other side of the room. I didn’t even mind. It’s not like I was expecting to hook up with her and I was mostly just amused by how much he hated that we got along. I accept that I probably won’t see her again.

So the evening goes on and I enjoy the night as much as one can in a room full of lawyers. A few hours in, Rival’s GF finds me and asks if I have a cigarette. I didn’t but I bummed a couple off of my friend because… well, I’m only human.

The moment we’re outside she goes on a rant about how everyone in the room is kind of an asshole and that she really just needed air. I kind of chuckle because she’s not wrong and use this burst of frustration to get her talking. Long after our cigarettes are done we’re still having a conversation.

At some point I announce I’m cold and ask if she wants to chill in my car for a bit before we make our return. I assumed she’d hesitate considering she had just abandoned her boyfriend at one of two major events we had each year, but she enthusiastically agrees.

I generally try not to make assumptions on whether women are hitting on me because I have definitely misread signs in the past, but the moment she realizes which car is mine she hops in the damn backseat. At this point I think it might happen.

So yeah, while my rival is shmoozing our professors inside, I am a few feet away in the backseat of my car with his girlfriend. I mean, that alone made me wet because I am apparently petty. I’m not a saint. Idk, maybe my kink is destroying my enemies.

I quite literally would have been content with this moment, but then she starts talking about their damn sex life and I absolutely have to keep her on this subject because apparently he was not great in bed. Was I turned on at the thought of her having sex or securing the knowledge that he was bad at it? The jury is still out.

We talk about it for a bit because I genuinely want to understand the problem, but she just gets kind of quiet and explains that the issue is actually her because she can’t get off during sex.

I chortle a little and ask if she’s every been with a woman. She says no, which isn’t exactly surprising. At this point I’ve picked up that she’s a bit religious and at the time that was more of a queer sex dealbreaker than it is now.

I tell her that I had an ex girlfriend who claimed she couldn’t get off during sex, but as it turns out she just hadn’t had a partner who would work with her. The air between us changes then. I can sense she’s getting nervous so I try to change the subject.

After about two sentences though, she asks specifically how I have sex with women and I explain that it depends. I definitely prefer oral, but I’m pretty good with my fingers and toys are always fun. She nods absently and I sincerely cannot read what she’s thinking before she leans over and kisses me.

And holy shit was it a good kiss.

She very gently parted my lips with her tongue and worked slowly, running her fingers through my hair and and moving down to kiss my ear and neck. Whatever issues Rival and her were having, I assure you it was not on her end. She knew what she was doing.

She very sweetly asks if she can touch my breasts and I generously inform her that she can in fact touch me anywhere she wants. I was wearing a strapless ball gown with a corset top so I had no bra on. I just pulled my dress down and guided her hand to touch me. She did so, fondling me gently as she put her mouth on my body. She looked panicked and kept asking if it was ok, so I started describing how good it felt and what I wanted her to do. Fuck she was good.

Finally, she sits back and asks for a minute to calm down. I pull up my dress because I assume she’s uncomfortable, but she stops me and asks if I can actually leave them out. I realize she’s pushing her legs together and I ask if she’s turned on. She gives me a shy nod, so I ask if I can feel. She nods her head again so I tell her to take off her underwear.

I’m not sure what possessed me but the moment she does I take them and throw them in my purse, explaining that we wouldn’t be needing them again. This very clearly turns her on because she almost looks like she’s in pain and opens her legs and nods for me to continue.

The moment my fingers are inside her she melts. She shudders at my touch and whispers my name. She was dripping wet and I had to stop for a second to physically collect myself after she lets out a tiny moan. Holy shit, it was so hit to watch.

I have a fine-tuned system with fingering. I like to start inside with two fingers (that part’s mostly for me because I love feeling when I make a girl wet), work my way to the clit with my thumb, and then use my whole hand in the process to follow their natural rhythm. I usually end deep with fingers inside when I know I’ve sent them over the edge.

She’s too sweet to dirty talk, but she keeps thanking me repeatedly as my move my thumb up to play with her clit. Honestly, I’ve never had a partner thank me during the act and it was pretty hot.

I considered going down on her, but she looked like she was enjoying my fingers and I didn’t want to overwhelm her with too much too soon. Instead I gently move her beneath me so I could get a better angle and moved my hand up and down until I could feel her matching my rhythm. At one point she reached out and grabbed my breasts again and I swear I was getting pretty close to orgasm myself just watching how much she was enjoying it.

In the cutest voice you can imagine, she kindly informed me that she might come and asks me not to stop. I quicken my pace slightly and right when I feel her orgasm I stuck two fingers deep inside her and watched as she makes the absolute most adorable O-face.

I’ve never seen anyone smile quite that broadly as I pull myself off of her. She just lays there with this goofy grin on her face as she stares at the ceiling like she’s just had a mind altering spiritual experience (maybe she had- I’m pretty fucking good).

Suddenly she gets a little worried and explains she doesn’t really know how to reciprocate this, but I assure her that I’m more than satisfied. I expect her to ask for her underwear back, but instead she just pulls her dress down and fidgets with her hair to make it more presentable. I am very pleased to find that despite her best efforts, she still looks like she just got fucked.

Anyway, we get back to the party and go our separate ways. Because I hadn’t gotten off, the remainder of the evening was pretty difficult. It’s hard to have a conversation about fee subject to condition subsequent when all I want to do is go home and get myself off to the thought of that girl coming underneath me.

A catch a final glimpse of her leaving and she gives me a small wave. Her boyfriend looks annoyed so I don’t push my luck by trying to go over for a goodbye. Instead I just smiled back and gave a little shrug.

I debated that dude a year later with his girlfriend’s underwear was in my pocket for good luck.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qpusbk/i_f_hooked_up_with_my_law_school_rivals_m


  1. This was an amazing ride. I love it when folks get their just desserts! And it sounds like she desperately needed a good time, too. Good on you!

  2. reading this as a law student & just picturing the precise type of ass this dude must have been & then reading the line “maybe my kink is destroying my enemies” had me ROLLING. (Such a wholesome story at the same time though)

  3. This story was so fucking hot! And the con law discussion made it even better!

  4. The fact you got property law in there too is amazing! That’s how I knew it was 100% a law school formal. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  5. The pettiness *absolutely* made the whole scenario more arousing, and I am so glad you went into detail about it. The whole story was excellently written, start to finish.

    Did you encounter her again, even fully dressed?

  6. This had me laughing and impressed at the same time. Having a law background I relate to characters like these. Cheers!

  7. An undisputed win for us queers. The hero we all need in these trying times. And your writing is delightful!

  8. I know nothing about law but the way you typed her out, she seems like a holy goddess who’s worth pleasing

    Here’s hoping some wires break and connect back to yours, or just maybe that he can take care of this girl better in the future

  9. IF he was able, he would have done the same to you. Law school always has many assholes, but also has a few humans. Please tell us you got together with her again.

  10. This is brilliant. I had my own rivals in law school and even more so when I started practicing. Your last line in the story is one I will forever remember and laugh about. Truly priceless!

  11. This maaay take the prize for the best story I have ever read on this sub. Every facet of that story is incredibly hot. Now I have to check what else you’ve written.

  12. “It was so hit to watch.” probably should be hot. Great story otherwise.

  13. Went to a law school party for Halloween this year and my God was that boring. Room full of lawyers comment is spot on

  14. Ugh I’m so sad reading the comments after this… she had such a great time yet goes back to that asshole…

  15. Props for Daze!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🤷🏽‍♂️

  16. Spring formal was always sloppy. Halloween was somehow even worse.

    This was so fucking good though. And accurate to law student life. And brought back instant rage-hate for the truly awful gunners from my past.

    Brava, just brava. Truly great stuff. And hot AF.

  17. I love this story! and the way you told it. I recently earned (her words) souvenir panties in the back seat of a car.. So I related well. Fun.

  18. Hope you kicked his ass in the debate and hopefully you hooked up with his girlfriend again

  19. Sounds like your rival and his girlfriend were *both* gunning for you. Ha! Law School humor.

    Oh, another one: I don’t know what’s worse, blue balls or Blue*book.*

    I have exams in like 2 weeks and I want to die.

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