Hexacanth [M/M/F/F/F/F] Part 3


*** ***Bella*** ***

Chris and Victor are taking a well earned rest. Raissa and I had a long talk about the what’s going to happen in the future, while Alana has been helping Roxanne out with her binds.

“So, I would like to ask a favor of you, kitten.”

I eyed her curiously and I know exactly what she’s going to ask about. I promised Alana that Roxanne would be the last person we share our boyfriend to, and that ended up with Roxanne being shoehorned into the relationship as well! But maybe, just maybe she’ll make an exception for our Brazilian friend here.


Alana had her arms wrapped around Roxanne. She licked and sucked her breast, making her softly moan under her hands. Alana’s fingers soon trailed down her stomach, brushing against it lightly with her finger.

Soon their lips are mere millimeters apart, threatening each other.

“A-Alana, we can’t,” Roxxy breathes against her, looking longingly in her eyes.

“Why? Why not?” Alana whispered back, flicking her tongue against her lips, “why can’t we?”

“B-because I’m not g-gay,” Roxanne answered back as she gently pecked Alana’s lip.

“Y-yeah, you’re not… you’re not gay,” she realized but Alana didn’t move or anything. They just stared at each other.

Until they finally noticed Raissa and us looking at them, clearly waiting for more of this juicy development. Alana and Roxxy separated from their embrace, with Alana giving her a blanket with which to cover herself with.

“Yeah, stop doing gay shit if you’re not gay,” I chuckled then I smacked Roxannes thighs so she can make room for me. “I’m calling a meeting, and don’t be so fucking loud because those two are resting.”

I pointed over to Chris and Victor, laying down and talking, trying to get a sense of what to do. They should be sleeping, they deserve it but instead they’re just talking.

Raissa laid on her belly and Alana, seeing an opportunity, laid on her squishy, pillow like mounds of ass. She gave it a squeeze, she buried her face on it, and she gave it a quick kiss as she laid her head on it which made Raissa giggle and squeal. Roxanne spreads her legs for me and I laid myself against her, letting her play with my hair as I cleared my throat.

“So what are we going to do now? Are all 6 of us idiots just going to be fucking each other like some crazed cult or something? We can’t have that. We’re in a separate, dedicated relationship. Chris is with Alana, Roxanne and myself and Raissa has Victor.”

It’s really hard to have an air of authority on yourself when your breast are being fondled and molded. Roxanne teased and pinched my nipples, pressing down on it and then letting them spring back up.

“So what do you guys want to do? Let the men just do whatever the fuck they want?” I started and Alana kind of grumbled a bit. “Raissa, are you asking for us to share Chris with you?”

“Kitten, I… I… I would like you to, if that is alright.”

“Raissa, you’re asking for a lot from us here. Talk to Vic first, alright?”


Victor and Chris, I guess seeing a somewhat heated discussion, decided to come over to investigate. Alana, being the cum-dodging whore that she is, spoke up a bit, “Victor, do you want us to come over and have sex with you two?”

“What? That’s too much, no. I’m perfectly happy with Raissa.”

Raissa kinda blushed for a second,

“What are you guys discussing in your little meeting? Trying to see if Vic and I are willing to be shared? Is that it?”

“Share? What do you mean?” Victor piped up.

Victor is a bit on the slow side it seems.

“I be that’s what they’re talking about. I bet they’re trying to see if Raissa is willing to lend you over to us, or me to you two. I bet they want a repeat of this again, and again and again.”

He crept up to me, slow and steady and without breaking eye contact. “I bet they want my cock inside while yours fuck their asshole again, or maybe they want to feel me cum inside their pussy while you fill their filthy mouth with your hot cum.”

Dear god, he’s actually making me wet again. I watched him with great interest, his facial expression growing a bit more grim with each step.

Chris grabbed me by the wrist and I stood up before him. Our height became obvious, and while I towered over him I felt so small under his hands and eyes. “Was that what your meeting about?”

I swallowed nervously while his hands groped my ass, spreading it and then mashing it together. He kept his eyes on me while I looked away, feeling somewhat threatened by him for the first time.

“Well? I need an answer.”

“There was a discussion, but it’s not finalized,” I answered.

“Finalized? What is this, a fucking spreadsheet?” He slapped my ass, making me yelp a bit, “were we going to be included in this discussion?”

“O-Of course you are,” he slapped my ass again, “w-we we’re just discussing it.”

He took me, Alana and Roxxy by the hand and we went off towards the shower. He got the water running and we waited for it to turn warm, but as we did Chris is all over us with his lips and his hands and his cock. While we made out, his cock rubbed my pussy lips and his fingers were inside Alana and Roxxy’s pussy, fingering them.

“I-I’m sorry,” was all I said as he pulled me closer, making his cock disappear within the folds of my pussy.

“B-Baby! You’ve been fucking most of the night, don’t you want to rest?” I gasped as I felt his thickness inside me, “aren’t you tired?”

“You know, I try to contain myself every day when I’m around you girls. I try to respect whenever you girls don’t want to have sex, but I can’t help it sometimes, especially when you, Bella, smell like sweat. Or when Alana hums and sings along to her songs, or when Roxanne would make that giggling noise when she watches cat videos. I get turned on and I need to leave. Every. Time.”

He grabbed Alana by the waist and pulled her in, kissing her deeply and long. “Sometimes you girls would just wear something and I get the urge. What Alana wore, I wanted to tear it off her the moment I saw her and I wanted her then.”

Next, he took Roxxy by the waist and pulled her in too, sticking his tongue down her throats, “then there’s Roxxy who wears her hair in waves and it flows down to her shoulder seamlessly. I want to grab it and pull it. I want to but I can’t, because she worked to get it styled like that.”

Then he turned his attention to me, “sometimes, you just being there makes me want to have my way with you, Bella.”

He thrusted up slow but hard. Because of our height difference, he didn’t need me to hold my pelvis forward or anything, and since his penis naturally points up it’s only natural for it to go in.

“I need to wash my girls,” he said as he removed his hand from Roxanne and Alana. He started rubbing my body down, removing the wet socks from my feet and thigh and any article of clothing I wore. Alana did the same with her fishnet top and bra.

He lathered up a small towel and proceeded to wash me. He washed my tits, he washed my back and my ass, and he washed my legs and thighs. He took the shower head and made sure to was my pussy and asshole.

Then, he washed it with his tongue. I’ve never felt his warm tongue inside my asshole before, and as he spreads my cheek he stuck it in even further. He pushed me against the glass wall, pushing me until my tits are smashed against it. He had his way with both of my holes, and he made my knees weak. “I don’t understand how you’re so sexy and beautiful,” he told me as he stood up, fingering my pussy while he grabbed a tit from behind, “or how I could be so lucky to have you.”

He grabbed Alana and started washing her body too, lathering her up and rinsing it off her and both of her holes. He then went to his knees and started drinking the water coming down her belly and off her clit, licking and slurping up her pussy lips. Then he turned her around and spreads her cheeks apart and stuck his tongue in. Alana grimaced and moaned as she grabbed his hair and pushed him in further. “F-Fuck! C-Chris, you need to – *anhh -* need to rest!”

He reached up and fondled her tits, squeezing them down and then releasing them. “I don’t know how lucky I am that someone like Alana would give me a chance,” he said as he rose up, “how a bad girl refuses to find a boyfriend because she wanted me.” He slapped her ass while his lips rubbed against the back of her neck, “so now, I’m going to have to be a good boyfriend for her so she wouldn’t be so lonely and sad.”

Next, he reached over for Roxxy and grabbed her by the wrist. He pulled her in towards him and sucked on her lips, lifting up one of her leg and letting it wrap around his waist. His cock threatened to breach her again, pulsing and twitching right at her slit, rubbing and throbbing against her little clit. “I’m not even sure how we came across Roxxy, I like to call it fate. What are the chances that this little bitch’s and Alana’s grudge against each other is so toxic that she wanted to steal me away from her, only for her to become part of our little group.”

“S-Stop! Saying it like that is so embarrassing,” Roxxy whined.

“Oh, but I’m glad you two made up, even if I had to force you to. I don’t like my girls fighting like that.”

Chris started to wash her back and ass cheeks, letting his lips come over and give her short, passionate kisses. His cock wanted to be inside her, I can tell with how much twitching and squirming it’s doing, but the pecking order is still in effect.

*** ***Victor*** ***

“Babe, do you really want Chris to join us from time to time?”

Raissa sighed heavily as her head rest against the pillow and she covered her mouth with a hand. “I… I do not know why I am feeling this way. I love you, querido, I really do. But… but my body, I cannot explain it but when I see him it becomes hot. My heart races and I feel warm. But I do not love him, do not think that, I just cannot explain!”

“I think your body wanted him, ever since that night in the hotel you’ve wanted him.”

She moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around me, burying her head against me, “Forgive me! I did not wish for this to happen! I do not know why my body is like this! I have been trying to forget about him, to make my body stop lusting for him like it does for you. I am sorry! I am sorry, my love!”

Truth be told, I don’t think Chris is the type of person to just sleep with any woman. Bella told me that he was strictly monogamous until she started letting women sleep with him. First, it was Alana. Then, Laura and then someone named Jackie and now Roxanne. Alana and Roxanne was so captivated by him that they, too, fell in love with him.

I don’t think Raissa would sneak around behind my back because otherwise she would have gotten with Chris months before, or tried to at least. What the fuck am I supposed to do? I mean, I did enjoy what we’re doing now but I don’t think it’s something I would do on the regular. I never found Bella sexually attractive, or rather someone I’d want to have sex with. I saw her as a friend and nothing more, and seeing her naked and having sex with her changes nothing. Raissa has always been enough for me, but does allowing her to have Chris as a side-piece make me less of a man?

What if we get serious and we get married? What then? Will I have Chris as a constant visitor every time? Am I okay with that? This is the type of shit you cannot prepare for.

I guess my silence is tearing Raissa apart because she’s crying hard against me, apologizing and begging for me to not leave her. I picked up her face and looked at her, giving her little nose a little bop with my finger. “You’re a naughty bitch aren’t you,” I said a little forceful. Maybe I need to let loose a little. Maybe I need to examine me and what I want.

“What? Querido, I did not mean to anger you I -”

I cut her off by placing my hand over her mouth. I pushed her over to her back and I just looked at her, trying to make a somewhat angry but disappointed face, but not rage filled or anything. “You just want to sleep with Chris, right? I’m not enough for you. I get it, I really get it.”

She shook her head and her eyes are wide, “Salazar wasn’t enough for you, so I guess I’m not either.”

Then her eyes narrowed a bit, so I released her mouth, “Salazar has nothing to do with this! What are you saying, Victor, that I am just like my ex-husband? A lying, cheating, worthless sack of shit!?”

She started to cry, but when she felt my lips on her neck did she realize what I’m doing, or what I’m trying to do anyway.

“So one cock is not enough for you, is that right?” I asked again as I spread her legs apart and positioned myself in between her leg. She wrapped her thick legs around my waist, “You’re asking me to share you to him when he has too many on his plate already. That’s pretty selfish of you, Raissa. You’re a very selfish bitch.”

“Do not call me a bitch you – *mmph!”* My lips went to hers and our tongues automatically danced with one another, poking and prodding and swapping spit. I reached down and brought my hard dick up and rubbed it against her love entrance, trying to find the right hole to go into. Should I go for her asshole, or her delicious pussy?

I’m a gentleman, so pussy first. “Raissa, you’re a bitch. You’ve always been a bitch, it’s just you’re a different kind of a bitch.”

“Q-Querido, you know I do not like that word!” She screeched as her nails dug into my back, “I do not like that word, please do not call me that word.”

“What? A bitch doesn’t like being called a bitch? Well, too bad. You’re my bitch, and my bitch alone, do you understand?”

“Y-You’re being very mean to me, querido. Is it because I said I wanted Chris to join us sometimes? Is it because of that? Did I make you feel inadequate?”

“Inadequate? No, I’ve never felt inadequate and Chris does not make me feel inadequate. Do you think I feel inadequate?’

I fucking hate that word now, I’ve said it more times in the past 10 seconds than I have in the past 29 years of my life.

“So, here’s what we’ll do. I’ll let you have what you want. In exchange, I’m going to start doing what I want.”

“What you want? What do you mean by that?” she asked me as her tone becomes more dire, “What do you mean, Victor? Tell me!”

“You want to have sex with another man, Chris, so I think it’s only fair that I bring someone along with me.”

She grabbed my face with ferocity and strength and she made me look at her, “No! I do not want you to have other women beside me!”

“So why do you think I want you to have other men beside me? That seems unfair, right?”

She looked away from me, realizing what her own selfishness meant. While I fucked her pussy, her mind is thinking of other things. “I am confused, querido. I am so confused!”

“What’s to be confused about? Just tell me, because it looks like Bella and the girls are perfectly fine with your plan, but you weren’t thinking that I would be alright with it. So if you go along with this plan, then I’ll go along with mine.”

“No! Please, Victor, please! I do not want that! I do not! Why were you alright with tonight, then? Why?”

“Who said I’m alright with tonight? I’m not, don’t get me wrong, I’m not alright with tonight and neither was Chris! He didn’t want to do this because he’s afraid that he’ll loose me as a friend. The guy doesn’t have a lot of friends, and your selfishness has damn near made him sick to his stomach with worry and stress. I wanted to make you happy, that’s why I’m doing this.”

“You did this for me? To satisfy my curiosity and fantasy?”

“Of course! I wouldn’t do this otherwise, and I’m glad it was with Chris because if it was some random guy I would be so heartbroken. I can at least trust Chris to keep his own feeling in check, because he’s actually afraid of you if you can believe that.”

She hugged me closer while she continued her weeping, asking for forgiveness for her selfishness. I might have to ask Chris for more help with her. I’m really putting a lot of stress on the poor guy, and I’m thankful Bella and the girls can help him out with it.

*** ***Alana*** ***

How fucking long are we going to keep fucking in the fucking shower?

I love sex. I love it. I love sex with men and I love sex with women. However, I do not like sex in the shower, the pool or while in the ocean. I don’t like it. Chris likes it, and that’s the only reason why I do it. The guy likes sex anywhere, he’ll do it in a cardboard box if he can.

The reason why I don’t like being fucked in the shower is because I’m afraid of slipping and falling and cracking my head open.

But right now, we’ve got Chris on his back while I’m pounding my ass on his hips, letting his cock grind against my insides. Fuck, this man has already cummed four times today! He gave one to each of the girls, and now he’s threatening of giving us more? Why? What keeps him going? What keeps his motor running?

“You’re thinking too much,” he whispered in my ears as he grabbed my ass and pumped up harder, grinding into my pelvis and then he shook my hip side to side, making his cock stir my insides a bit. “what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”

“N-nothing,” I slurred out as the dopamine in my brain is making me more stupid it seems, “I jushht love your cock.”

“Good,” he said as he took his cock out from me, letting me rest a little bit and gather my head. Rox moved in and started sucking his cock clean of me and my orgasm juice, while Chris and I started slobbering and making out with one another.

“You know, those two are probably talking about what their relationship is heading into,” Izz spoke out, referring to Raissa wanting some of Chris to herself. What a selfish bitch, but I can’t really say that with a straight face because I did the same with Izz.

“Let them figure it out,” Chris said, “I’m sure Victor will do what he feels is right.”

“You’re putting a lot of faith in him. What made you trust him so much?” Izz poked a little as she squatted down until her pussy is over his face, but she didn’t go any further.

“Victor treats me like we’re equal, you know. Dean treats me like I’m beneath him while Albert treats me like an older brother does. Victor and I see eye to eye on a lot of things. For instance, we weren’t 100% on board with tonight’s event.”

That made Izz’s eyes open up a bit wider, and not because Chris pulled her hip down lower and he stuck a tongue into her. “N-Not 100%? Then why? Why are we doing this?” she said as she tried to suppress her moans, “Raissa looks like someone you would enjoy, right?”

“She would look like someone I’ll enjoy physically, I’ll admit, but she is Victor’s girl. I’m afraid of loosing him as a friend because I don’t have a lot of friends to begin with, and he and I only agreed to do this just so he can make her happy.”

“S-So why bring us along?” Izz asked even more. Why did he bring us along? Is it because we’d get jealous of what he’s doing? For me, I was afraid that he’ll fall in love with Raissa. That Brazilian slut is really beautiful, not as pretty as Izz but she’s still beautiful.

“Why? Well, why not? If I’m going to have sex with his girlfriend, it’s only fair that I let him have sex with mine, and it looks like my girls enjoyed him.”

Although the two boys were initially alright with us having sex with each other’s boyfriends, Chris and Victor ultimately didn’t feel comfortable having vaginal sex with each other’s girlfriend. I guess that’s where the line was drawn. It’s funny, these two clowns are more alike than they’d care to admit. They both felt it was “too personal” of an act.

Rox slipped the cock back into my pussy when she was done sucking him off, then she went over and started making out with me. This bitch, for someone who claims to be strictly straight she just can’t keep her lips off of mine.

*** ***Roxanne*** ***

Her lips feel so nice and plump and her tongue is so warm and sweet. Whenever Alana and I kiss, my mind always goes blank and my body goes on autopilot. Why are we kissing anyway? I shouldn’t be kissing her, I’m not gay or anything. But having Chris in my mouth with Alana’s taste, it felt so confusing for me.

Alana peeled herself off of Chris’ cock and she gave me a nod, so I took my turn. Belle is still on his face, letting his lips and tongue eat her up. His arm wrapped up and over her thigh and his hand is cupping her ass. Her face is in a constant state of bliss as she enjoys how he can eat her up. His skill is amazing. How he can work his tongue in and out of our pussy, how he can use his lips to tease, how he can use his teeth to gently coax an orgasm bubble. He knows Belle’s spot, he knows Alana’s spot and I believe he’s starting to get to know mine. He and I haven’t had an alone time, as Belle would say, so maybe in the very near future he’ll make my mind go blank and I’ll be blubbering and crying like an orgasmic idiot.

God, his fucking dick is stretching me really well! I can actually feel my walls making room just to accommodate him! Every time he comes in he would press my buttons, without any input from him to where his dick goes, it’s like it just knows where to go.

Alana came over from behind, wrapping her arms around me and placing her head next to mine. “Having fun?” she asks. Of course I’m having fun. Sex is fun, having sex is fun so therefore I’m having fun! Her right hand slitered down towards my pubic region while she coaxed my face over to towards her.

“N-No,” I said to her, but she nodded gently at me as our lips came together again. Her fingers went over my clit and rubbed it while I grabbed her arm that’s currently holding onto my chin. I made no effort in trying to get away from her touch, nor did I try to take my lips off from hers.

I fear she may have corrupted me. For the better, maybe.

I hear Belle chuckle, but I didn’t care. All I cared about is what I’m doing, which is getting dicked and getting my lips and tongue serviced.

“S-So, are we all in agreement? That we don’t intend on sharing our beautiful boyfriend here anymore?”

Alana and I nodded, and Belle simply giggled, “Good, baby you’re all ours and we’re all yours. Don’t forget that, now.”

*** ***Bella*** ***

We ended our cleaning session with a deeper understanding of one another. We finally agreed to not allow any other woman in our sex life, with the exception of Jackie. The subject of Raissa came to mind and we thought it was best to allow Victor to handle that situation.

We slept together, the four of us in one bed. It’s amazing what you can do in a queen size bed. While it was cramped it was still, somewhat, comfortable. Victor never mentioned anything else other than he “handled” it, and it came to my understanding that he and Chris are still in very good terms.

I know Chris would be heartbroken if he loses a friend. Alana laid down on his left side while I occupied the right. Roxxy was in between his legs, resting on his thigh with Chris’ dick in an easy to reach area.

Honestly it was the best sleep I’ve ever had. Being taken by two men, having my insides rearranged like that. It’s a memorable experience and one I’m glad I managed to get. I’m sure Alana and Roxxy felt the same way. Chris, I’m not so sure. He’s honest when it comes to a lot of things, but he represses his feelings. I’ll have to have a heart to heart talk to him when we get home, though, and one I’m sure that we’ll do.

We were planning on fireworks tonight but all of that action really took a toll on the boys and the girls are just as tired.

Morning came with Alana and Roxanne already up and awake. Chris is still asleep as well as Victor. I can’t blame them, they had a physically intensive night. Raissa is on the phone near the window, looking out into the city.

I came up to her to see her swollen eyes. She’s been crying, and while she tried to hide it I pressed a bit harder.

“Victor, he says that if I am to go with what I want, then he will go with what he wants to do.”

“You mean…”

Raissa has asked me during the night to see if Chris is interested in having some fun with her and Victor. I wasn’t for the idea, I didn’t want Chris to go off and shag this Brazilian beauty, but who am I to cage him?

“He… Victor, querido has told me that he is not interested in it. He told me that if I want to do something like that, then he will start bringing in other girls. Kitten, I do not want that. I do not want to share querido!”

“Then don’t! What is so bad about your relationship that you would want Chris anyway? Are you that pent up, sexually, that you would want to jeopardize your relationship with Victor?” I asked her. She looked out of the window, closing her eyes tightly and brushing her hair back over her shoulder.

“I… there are some things I want to do with Victor, that I am afraid that he will be disgusted by it. Having two men is one of them. The other is, well, it is not something I like to discuss with anyone, but I feel you are the correct person to confess it to. Please, do not tell Chris or Victor.”

She took a deep breath to steady herself, “I would like Victor to be more rough with me, to call me names that would normally make me angry. He called me a bitch last night, I hate that word, but when were making love and he called me that, it made me more… horny. It filled me with lust. Victor is not as learned as you or I in sex, so I am afraid that he will be disgusted by this.”

I laughed softly, “Raissa, why don’t you tell him. Talk to him. Do you think Chris automatically knew how to be as dominating as he can be? No, he learned it. Eventually he picks up on the little nuances that we give him, but he’s not perfect with it. He doesn’t know I like watching him have sex with other women, and I’m not worried that he’ll stray away because he comes back to me. To his credit, Chris only has sex with Alana and Roxanne, and that’s enough to satisfy my kink.”

“Just talk? That is it?”

“Yeah, it’s a simple solution to a really simple problem that people seems to fuck up and they make it so much more complicated. I get it, you’re afraid and you don’t want to loose him, but it breaks even more hearts if you loose him because you decide to cheat on him with someone who only satisfy that one thing. Maybe Victor would like to do those things with you? Just talk to the guy.”


We got dressed up and cleaned up as much as we can. I’m wearing a pair of denim, low rise shorts and a sweater over my tank top, Alana has on a pair of black leggings and a denim jack over her sports bra, and Roxanne has some jeans and a pair of plain, white t-shirts.

Chris and Victor took some space for themselves, giving each other a handshake and patting each other on the shoulder. We got into separate cars, with Raissa blow us a kiss as she went into Victor’s sports car.

~ End of Hexacanth ~

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qpfssg/hexacanth_mmffff_part_3


  1. In Ethical Non-Monogamy and Kink, communication (aka talking to or with) your partner(s) is really the most important thing. Trust can be lost and found, but not without communication. Getting your kinks and fetishes (two separate things in my book) fulfilled requires communication. Consent, the foundation of all of it, requires communication.

    Thank you for including that part of this story.

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