The night I (F) fucked a guy on a stag do [FM]

This encounter happened a few years ago. It’s longer than I intended, I could cut a load out, but I enjoyed writing it πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ (You’ll know the bit when you get there…)

First chunk is context and background story. The stuff after the first asterisks is build-up. Second asterisks is the sex. There’s a part 2, if interested ☺️


I grew up in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere. There was a bus route that ran through the village twice a day(ish), out in the morning then back mid-afternoon, and taxis were insane money. The nearest town is only about 5 miles away so a quick drive (and an ok cycle, but not something that I’d do regularly). The population was just over 300 when I was growing up and has barley changed over the last 20 years. People come and go but it’s one of those ‘everybody knows everybody’ places. There is a small church, a school, a quintessentially British pub, a corner shop, and a slightly larger convenience store. Tourists often pass through when doing countryside road trips, there are a couple of holiday cottages that do well.

I spent a lot of time in my teens in the pub. The beer garden was huge and beautiful, and the pub itself was a lovely cosy place to sit when the weather turned. The landlord was a nice guy, before the age of 18 he’d let us have the occasional ‘shandy’ (more like half a pint with a dash of lemon) and around Christmas a glass of mulled wine or cider. As long as we didn’t take the piss. He couldn’t stand gossip, so anything he saw or heard stayed behind the bar, and he made it clear he expected the same of his staff.

I was around 19, school was back but university hadn’t started up yet so it was probably around mid-September. The weather was glorious and there were still stragglers from the tourist season stopping in now and then. I’d had the occasional flirtatious drink with a passers-by in the last couple of years but I never encouraged anything more. I had a boyfriend for about 6 months in university but we broke up that March. I’d since had a one night stand (well, two-night, we hooked up again a couple of days later) with a guy from a club but other than that my sex life was basically non existent. That was fine, I’m not a hugely sexual person, but I suddenly found myself craving a lay.

One evening I confided all this to Matt, a barman in his late 20s and a good friend (no, not that sort of friend.) He said he’d drop me a message if anyone my type came by; he was joking, but I felt a hint of seriousness. Sure enough, a couple of days later a message came through – “Hey, good news ;) Guy at the bar, think early-20s, your kinda style. Here with parents but they’ve gone to look at the church and gardens, he’s chilling here.” Ha… I was desperate, but turns out not that desperate. “Thanks πŸ˜‚ appreciate it but I’ll pass! I can manage another couple of weeks, I’ll hit freshers’ week πŸ˜›”

The next few days were pleasantly uneventful. At the end of the week I dropped Matt a text asking if he was working. He was, so I went to the pub. After an hour of on-and-off conversation I got up to leave. “I’d better get going.” “Stay a bit longer… there’s a stag do coming in,” said Matt, grinning. “They called earlier.” There’s a golf club not far away, they were probably on a weekend golf break. There was a bar, but it was cheaper to taxi to the village and drink here. I smiled and shook my head and, humouring him, sat back down, taking out my phone to message my parents saying I might be late back.

Just over half an hour later six guys turned up, laughing their asses off over something, and took a booth. After a few minutes one of them came over to get a round in. He and Matt made small talk about golf (I knew it), and as Matt rang the order through on the till I looked at this guy and said “So who’s the groom?” He nodded towards the booth and said “Ross, blue shirt.” I looked over and he said, smiling, “He’s the first one of us to get here, he’s a great guy”. “Aww I can feel the love,” I laughed as he paid for his drinks. “Ha, yeah we’re all tight.” He picked up three of the pints from the bar. “I’ll bring the rest over,” I said. “Oh, thanks!” he replied appreciatively.

As I put the drinks down I looked at Ross and said “Hey, congratulations!”. “Well thank you very much!” he replied, a huge, tipsy grin on his face. A couple of the guys laughed – I guess they’d bought him shots or something in the golf club bar. I went back to my bar stool. “So?” said Matt. “What?” I asked, with an unconvincing faux innocence (I have a shit poker face). “Which one do you fancy?” I scrunched my eyes at him in a friendly glare. “None of them. Stop it!” They were good looking guys, but none of them struck me.

After a while another came up for the next round. Matt had disappeared to top up the crisps or something. Being absolutely terrible at small talk, I felt like a rabbit in the headlights in my desperation to avoid an awkward silence. I said to new-guy (in an attempt to sound confident but totally missing the mark and instead sounding blunt and weird) “So, to save me talking to a bunch of people whose names I don’t know, what am I calling everyone?” “Sorry?” he replied, his face total confusion. “Oh, I was talking to your friend earlier, I forgot to ask his name. I’ve got Ross.” “Ah ok! I’m Drew, and we’ve got Foxy, Ross, Jareth, Stu, and Gio.” “Jareth? Like from Labyrinth??” (Another internal facepalm). Drew looked at me, even more confused. “The ’80s movie? Bowie? The goblin king?” (I should have stopped talking after ‘Bowie’. If ’80s movie’ and ‘Bowie’ didn’t ring any bells ‘goblin king’ sure as hell wasn’t going to.)

Matt thankfully reappeared, and as Drew ordered his round I said “Well nice meeting you” and slipped off to the toilets, hiding there until he was back at the table. When I returned Matt asked what had happened. “You left me alone with a stranger for more than five seconds, I’m not safe around new people. He gave me an ‘in’ for Labyrinth.” Matt laughed his head off. “You’re too into ’80s pop culture.” “It’s not ’80s pop culture’, it’s a fucking classic movie. That’s him out. And the guy on the end is called Foxy so that’s not happening either.” (I was being facetious. Love to any Foxys reading this 😘) “Oh? So you’re going for it?” “Well I can’t make it any worse… The guy that came up before, his name is Jareth, hence the Labyrinth thing.” “Ah, I see,” said Matt smiling again.

I won’t bore you with more play-by-play of the evening, so fast forward a couple of hours later. The group were now at the bar laughing with me and Matt (they’d bought us each a couple of drinks earlier). I’d chatted with all the guys, and my sights were on Gio. Tall, dark and handsome. Actually not my usual type, he was too clean-cut and responsible. I’m more drawn to goofier guys, bed-head hair, that sort of thing. But at that moment I needed someone who was confident, unattached, and enticing. We had shared a couple of lingering smiles. There was definite chemistry. I needed to make physical contact. A hand on the arm, on the leg, anything. I had no plan, I’d have to make it up as I went along.

Gio was sat in the middle of the group. After a while someone bought another round. Ross went to the bathroom as Matt was pulling the pints, leaving a spot next to Gio free. I got my phone out and stepped outside for an excuse to move. Just for a few seconds – I didn’t think Ross would be long. I walked back through the pub door and slid into Ross’s space, leaning on the bar with both arms, getting comfortable, claiming my position. I let my arm brush Gio’s on the way. Matt moved my drink to my new spot. Jareth and Foxy were on my left, Gio and Stu on my right. Ross got back and settled next to Stu. I grabbed my drink and held it towards Gio’s as he picked up his freshly pulled pint.


“Cheers,” I said, keeping my voice low to ensure it didn’t invite a response from the rest of the group. We clinked glasses and took a sip. He smiled softly to himself as he placed his drink bank on the bar – that gentle happiness you get when everything is calm and right with the world. I briefly pressed my shoulder against his in a playful bump. “All good?” I asked, glancing at him. “Yeah,’ he said pensively, the smile retuning. “I’ve not felt this chilled in ages.”

Small talk wouldn’t get us anywhere. And I didn’t want to give him false pretences. This was about me. I needed to use someone. “Any plans for after?” “Probably one or two more then back to the hotel.” The other guys were talking and laughing in their pairs. Matt was tidying the bar. I dropped my voice and leaned my face towards his ear. “Want some company?” He kept facing the bar, though I saw his eyes marginally widen. A different smile gave his thoughts away. I whispered “I’m going out the back. Follow me.”

I left, and a minute or so later Gio slipped out. “Hey,” I said, with a wicked smile. Time to be direct. I chose my words, nervously preparing myself to say the syllables without thinking about what they meant. I stepped up to him and placed a hand gently on the back of his neck, my forearm draped on his shoulder. Softly, in barely more than a whisper, I said “The thing is, I need someone to make me cum. I don’t want to just fuck someone. I need to be selfish, so don’t expect me to return the favour”.

I pulled back slightly, keeping my hand on his neck. There was silence for a beat as Gio processed what I was asking. “Oh with pleasure,” he said through a smile. “I’ll go back with the guys after this drink. You follow on. I’m in room 109.” I moved my other hand to his hip, pulling him against me, as I leaned up, breathing against his ear, gently catching his ear lobe with my teeth. He exhaled deeply, ran a hand from the small of my back to my ass, pulled my pelvis against his, and brushed his lips gently against my neck with a breathy “mmm”. We broke apart, and headed back to the bar.

I sat back in my spot. I don’t think anyone noticed my return – why would they, I didn’t know these guys. Gio subtly picked up his pint and walked to the far end of the group, joining in their conversation. I downed my vodka and coke, walked over to the gate leading to behind the bar, craned my neck over, and shouted goodbye to Matt. He popped his head round from the back and, looking a little surprised, said goodnight. I told the guys it was good to meet them, wished Ross luck on his upcoming wedding, and left. Standing round the side of the pub, I dropped Matt a message: “Let me know when they finish their drinks. When you call them a taxi, get a second to arrive 15 minutes after.” Matt simply replied: “;)”

I sat on a bench, nervously breathing in the fresh evening air. 20 minutes later, the message came through: “Taxi’s on its way. Gio was pretty clear that he didn’t want to stay for another ;p”. I didn’t reply. Then, 15 minutes later: “They’ve gone”. I stood outside the pub, messaged my parents saying I’d crash at Matt’s, and waited. It didn’t take long. I sent Matt the final message of the night: “I’m in the taxi. Golf club hotel room 109. Will text in the morning.”


I paid the fare, walked through the front doors, and strode through the lobby. I headed straight to room 109 and gently tapped on the door. It opened almost instantly. I quickly stepped in and walked towards the bed, lifting my top over my head as I went. I turned, facing Gio as he hungrily followed. He placed an arm behind my waist, drawing me towards him. As our bodies met, I felt his other hand slide between my legs, gently rubbing me through my jeans while kissing me deeply. I stepped backwards, our tongues still entwined, his fingers still making broad strokes between my legs, and leaned backwards onto the bed.

He broke away and pulled my jeans down as I pushed myself further up the bed, sliding them over my feet. As he crawled up the bed towards me he pulled his top off, his toned torso just millimeters above my rising and falling chest. His fingers quickly returned, though with just the thin cotton of my panties between us. The pressure of his fingertips teased every part of my pussy, glancing over my clit, trying to find their way inside me, stopped by this tiny piece of material.

He lowered his head, softly kissing my neck and pressing his body against mine as he slid his hand down the front of my panties, siding open my labia, wetting his fingers as he broke the seal, shallowly circling my wetness with just a hint of a finger inside me. He removed his hand and placed it again on top of my panties, pressing his fingers against them, feeling how wet they had now become. He moved his hands to my sides, my hips feeling tiny under his broad palms, and peeled my panties down my legs, dropping them at the foot of the bed. As his hand came up to find me once more, I spread my legs, inviting his fingers inside.

Lying on my back with one arm above my head, the other across my stomach, and my legs parted, Gio effortlessly slid two fingers inside me. Slowly but firmly he worked them back and forth, pushing slightly deeper each time. God it felt good – he knew exactly where to add the pressure. But it wasn’t going to make me cum. Penetration never does. He moved his mouth to my breasts. I let him carry on until his fingers were as deep as they would go, swirling up a whirlpool of wetness as his circling fingers hit my g-spot.

My back arched, my thighs tensed, and he slipped a third finger in. I took his hand by the wrist and pulled his soaking fingers out of me, guiding them to my clit. He started rubbing, and they slid across me as easily as melting ice. I exhaled deeply, pushing my pelvis upwards against his fingers, spreading my legs a little more. His whole hand was shaking furiously from the wrist as he rubbed his fingers vigorously against my clit. I don’t know whether I’m weird and this just doesn’t do it for me, or whether it’s something guys get from porn and it doesn’t really do it for anyone. I grabbed his hand, placed my finger on his, and guided it on top of my clit. I slowly moved my finger up and down, changing the pressure, keeping my hand still, using his fingertip to rub myself, never breaking contact with my clit. I moved my hand away and he carried on.

This time all the movement came from one finger, all of his energy traveling to this one fingertip against this one tiny fold, pressing and circling more intensely as my legs spread further apart. Now both of my arms were above my head, my shoulders digging into the mattress as he pressed harder and harder, vibrating his fingertip against me.

My mouth opened in silent gaps and my fingers tightly gripped the pillow. I felt my orgasm build up as I inhaled deeply, and before I could help it I thrust my hips up, my legs spreading wide, and came against his hand. He kept rubbing and I kept gasping, finally collapsing against the bed after half a minute of writhing every couple of seconds as wave crashed through my body.

His finger carried on lightly circling my clit, and I moaned a deep ‘mmm’. He placed his hands either side of my head, and kissed my neck sensuously, our torsos tightly against one another. I felt his rock hard dick through his trousers, but, a man of his word, he didn’t even grind it against me.

After a couple of minutes I went to clean up, my heart still racing (and Gio’s erection still obvious) as my naked body collapsed back on the bed. “How was that?” asked Gio. The sound of his voice sounded odd after so much silence punctuated only by breathing and speechless gaps. I smiled. “Mmm, yeah that did the job. A strong start.” Gio laughed in disbelief. “A start??” “Yes, I could go another round. I’m not complaining. But you know women can have multiple orgasms, right? Guys just never usually have the patience.” Gio smiled again. “Ok, what would you like me to do?” I replied, “Give me a couple of minutes. But how about your tongue gives your fingers a break?”


I was going to write up the whole thing, but this ended up super long so I’ll do a second (shorter!) part 2 over the next few days, if there’s interest πŸ™‚ (Spoiler – I did fuck him eventually. It would have been cruel not to.)



  1. The things that happen in quaint British villages ;-) Nice start, intrigued to hear how the night progressed…

  2. Great story and well written, very arousing and detailed!

    Lovely pictures of you too – keep up the work ;)

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