My (36M) second session with a pro dominatrix ends with both of us agreeing it may be best not to session again [MF]

TLDR: Kissing her neck from behind while fingering her clit, we realized another session may see control slip even further and be dangerous to our professional relationship… and the understanding we have with spouses.

As a quick preface to the story (and in full, honest disclosure) there is not a lot of action here which is why I posted the TLDR. You might say it’s more of a “get this off my chest story”. I’m also not a naturally gifted writer and this is my first time putting something like this together. Soooo, without further blah blah, here we go.

I (36M) work a highly stressful job that commands constant and consistent supervision of nearly 100 employees. In order to combat this my wife (who is a natural submissive) and I have come to an agreement on what is essentially a type of therapy involving legal services of a professional dominatrix were I can relinquish control and be a passenger, essentially shutting my brain off for a predetermined period of time and simply existing. This is something my wife isn’t comfortable fulfilling the role of. Services are all professional + legal. My experience would only see the need for a session or two a year, and only as needed.

So stress reached a boiling point this year in September and I reached out to a provider in a respected, local dungeon. I was familiar with this location from a past visit but in this instance I had reached out to an alternate provider to that which I had seen before (let’s call her Raven) as the last provider wasn’t an ideal fit energy-wise and we didn’t connect. I passed the screening process easy enough since I’d seen the another domme that operated out of the dungeon. After first reaching out via email, we chatted briefly on a scheduled phone call to see what interests were and what expectations may be from the proposed session and ultimately set a date.

So the day comes and I’m sitting outside waiting for the green light to come in. We actually play a little phone tag texting as there is a apparently both a front and back entrance, the former which I wasn’t aware of since I’d only used the rear entrance on the previous visit. When I tell her it’s (back door) locked she sends a Delphic photo of her with the (front) door wide open looking completely frustrated. It’s then I realize my error and that I’m on the wrong side of the building. When I walk in the correct door and we see each other for the first time it was like lightning stuck me. This girl is gorgeous from her dark hair to her flowing tattoos, a stunning site to behold for sure. I’d seen a few photos online but nothing had prepared me for the power of that arrival. Unless I’m over analyzing that moment the feeling must have been mutual where Raven, oddly enough may have broken character and immediately introduced herself with what I would learn was her real name. She mentioned a couple times that I wasn’t what she expected. As a quick note I take care of myself through powerlifting and CrossFit. I and have a muscular physique and am covered with tattoos across my shoulders, chest, ribs etc. Not ripped per-se but wide shoulder/chest and the hint of abs in the right light. Anyway, apparently not the typical clientele she sees come through the door.

At this point, I’m likely visibly nervous. Thankfully I’d brought a couple black teas from Starbucks for us so we start by sitting on a couple of the sofas/chairs in the foyer and chatting. Conversation is easy and I relax. There is an unspoken and immediate attraction between us at least on my side, haha. I’d not been attracted to someone like this since seeing my wife 10 years prior and it very much took my off guard. We discuss our work and play as well as our general interests. We also discuss family life where I find out Raven is married as well. She is also quite active in MMA and a legitimate badass, haha

After initial nerves pass, we proceed from the entry foyer (where the couches are) to the actual dungeon area. Raven is set up for some of my kinks and we begin the session. I won’t go into details on this particular session as the second session is where the real “meat” of the story is, however it serves to say that our connection was…dangerous. And it would only build the second time around. We parted ways that day on an extreme high. I felt refreshed and my stress was relinquished.

Riding that high and easy frame of mind I had been brought into, I happen to have had a fitness competition that weekend which I took first place in. There was some prize money for the podium appearance and I attributed that success in some part to our session. I then decided that I would take the money and pre-book another session with Raven a couple months down the road. I text her and we set an appointment.

The week was upon us for the scheduled second session and I reached out to Raven to ensure everything was on track as it had been so long since setting the time slot. She replied all was well and confirmed the time we had scheduled at the dungeon. Upon arrival to the dungeon I text if she was ready and she told me to come in in. It was a much easier initial interaction this time, even going through the correct door. For the session, she had opted for sexy workout attire and mentioned she had done cardio that morning. The outfit was complete with a cute sports bra and pants that hid a laced, white thong. We shared a quick hug. I was still nervous and had to sit for a minute prior to any activity.

The session started fairly quickly thereafter. She had me on my knees in my boxer briefs in front of her. She placed wrist and ankle restraints on me for future use while I discussed a video on YouTube that I’d seen where a young MMA girl puts a cocky bodybuilder to sleep during an impromptu match (easy to find if you search). With her MMA background, she expressed interest and asked if I’d ever been choked out. I replied that I had not. Raven asked if I would like to try and I reply that I would. She then walks behind me while I remain on my knees and puts her arm around my throat to give me what she explains is a blood choke. She tells me to tap when I’m uncomfortable so she knew when to release. What happens next I can only describe as euphoric. I must have went to sleep briefly. When my body came to it was is as if I was rebooting and seeing my system come back online from an outside the body experience. I’m literally shaking, barely in control, and it felt amazing. Raven mentions she thought that might happen (big strong guy stupidly not tapping) and had been prepared to catch me. We did this a couple more times and I start to get the hang of the tapping thing.

We then change direction and move to a flat bench (no back present, think long gym bench) which she had pulled out. She asks me to lie face up on the bench. Raven then begins to use rope to tie me to the bench followed by the use of pallet wrap (imagine industrial strength seran wrap that is approximately two feet wide) to reinforce my helplessness. She then blindfolds me and tells me we are going to play a game called “guess that body part” with my mouth. She walks around the bench to try to confuse me to her position and body orientation before the game begins. I start off performing well, guessing a foot and later a calf. There is then a pause when I feel a piece of jewelry against my lips and immediately (and ignorantly) guess a hand. Raven tells me I’m wrong which is when I come to the realization that what I have on my lips is a nipple ring (or a bar? My memory is hazy)…. I gently lick to confirm my suspicion and know I’m right. I ask her if the tongue was okay and she confirmed that she wouldn’t haves placed it there if it hadn’t been. I then suck and stir around the ring with my tongue as it lingers there for a few moments longer. I hear Raven heavily exhale….

In what I believe is an attempt to regain control she straddles my chest and sits, leaning over my head and mouth. She tells me to open my lips and she slowly spits into my underlying lips. She leans in closer and I feel her soft lips graze mine as she spits again. I am helpless and in heaven, using every bit of self control to keep myself from meeting and matching her lips with mine. I somehow succeed.

She gets off me and we continue the game. A few moments later, I guess correctly as I feel the unmistakable touch of those perfect, firm ass cheeks framed in what I know was her cute thong upon my face. She asks me if I can tell she did cardio that morning and I start to become lost in a world of animalistic pheromones and utter bliss. Unable to answer until she stands, she takes off her thong and shoves it in my mouth, asking how it tastes. Still helpless and blindfolded, I now (physically) lose the ability of speech. Removing the panties from my helpless form she lets me speak. I express my desire for more and offer to clean her from her cardio session that she had. She then proceeds to spread her cheeks and sit on my face. Following the direction given earlier I take the opportunity and initiative to use my tongue to taste her. I tease her labia before entering her noticeable wet slit and transition to circling her tight asshole as she adjusts her position and grasps my covered manhood. This collective moment was brief before she rose but I believe it was here that we realized this was not an ordinary session.

Raven removes my blindfold and we enjoy a quick respite as we each breathe heavily and look at each other. She removes the binding (plastic wrap, etc) that was holding me to the bench, allowing me to struggle to rise up as she ensured my ankles remained bound together. She asked if I had any specific desires for the remaining time and I outline my wish to return my tongue between her legs. She suggests the lockable smother box that resides in the dungeon may be ideal and has me lay back on the ground for it. Raven opens the lid of the box (think of a clamshell type opening in the middle of the box) and I wrestle my body into position since my ankles are still bound together. Unfortunately my lack of a neck due to large traps won’t allow my head to correctly fit in the box to fulfill the designs intent. Instead it forces my chin far too uncomfortably close to the opening of the box and in direct contact with the lids closure.

We scrap the smother box idea and throw a sheet on the ground. Raven grabs a pillow and lays down while simultaneously inviting me in. I gobble down. We discuss that she will be in control and she guides me into a triangle hold with her legs (one arm over a leg, one under) where she could choke me into submission if she wished. I start by gently circling her clit and transition into the use of the flat of my tongue as she warms up. She asks me to suck on her clit and I oblige. Her breathing becomes heavier as I commit my efforts to her pleasure and indulge. We realize the event for what it is and what was previously a triangle hold now transitions to see her legs over both of my shoulders as she closes her eyes and gives in to the pleasure. Climax though was not to be had as we try to come to our senses. She sits up and I replicate as we look at each other…hungry with lust. She then turns around on all fours and teases briefly. Unable to control the animal urges I reach out and with my hands to hold her before bringing my lips down to kiss her firm ass cheeks. She freezes and I gauge reactions as my lips trace their way down her to her crack. She bends over further to allow access as I begin to lick her ass. After a few minutes she rises to her knees and I sit up to meet her. She leans backwards into me, exposing the right of her neck to my lips. She then guides my hand to her clit as I lean in. I begin to kiss and suck first on the right and then around to the left side of her neck as i continue to play with her from behind. I drop my fingers down to her slit and feel how wet she is and mention as much to her. It was at this moment we woke from our stupor. And had a moment of (temporary) clarity…

We part and she mentions that she doesn’t think it would be wise to session again. I’m not sure if she’s asking or telling but recognize the regrettable logic and agree although my body is wishing…even screaming something different. She makes a comment about how we can’t have too much fun and I tell her it reminded me of a 90’s country song. As I comically jump around, she is reminded that my ankles are still tied and comes to help me free. She gets on her knees in front of me and freezes in place looking up into my eyes. She begins to gently kiss my legs moving closer to my boxer briefs and I move my hands to guide her head. Realizing what I’m doing, I immediately return my hands behind my back and lock hands to regain control. She acknowledges and finishes untying me though she continues to look up, almost with searching eyes. I drop to my knees and join her as our foreheads meet, nose to nose. The sexual tension is unmistakable and we share a final moment before both pulling away without acting on anything. We then get fully dressed and begin to clean and sanitize the dungeon.

The air feels incomplete as we part, something feels unsaid. I thank her and see myself out the door. As I get to the vehicle I have a moment where I’m tempted to go back and knock on that same door. If you remember the Ross and Rachel moment on Friends where Rachel doesn’t get on the plane and comes back in, we’re talking about something akin to that feeling. But better judgement wins the day and I get in my vehicle to leave. It would be miles down the road before I discover I was driving in complete silence lost to my thoughts on the events of that day.

By the time I arrived home I had come to the conclusion that a tasteful text was not in poor taste and may in fact better clear the air. I sent the text and thanked her again for everything and truthfully told her how she elevates and enhances the world around her. I went on to wish her the best that the world has to offer and that a reply was not necessary.



  1. Absolutely wonderful and well written. It had me captivated the entire time! I’m very happy to find a piece on here that is not just about banging or cheating as hard as you can. This is a marvelous piece filled with sexual tension, restrain, and respect, that feels equally rewarding if not more rewarding than the more explicit stuff.

    Thank you for sharing this. You’ve shown that mature writings are still possible on this subreddit.

  2. This is very well done. Thank you for sharing. Selfishly I hope you hear from her.

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