[MF] LEXIE (Part Two): The Time I (M20) Rubbed Out A Childhood Friend (F20) In The Backseat Of A Moving Car (LONG)

This is part two of what is intended to be a three part series documenting my experiences with my childhood friend turned girl-next-door. Names have been changed of course. Skip to :::::::::::::::::::::: for the sexy part.

This happened over 10 years ago, so a lot of details are blurry (especially because there is alcohol involved this time) but I tried to be as descriptive as possible. Luckily, though, this time I have pictures of the surrounding events so I will mark certain descriptions with “[P]” when it is drawn from those photos.

As you are reading this series, you will notice that there isn’t a lot of speech. This is intentional because I feel reluctant to make up words for the story when I don’t remember the exact words used (especially by Lexie). When I do put in any speech though, it will be because I vividly remember the words and how exhilarating it was to hear them (foreshadowing).

I will refrain from reintroducing Lexie’s and my backgrounds, please read Part One to understand our dynamic and how it changed. However, I will spend some time describing ourselves physically now (I didn’t feel that it was necessary for Part One because the events happened in the dark and our experiences that night were not enjoyed through sight). At the time that this (Part Two) happened, both Lexie and I were 20 years old. As I’ve briefly mentioned before, we were (and are) pretty average looking east Asian people.

At that age, I would have probably already reached my peak height (around 5 feet 10 inches). I had a slim build because the only sport I played, entering university, was badminton and I wasn’t serious enough about it to actively build muscle for it. The thing that made me stand out a bit from other east Asian men were probably my relatively longer legs and broader shoulders. It often gave the illusion that I was taller/bigger than I really was.

[P] Lexie was more of an outdoor person, with her family yacht and swimming etc., and therefore had tanner skin (in east Asian standards, so it was more of a light boba/bubble tea tone). She was a little bit shorter than I was, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches tall. She also had a slim build, B cups, and a nice ass (not spectacularly large or perky but a nice, firm shape). Her build allowed her to dress casually but still look unintentionally sexy, which I think she was quite aware of and did intentionally.

At that time, Lexie had long, slightly wavy black hair that extended down past her shoulders and to her chest. The most attractive features about her to me were her collar bones that she occasionally revealed. Lexie’s collar bones were always the start of a visual journey that led my eyes upwards to a slim neck, to which I had often fantasized about leaving a mark on, which then continued to her slim, almond, and symmetrical face. Lips, that constantly brings back memories of our night in Japan, that when curled upwards would perk her cheeks up as well. The final stop would be her eyes that narrowed slightly when she smiled and, in combination with my previous memories with her, always glinted mischievously towards the possibility of a new sexual adventure.


It had been two, or almost two, years since the events of Part One. I was still studying abroad and had entered my second year of university. Since the events of part one, I had managed to lose my virginity (an unremarkable experience between two virgins) and was feeling more confident about myself. Lexie had also entered her second year of university at a place about a five-hour drive away and, during these two years that we were in university together, we would occasionally chat on facebook about ‘visiting’ each other. The words of our conversations were not necessarily flirty but the tone was definitively suggestive (“It’s so far away, I will probably need to crash with you” and “Where will I sleep that night?” for example).

My approach towards Lexie changed dramatically since the events in Japan. She was now a viable sexual partner, who once showed interest in me as well. So I tried to lure her to me by suggesting as many opportunities for us to meet up and hang out as possible (over long weekends or the shorter term breaks). But alas, those trips never happened because neither of us really wanted to make the trip. For me, it never seemed worthwhile to make the trip unless it was a sure thing. In my mind, I would’ve looked like a fool if I went all the way to her and she had played me. So I tried to make things happen for me while committing minimal effort. There was definitely a power struggle between the two of us (kind of a “who will text the other person first”) that, admittedly, I was on the losing end of. Looking back now, I think I was quite transparent and she probably knew she had me on the hook.

Even when we were back home, during the Christmas and summer breaks, our power struggle would continue. She would occasionally invite me out clubbing, she would show up dressed-to-impress (as people our age did to go clubbing), we would hang out and drink, generally have a great time, but at the end of the night we (despite my best efforts) would always return to our respective homes in the gated neighbourhood that we shared. Honestly, I would always be quite sexually frustrated by the end of the night. A problem to which I had to take care of on my own.

It was the summer after I turned 20, that this second episode of my sexual journey with Lexie would finally start. That summer, Lexie had managed to find herself an internship at an international resort in Phuket, Thailand. Our families once again planned a trip together. This time to join Lexie at that resort just as she finished her internship so that she could enjoy her time as a guest there as well. This time around, mesmerised by the prospects of the infinite possibilities with Lexie, I felt much less reluctant with losing time with my friends at home. It would just be the four parents, Lexie, her brother, my sister, and myself on this trip.

We arrived in Phuket on Lexie’s last day of her internship. [P] She greeted us at the lobby in a green, forest ranger-like outfit, her hair tied up in a bun behind her. Her nails were painted in a relatively bright shade of pink which stood out as the only feminine aesthetic about her that day. I was a little bit disappointed at Lexie’s appearance as I had already fantasized about her in a receptionist’s outfit (specifically a tight skirt that stretched at her hips). But alas, there Lexie was, dressed as boyish as the first day I met her at age 15. Looking back on it now, Lexie was probably my first introduction to the idea that “boyish girls can be sexual too”. Mind blown right?

The next few days passed by without much happening. We spent the daytime at the resort’s many pools lazing the sun away. It was a good time because Lexie would be in a two-piece bikini (she had a few but I distinctly recall one with blue and white horizontal stripes) and I had a reason to interact teasingly with her (splashing water at and playing some kind of water polo/tag with her). Lexie had introduced us to the locals that she worked with during her internship, G and T (can’t be bothered to think of a culturally appropriate replacement name), who worked as lifeguards at the resort. At nights we would all join together with the parents and grab dinner, sometimes at the resort, sometimes out in the city of Phuket. I was very content with staying at the resort for the whole trip but sometimes you gotta do whatever pleases the people paying for the trip.

It was the second to last night of the trip that changed my mind about going out to the city. That night, G and T had invited us out to a club to drink and have fun. The four of us (Lexie, her brother, my sister, and myself) went and checked in with our parents since we were still in a foreign country. By that time, the parents were familiar with G and T and had confidence in us (Lexie’s brother, the eldest of us, was charged with keeping us alive) and released us to enjoy the night on our own. We went to our respective rooms to get changed. Lexie’s brother and I shared a room and, just as in Tokyo, Lexie and my sister shared a room. My mind raced as I was exhilarated at all the possibilities of a night with alcohol and Lexie in this exotic land (I assume that, at this point, it is quite obvious to you that I would do a lot to ‘further’ my relationship with Lexie. Some would call it ‘beta male shit’ but what can I say? She had me hooked).

We met up at the lobby of the resort to head out. [P] I was wearing jeans and a slim white t-shirt (with some colour-print on it). At that time it was my favourite t-shirt because it fit my broad shoulders well but also slimmed to the rest of my torso (other ‘regular fit’ t-shirts that fit my shoulders always made me look much wider and shorter than I really was). [P] Lexie came to the lobby dressed in a red beach dress, her long wavy and black hair let down, and wearing a faint red lipstick or lip balm. The dress had two thin straps that hung onto her shoulders and a deep v cut that showed her collarbones (my favourite, as you may recall) and chest. While her breasts were not large by most definitions, the way that the fabric of her dress moved in the breeze taunted me to peek at the skin underneath. The dress tightened at her waist then flared outwards slightly again and cut off at the top of her knees, which drove me to wonder if my hand (or any other part of my body) would find its way inside her again that night.

G and T drove us out into the city (two passengers each, I think I was with my sister) to the club. We arrived at the club without much difficulty. We exited the car and walked into a large but relatively poorly renovated room, much different from the clubs at home. The room was dim but occasionally had flashes of coloured light here and there. Tall round tables and stools stood along the outside of the room, making space for a dance floor in the middle. The centerpiece of the club was a stage, built against one side of the club, where a live band could play. [P] That night, three local women performed covers of hit pop songs that at the very least was fun to dance to.

The six of us, including G and T, found a table on the right side of the audience. The night started off relatively calm, we listened to the music and chatted. G initiated a chat with me about his wife and how young people should take chances when they can. Thinking back, it is entirely possible that G knew (from the few days he observed Lexie and I) that I was interested in Lexie. After a while of calm chatting and hanging, we did shots, the live music got louder and more blood-pumping, and I had dropped my inhibitions somewhere. [P] I ran to the stage to take a selfie with the singers, sticking my tongue out like KISS. Since I was constantly trying to get Lexie’s attention, I always act more outgoing and party-goer-like than I really am when we hung out (especially when alcohol is involved).


It wasn’t long after I sat down back at the table that Lexie stood up, pulled me up by my wrist, and dragged me out onto the dance floor (it seemed, at least for that night, my attention seeking had worked). I don’t recall whether it was a weeknight or the weekend, but there were not many people on the dance floor that night. It was also quite possible that Lexie and I were the only ones there. But it didn’t matter to me, Lexie by my side and the shots in my system were the only things I needed to enjoy the music and dance uninhibitedly. Lexie and I first danced facing each other, hands and heads waving and shaking in the air. Then she turned to face away from me, continuing to dance. But now, I was presented with her hips swaying and bouncing in front of me, the red dress barely able to cover herself properly as it drifted up to her dancing and jumps to the music.

With G’s words still fresh in my mind, I took a chance. I shuffled and positioned myself behind Lexie, grabbing her by the waist with my right arm and adjusting my shaft once again at her ass. Lexie did not protest but seemed to enjoy it as blood flooded my penis almost immediately. This only encouraged her to rock our bodies together even harder. My erect penis strained against my jeans as Lexie continued to sway and push backwards into me. I can imagine the cheeky smirk she might’ve had even now (reminiscent of that morning after in Tokyo). While it was dim inside the club, Lexie and I were not hidden. It must’ve been glaringly obvious to the rest of our party that we might be enjoying ourselves too much, but Lexie and I didn’t care. We were once again overcome with the lust that we first discovered two years ago in Japan. We stayed there on the dance floor grinding into each other once again for what felt like ages, moving our hands to different positions but always connected.

The ambiance of the club, alcohol in our systems, and frictions between our bodies wiped any sense of time from my mind. Lexie and I had no intention of stopping our exhibition in the middle of this dance floor in Phuket. It could have been 30 minutes, or an hour, or even longer when we were rudely interrupted by Lexie’s brother. T lived in the opposite direction from the resort and it was about time for him to head home. Honestly, I believe this was an excuse that Lexie’s brother desperately seeked out in order to protect Lexie’s ‘innocence’. In his defence, to his knowledge, this is Lexie and my first time being sexual with each other. And looking back, Lexie and I were not going to get any further on that dance floor so it worked out.

So there the six of us were, outside the club, getting ready to get back to the resort. Since T was heading the other direction, G was the only one that could drive us back. This meant that two of us (the guests) would be stuck trying to catch a taxi back to the resort. Lexie and I immediately called dibs on G’s ride back. I knew that the sooner that we reached the resort by ditching our siblings there, the longer Lexie and I would have alone in an empty room. It seemed, by the quickness that Lexie also jumped into G’s car, that she was thinking the same thoughts (knowing that made me yearn incredibly to touch and feel her skin right then and there). I know, it was cold-hearted leaving our siblings out there in a foreign city. But we knew that T would stay with them until they got in a taxi and would point them in the right direction before going on his own way.

So there we were, Lexie and I sat in the backseat of G’s car as it rolled along the bumpy, worn roads of Phuket. The road ahead was unlit except by the headlights of G’s car. The sounds of the radio, and G talking on the phone with his wife, washed away any silence from the neighbourhoods that we passed through. I sat on the left, impatient. I stared out the left-side window, wondering how long it would take to get back and how much time Lexie and I would have. Our entanglement had been interrupted on the dance floor but the sexual tension did not dissipate. Rather, even though Lexie and I did not talk or look at each other, lustful energy was rich in the air and driving us to our limits.

Finally, no longer able to contain myself, I, as if fallen asleep, closed my eyes and allowed my right hand to roll off my lap into the middle seat between Lexie and I. After a moment, I swept my hand inconspicuously and, like a brush (keeping it low with fingers hanging downwards), slowly crossed the fabric of the backseat towards Lexie. To my surprise, the first thing I made contact with was Lexie’s hand. Did she have the same plan or was she asleep? My breathing deepened as I lifted my hand slightly and dragged my fingertips across her open palm. She closed her palm to grasp my fingers, giving me a firm and lingering squeeze. Her hand trembled slightly as if any further touching would set off an explosion right there in the backseat of this car. I sneaked a glance at Lexie. She, similar to me, had her eyes closed but was biting her bottom-left lip. An encouraging sight that sent my mind into overdrive.

I slowly pulled my finger free from Lexie’s grip. I continued reaching towards her, now visibly stretching my right arm across the middle seat, and slowly dragged my fingertips over her left thigh. My hand found a temporary stop as I rested it above Lexie’s left knee. Using my middle fingertip, I drew tiny circles on the inside of her thigh (right at the threshold of her dress), waiting to see if she would move me away. No protest. Instead, I hadn’t realised but, Lexie had also slowly brought her left hand over to me. Her fingers clawed hungrily into the denim of my jeans as her hand slowly climbed up my right thigh, heading straight towards my groin.

I, wanting to make things easier for Lexie, instinctively readjusted my seating position. I opened my legs as wide as I could and shifted myself slightly closer to her. My fingertip spiralled on her inner thigh as it slowly dragged up her leg, sliding into the shade of her dress. It was then that Lexie also shifted her body by opening up her thighs and sliding down slightly in her seat, rotating her crotch upwards slightly to the impending arrival of my hand.

By now, Lexie’s hand had reached its intended location of my jeans. On the other side of the denim was my penis, engorging to the intense sexual tension. As if it knew to go towards Lexie’s hand, my penis filled with hot pumping blood as the head pushed out and over towards my right thigh (admittedly, I like swiping my penis to the right during the day-to-day anyways). Lexie slowly rubbed down-and-up the shaft of my penis from head to base over my jeans. It felt incredible and I exhaled deeply as our sexual adventure restarted.

As Lexie rubbed me, slowly and softly at first, I dropped all pretense of teasing her and raced my hand in between her thighs. Lexie’s body wiggled and shifted to the arrival of my fingertip at her vulva as my arm scrunched her red dress upwards. I pushed my hand deep and smudged the length of my middle finger down from her clit to her taint, feeling the familiar moistness on her underwear. Recalling what she likes, and eager to show her my personal growth, I flicked my wrist firmly and repeatedly to extend and retract my finger up-and-down the length of her lips, only teasingly (and gently) brushing her clit as my finger recoiled. Lexie’s body rocked chokedly as she tried to contain her own body’s reaction but I could tell, from the way she moved to her faint gasps and breaths, that I had not fallen short of her expectations.

Suddenly, the smoldering lustful energy gave way abruptly to something frantic and crazed. As if it was the only way her body could release the pent-up sexual energy I was generating inside her, Lexie had changed gears and began rubbing my shaft feverishly. My penis strained painfully against my jeans, trying desperately to break through the denim and into Lexie’s hand, as the sudden change of pace sent a shock up my spine that made my back arch briefly (Even now, my penis erects to the right at a 45 degree angle and I attribute it to this experience. Totally worth it.).

I, not willing to back down, reciprocated her heated (actually generating heat) rubbing by adding two fingers of my own. Lexie’s body was given a moment of respite as I recalled my middle finger from the fabric of her soaked underwear (the fabric seating of the car also had a wet patch now). Using my pointer finger, I brushed aside her underwear to expose her vulva. Not caring about what would happen to her underwear, I slid my hand in between the moist fabric and her body. With my middle and ring finger, I once again began to rub Lexie from clit to taint. This time, however, I had trapped her clit and lips between my two fingers that curved to the contours of her vulva as I once again flicked my wrist back-and-forth repeatedly. This drove Lexie over the edge as her head tilted backwards. I peeked at her at that moment and saw that she, with her eyes still closed, unconsciously had let her mouth fall agape in pleasure (silently moaning at the ceiling of the car) for a moment before quickly catching her lower lip with a bite once again. I couldn’t look away as I admired, for as long as I could, this faint image of Lexie with her head tilted back against the headrest, biting her lower lip, and body slowly rocking muffledly to the rhythm of fingers.

What started off as an inconspicuous mission in the backseat of G’s car had turned into a feral, intense competition of lust and craze. It was almost impossible for G not to have noticed the two of us in his rearview mirror, hands pawing at each other’s groin and trying to control our ecstatic writhing, no matter how dark it was or how loud the radio played. But thankfully, whether by sheer fear of awkwardness or herculean wingmanship, G didn’t speak to or interrupt us at any point of the drive. And so, Lexie and I continued to challenge each other’s limits for an indeterminable amount of time (alcohol and rampant, untamed lust really distorts time) until the lights of the resort entrance signalled a brief recess. We brought our hands back to ourselves as the car drove into the driveway/drop off point of the resort. I regained my breath as I tried to hide my obvious heavy breathing in a full-body stretch. Lexie and I quickly thanked G as we skipped out of his car and, heads still fuzzy from alcohol and lust, briskly walked towards our rooms. At this moment, I was certain Lexie shared my exact thought. We had a head start on our siblings so they are not back at the resort yet, but our time was limited.

The mechanical clicking sound of the resort door unlocking Lexie’s (and my sister’s) room had never sounded more beautiful as Lexie and I pushed through that night. Not knowing how much time we had, we stood at the entrance of the room as the door closed, having already resumed groping each other. Not wasting any time, I once again brushed aside her underwear and inserted my right hand’s middle and ring finger into her dripping vagina, making sure that my palm pressed against her clit as my fingers hooked into her and rubbed her rough patch. For the first time ever, I heard Lexie’s uninhibited and unmuffled sounds of pleasure. The slick sounds of my fingers inside her, the twisting and writhing of her body, and her breathy moans energized me as I pushed her back up against the door.

With our height difference, I had to bend my knees in order to pleasurably reach inside Lexie. So as I fingered her, her back pushed up against the resort room door, with our heads were extremely close. It wasn’t long that Lexie then wrapped her right arm around the back of my neck and pulled me into her. I sniffed and breathed heavily into her neck as she tilted her head upwards once again, as if the rest of her body was submerged in water, moaning and gasping for air. I breathed in the scent of her hair, sweat, and skin as my fingers continued to slide in and out of her.

It was perhaps after a minute or two, that Lexie then unhooked herself from my neck and dropped her hand down to my crotch. My penis had been erect, thrusted against her right thigh, the whole time I was fingering her so Lexie knew where to find it. It was at that moment, pushed up against the door and palming my manhood through my jeans, having mustered enough air between her gasps and moans of pleasure, that Lexie whispered tenderly and lustfully into my right ear the words that would forever be etched in my mind.

“I want it…”


Going to end Part Two here on a cliffhanger. I hate cliffhangers too but my writing is too long (too much angst) and cliffhangers don’t feel that bad on the writer’s end! 😂 You can decide whether the wait was worth it in Part Three (working title being “Happy Endings, Sad Endings, and Closure”).

Thank you everyone that showed your support and gave me encouragement in Part One. It really got me extra motivated to write Part Two quickly. Just as before, please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions!


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qpam1j/mf_lexie_part_two_the_time_i_m20_rubbed_out_a


  1. Just as thrilling as Part 1! Thank you for sharing. You’re a great scribe.

  2. You killed someone in the back seat? I only read the title, but in the U.S., “rubbing someone out” is to have them killed.

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