Slime Girl Roommate – Part 2 [FF][MM][FFM]

Slime Girl Roommate – Part 2

[Part 1](

We’ve try cleaned ourselves up. As much as we can. I cram myself (and Midori inside me) into the tiny train bathroom. I realize suddenly “Oh, shit. I didn’t shower this morning. I’m so embarrassed.”

I felt Midori squeeze her little head out of my vagina. “It’s okay, Kate. I was rushing you. I’m sorry for manipulating you.”

I pause, feeling the happy surprise of that apology. I did feel manipulated and it was so comforting to have it recognized. “Thanks Midi. I really am embarrassed though. Like, don’t you have taste buds all over your body?” I say with disgust.

“Kate, come on. Don’t make me say it.” Midori says with a little wiggle. My leg jerks at the pleasure.

“Say what?” I ask. Genuinely confused.

“Fine.” Midori sighs, “I like your dirty pussy. It tastes good!”

I blush and then we both laugh. “Okay, good” I say, and wipe tears away from my eyes. Fuck, I’m so emotional. What is going on?

Now it’s time to pee. I offer Midori the chance to get out of the way but she brushes it off. “We’re gonna be like this all week. I can’t be going through your cervix that much.” 

I agree heartily and pull my skirt down to the floor and sit on the toilet. I’m almost letting loose until I think. “Wait, what about you?”

“Jeez, Kate. Didn’t you learn anything in that class? We don’t pee. We exhale and we secrete.”

“Your slime is pee?” I ask.

“Don’t be gross. It’s not like a human. It’s like saliva.” Midori says. She actually sounds offended and I feel extra guilty.

“Sorry. I just…” I shake my head. “Nothing.”

Midori sighs. “Just say whatever it is. I’m inside you, okay? There’s literally nothing between us.”

I mumble, “I’m just thinking about your hormones. I know you secrete them.”

“Oh,” Midori says. “Um. That’s true.“

“Oh,” I say. And suddenly my piss stream comes out full force. “Um. So, what does that mean for me? I mean, you have totally different hormones than I do.”

“Kate, I’ll be honest, I have no friggin clue.”

“Great,” I say. 

When I wipe Midori laughs. “It tickles!”


We spent the rest of the trip chatting. Rafi and Shaun really are the cutest couple. At one point Shaun touches Rafi’s baby bump when he mentioned happy mistakes. “Wait, an accident? How does *that* happen by accident?” I say laughing. Then I feel embarrassed. That was probably offensive. 

Rafi smiles at me. “That was my mom’s question. Usually slimes have a lot of control over their bodies. Because I’m half I don’t see inside. I have to pay extra attention. But we were just going through a,” he pauses, looking at Shaun. 

Shaun explains, “A mommy phase. My idea.”

“Yeah,” Rafi blushes. “We were just doing that role play a lot. And I guess I was just feeling maternal so my body followed along. And I was sooo full of Shaun’s cum. I guess my body just manifested what I wanted without me realizing it.”

“Wow.” I say. Genuinely amazed. “That’s, actually really sweet.” And I start to cry for the second time that train ride. It worked out since Phillipa came in at that point. She fretted over me and my hormones for a while.

We exit the train and there is a whole entourage here to greet us. I’m introduced to half a dozen aunts and sisters. Shaun is like a local celebrity. Everyone is happy to see him, and to touch my belly. I swear my fake baby bump gets even more introductions than I do. I feel Midori getting tickled by the touching. She jerks and they think it’s a kick. Shaun is watching happily. He must think Midori is just being clever. I can tell it’s her tickling response. I can feel her laughter.

Rafi is watching but not smiling. My heart breaks. He wishes he was getting this attention. And he deserves it. He’s the one actually carrying Shaun’s baby.

Thankfully we soon get to the family house and I have a chance to get properly cleaned up. Despite Midori’s preferences, I needed a shower. Turns out we’re in the guest house. Shaun and Rafi stay in the main house talking to the aunties while I walk to the guest house. It’s basically a garage with a little apartment behind. I climb the few steps to the entrance and walk in

I’m first hit with the wall of weed smoke. My first thought is, surprisingly, “Oh no, how will this affect the baby.” Followed by “What is wrong with me?” Followed by “Who is the guy smoking weed on the couch?”

I could only see the back of the couch. The back of a man’s head, and the porn playing on the tv across the room. He turns around. “The fuck?” he says. Then jumps up. I’m startled but my mind goes into dorm mode. I step inside and close the door behind me. Hide the weed! I turn away as I close the door. I hear him trip over a table and then the porn turns off. I steel myself and then turn around to face him.

He looks just like Shaun. Same face, same height. But he is jacked. He wears shorts and no shirt. His abs are mesmerizing. He has a scorpion tattoo on one pec and his hair is in dreads held up by a headband. He stands with his hands behind his back. Looking fully apologetic. “Hi,” he says. “Sorry. I was just trying telax before all the aunties showed up. I guess that’s now then.”

“We were the first car to arrive. But yeah.” I say.

He nods. “Sorry, I’m Kev. The brother. You must be Sadie.” He offers his hand.

I take his hand. “Oh hi. I’m actually–” my words trip over the pain in my lung where Midori kicked me. Fuck. Sadie. That was the name Shaun had given. Before he even knew I was involved. “Excuse me. Sally. My friends call me Sally.”

“Word. I like that.” He shakes my hand. “I mean, you can probably guess.” He spreads his hands in mock modesty. “Kevin.”

I smile and nod. The tension seems sufficiently diffused so I say “I need a shower.”

“Oh word.” He said. Grinning stupidly. “Me too.”

I feel a slight swelling in my pussy. I can’t tell if it’s me or Midori this time. “What?”

Kev’s grin disappears. “Shit, sorry. Oh my god. You’re right. I shouldn’t be saying shit.” His expression is now sorrowful. And damn it makes him even cuter.

The swelling inside me is now a pounding. Midori for sure. “Hey, Kev. It’s okay. It, uh, it’s nice to be wanted.”

He looks at me with his puppy eyes. I take a step toward him.

“I feel really big and gross right now so it’s nice to get some attention.” I say. Trying for a polite, not too horny smile. He smiles. “But now I need to shower. Alone.”

He nods and indicates the door to his left. “Towels above the toilet. I’ll get washed up out back. Perfectly good and hidden hose out there.”

“Great.” I make a bee line for the shower.

As I’m washing I tell Midori to come out. I need a word.

“What’s up?” she asks. I large protrusion slips out of my pussy and rests beside her head. A mock elbow on the table? Nevermind.

“I need you to control yourself.” I say. 

Midori rolls her eyes and it’s extra adorable om her miniature face. “Come on, Kate. Suburban bad boy Shaun? How can I not react.”

“You like Shaun?” I asked.

“Oh gosh. I had a huge crush on him for months. I found out he was gay around when he found out himself. But this version. Kev.” she purrs the V sound in the name. It vibrates across her body. And especially in her mock elbow which is right over my clit. Damn. Is she doing this on purpose or are slime girls just natural temptresses? Shit. That’s definitely offensive.

“Regardless, he’s Shaun’s brother and Sadie would never hook up with her fiancé’s brother.”

“Okay fine. No hooking up. But you really need to cut me some slack. I’m all cooped up and excited in here. I love meeting new people!”

“Yeah, but when you move I feel it so I get turned on. It’s a vicious cycle.” I say. Midori is quiet. She’s thinking. “What is it?”

“Well, I am feeling extra horny. Like, in a hormonal way. And I felt it after you started crying on the train. I think my hormones are making you make hormones and I’m sitting in here soaking them up. That’s also a vicious cycle.”

We’re both still for a moment. The shower water splashing over our grotesque form.

“Let’s not think about this,” Midori starts.

Abd I conclude, “Because we’ll never make it through this week if we think about it.” 

I put on one of the dresses loaned to me by Shaun’s mother. (again shocked and appalled at Shaun for not buying me formal maternity wear.) I fix my hair using the fully stocked guest bathroom. I’m looking cute. 

I walk to the door. They’re expecting me for dinner. I put my hand on the doorknob and it turns from the outside. I jump back as Rafi rushes inside and makes for the toilet. He falls to his knees and wretches into the bowl. I walk toward him. He shouts “Just go!” so I do.

I feel as if I’m walking over a grave as I cross to the main house.

Inside it’s all festive. Laughing and some singing. I’m swept up in it. And so much food. Just appetizers. Empanadas, a ton of finger sandwiches. I’m able to avoid conversation by filling my mouth. When I do talk to someone, I let Sadie take shape. It was like my improv workshop, but less awkward. No handsy lesbian director. Although these ladies are very touchy. It makes my cheeks burn. Sadie is a sensitive gal. Also a film student. Wants to be the next Julie Taymor.

I was having fun fleshing out the character. She loves dogs (I do) and cats (I don’t). Then the main course comes out. It’s like a whole ribcage. Everyone sits at the table. It takes me a bit of time to maneuver my baby belly into a seat. 

As soon as I sit, though, I feel a tugging on one of my labia. I stand up again. No small feat as I now have to get myself a good meter from the table before I do so. I probably should have turned and stood that way. Sadie would know how to do this by now, I tell myself. I turn around this huge belly and excuse myself. In the hallway I bend down and whisper, “What?”

“I’m hungry! Come on, it smells so good!” she whines.

“Fine,” I say, and head back. Everyone is seated and chatting. I sit down next to Shane on my left and Phillipa on my right. Next to Phillipa is Shaun’s father, who’s name I don’t know. I think he arrived after I went to the hall. I remember Phillipa saying he was in court tonight and would be late. His presence is out of place. He’s very serious looking. Not celebrating with everyone else. He meets my eyes and I’m shocked. His look is intense. He’s waiting for something. “Hello, Mr Tomello. It’s nice to meet you.”

Mr Tomello just looks at Shaun. “Does she know my name? Or is she being polite?”

Shaun clears his throat instead of saying anything. Sadie won’t stand for this. “I never asked your name. I just know you as dad.”

He smiles at me. “I don’t blame you, beautiful. Shaun is very forgetful. For everything besides physics and economics. If he didn’t see a need to tell us about your relationship, I don’t see why he would see a need to tell you the names of his family.” I don’t reply. I’m thrown so much by his tone. And calling me beautiful, like it was obvious.

“Give it a rest, old man.” I hear. It’s Kev, at the other end of the table. 

“Now don’t start, Kevin.” Mr. Tomello says to his son.

“Don’t start neither of you!” says Phillipa, silencing both men. “Now I am distressed as you are, Howard.” She takes my hand and tells me, “I think about how much time I wish I could have spent with you Sadie. But you’re here now. And the baby is coming. I don’t want you to worry about anything.” She turns to her husband. “And I don’t want nobody to give you something to worry about. Hear me.”

“I hear you, baby,” Howard says. “Now let’s eat.”

People start eating. I’m left a little confused about how the argument ended. In my family there would have been no end to the bickering. But here, as soon as Mr. Tomello said so, it was done. He demands respect. Sadie likes that. What am I saying?

I shake my head and try to focus. I need to feed my roommate up my dress. I start to work the dress up my leg. Now, what are my options? A whole rib? No. A biscuit? Kind of boring. Mac and cheese? Greens? Too messy. Then I spit them. Little crabmeat pies on a dish. I quickly snag three of them. Sadie is very greedy. I fill my plate with other foods to give myself some cover. I slip one little pie into my hand under the table. I have to spread my legs a bit as I reach around my huge belly. I push my left leg against Shaun (better him than mom). He doesn’t say anything. Finally I can drop the pie at my entrance. I feel Midori reach out and grab it. 

Then she takes the whole pie inside. Cold, stiff aluminum dish and all. I slam my hand on the table. Everyone freaks. “I’m fine!” I exclaim. “Just, you ought to know,” I begin. Just winging it, I guess. “Mr. Tomello,” I say slowly. For effect and also to buy time. “Shaun wasn’t the one who wanted to keep it a secret. It was me. Okay? I was afraid. I was afraid of what my family would think. But I’m here because Shaun wasn’t going to let me keep this from you. And I’m so glad he did.”

Howard leaned back in his chair, and suddenly something clicked. Scraps of conversation. Phillipa had said he was in court. And the way his presence affected her. And how he held sway over his family. He was a freaking judge. 

“Thank you for sharing that, Sadie. That takes a lot of courage to admit. Have you told your parents?”

Big character moment for Sadie. “They know I’m pregnant. They know the father’s name is Shaun Tomello. And they can’t wait to meet him.”

Howard nods. “Well, then that’s good enough for now.” And there it is. His judgement. And the mood of the table returns to its normal cheer.

I chat with Phillipa and Shaun. And Kev is also giving me attention. I am able to sneak the other two pies down to Midori. As the meal goes on, Grandma Gina is bustling between the kitchen and the dining room, bringing more food. Right now she’s bringing out puddings on a tray. The I feel something very strange. It’s the edge of a miniature pie pan wedged in my vagina. It hurts a little but mostly it’s just frightening. Is it stuck? Oh god, there’s three of them in there. I start squeezing my legs together, trying to get them out. I feel a pressure from inside. Midori trying to push it out? Oh shit, is she choking? I knew there was a chance of this. Slime people can choke if they’re compressed.

I stand again, this time knocking my belly against the table loudly. There’s a murmur of concern but I dash out into the kitchen. Grandma is still serving pudding so I should have some time. I rush to the cabinet and find vinegar. Finally something from my sensitivity course was coming back to me. “Polar solvents are needed for contact friction with slime.” I recall my whiny voiced instructor. I put my hand over the sink and cover my hand in vinegar. Then a quick rinse with water. Then I pull up my dress and sit in the counter. I reach inside my gaping orifice. It’s slimy, and it’s not just Midori’s usual oily self. There’s a ton of saliva. She’s definitely choking. I fish out the first pie tin and I hear gasping. I pull the second one and then I hear Midori’s voice. Rough and strained.

“Fuck” cough. “That was delicious but fuck.” cough.

I smile with relief. “Oh thank god. I really really really didn’t want you to die inside me.”

“Yeah,” she coughs, “A miscarriage would really complicate the storyline.”

I laugh and cry at the same time. “Damn it, don’t even joke about that. Now move out of the way so I can get the last one out.”

I feel her nod inside me, just a nice pressure on my pelvic floor. Then she slides further into my uterus. I shiver and get to work fishing out the last piece of aluminum.

“Ahem,” I hear. No mistaking. A judge just said “Ahem.”

I look up at Mr Tomello. He’s holding a bottle of wine. “Oh, oh my,” I say. My hand is still mostly inside of me. “Mr Tomello. I’m sorry. I don’t know, uh, what came over me. I’m just so…” and I feel a large glob of Midori’s saliva slide out of me onto the kitchen floor. Might have dribbled in the edge of the counter. I don’t know. 

“It’s okay,” he says. Still staring at my hand. “It can happen when you’re pregnant. Phillipa actually…”

He trails off. Probably realizing what he’s saying. I take this brief pause to start pulling my hand out and he just stares. I feel my hands move slower than necessary. I really like him watching me. Finally it’s out. I try to casually drape my dress over my knees. I’m about to push myself off the counter and suddenly he’s there. A hand outstretched to help me down. I put my drenched hand in his gentlemanly one. He helps me down. I’m just a quivering mess at this point. 

“I’m disappointed that Shaun hasn’t been keeping you satisfied.” he says. So casually. I actually laugh.

“Oh well. You know Shaun. All books.” I say. Don’t know why. I’m channeling a 50s housewife for some reason. Then Grandma walks in with her empty pudding tray. We all go back to finish dinner.

That evening I slept on the couch while Shaun and Rafi went upstairs to talk. Midori has snaked her head out of me. She’s resting there between my legs. It feels nice. Like a bouncy pillow. We can hear upstairs very clearly. They have a tender, tearful talk about shame and secrecy. That’s followed by loud, excited fucking. Midori shivers as we listen. I don’t realize she’s masturbating until I feel her orgasm run through me. I feel it as my own. We’re so close now, it doesn’t even surprise me. But it is a little disappointing to only have the release without the buildup.

“Hey Midi?” I ask, “Can you do that again?”

I feel a slight jiggle. She’s tired. She doesn’t respond verbally but I feel her rotating inside my vagina. I don’t know how but she twirls for me in an irregular shape that is really amazing. I feel her cum once again before she really lets me have it. It starts with my tires curling, then gets my anus contracted, then hits my gut. I swallow and groan at the same time. Probably choking but don’t even care.

We sleep. 


Like for Part 3


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