How a college [f]riend accidentally helped me discover that [M]agnum condoms fit

A couple years ago I went back to my college town to see some friends. I was only a year out of college so a ton of my younger friends were still around, including Allee. Allee was your pretty typical liberal college gal; shorter hair, big glasses, smart and a bit smug about it, but in general a super nice and bubbly person. I doubt she worked out, she wasn’t super attractive… or at least that’s how I remembered her.

So of course, who do I run into at one of the bars downtown but Allee! We had a few classes together and a fair number of mutual friends, so we we’re both happy to catch up and converse. My conversation turned quickly into flirting though, when I realized how much she had really glown up. Her face looked slimmer, her hair looked super healthy… did she get taller? Whatever it was she had been improving about herself in the last year, it had moved her from a soft 6 to a solid 7.5 in my eyes. I had to fuck her, and based on her wry smile, it seemed like she agreed.

The two of us and about ten other drunk undergrads and alumni piled into an uber at closing time. Allee was more than happy to sit on my lap to save space. We hadn’t had any physical contact up until that point, so my cock started to get rock-hard in my pants at the feel of her body weight on my lap. Had I been sober I may have tried to hide it, but at this point it felt too good to try and stifle. She reached down between her legs in the dark car, and started rubbing my inner thigh, right up to the head of my cock. I may have exploded in my jeans from her rubbing had the ride lasted a minute longer.

We all got out at Allee’s house for some afterparty action, which for me and her meant actual action lol. We each poured a drink, then she led me upstairs to her room. Finally we jumped on each other, making out and stripping off clothes as we kissed. She pulled out my cock and stroked it for a bit before pushing me down onto the bed. She turned out the lights before joining me, naked now, and tossed me a condom she had grabbed from her desk. I ripped it open, threw it on, and took a deep breath before she slid down my cock. We had crazy drunk sex three times that night before finally passing out late into the night.

When I woke up the next morning I climbed out of bed to gather my clothes and prepare for my walk of not-so-much shame. I bent down to grab my boxers, but my hand recoiled when I saw a Trojan Magnum wrapper lying right next to them. “Gross”, I thought, “Allee doesn’t clean up at all between hookups? Nasty”. I continued to get dressed as she started to wake.

“Aren’t you gonna help clean up your mess?” Allee asked with another one of those wry smiles. I kinda laughed, confused at first, then it hit me: those wrappers belonged to me! She had been handing me Magnums all night so she could enjoy my apparently large cock. I always considered myself a supremely average guy, but none of the condoms I used the night before felt loose or baggy or dangerous at all. I was a Magnum guy I guess!

Something was supremely hot to me about how Allee had that brand in particular stocked, like she always expected a huge cock to spring forth form whomever she would be bringing home. And it’s a win-win I’d say, both for her tight pussy and my newly inflated ego.

Thanks for reading :)



  1. Isn’t magnum just the brand not the size? I am sure I saw magnum XL somewhere when buying!

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