The Quarry [M/F][rape][murder][all manner of bad]

This is my response to a story request. I’ve never written anything this dark or violent before, please let know what you think.

The Quarry, as it was known to the people in the surrounding town, was a perfect rectangle, 500 feet by 300 feet, and at least 250 feet deep, but no one knew exactly how far down it went, has been inactive since the late 1950’s. While it was still producing limestone, the constant blasting, and dust, and heavy machinery made the surrounding area some of the least valuable property in the county, which is why Randall’s grandfather, also named Randall, bought it. He didn’t have the foresight to realize that when the mining operation struck enough underground springs the open pit would be allowed to fill with cool, clear water, and would form an idyllic freshwater lake. No, Randall’s grandfather, just like Randall, was dirt poor, and bought the land because it was all he could afford.

It is widely known that Randall’s mother was a prostitute, and widely suspected that Randall’s father, also named Randall, was not Randall’s biological father at all, that his actual origins were unknown, lost forever to his mother’s success at her chosen profession. Randall spent much of his youth living in motels, trying to stay out of the way while his mother worked, enduring the drunken attention of her clients when they tired of what she had to offer. Her death, which occured shorty after his 11th birthday, was clouded in mystery. Despite her body being found with ligature marks on both wrists and neck, multiple bruises on the face, and obvious signs of sexual assault, a formal investigation was never conducted, because she was, as the assistant DA so eloquently put it, a fucking whore. At this point, Randall went to live with his father, in the house that his grandfather built on the south side of the quarry, and remained their alone, long after his father had died.

Kayla and Trevor are both freshman at the state college, a two hours drive from The Quarry. They have only recently started dating, the drive to The Quarry being their second official date, though they have had coffee, and walked to and from classes together often. Neither of them are from the area originally, both moving here solely to take advantage of the low tuition cost of a state school in the middle of nowhere. Had they been locals they would have grown up with urban legends surrounding the Randall House, they would have known not to go to the south side of The Quarry, and they would at least have had a healthy amount of fear of that deep, clear water.

They had started out early that morning, and it was almost 10 am when Trevor turned the car off of State Road 16 onto the gravel path known simply as Quarry Road. The road approached the quarry from the east, at the short side of the rectangle, and split, right led to north side, left to the south side. From the intersection, the full length of the pristine lake could be seen, it’s perfect geometrical shape made it seem unworldly, like a swimming pool in the back yard of giant. The road north was heavily worn, and wide, and the obvious choice, the road south looked barely used, narrow, overgrown with brush, uninviting. Kayla and Trevor had, up to this point, not been intimate with each other. Though they had not openly discussed it, both secretly hoped this trip would change that. Trevor had been sure to pack more condoms than any one couple could use in one day, always be prepared. Kayla was a virgin, and not because of lofty moral values, or religion, or anything as high minded as that, she simply hadn’t found a guy she wanted to go all the way with, until she met Trevor. She had packed at least three changes of underwear and twice as many towels, having been warned that her first time would be far messier than it was special. Both thinking they could use some privacy today, they silently agreed to turn left, and take the path less traveled.

They found a nice open spot, laid out some blankets, and walked cautiously to the edge of the quarry. A sheer cliff face, smoothe stone, and a 20 foot drop to the surface of the water. Farther down to their left, the ground dipped, and was maybe 2 feet above the water’s surface.
“Let’s jump in here, and we can climb out down there.”
“Ok, I just want to put this out there, I’m scared.”
Trevor agreed with her, it was a long way down, and he too was scared.
“Let’s jump together, we can hold hands.”
Kayla agreed to this, though it did absolutely nothing to alleviate any of her fears. But, fuck it, we didn’t drive all the way out here for nothing, she thought.

Trevor, already wearing his swim trunks, pulled his t-shirt off and tossed it aside without so much as a thought. What would he have to think about, he was 6’1, with jet black hair, wide shoulders, muscular arms, and abs that were literally making Kayla wet. He looked like the guy you would cast to play Superman, the college years. Kayla was wearing a two piece swim suit, with cutoff jean shorts and a Simply Southern t-shirt over top. She was 5’5, and skinny to the point of looking frail, her ribs clearly visible beneath her tight, pale skin when she pulled her shirt over her head. Her breast, barely B’s, were not even coming close to filling out the top she had to buy from the juniors section. The very visible line of her spine ended with two dimples and the potential for a great ass, once she put on her freshman 15. She noticed Trevor watching her undress, and he looked like he liked what he saw, and she liked seeing that. Hand in hand, and with a vain attempt at a running start, they jumped.

The quarry is filled from beneath the surface by multiple naturally occurring springs. Even though today was already in the 90’s, and the surface of the water was in the 80’s, the bulk temperature was in the 50’s, which is extremely cold water. The force of their entry into the water had relieved Kayla of her top, and the cold water had brought her nipples to a hardness she had never experienced before. Trying to be modest, she was covering herself with one arm, and attempting to tread water with the other arm and her legs. The cold water tightened their muscles, and made swimming far more difficult than either had expected. Valuing self preservation over all else, Kayla stopped making a show of modesty, and began using both arms to stay a float, bearing her breast for Trevor to see, which had honestly been the whole point of coming out here. Trevor, ever the gentleman, located her top, and offered it back to her.
“Let’s just get out, it’s so fucking cold.”
They swam to the low spot, and Kayla climbed out first, turned around, topless, and watched as Trevor just stared up at her. He smiled, and offered her her top once again, but he held onto it as she tried to pull it from his hand, just for a second, in playful, I’m not ready for you cover up sort of way. She smiled, thankful to be in the warm air, and made no rush about covering herself. They walked back to their blankets, Trevor almost tripping the entire way because he refused to take his eyes off of her perfectly pink nipples, Kayla watching his arousal reveal itself in his shorts. After she dried herself as slowly and suggestively as possible, Kayla slipped into her shorts and t-shirt and began rummaging through her bag. She did her best to hide the roll of toilet paper, and excused herself to the ladies bushes. Trevor, tired from early start, and the long drive, closed his eyes, and let the warm sun dry him as he daydreamed about Kayla tits, and the promise of more to come.

Randall first noticed the dust cloud kicked up as Trevor drove down Quarry Road, but became interested when the car stopped at the north – south intersection. Using all the mind power he could muster, Randall willed the car to turn left, he didn’t really believe that he had any affect on Trevor’s decision, but he still smiled as the car slowly drove south. Randall had a pretty good idea which clearing they would stop at, and was already in place when Trevor and Kayla arrived. He watched as they set up their camp, and eagerly watched as they undressed. When he saw them join hands, he almost laughed out loud, there is no way they are going to….
“Fuck me, they jumped, I’d of lost a bet there.”
He moved down to the only spot low enough to climb out of the water, and sat hidden, knowing the cold water would drive them out before too long. His patience was soon rewarded, as he saw Kayla’s head emerge over the cliff. It’s a difficult feat, negotiating the sheer wall, hoisting yourself up on the ridge, it takes a minute, and Randall watched Kayla’s tiny tits during her entire struggle, not as graceful as Phoebe Cates, but he could still here the Cars playing in his head.

Kayla wander a few yards away from where Trevor was resting, she didn’t want him to hear the sound of her pissing, for fear it would ruin the mood. They had driven straight through, and this was taking a lot longer than she had anticipated.

As soon as she was gone, Randall seized the opportunity and one of the larger pieces of limestone that littered the ground. There is no way that Randall could over power this huge motherfucker, he was sure of that, but that wasn’t part of the plan. As quiet as a thought, Randall crept up to Trevor’s head, lowered himself down to his knees, squared up, and with one swift, well placed blow, he shattered Trevor’s skull, and drove bone fragments and limestone deep into his brain. Trevor never even opened his eyes. He was 19 years old, and died from blunt force trauma to head, the last thing that went through his mind, before the bone and rock, were thoughts of petit little Kayla, riding his dick.

Randall needed to work fast, if the girl came back before he was done, she would run, and scream, drag this out all morning. He unceremoniously piled their bags, shoes, and clothes on top of Trevor’s body. He added in the bludgeon, and few other heavy stones, just to be sure, rolled the blankets tight around the package, and tied everything up. He rolled it down to the low spot, and slowly slid everything into the water with barely an audible splash. Kayla was making her way back to where the campsite had been, thinking about Trevor’s powerful hands all over her little body, when she noticed something, no, everything was missing. She turned around, thinking at first she was at the wrong clearing, then turning around again, knowing that she was at the right place, something caught her eye. Turning back once more, to get a better look at what she thought she saw, and stopped cold. A man, 5’11, medium build, wearing carpenter pants and a denim work shirt was standing awfully close to her, and had seemed to come out of nowhere. Before the initial shock could wear off, she heard him say,
“Hey, darlin.”
Then everything went bright white, and stinging pain tore it’s way through her face, and was replaced by blackness, and then nothing.

Randall heard her coming through the woods, and ducked quickly out of sight, Kayla had stopped right next to him, but she hadn’t noticed, she was too confused by the absence of the their stuff. When she turned, and turned back, he was waiting with a sucker punch right to her nose, which he knew would break it, but he didn’t expect her to drop like that. Oh well, he thought, at least I don’t have to listen to her cry yet, and with that Randall stuffed a dirty rag into her mouth, sealed it in place with tape, and threw her over his shoulder.

Kayla’s eyes were already starting the swell from the broken nose, a black stripe was forming under her eyes, starting from her nose, and fading to a deep purple, then a light red. The one punch had broken her nose, blackened both her eyes, and knocked her out, she was a lightweight in every sense of the word. As she came to, the pain began to burn hotter and sharper in her face, her eyes were watery, and blurry, but she was fairly sure she was seated, in a workshop or garage of something, the smell of diesel fuel and tractor grease was strong, almost like she could taste it. Only then did she realize that there something in her mouth, and it was taped shut. With this alarming piece of information brought to her attention, she attempted to remove it, only to find her hands bound behind her back. Looking around for some clue as to what was happening, she saw a man, maybe familiar, she wasn’t sure, then the fear took hold of her. The clearing was empty, where was Trevor, who the fuck is this guy, why am I tied up, fuck my face hurts, get up, get up, get up! Her thoughts were rioting, trying to break free from her mind, but every time she tried to let them out all she could manage was a muffled scream.

“Darlin, you got to listen to me, now. I ain’t worried about nobody hearing you, it’s just that I don’t want to hear it. I will take the rag out of your mouth, but you got to promise not to scream. Look at me, look at me, can you do that?”

Kayla gather herself as best she could under the circumstances, she desperately wanted the gag out, wanted a full breathe of clean air. She looked him in the eye, and shook her head yes.

“If you scream, I’m gone have to stop you, you understand?”

Kayla shook her head yes, this time more forcefully, more meaningfully, she would do whatever she could to convince him to un-gag her.

He pulled the tape, slow enough not to hurt too bad, and fast enough to get the job over with. When Randall pulled the rag out of Kayla’s mouth, she saw her blood for the first time. Now that she could move her tongue around, she could taste her blood, she looked down, and saw that the front of her shirt was just one big blood stain. She wanted out, away, any movement, but when tried her arms they were still bound behind her, legs strapped to the chair she was sitting on, she couldn’t stand, she couldn’t run or fight, she couldn’t do anything, except cry. And the tears turned to moans, and the moans grew louder, and louder.

“Darlin, remember what I said now…”

Before he could finish her moans had turned to wails, and the wails were turning to screams. He punched her, closed fist, right in center of her chest, if the chair hadn’t fallen back from the force it probably would have broken a rib. The pain from the blow was brutal, but having all the air knocked out of her felt worse, when she landed on her back, the jolt from the fall frightened her so much she thought she had died.

She hadn’t. She lay on her back, a crushing pain in her chest still preventing all but shallowest of breathes, her face a mess of blood and pain. He lifted her chair back upright, she was still trying to get her breathe, when her eyes caught the shiny steel blade that had suddenly appeared in his hand.

“Hold still, Darlin.”

The fear and pain were too much, Kayla passed out as Randall stepped closer to her with the knife in his hand.
