Menage a trois – Part 1 [M/F/F]

Friday afternoon, thank fuck for that. As I jumped in my rusty pick-up I salivated over the thought of a frost glazed glass coming to my lips with that sweet golden nectar that will take all the pain away. It had been a hectic past fortnight for me, changing jobs, breaking up with my girlfriend, and all the while trying my best not to download tinder to distract myself from the ever-present loneliness of now living alone again. A few minutes down the road I arrive at one of the two pubs in the little town where my farm is situated, the locals refer to this as the “bottom pub” simply because it sits at the bottom of the street. As I pull up to the carpark I smile as i notice the cars there, I can always rely on a few of the old codgers being here early on a Friday to chew the ears off any young person who would listen. It’s a charming old building, with timber eaves and fittings, and a bar made of a big slab of polished timber from the thousands of drinks and arms rested on it over the years. I take the 4 steps up to the veranda two at a time, knocking my boots together to get any last remaining mud off them from the recent rain we’ve had. The three customers at the bar turn and look, ever curious as to the sound of boots and who might follow. I recognise two of them, acknowledging them in the way guys seem to communicate in this part of the world, by their first name and nothing else.


“Young fella” they say in sync as they raise their glasses a few inches in hello. The old guys have started to refer to me as young fella simply because I was new around here and I think their memories weren’t as great as they used to be. It was always said in an endearing tone, but at 28, I wasn’t exactly that young anymore.

I take a seat at the bar, letting out an exhausted sigh as I briefly rub my face with my still somewhat dirty hands from the days work. The publican, a mid-sixties balding guy with glasses, casually gets up from the conversation he was having with the third customer and pours me a beer without asking. With practiced efficiency, a coaster is placed, beer presented, and a bar tab started, in an unspoken arrangement formed over the past few months since I started coming here. I smile at the simplicity of it all. I love living in a small town.

The beers are going down well, almost too well. It’s 6pm now, and I’ve had half a dozen. The pubs filled with around 20 other patrons, the couples doing their usual routine of finding a quiet table out the back to watch the sunset, and the lone guys parking themselves at the bar to talk of anything and everything anyone will listen to. I find it somewhat therapeutic, listening to them talk of their work, the trials and tribulations of their life, it helps ground me and make me realise that my problems aren’t that big in the grand scheme of things.

It was around this time that I was broken out of my reverie by the sound of a feminine voice next to me, almost inaudible next to the gruff clamour of men’s voices raised in heated discussion about whatever politically incorrect topic they were on this time.

“Excuse me”, she said, in a slightly raised tone to be heard over the hum of a busy pub. I turn in my seat thinking she was talking to me, to a see an absolutely stunning early twenties something girl, wearing a tight fitting black shirt, short denim shorts and boots too clean to be from around here. I look into her stunning green eyes and I’m struck for a split second, taken aback by such an attractive girl in such a small town pub. It was about now I realise that she wasn’t talking to me, and in fact was trying to get the publicans attention to order a drink.

“ Robbo!” I say, my deep voice cutting through the noise. “You’ve got a customer”. She smiles at the publican, grateful to have been noticed and flashes me an awkward smile of thanks. I turn back to the guy next to me, having to consciously turn away even though all I want to do is take in every inch of this incredible woman. I force myself to count to ten after she had paid for her drinks, before I allow myself to turn my head back and scan the bar for another glimpse. My eyes settle on her across the bar, talking to another absolutely stunning young girl. “Fucking hellll” I murmur, loud enough for the guy next to me to hear and follow my gaze. “Don’t tell my wife but I reckon I might stay for a few more drinks for the view” he says to me with a wink only seedy old men are capable of. I turn my head, shaking it slowly, somewhat gobsmacked that the universe is capable of creating two such incredible beings. I bring my half-drunk beer up to my lips and down it, placing the empty glass in front of me to be refilled.

The pool comp had just started, with the usual old timers and their friendly banter filling the gaps between the distinct clacking of balls being hit. After about 3 rounds in it was my turn to play, I get up from the bar and walk to the tables, taking the cue from the defeated and acknowledging the victor, “Now Lachie, you better play left-handed tonight, I can’t let you beat me that bad again in front of all these people”. He laughs and proceeds to break, balls scattering across the table. I position myself tactically on the side which gives me the clearest view of the two girls who I haven’t been able to shake from my mind since laying eyes on them. To my surprise both are watching, and I lock eyes on each, smiling so as not to appear rude. I play atrociously, partly because the guy I was playing was very good, and partly because I just could not stop myself from fantasising about the girls over at the table. I wondered what they smelt like, how their skin felt, the taste of their lips. At one point I had to physically pinch myself mid fantasy before I gave myself a hard on which I wouldn’t be able to hide. I lose by 1 ball, staging a late comeback which made the defeat a little less embarrassing.

After retaking my seat at the bar, I notice that the girls weren’t at their table, and that they had moved closer to the competition to get a better view. I could see that they were deliberating on something, with both nervously laughing and telling the other they needed to do it. Finally, the brunette in the black top pushes back her chair, and rises, laughing at her friend and shaking her head at the outcome. She timidly walks over to the tables and asks if they were allowed to play. The two old guys look at each, “Well love, if you wanna play its pretty simple, you just get two gold coins and place them here on the table just like this” he says, in a grandfatherly way pointing at a line of dollar coins. I could tell she was embarrassed, and I felt bad because I had asked the same thing when I was new. She made her way back to the table to her blonde friend, who not being able to hear the conversation looked eagerly at her awaiting the result. The face of eagerness quickly turned to disappointment, and I couldn’t help but feel that the blonde girl was clearly much younger than the other, even though they looked similar to both in their early twenties. That sort of innocence fades with age.

My turn arrived again, and not being able to find my opponent, I had an idea. I walked over to them and said that the guy I was versing couldn’t be found and that they were welcome to take his place. Both of their faces lit up and I couldn’t help but smile at their enthusiasm. The bar was starting to quieten down now, and I was able to finally talk to them as we played. “My girlfriend and I were so nervous we really wanted to play but it all looked so serious, and we didn’t understand how you chose who played next” the blonde girl laughed. My heart sank…girlfriend…they were lesbians. I pushed the disappointment aside, instead focusing on now that I was single, I was allowed to be attracted to them and not feel guilty at the fact.

Now it had been exactly 12 days since I had last orgasmed, and I was starting to feel it. The blonde, Jenny, wore a summery dress that hugged her tiny frame, was like a ray of sunshine in the otherwise dim pub. Her perfect smile, musical laugh and beautiful innocent face had me absolutely infatuated. I was equally as smitten by the darker haired girl I first set eyes upon, with her small denim shorts showing an almost inappropriate amount of leg, and her tight tank top which hugged her perky breasts, a more worldly look sparkled in her eyes which gave a sense of mystery and seduction. As they leant over the table, I was now unable to look away from their perky tits or tight ass and wonder what they would look like naked.

As the game goes on and the small chat ensues, they ask me where I live and I tell them just down the road in a tiny house made of shipping containers. The little blonde one lights up, exclaiming that she loves the idea of tiny houses. The alcohol had gotten the best of me at this stage, and before I even knew what I said I had offered for them to come and check it out after the game, you know for inspiration. Just as I was about to internally lecture myself on how stupid that sounded, I was interrupted by them both agreeing, much to my half-drunk astonishment.

I tell them that I’ve probably had too much to drink to drive, and even though its only down the road we should probably walk. We set off, me somewhat having to focus to see in the dark, them clearly sober as nuns as they almost skipped hand in hand down the country lane. We get to the farm and they both complement me on how neat everything is. “I’m a bit of a neat freak”, I admit with a laugh”. I show them inside and offer them a drink, Jenny asks if she could use the bathroom. “Ah sure, it’s just there, the light switch is around the corner”.

I make myself busy with the drinks, reaching amongst the bottles of spirits lined up on liquor shelf. I turn around to find the brunette one Abby staring at me, smiling, her lips slightly parted, as she slowly walks up to me. My hands, now full with two bottles, stop mid air as she gets closer. Not a word is spoken as she pushes her chest up against mine, feeling her tits press up against my chest and her small hands cupping my pants, feeling my semi erect penis that I’ve not been able to tame the entire night. She grins as she pulls on my shirt, forcing my face down closer to hers, kissing me softly. She moans into my lips and gropes my cock slightly harder. I place the two bottles on the table, freeing my hands to grip her tiny waist as I pull her closer to me, kissing her hard. I pull back mid kiss “but, I thought you two were lesbians?” I manage to stammer confusedly. She laughs, “I’m bi, Jenny is bicurious but has only ever been with girls”.

Jenny, the blonde girl, comes out of the bathroom, and upon seeing us standing close with my hands on Abby’s waist, asks with a conspiratorial smile “what have you two been up to?”. Abby quickly dashes over to her and whispers something in her ear. She hesitates, bites her full bottom lip, and nods her head nervously. Leading her by the hand, Abby guides her out of the kitchen and into the lounge, where 2 chairs and a couch are situated in front of a fireplace. She seats her girlfriend, kisses her forehead, then scurries back to me who is totally confused as to what is going on.

She motions for me to give her my ear and begins to whisper excitedly. “So I’ve always had this fantasy, that I would be there when Jenny gave her first blowjob. She’s never been with a guy before and I know she wouldn’t do it alone.” She looks at me expectantly, “and you’d like that to be me?” I say, laughing incredulously. She nods.

Holy fuck.

I walk over to Jenny, fidgeting nervously in one of the chairs, and Abby picks her up by gripping both of her arms and motions her to kneel in front of me. She pulls a pillow from the couch and places it under her knees, protecting her from the hardwood floor. Coming up to me now, she tugs on my clothes and says in a matter-of-fact tone, “all this needs to come off”. I waste no time, stripping naked and watching as Jenny’s eyes widen at my now fully erect cock. I inch closer, the tip of my penis now visibly bobbing with the sheer amount of blood my body is sending to it. She looks nervously to her girlfriend who smiles encouragingly and gets down on here knees herself. “Here, I’ll show you” she says, and grips the base of my cock with one of her hands as she gently licks the precum from my tip. I arch my head back, and gasp at the sight and sensation, I look down and see her smiling, clearly pleased with the result.

I watch as her full lips part ever so slightly, kissing the head, before opening wider to take the entire tip. She sticks her tongue out, flicking it deftly across my head, and I watch in ecstasy as she takes the entire head in her mouth, her cheeks tightening, her tongue caressing the underside as her lips grip the girth. She takes me deeper into her mouth, now halfway down the entire shaft, slowly sliding her lips along it, swirling her tongue when she gets to the tip. She turns to Jenny, “now you try”, she says grinning. Jenny swallows her nervousness and moves her head closer to my cock. Her tiny hand, so soft and gentle around my shaft, as she looks to Abby for approval and gets an encouraging nod in return. She sticks out her tongue, and repeats what Abby did, first licking the tip, then kissing it, sucking the head, before opening her lips to begin sucking the entire cock. She was a natural. Her full plump lips, those innocent blue eyes, the soft slurping sound of her warm wet mouth taking my rock-hard cock between her lips. I was in bliss. I had to focus to stop myself from climaxing too soon, savouring the sight and the sensation. Abby, who had been stroking Jenny’s hair and whispering encouraging words in her ear at how well she was doing and what she should do next, obviously happy with how her girlfriend was performing, positioned herself under her girlfriend’s bobbing head and started slowly sucking on my shaved balls.

After a few minutes of pure bliss, the sight of these two stunning girls, worshipping my cock and balls was just too much, I was about to cum. “Abby” I gasp, mid moan, she looks up from sucking my balls, and I manage to explain that I was about to cum. She turns to Jenny, “do you want to try swallowing?” she asks, and Jenny not even taking my cock out of her mouth nods in agreeance to her, before resuming looking up at me seductively as she takes my cock all the way to the back of her mouth with each amazing slurp.

I can feel the familiar tingling sensation in my balls, and Abby positions herself behind jenny as I start to nod quickly that I was about to climax. She leans down and says into Jenny’s ear “Now when it happens, take it deep and just relax your throat, it will slide right down”. Jenny nods as I feel my legs start to buckle and my balls tighten. A climax like never before racks my entire body, 2 weeks’ worth of sexual frustration flows from my balls, through my cock, in pulsating waves of warm cum, hitting the back of this beautiful blonde girls warm throat. When she realises what is happening, she forces me deeper, her lips three quarters along my shaft, just as instructed to help take the load. The first two waves she manages to swallow, but her eyes widen as the full quantity of cum overwhelms her ability to swallow. Abby steps in, repeatedly whispering “good girl baby, that’s it, you’re doing so well”, holding Jenny’s head with both her hands, stopping her from pulling back off my cock while also pushing her deeper on my shaft. Her eyes close shut as Abby’s hands hold her lips hard against my climaxing cock. She manages to relax her throat, letting my cock slide deeper, all the way to the base, and allowing me to pump the remaining waves straight down into her belly. By this stage my hands are also on Jenny’s head gripping her hair, as she stoically lets the most intense orgasm of my life subside. When my balls were finally drained of every last drop, she slowly slides her lips back up my shaft, and over my tip, to proudly present to us both an empty mouth, tears swelling in her eyes from her gag reflex.

Abby moves around to face her, cupping her face with both of her hands she kisses her passionately, stopping to lick two streams of cum that had managed to spill down the side of her cheek. “We don’t waste any of this precious stuff” she giggles. I kneel down with them, bringing my face close to Jenny’s, concerned at the sight of tears before she asks “I’m ok, just never had anything that far in my mouth before. How did I do?”. “It was fucking incredible” I laugh, unable to wipe the grin off my face. “You did amazing” I repeat gently, holding her with intense affection, before gently kissing her on the lips, stroking her hair in adoration and wiping the tears from her cheeks. I bundle her up in a warm embrace, as she begins to nuzzle her head into my shoulder to dry her face. Abby, having watched the whole scene, smiled gleefully before reaching between her legs and coming back up with fingers completely soaked. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this wet before in my life”, she says looking at her fingers. Jenny lifts her head from my shoulder, looks at me mischievously, and says “I think we might be able to help with that”.



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