Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F/F] Part 31


*** ***Alana*** ***

We’re midway through December and the wind has gotten chilly. That usually means we have an influx of homeless patients trying to find a warm bed. Sure a majority are nice and, for lack of a better word, sane but there’s a couple that should really have been admitted to the mental ward. I feel sorry for the homeless vets, though, and I try to sneak in an extra sandwich during my shift. Now if they’re smart, they’ll save it for when they’re out of the hospital.

I come back to a nice, loving apartment with Izz lounging around the sofa and Chris working on his laptop. It’s about 7:45 PM. God damn, it must be nice to work at home or, in Izz’s case, not work at all and still be reasonably comfortable.

Fucking rich kids, I swear…

Before I get into my car from work, I make sure to take my work shoes off and put them in a plastic bag so I can decontaminate them when I get home. I don’t want to bring any superbugs into our home.

Izz and I have been leaving Chris alone, sexually are what I meant. But, as we’ve learned, if we don’t have sex with him he just jerks off into a fucking napkin while watching porn! The audacity! His excuse? “Well, I didn’t want to ask for sex. I don’t think I’m obligated to it.”

Motherfucker, you’re god damn obligated to have sex from us! The only reason why we leave you alone is that we want a full load when we fuck! God damn!

So I grabbed Izz and we went out, telling Chris we’re just going to buy something. Izz has on a pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt and a gray jacket, and no fucking bra. This girl, I swear.

“What are we getting?” She asked as she slipped the seatbelt into position, “Food? Makeup? What is it?”

“Izz, you need to upgrade your wardrobe. Ever since you got your memories back you’ve gone back to… blegh.”

“What the fuck? Do you have any idea how hard it is to find cute things to wear when you’re my size?” She countered, and while I see the truth in that statement it’s not an excuse to stop trying. She practically buys shirts from the men’s department.

“All I hear is excuses and bitching. Come on, we’re going shopping for fucks sake. You dress like a god damn soccer mom. A divorced soccer mom!”

She looked down at herself, down at the small pink stain of, what I believe to be, ketchup and mayo mixed together for her fries or something. She looked down at the shoes she’s wearing, torn-up sneakers with a mismatching sock. What happened to Isabella that dressed like an office slut! What happened to Isabella that likes to wear a cute sundress because her body actually pulled it off?

Oh right, *that* Isabella is gone now.

So I went over and grabbed Laura while we’re at it. Fucking Albert is in the house, what the hell? Is he living there now?

“Oh he’s just here for the week?”

“Well when did he go home after Thanksgiving?” Izz inquired as she, again, looks over her ensemble.

“Um…. he hasn’t.”

My ears perked up and I cocked my head to the side, “Laura, it’s been 3 weeks since! What about his job?”

“Oh, he drives to his job, works, and then drives back here. His job’s only like 2 hours away.”

“A 2-hour commute!? What the fuck, Laura, you got this guy eating out of your fucking pussy! Does Chris know?”

“Um… no… Albert and I are just enjoying ourselves, getting to know each other.” She said shyly as she fidgets with her finger and twirls her hair. This discussion is obviously uncomfortable for her, but damn it she needs to hear it!

“Shit, physically getting to know each other is what I’m hearing. Well does his parents know he’s here? Do your parents know?” I pointed out with a sigh as I looked over to her.

“He’s an adult, he can do whatever he wants. I’m an adult and I can do whatever I want. What are you two worried about?”

“Laura, this is yours and his first adult relationship. You two need to put up boundaries, have you two talked about that? What you’re for and against? What Alana and I are worried about is you getting your heartbroken, or him getting his heartbroken because one of you crossed a boundary that wasn’t discussed.” Izz clarified as she turned her torso to regard her. “We’re not against this relationship, we’re for it. All three of us are for it. We just want you two to have a healthy relationship.”

“I get it. I know. We’ve just… we’ve just been fucking so much since we got back, it’s actually scary, she gently laughed, As soon as Saleen goes to school, we just start fucking and we can’t seem to keep our hands off one another.”

“Well winter break is about to start, so reign it in horn dog.” I laughed aloud, “but onto a more serious manner. Did you know Rox and Izz here has been keeping in touch?”

“Rox? Roxanne? The person-you-eternally hate Roxanne? That Roxanne?” Laura gasped shockingly then turned to regard Izz, “Bella, we all agreed to cut her off!”

“I know and I tried! She reached out 5 years ago because we went to the same college and she wanted a friendly face, and we just kept in touch since.”

“Probably partied a shit ton with her too,” I spat in disgust. I went into a private school, the type that churns out nurses in an accelerated pace, so I didn’t get to have the “college” experience with Izz. I got my RN degree at 20, with Izz still in college and, presumably, partying, and I’ve been working since.

“So we’re going shopping for clothes,” I said as I tried to veer the subject back into a more pleasant topic, “It’s more of an excuse to hang out since we haven’t done so in a while. Because we’re all in a fucking relationship now, all horny sluts for their men it sounds like.”

“Hey, you wanted to be in a relationship with Chris and me. No one forced you to.”

“Chris’ dick forced me to! His dick, and how he’s fucking loving and caring and adorable and a great man and lover and fuck fuck fuck! Your fucking boyfriend ruined me, Izz! Ruined me, do you hear me you loveable bitch!”

Izz couldn’t help but laugh at my outburst.


The mall is packed, motherfuckers who couldn’t buy their holiday presents months before, so now they’re scrambling on what to pick for next.

Come to think of it, I haven’t gotten Chris anything. Fuck!

We got some cute clothes but Izz found it really hard to get any. All of the clothes that fit her frame are kind of… meh.

“Well, Chris said he’s fine with me wearing jeans and blouses… I think I’ll just buy some thigh-high socks, maybe some more thong and bra, and I’ll check out VS for lingerie.”

Well, we did just that. We know that Chris loves fucking us in thigh-high socks. We know that Chris likes thongs and G-Strings, so we made sure to pick up a couple. Incidentally, Albert is also quite fond of thongs as well to Laura’s delight.

We’re not so sure about lingerie. I think he likes them, but do we just get lacey thongs and bras? Do we get Teddy’s and corsets and garters? What does he like?

“I’ll just get 2 of each,” Izz said.

Fucking rich kids, I swear…

We stayed away from the more risqué lingerie. The ones with a lot of straps and belts and shit we gotta work to take off. It might be fun, but maybe someday.

I didn’t buy anything other than a couple of thongs. I don’t have the budget for it and I didn’t want Izz or Laura to pay for it. I’m not paying any rent, Chris and Izz basically told me to save my money for whatever I wanted to do, but I didn’t feel the need for more underwear or anything.

Maybe one thigh-high sock…

We’re finally done shopping and we sat down on a very popular coffee shop chain. We got our usual orders.

“So Izz, does Chris do anything for fun besides…. work?” I asked. I’ve wondered that about him. Besides video games, he doesn’t really do a whole lot of things. He barely hangs out with the few friends that he has, and he has no other interest.

“Well, we used to go sailing but I think I soured that for him when I forced sex on him when we were out on a boat. We used to hike and stuff, but I ruined that for him because I felt horny and wanted sex in our tent. We used to go fishing and -”

“Let me guess, you ruined it for him because you wanted sex?”

“No, he fell overboard because he hooked a big ass grouper and was surprised. Then he swears to me he saw a shark, and that’s where he got his phobia of sharks. Did I mention he’s afraid of bears?”

“Izz, everybody is afraid of bears! He’s afraid of bears, but he went hiking? It sounds like he did those things because you liked them,” I pointed out to which Izz nodded.

“I… may have forced him to go with me.”

“Well, what about social media? IG? FB? T-Tok? Anything?” I prodded further, but Izz only shook her head.

“He’s pretty private. No IG, he has a FB but he only has friends there that he actually, physically knows, and even then all he does is wish them happy birthdays. He refuses to use T-Tok or Snap. Honestly, he doesn’t even like taking pictures of himself.”

“Bella, it sounds like you’re not even sure. You two need to talk to him instead of speculations and jumping to conclusions. Albert and I talked about social media stuff and we’ve added each other in FB and IG,” Laura boasted with a haughty smile and upturned nose.

Then, Izz’s phone rang, and when she looked it’s Chris on the other end. “Strange, he normally doesn’t call.” She picks up the call, “What’s up babe, want anything from somewhere? What? Why!? Right now!? Why’d you open the door!? Oh, that’s true. Alright, we’re coming!”

“What’s up? Why do you sound so mad?” I asked and Izz’s face is red with fury.

“Roxanne is in the apartment now. She wants Chris to fuck her, so Chris locked himself in the restroom and she’s crying and begging.”

“That bitch! I fucking knew it!”

Izz is driving. Normally, Chris and I do not let Izz drive because Izz drives like a maniac on a NORMAL day. But right now, she is furious and when Izz drives mad, she drives like she stole the damn car.

Thank god we didn’t get pulled over.

We got into the apartment to a crying Roxanne, huddled in front of our bathroom door, pounding and begging.

“Please! Chris, please! I’m begging you, please!”

“No! I don’t feel comfortable doing this, Roxanne!”

“Roxxy, what the fuck are you doing here!?” Izz screamed. She has her fist in a ball, that little vein on the side of her head is pumping and she’s stomping her way towards her.

“Belle! I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry I just.. I just… I just want his cock! I’m… my body is craving for it! I bought and tried using a dildo, but it’s not the same!”

“Rox, look at you, all strung up and shit! Pathetic, really pathetic,” I laughed as she glared at me, “it’s like you’re a meth addict! You need another hit, Rox? You need a fix there buddy?”

“Alana, shut up you were just like her a few months ago.”

Oh yeah, that’s true…

“Roxxy, sweetie, c’mon what happened to you?”

“Laura? It’s been a long time, wow you look fantastic,” Roxanne realized that Laura is with us, “I… I didn’t recognize you, I’m sorry. But… but I can’t help it! It’s been a couple of weeks and my body is just… it’s craving cock! It’s craving his cock! What the fuck, what the fuck do I do!?”

“Roxanne, that time was the only time!” Chris yelled out from behind the door, “so unless you can convince Mother Wolf, then it ain’t happening again!”

“I’ll allow it.”

“What!!??” Chris and I said in both shock and disbelief, “What the fuck Izz!”

“Babe, what the fuck!?”

“Love? Love, look at me, look at me,” I asked Izz as I grabbed her hand. She turned to regard me with tears slowly falling down from her eyes, “I know you don’t want this. We don’t have to do this, ok? We don’t. We both agreed to stop sharing him, remember? Remember?”

Izz nodded as she tightly closed her eyes, “Roxxy, please go. We need to talk for a moment, just go to your car, alright?”

Rox looked at us uneasily and she slowly walked out. We heard a car door slam, and I told Chris that she’s gone for now.

“Bella? Bella, you can’t just give in to a request like that,” Laura started as she gave her an embrace, “I can tell that you’re heart is breaking, stop hurting yourself.”

Izz came away from Laura’s embrace and tightly hugged Chris. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Why did you even say that?” Laura asked as she held her hand, “Bella, sweetie, you need to talk to Chris and Alana.”

“What are we going to do with her? She’s addicted to Chris now. I shouldn’t have agreed to her little request. I fucked up. I fucked up big.”

Chris and I looked at each other, “Sweetie, what are we going to do? She’s not going to leave you alone. How do you feel about her?”

“Neutral, I guess is the right word for it,” Chris shrugged, “look, Sugar if you’re alright with it she’ll be the last one, alright? The last one, unless something stupid big happens.”

“The last one. You hear that Izz, Rox is the last bitch, alright? Please, tell me you understand? I don’t know how much more I can take of this.”

Laura went outside and called Roxanne in. Fuck this bitch. Fuck her. I wish I’ve never met her! She came in and eagerly looked at us, looked at me even because she knows that I’m part of the decision and my words carried weight.

Laura didn’t want any part of this so she stayed outside to wait for Albert. Such a level-headed girl, and she’s grown so fast too! But then she came back inside because it’s fucking cold.

So we’re sitting on the couch, watching Chris perform. He looked so uncomfortable. I hope we’re not pushing him into something he’ll never recover from. We need to talk to him, all three of us need to have another talk.

“Bella, why do you feel the need to let women have sex with your boyfriend? First, it was Alana and me, then Jackie and now Roxxy. Why, sweetie?”

Izz gave a deep sigh as she slouched on the couch and covered her eyes with her forearm. “I think it’s because I kept him to myself for two years, and seeing him having sex with women is my own way of punishing me for the things I did to him. With you two it wasn’t as painful to watch, but with Jackie, it tore me apart because they had a history together.”

“Izz, he forgave you a long time ago – Rox stop kissing him for so long! – you need to forgive yourself,” I added. But then, I realized something, ” Izz, am I in this relationship because you felt like punishing yourself with me?”

Izz took her forearm off from her eyes and straightened up. Rox, by this time, got to her knees and has started sucking Chris’ magic wand and making such lewd, and loud, slurping noise. “At first… at first, it was, because I didn’t feel like I’m enough for him. When you said you loved him, it broke my heart but I understood because I, two years ago, fell in love with him the same way.”

Chris started fucking her face, and it’s clear that she’s gotten somehow used to some aggressive blowjobs. Probably from the dildos that she’s bought.

“Ooh, I might ask Albert to do that to me,” Laura cooed as she licked her lips, “maybe later on after Saleen goes to bed.”

“How is Albert anyway?” I inquired to which Laura’s eyes visibly shined.

“Oh! Yes, he and I are much more compatible than Chris and I! Oh, he can carry me around and toss me all over the bed. He last all night long! We’re not very experienced but he’s eager to learn so he’s been doing some research on positions. I’ll have to ask Chris if he’s willing to let me go.”

I looked and her and blinked for a few seconds, “Let you go? The fuck do you mean, let you go?”

“As his sex slave! Alana, I want to, I mean I’m planning on doing more kinky stuff with Albert so naturally, I’ll have to ask permission from Chris! Come on, this is basics here.”

“Laura, I don’t do that kind of kinky shit so I wouldn’t know.” I gave a *harumph* as I leaned back into the backrest, “Rox don’t even try it! Fuck, don’t even try to deep dick him, you’ll just vomit all over the place!”

“Alana, you did it before I did, don’t even lie.”

Did I? Did I do something similar? I can’t even remember it’s been so long. “Oh, you don’t remember? Come on, little brat, try to remember,” Laura teased as she poked me with a crooked finger. Izz has started giggling too, obviously knowing what Laura meant but I am perplexed.

Then she leaned into my ears, and whispered, “Oh, Daddy I’m such a bad girl… punish this bad girl daddy, *Mmmmph*.”

“Wait… wait, hold up a minute. Fuck you two, you’re saying I have a brat kink!? No, no I don’t!”

Laura and Izz erupted in a caucus of laughter that immediately took the attention of Rox and Chris, “Chris! Chris! Stop for a minute and come here,” Izz beckoned.

“Y-Yeah?” Chris slowly hobbled over to us, grabbing Rox by the hair as she followed by crawling on her hand and knees.

“What kind of kink does Alana have?” Laura asked. Rox went back to sucking his cock while she’s looking up at us, man this girl is fucking dedicated. She’s massaging his balls and licking his shaft and head like she’s been sucking cock for all her adult life.

“Um, she has a brat kink, and then she became a sub, I think. She was bratty in the beginning and she tries to get me mad, then she got into the good girl vibe afterward. I kinda missed it when she was a brat, to be honest.”

I had no idea. I really didn’t. I just thought that if I get him mad, he would be more forceful with me. I did find it stimulating, sexually, and now I’m finding out he liked it too? I looked at Izz, “w-w-what’s your kink?”

“Me? Can’t you tell? Apparently, I like seeing my boyfriend fuck other women, uh a cuckqueen from what I’ve read.”

“What the fuck? Laura? How about you?”

“Oh, I like getting told I’m a dirty cum slut who’s nothing more than a fuck sleeve for men to use as they please. I like being told I amount to nothing more than a bucket, collecting men’s spent sperm… oh my, I think I turned myself on. Albert better gets here soon,” she giggled innocently.

I looked at Rox, and her eyes narrowed at me, “bitch, I know what you are.”

“What!? Fuck you, Alana, I don’t have a kink! Unlike you, I’m completely normal.”

Chris grabbed her by her hair and pulled her up roughly, turned her around and he started slapping her ass harder and harder until they glowed red. “Yes! Slap me harder! Harder! Make it hurt, make me hurt!”

“Oh, bitch you have a kink and it’s probably the worst out of all of ours,” I laughed and then sighed as she looked slightly uncomfortable, “Rox, you want me to fuck you again?”

She almost nodded but she caught herself.

Albert eventually got here and Laura waved at us goodbye while blowing Chris a kiss, “Master, may I ask that Albert become my new Master?”

Chris laughed and bid her come to him, then he gave her face a stern slap, “you’re permitted to, have fun with him.”

Laura squealed as she left the apartment.

*** ***Bella*** ***

Seeing Roxanne getting plowed by Alana and my boyfriend is getting me a bit aroused. I started rubbing and squeezing my tits, bringing it up to my mouth and sucking on it a bit. But that wasn’t enough.

I looked at Alana and noticed that she’s been looking at me, with such hungry eyes. She crept closer and placed her right hand between my leg. “Oh, you’re a bit wet down there,” she sighed and I only nodded and bit my lip for her. She and I started kissing and she’s a bit more forceful than her usual self.

She helped relieve me of my yoga pants, noticing how I haven’t been wearing any underwear. “Oooh, you naughty girl! Going to the mall with no underwear,” she teased and I could only moan as her fingers brush my downstair lips. By this time, Chris has dragged Roxxy over to the couch, with me on it, and has gotten Roxxy to a reverse cowgirl type of position where she is still standing but her legs are bent down and she’s squatting down on his cock.

“Bella, come here,” he beckoned me over and I moved myself to his side. He took my cheeks and turned it to him, then we kissed. I just noticed that we haven’t had a kiss all day, with him working for the majority of the day on a project that demanded a lot of focus from him. Usually, if something like that happens, I am able to give him blowjobs from under his desk.

“I love you, Bella. Don’t ever forget that.”

My heart skipped, and I felt that pang of love in my chest. “Thank you, babe, now finish up with her because you’ve got me hot and wet.”

He gave me a nod and grabbed Roxxy’s hip and started thrusting up to her, making her scream.

Alana went over and started making out with Chris as well, even grabbing Roxxy by the chest and pulling her back and playing and sucking on her tits.

“You’ve got a nice set,” she remarked as she bit a nipple and squeezed the other one. By this time I’ve started peeling off her own yoga pants, making sure to keep her thong intact. I know how Chris likes fucking girls while they still have their underwear on.

“G-Get off me, bitch,” Roxxy moaned weakly, trying to push her head away, but Alana didn’t let go. Instead, her hand went down and rubbed her clit furiously while Chris fucked her from below.

“You’re a lucky bitch since we just closed Chris’ dick shop,” she grinned, “maybe we’ll keep you around, who knows, we’ll see what the proprietor wants.”

She then turned to Chris and awaited a response, “I… I think we can keep her around to play with.”

“Hoh, a nice little pet you say? I like,” I laughed a little bit as the helpless Roxxy became part of our little group. Not in a relationship, per se, and I want her to find her own boyfriend and ultimately separate from us. But in the meantime, we can keep her around.

Now it’s my turn. “Roxxy, listen up. You’re going to keep your phone with you, at all times, and you will answer us whenever we call you, understand? If you’re working or you’re in the middle of a showing, I expect you to tell us beforehand. But, you will come here whenever we call for you and you’ll do as we say, got it?”

She nodded, a little too eager if I’m being honest, and we’ve ultimately come to the conclusion that while we’re still a threesome, relationship-wise, but with the addition of Roxanne we are now a foursome.

Alana sucked and teased her tits, so I decided to move in between their legs. Seeing Chris’ rod go in and out of her small pussy, pulling her lips out from its hiding spot is a real sight. I started playing with his balls, rubbing and massaging them and seeing how heavy and swollen they looked, while I licked and sucked on her small, pink clit.

“How much has he made you cum since you started,” Alana teased her, “or are you so fucking horny that you’re not even keeping count?”

“I -*uhhh* – I lost count a-afterrr t-t-tten,” Roxxy moaned and stammered.

“Fucking slut,” Alana laughed as she slapped her tits, “You’re so into this that you can’t even count properly.”

Alana then moved up and started kissing her, and remarkably Roxxy didn’t resist. Instead, she pulled her in closer.

“Oh, making out with a girl now are we,” Alana giggled as she softly tapped her cheeks, “maybe you hated me because you’re secretly gay, and you’re so jealous when I came out.”

Roxxy didn’t confirm or deny it, only staring into her eyes as she pulled her back into her lips, she then pushed her away as she began to focus on Chris and what he’s doing to her.

Chris didn’t fully hilt Roxanne as he would do with Alana and me. She could only take him halfway down, towards the middle of the thicker part of his dick, and then she would go back up. As she began her descent, I started pushing her down lower and lower. She looked at me, looked at my eyes, and shook her head ‘no’ while begging me not to.

I nodded my head ‘yes’ and I didn’t stop.

She whimpered and grit her teeth and softly bit her lips as her pussy is stretched out even more. “F-Fuck! B-Bella, is that you? Her fucking pussy is eating me alive! She’s contracting like crazy down there.”

“Relax baby, her freshly plucked pussy is just getting used to you. I was like that at first,” I laughed as I slowly pressed Roxxy’s hip down until she got past his thickness. Her head rolled back and I can see her eyes glazing over, “how was that Roxxy?”

She didn’t answer. She only moaned as she fell back against Chris. “Fuck, she’s milking me. I don’t know if she’s on birth control. and I don’t want to cum inside her.”

“Are you close baby? Do you want to cum? Well, we can’t have you knocking up Roxxy here, now can we?”

I pushed Roxxy’s limp body off of him and she fell to her stomach with her ass jutting out and her knees on the floor. I then straddled him, spreading my lips apart as I slide myself down his pole.

“Mmmm-Fuck! That’s so good! I just love the feeling of your thick cock pushing its way into me!”

His hands immediately went to my tits, mashing them together and squeezing them hard, and then gently. Giggling, I leaned forward to allow him to suck my nipples. “Baby, we haven’t had sex for a few days and you haven’t masturbated yet, right?”

He nodded, and I smiled. The prospect of reaping what Alana and I sowed is coming to fruition, a full load in his balls ready and waiting for us!

“Let me enjoy you for a bit, babe, let me ride you for a bit longer please.” I begged while I felt my pussy contract around his thick rod, “*Mmmm*, so fucking good.”

My ass bounced up and down his thick shaft while we kissed and he groped and mashed my ass together. Our tongues intertwined with one another, while our lips sucked and bit each other. “Three days, three fucking days of not getting my daily dose, and I’m starting to go insane waiting to get fucked!”

“Babe, you don’t have to hold yourself back with me,” Chris grunts as he looked down to watch his head continuously peek out from my lips only to go back inside me.

“But, but we don’t want to wear you out. Your dick must be sore from all the time you’re cumming and giving us your delicious sperm!”

“Yeah, but I don’t need three days. One day is fine and then I’ll fuck you guys for three days if you want. Not-not all day for three days, now, let’s not get crazy,” he laughed as he gave my ass a slap, a hard and firm slap that lets me know that he owns this ass. He owns me.

I can tell he’s about to cum. His eyes are fluttering wildly while and he’s breathing a bit faster. I started pumping into his cock faster and faster, milking his yummy cum out from his balls. He grabbed a handful of ass and he held me down as he unloaded a series of warmth into me, thrusting upwards while he throws in more and more.

My own orgasm has finally arrived, thank god, and that shivering, shuddering, full-body shakes that I craved came to me. My mind went into a delicious haze of pleasure and ecstasy. We shared a kiss, moaning into each other’s mouth as he gave me more and more of his backed-up load.

I climbed off of him, sitting next to him while Alana picked up Roxxy and planted her face on top of my pussy. “Eat it,” I told her and Roxxy started lapping and licking up Chris’ dripping cum as it runs out from my pussy. I pushed her face into it, “use your tongue, get it in there and scoop up what you can,” I told her and she only nodded.

Good girl.

*** ***Alana*** ***

Mother Wolf is teaching her little pup the ways, how adorable. Roxanne has a lot to learn if she wants to be in this relationship.

But damn, now we gotta share his load with her too. Thankfully he’s got the stamina of a horse, and he’s already ready for me as he grabbed my hip and pulled me onto him.

“Not satisfied with Izz and Roxanne’s pussy, so now you need mine? Daddy is such a slut,” I purred against him as I rubbed his cheeks, “such an honest slut.”

We kissed together and he always taste sweet against my lips. I straddled him while our lips are still locked. His cock twitched and throbbed, drumming against my cheeks, leaving behind a sweet film of his and Izz’s love juice. I pully my thong aside and started teasing his cock with my lips, rubbing my pussy up and down his shaft and head, watching him wince with pleasure. “Say it, tell me what you want me to do slut.”

Now he could just as easily grab his cock and push it inside me, and I would gladly take that, but I think he finds pleasure when the role is sometimes switched. “Go on, tell me what you want me to do you fucking slut whore.”

“P-Please put my dick into your pussy,” he groaned as his hand roamed and caressed my ass, rubbing and squeezing them.

“Ah-ah-ah, say it like a proper slut!”

“P-put my hard, throbbing cock into your warm, tight pussy,” he corrected as he kissed my chin.

I giggled softly at him as I took his lips, pushing his cockhead against my entrance and then letting it in, finally. “Shit! Daddy’s hard cock is so good!”

Oh, that feeling of being filled with his hard cock! I can never get enough of it! A moan immediately escapes my mouth as his cock dug deeper into me, and as my ass bounce up and down his cock I made plenty more lewd sounds. I watch as Rox eats up Izz’s sweet cum-filled pussy, filled with three days’ worth of our hard work! By hard work what I mean is resisting the urge to fuck Chris.

“Keep eating my pussy, use your tongue more!” Izz scolded her, “now be a good girl and swallow it, that’s your treat.”

Man, she’s really taking in the idea of treating Rox like a pet to heart.

With the way Daddy’s cock is crushing my insides, it’s no wonder I’m starting to feel like cumming. Izz and I hadn’t had sex for the better part of three days, and tasting his cock has gotten me more aroused than usual. But, Daddy has already came once so he should last a bit longer now.

He held me down with an embrace and he started pummeling my pussy, hard. It sent my mind into a daze with how much fucking pleasure he’s giving me. I couldn’t scream nor could I moan. I just gasped and took short breaths while he has his way with me. When he finally stopped is when I started moaning, trying to make sense of what just happened.

He brought me back to reality with a kiss and he grabbed my tits and started sucking on them. “F-Fuck… Daddy, don’t do that again. I might go insane,” I told him as I took a deep breath, “but… but do it again.”

Again he held me down, took a breath, and he just went to fucking town and pounded and hammered me and I’m seeing stars and weird lights. “F-F-Fuck! Fuck, daddy! I’m coming, I’m fucking coming!”

He didn’t stop. He just kept going and going, making me orgasm over and over until I couldn’t see straight. I hope my pussy is still somewhat tight after this, dear god…

*** ***Roxanne*** ***

Belle has my lips around her vagina, making me eat and suck up Chris icky, but weirdly yummy cum. The smell alone is making my head swim, her smell and how Chris’ cum has a musky, manly smell that I cannot get enough of.

I heard that bitch screaming and I saw how Chris is basically manhandling her, fucking her vagina into submission.

“Focus, don’t look at them,” Belle told me and I could only comply. I stuck my tongue deeper into her vagina, trying to scoop up more and more of Chris’ sperm. How much did he shoot into her? I’ve already swallowed two mouthfuls worth of his semen, and there seems to be more.

I saw Alana’s limp body roll off of him and he made sure she’s laying down in comfort, and he stood up. I tried to watch where he goes, but Belle held my face down against her. Then, I felt his warm hand around my hips. Oh god, he’s going to fuck me again!

Sure enough, his devilish fuck rod is defiling me again. How did my life fall into such debauchery? What will my parents think!

Well, they left me alone here and moved to Florida. My older brother’s visit has lessened and I haven’t seen them in months. I mean, they do have their own lives and family to go back to but they’re not even calling me.

Oh, Chris is fucking me so good. He’s doing it slowly, I guess so my vagina can get used to him again, but after a minute or so he started speeding up. Thankfully, he’s not going all the way. I don’t think I can handle more than half of his massive junk.

“Did I tell you to stop?” Belle asked and I started eating her pussy again. It’s weird. Her pussy doesn’t taste good at all, but I just can’t seem to stop. Well, it tastes a little sour, but there’s a bit of a metallic taste to her.

Meanwhile, Chris’ head is scraping up my vaginal walls, hitting all of my spots. The ridges of his helmet are just in the right spot, and since his dick is slightly angled upward the tip pushes against the roof more. God, I’m already feeling myself having another orgasm. My vagina is so weak to him, he just touches the right spot and then he sends my head into a chaotic mess!

Why did I decide to fuck him again? To try and steal him away? To try and pull one over Alana? That was a mistake, fucking him in the first place was a mistake because now I can’t seem to get him out of my mind! The following weeks after we had sex was a torturous time! My body wanted him and no matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to shake off the urge! The dildos that I bought, they weren’t enough. Cold showers? Nothing. Meditation and prayer? Worthless! Even going to church did nothing to relieve the urge!

Now the same dick is defiling me, making me feel so fucking good! Belle’s pussy started tasting nice, “harder, please harder,” I begged and Chris slapped my ass and he pushed in just a bit more with each thrust. “Harder! Harder, please!” I shouted and Belle pushed my face into her delicious mound and I gladly licked and ate her out as Chris finally pushed more than half of his glorious cock into me, sending another wave of chaotic pleasure into me. I couldn’t help but moan. I couldn’t help but beg for more and more, for him to keep defiling and making a complete mess of me.

I’m not on birth control. I saw no need for it since I haven’t had any intercourse and I didn’t plan on getting fucked again tonight. But when I was driving, I found myself driving over to his apartment. “C-Come inside me, please,” I urged him.

“Are you on the pill?” Belle asked and I shook my head, “then we can’t have that. Roxxy, if you want him to do that then you need to be on it. Go to your doctor tomorrow and get it prescribed, until then he can’t give you any creampies.”

How foolish of me. Reduced to nothing more than a whore begging for a man’s seed to invade her most private and intimate place. This is who I am, who I really am. Not the church-going, god-fearing girl that my parents raised me to be. Well, maybe I’m still that but now I’m a girl who craves this man’s dick to penetrate her.

I want to feel it. I want his seed inside my loins! I want to feel that warmth that Belle received.

But now, I guess he’s even denying me further pleasure because he pulled out from me. The moment his cock was plucked from my vagina it flicked my clitoris and sent another sharp pleasure into me.

He went back over and started fucking that bitch again. I guess he wasn’t done and he was just letting her rest, how noble of him.

When he finally felt like it, he grunt and moaned and left another load into Alana’s cunt, making her moan with him.

“Clean them up,” Belle said and I do as I’m told. Chris gave me his cock and I gladly licked and sucked him clean, and he tastes so good! There’s nothing like the taste of fresh, warm cum. I pinched his urethra from the base and dragged it up, sucking and licking up the globs of sperm that stayed.

I didn’t want to clean Alana’s pussy up, but Belle told me to. Alana’s wearing that fucking smirk on her face, but… but I want more cum. I want to eat more. So I push my head down to her cunt and sucked up the stray sperm lingering outside of her pussy. I dug into her slit with my tongue and caught any semen that I allowed me to.

“Rox, do you have a mouthful there?” Alana innocently smiled at me, and I do have a big mouthful. I wanted to swallow it, but she took my chin and kissed me, sucking off Chris’ cum from my mouth and into hers, then she swallowed it! This bitch! That was mine! That was mine and I worked for it!

But… but that was hot, though, so I kept my mouth shut and went back down. I got another mouthful, how much can this guy put out!?

I received a slap on my ass and Chris beckoned me over with his wagging finger. I got to my knees before him and he rubbed his cock on my face and lips. “Good girl, do as Belle says and get on a birth control if you want me to cum inside you.”

“Yes sir,” I said obediently.

~ End of Part 31 ~



  1. Great, I’m over the 40k character limit again…

    I just realized I dropped the topic about Bella confessing that Alana is only in the relationship because of her guilt. I’ll have to touch that next chapter.

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