Chapter 1 – The vibrator

He bought her a gift for her birthday. He surprised her out of the blue with a vibrator. She didn’t know what to make out of this gesture, and given her cultural upbringing, was taught to lie. A lie to feign dislike towards her sexual expression. So he had to assure her that she is ok to express it. And not just that, but to express it wholly. He told her that only by expressing it fully she expresses anything at all. Otherwise there is no expression. Either you’re completely free with wings or you’re a jailed bird. And he told her that he loved her so much that he wanted her to experience true freedom, to feel like a soaring bird, and express herself fully. He wanted her complete sexuality.

So she accepted her gift. She kissed him on the cheek and looked with loving eyes, tears gently glistening. She couldn’t believe that someone could love her so much. She wondered how grateful she was to receive this love. And she of course questioned if she fully deserved it. She told herself that that could be a question saved for the future and started playing with her new toy.

That’s when he suggested that she try it out right now and told her that it’d be super hot to see her use it. She teasingly asked him “oh yeah?”, And started to undress slowly. He helped her a bit. He took off her underwear slowly teasing her back and when it finally came off of her feet, gave it a good sniff. He wanted to take her love in, in any way of experience possible. Because receiving a kiss from her is the same as smelling her body through her scent privately given out by her pussy. It is love. But this time he’s not the one who’s going to physically give it to her. It’s going to be the vibrator. So he didn’t want to be in the way of that. He left her legs and came around to her head side and locked eyes.

He lifter her head and put it on his lap. And started to gently stroke her hair starting from her forehead and all the way to the back. He stroked her cheek and gave her kisses. But not on her lips. With this setting she switched on the vibrator and started to place it on her pussy on and off. She wanted to start slow. To take her time.she doesn’t have to please anyone, she thought. For once that was liberating for her. She didn’t had to rush herself. A smile started to show up on her face, and she was starting to understand what her husband’s gift is all about now. It’s a pure expression of love. Because he wanted her to fully enjoy her own body and realize what kind of pleasures are possible within the reach of her realm. Having not to worry about pleasing another person, this was one step closer for her now. if she hadn’t had any proof enough already, this made it enough for her to know that he truly loved her. This started to show up in her moans she was letting out, because they just became so much more loving as she was being overcome with love. This just turned him rock hard at once.

She could feel him against her face. And a spark borrowed from a star, shone in her eyes when she realized that she did that to him. Her moans changed colors yet again, this time with a blend of love and want. A want of him. She was letting him know that having his cock throb against her face is too much for her that she is wanting him so badly now. She’d do anything to have him. But he subdues her saying that tonight was just about her. Her and the vibrator. Except that the vibrator didn’t matter at all. It was just arbitrary. A mere facilitator to show her his physical loving for her. Just done through thar device, instead of by himself. And they were both in the moment to understand this. So they kept their eyes locked. And he continued to pour out his love to her in his gaze. And through the innumerable kisses he kept placing gently all around her face. Asking her to close her eyes, placing his hands gently on them and following them by kisses. Something about kissing her eyes seems very intimate to him. So he kissed her cheeks, her eyes, her nose, her forehead while she kept making those amazing moans calling out to him. She would moan “oh baby … Oh mmm” to the rhythm of the vibrator and he would respond to her as “yes my puppy. My lovely puppy. Yes you are. My naked naked puppy.” And this just sent her whirling in a whirlpool.

And thus she ate all this love up with the innocence of a baby suckling from the bossom of her mother. She didn’t feel the vibrator anymore. She instead felt his gaze, his petting calls of her, his kisses, his love in all the ways it’s expressed, giving her the pleasure. It’s as if the vibrator didn’t exist and they both evolved to a greater degree of consciousness wherein he could just pleasure her body through his mind. Realizing this, that she is in that higher degree of consciousness, was how she came for the first time that night. First time because, it’s not the only time she would cum that night. There were many more to follow. But for now she said “I love you”. And his gaze was enough to tell her that he knew that she did.
