Foreign Exchange – Part 11

Allison – 58

“Got anything left for me?” The words sound like someone else is taking through me. Why do they have to sound so corny though?

Alex doesn’t seem to mind the cliche. A strong arm wraps around my neck, slipping under my shoulders and stopping at my waist. then suddenly I’m lifted, rolling on top of him and my pussy rubs against his sculpted abs. I can feel his cock against my back, nestled between my cheeks and reaching up to touch my shoulder blade.

His powerful hands knead my breasts fiercely. It’s right at the edge of being painful but I don’t want it to stop. I lower my chest and kiss him. I can taste Ingrid’s juices on his lips and it only adds to the simulation. Her familiar taste on his new form. I want that cock inside me now, to feel what Ingrid felt. I’ve never had a real cock before but that’s about to change.

I sit up and raise my hips off of his stomach as I reach back and grab the monster that’s been dancing along my spine. “Go slow at first, I want to remember this.”

Alex looks confused, Ingrid props herself up on an elbow too. “What?” He says as I’m rubbing his spongy cock head along my slit. It settles in the perfect spot between my lips.

“I’ve never been with a man before.” I tell them as Alex’s tip pops inside me and disappears.

It’s so different from the dildo. The temperature is perfect. I’ve tried heating mine up under warm water and it never stays where I want it. The real thing is just as hot as I am down there. That heat radiates into my cunt in waves. And the touch of that skin, it’s electrifying, there’s no friction between us, I don’t know where I end and he begins anymore.

Alex is frantic. I think this might have been one kink too far. I saw surprise in his eyes when I spoke first about fucking him. I saw how he started freaking out when Ingrid joined us to make it a threesome. And I saw the joy Ingrid’s mouth and my thighs brought him once we were on the bed. Now, seeing his face when I’ve told him the he’s my first, the poor man might implode.

“Allison wait! Allie, uhhnnngghh.” He grunts.

His hands are at my hips, holding me still.

Alex – 59

“You’re a virgin!?” I almost yell out.

She settles a little more, despite my efforts to hold her hips steady. “Not anymore.” She says with a giggle. “Doesn’t every guy want a virgin? At least once?”

“No, well yeah. Shit, I don’t know. I do, but… I just wasn’t expecting that.” I’m going crazy right now. and I don’t know what else to say. “Just wait a second.”

She stops trying to rock her hips around so I let go. She seizes her chance and let’s herself settle another couple inches down my length. A shiver runs up my spine and I twitch involuntarily. I’m so turned on that I might cum again. I grab her hips again and do the only thing I can think of, pull her straight down. In hindsight, this wasn’t the best choice since I was trying to prolong this experience for both of us.

She was already soaking wet, and she’d had that dildo all the way inside herself, so her pussy was as primed as it could have been. But it wasn’t ready for that. Not ready to be invaded by the last five inches of my enormous dick. Allie howled in pain. I was sure that I’d just ruined everything, that had to hurt. I looked down and saw her delicate flower stretched wide around the base of my rod. She didn’t move though.

Ingrid was sitting up now, concerned about what I’d just done to her girlfriend. “Allie, are you ok?” she asks.

“Yessss.” Allie’s voice is low, almost a whisper, but there’s resolve in it. She’s looking back at Ingrid now and they lean together and kiss.

Ingrid’s hand joins mine on Allie’s hip, but hers isn’t there to keep Allie still. It’s there to keep me from keeping her still. Ingrid moves my hand up to Allie’s pendulous tit and then leans forward to kiss me. Her mouth stays on mine long enough to distract me while Allie moves my other hand from hip to breast. They’re so soft, I don’t want to let them go.

But I still haven’t recovered from the orgasm I had with Ingrid. That was only minutes ago. My cock feels like it’s going to literally explode right now from the compression Allie’s unused pussy is putting on it. Ingrid was tight, Allie is beyond that. Allie’s pussy is actively squeezing back. It’s almost like a constrictor that’s caught its prey, knotting itself up to squeeze the poor animal to death. But it’s not a snake and it’s not squeezing a rodent. The velvet soft walls mold themselves around me but they’re covering muscles that may as well be iron bands.

“Allie, slow down. You’re gonna, make, me cum.” I can only talk in gasps now. I’m fighting so hard to make her first time special but the surprise of it all is too much for me to handle.

“Then cum for me.” Allie says “Fill me up, baby.”

Ingrid is leaning towards our union. She figured out why I want to slow down, just a little too late. Her lips wrap around Allie’s clit and her hand reaches back to rub her taint.

“Ohh, ooohh.” Allie starts to quiver from head to toe. Her muscles twitch and she can’t support herself anymore. Ingrid sits up as Allie collapses forward onto my chest. I guide her fall with my hands that are still glued to her perfect tits but then I wrap my arms around her. She’s so tiny, I can hardly feel her weight on me. I lower one hand to her ass and push down. At the same time I’m lifting my hips. I can feel her cumming around my cock. I’m afraid I’ll be pushed out but she responds to my push with her own thrust. She’s grinding herself onto my prick, using my bear hug for leverage as she drives herself against me.

I take that as a signal that I’ve done what I wanted. I relax every muscle in my body and give in to the moment. Allie is thrashing about on top of me as my first spurt of jizz gushes into her. There’s no room for it so it squirts back out onto my stomach and balls. Again and again I spray her insides and she pushes it all back at me. She might even be squirting some of her own juices. That thought does me in. One last thrust and I hold Allie in place with all I have.

I can’t even open both eyes now. The light hurts and the lids are so heavy. I guess I’ll just stay here forever.

Allie – 60

I wake up to a door closing. My head is on Alex’s chest and I’m straddling him. I think his cock is still inside me. I lift my hips a little and yeah, there’s the friction of a dick sliding out of me. I lift off a little higher and it falls out, slapping against his stomach with a wet thud. A loud, wet thud!

It’s too much for Ingrid, she bursts into a fit of laughter which starts my own fit. We’re rolling on our sides and howling when Alex comes to and asks what happened.

I can’t breathe, let alone talk so he gets a little mad and walks out of the room. The “thwip thwap” of his dick bouncing from leg to leg only makes us laugh harder.

Alex – 61

“So that’s what they’re laughing at. Whatever, there’s definitely worse problems to have.” I tell myself pouring some coffee. I check the clock, 4:30, “Shit, where did the day go?” We got up from breakfast at a little after 9:00.

Ingrid comes out, she’s dressed. I guess panties and a tank top is dressed. It’s a hell of a lot more than I’m wearing. You two have been asleep for hours. I threw a blanket over you and came out here to watch TV. Your parents called about an hour ago, they’ll be here at half-seven so I wanted you to have time to get ready.

I thanked her and then went back towards the bedrooms. I paused at the hallway though. Do I go left and into my room? Or right, towards Allie?


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