My thai Part 8 [M/f]

I felt angry. I felt rage. Endless waves passed over me as she sat, head bowed and silent. For the first time in my life, I wanted vengeance. But for now, I just looked speechlessly at the bruised, abused and broken woman huddled on my couch wearing my fleece. One thing for sure, I felt protective of her.

Shaking off my short dive into mental hell, I needed to do something, albeit small to show her a little kindness. If Maisy had left any articles of clothing behind, I’d have given them to her, but she had erased any evidence of our cohabitation when she snuck out. Being at a loss temporarily, it seemed reasonable at this point to fix the immediate problem at hand.

“I’ll just run down to the store and pick you up a few things to wear.” I said looking at her.

“Thank you Sir, but that is not necessary as I do not want to be a burden to you in any way. I am accustomed to being naked. I am a slave, a worthless object, a possession, a whore and a useless pig, but I am now in service to you in whatever manner you choose if you will allow me to stay. Please do not send me away. It is my place and my duty to serve you for rescuing me.” With that, she shook off her malaise, stood, removed the fleece and scurried around my living room, clearing, straightening and fussing, making the room as neat as possible. I have to admit, she was good to watch.

Still processing what she said, but firmly on the path of doing the right thing, I said, “We can discuss all that later. For now, I’m going to the store to get you some clothing. Tell me what style you prefer and your sizes.” I said a bit more firmly.

“As you wish Sir.” She said, her head bowed. “You are too kind to me. I have become accustomed to being naked in heels while indoors and wearing tight tops, short skirts and heels when in public. I do not require underwear. A razor would also be appreciated as I am sure you would prefer I stay groomed.” She said.

Groomed. That one word stuck in my head. Why? Oh, duh. You would think that after the story she had told me, she would want to run away and join a convent, but no, she seemed intent on serving me. More to explore later I thought as the one eyed monster that lives between my legs stirred.

I hustled out the door and headed to Walworld. I wandered endlessly through the woman’s wear aisles picking up items, tossing them in my cart completely forgetting to check the sizes until I got to the shoe section and then it hit me. Duh again. Got my head screwed on straighter and went back for the smallest sizes I could find. She is pretty tiny. Headed back to the house.

When I opened the door from the garage, the most delicious smell tantalized my nostrils. She had cooked up a feast and was waiting for me, kneeling beside my dining room chair, the table set and laden with delicious and fragrant dishes. I sat and ate like I was starving as she fussed over me like a mother hen. I might be able to get used to this.

After eating half of my heaping plate of delicious spicy noodles, I regained my senses a bit (seems to be a pattern of late) and said “You need to eat too. Grab a plate and join me.”

She replied “Oh no Sir, I will eat after you are done. Pigs do not eat in the presence of their owners.”

After the red flash faded from behind my eyes, I said “We are going to work through this, but in this house, you are not a slave, worthless, or a pig. You are a free woman who has been abused and I can only imagine the torment you have been through. While I can’t erase that from your past, I will do all I can to prevent it in your future.

She was silent, her head bowed, standing next to my chair. I saw a tear fall. Hesitatingly, I reached for her hand, scooted my chair back and pulled her towards me. Her instinct was to go to her knees, but I pulled her onto my lap. She sat stiffly, unsure of what I intended. I reached around her narrow shoulders and hugged her. She relaxed into me. I pulled her closer and hugged her tighter and she melted into my embrace. A sob escaped her followed by another. Her tears soaked my shirt. We stayed like that until she dozed off, totally spent. I picked her up gently and deposited her in her room, covered her with a blanket and backed out of the room.
