Hypno-Sis Ch. 01-05 [M/F][Incest][Mind Control][Big Cock][Corruption][Harem]

Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of unrealistic and unattainable body standards. It is not my intention to offend or shame anyone for their body. This is merely a work of fiction. If you struggle with a positive self image, you may not find this story to your liking.

The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this product are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidence. All characters are at least 18 years of age despite description, demeanor, or appearance.

Written By: RebHillBabe

**Chapter 1: A Real Chance?**

Thomas rolled on his bed, kept awake against his will by the moans and thumping of his sister next door. His parents were out of the house for the weekend, which meant Maya, his bimbo slut of a sister, was enjoying her freedom with her boyfriend. Apparently her sense of caution ended at her parents, as this was far from the first time she had ever kept him up at night. His parents were business partners, which meant their absence was fairly frequent, as were his sister’s antics.

Thomas was the youngest of four; two girls and two boys. The next oldest was Maya, a dumb blonde bimbo who only seemed to care about sex and drugs. It was a fairly stereotypical existence, but one that annoyed him to no end, as it often impacted him indirectly. He couldn’t deny the fact that she was extremely cute, but while that seemed to get her on everyone else’s good side, it didn’t work on him. They got along about as well as fire and water, and Maya seemed to find immense pleasure from tormenting him every chance she got.

Thomas’s two older siblings were out of the house, living on their own. The second oldest was his brother, Jake, who was now married and lived not too far away from where they all grew up. His wife, Sasha, seemed kind, but Thomas had not spent much time getting to know her. Him and Jake weren’t especially close, so his interactions with Sasha were few and far inbetween.

The oldest child, Naomi, had also moved out of the house, but was currently unmarried. The age gap between her and Thomas was large enough that Thomas didn’t know her all that well. By the time he was starting to form memories, she was already close to moving out. Still, she seemed rather nice on the few occasions they had interacted, especially when compared to Maya, though that wasn’t a particularly hard feat to accomplish.

Thomas stirred in his bed, almost seething with hatred. He felt as though Maya was purposefully making her moans loud, just to piss him off even more. He was tempted to do something, but Maya’s boyfriend was the captain of the football team and was much larger than he was, meaning if push came to shove, he would just end up looking like an idiot. Thomas wasn’t small by any means, just rather average in body size. He stood at around six feet, and had decent muscular tone with just a bit of fat to flesh him out.

While on the outside he appeared rather unremarkable, he possessed a mighty cock between his legs, though he had no idea. His family was very reserved, or at least his parents were, so to ensure the purity of their children, they had blocked all internet access to any pornography of any kind. Try as he might, and boy did he try, Thomas could never access any form of porn, leaving him with next to no knowledge of how he stacked up to the average man.

He had heard whispers about how a bigger cock was better, but he didn’t know what made a cock big. As far as he knew, he could have been tiny, and everyone else was truly monstrous in comparison. His lack of social skills had also ensured he stayed in the dark about these topics, as he had never had a girlfriend, or any guy friends confident enough to bring up the topic. He was a bit of a typical introvert, finding more excitement with video games and indoor activities, rather than sports and girls.

Thomas gave a sigh, reaching over and grabbing his phone. He figured he wasn’t going to be able to fall back asleep and began perusing the internet while he waited for his sister and her boyfriend to tire. He absent mindedly stroking his meaty rod as he scrolled through his phone, stiffening quickly under the friction and sounds of sex nearby. He had no idea what he was missing out on, so he was never especially saddened by the fact that he was a virgin, but there was an undeniable longing deep within him, to breed.

Suddenly, as he scrolled, he came across an intriguing article about hypnosis. Thomas was easily captivated by such concepts, as he spent lots of time daydreaming about being in control of everyone, or at least people like his sister who often got on his nerves. Having the power to make her do whatever he wanted was so tantalizing, it was often the focal point of his masturbation. Half the time he wouldn’t even imagine making her do anything sexual, as the simple idea of having her under his control was enough to make him boil with pleasure.

He clicked on the article and gave it a good read. It talked about different hypnosis techniques, their applications, and what one could expect from a successful hypno session. The longer he read, the harder he got, as it seemed like just what he had always wanted. He cursed himself for having never considered it before, but rejoiced that he may have finally found just what he was looking for. The website even had testimonials from other users, praising it for its effectiveness. It seemed a little too good to be true, but Thomas was falling right into their arms.

The bottom of the article read:

“For a more in depth look at hypnosis, step by step instructions for inducing a trance, as well as countless other benefits, purchase our book, ‘Controlling the Mind’ below.”

At this point, Thomas was fairly sure it was all just a ruse, but he was still very much on the line. He sprang from his bed, still naked, and tiptoed to his bedroom door. His sister’s ridiculously exaggerated moaning helped mask his stealthy gate as he made his way down the hall and into his parent’s bedroom.

“Surely they must have a credit card in here somewhere…” Thomas thought to himself.

He hastily rummaged through their belongings, trying not to make it obvious that he had sifted through their things, before finally finding what he wanted. A card hidden under piles of papers and envelopes; his ticket to a happier life. He held it in his hand, typing the numbers into his phone before placing it back where he had gotten it, and prancing back to his room. His heart was racing, both from excitement about the book, and anxiety over spending his parent’s money.

He laid back on his bed and began stroking his massive cock furiously. The skin glided over his thick shaft as precum oozed down from his tip. His mind raced with the possibilities, and he relished the idea that his fantasies could perhaps become true soon. What would he make his sister do first? He couldn’t decide, simply fapping faster and faster until he couldn’t hold it. His whole body jerked as cum spurted out from his cock, making it as far as the ceiling before falling back down onto the bed with a wet slap.

Rope after rope erupted from his girthy dick, until his chest and legs were nearly coated in the thick slime. He panted as he let go of his dick, letting it slap down onto his chest and sending a big splash of cum in all directions. His impressive balls pulsed in size, tired but refilling after such a vigorous climax. Slowly, he got up and mosied his way to the shower to clean himself of his hot spunk. He had so much to look forward to now.

**Chapter 2: Smug For Now…**

Thomas arose to his alarm, groggy and tired from a night of little sleep. He stood from his sheetless bed and turned off the buzzing annoyance. He had taken the sheets off after having coated them with a juicy layer of his seed. Normally he jerked off in the shower, so cleanup was basically nonexistent, but last night he couldn’t resist the urge to do it in bed. He got dressed, not needing to take a shower, and made his way to the kitchen.

Maya was already there, wearing her usual skimpy attire that she seemed to enjoy teasing Thomas with at home. Maya was the biggest tease on the planet, Thomas thought to himself as he eyed up her outfit of thong panties and a loose crop top with no bra. Her breasts were somewhat small, but perky and full. Unknown to him, she was a C cup, but it matched her overall energetic personality. Her nipples were rather large and long, and poked out under the fabric of her thin top with no effort.

Thomas wanted little more than to suck on them for hours on end. They seemed so inviting, and the question of whether or not she had milk kept him up at night sometimes. Though not visible today, he knew she had small areolas, as some of the sheer tops she wore would make them clearly visible. He groaned as he approached, not mentally ready for the barrage of taunts that was sure to escape her lips any moment.

“Heyyy Thomasooo!” Maya goaded, “Sleep well?… hehe”

“Shut up…” Thomas said, shoving her aside so he could access the fridge.

“Hey! Don’t push me!” Maya said, pushing him back as he grabbed some milk. “You know, you ought to be nicer to your big sister.”

“I will if you will.” Thomas retorted.

“I’m already nice to my big sister! Hehehe!” Maya taunted, clearly pleased with herself.

“God, you’re such a brat” Thomas said, upset with himself for giving her such an opportunity.

“Takes one to know one.” She giggled.

Thomas poured himself a glass of milk, and returned the carton to the fridge.

“If you’re gonna drink milk like a baby, why don’t you drink mine?” Maya said, bouncing her tits with her hands.

Thomas froze, as if unsure of whether the proposal was legitimate.

“OH MY GOD!!!” Maya screamed, slapping Thomas’s arm a bit harder than playfully, “You actually want to suck my tits don’t you, what a perv, gross!”

“N-no!” Thomas tried to assert, “Y-you’re the perv for even suggesting it!”

“Whatever, don’t think I don’t see you eyeing up my titties every chance you get!” Maya taunted, once again jiggling them with her hands.

“Oh yeah, says the one who has them on display twenty four seven, as if you don’t want people looking at them.” Thomas responded.

Caught up in the moment, Thomas reached out and pinched one of her nipples under the thin fabric of her shirt, trying to give off an apathetic attitude towards her luscious curves. His pinch was a bit firmer than he had anticipated, and he tugged on it as he pulled away. Maya froze for a moment, completely taken off guard by the act. To Thomas’s complete surprise, a generous wet spot formed on her shirt, confirming that she did, in fact, possess milk.

“Holy shit!” Thomas laughed, “You actually do have milk! You fucking weirdo! What’s wrong with you!”

“W-what the hell!” Maya stuttered, beginning to tear up before devolving into full on sobs, “Y-you’re an asshole!”

Thomas’s distaste for his sister only rose with her sobs, as he despised how she was always able to make him into the bad guy, despite being the one who was constantly mean to him. Regardless however, he did feel as though he had taken things too far, and was about to apologize as the door to the kitchen opened up. As if more proof was needed that the universe hated him, in walked their mother, tired after a long commute.

“What’s goi-” Their mother began to say, before being cut off by Maya.

“M-mommy, Thomas was so mean to meeeee.” She cried as she ran up and sought refuge in her mother’s arms, “He forced himself on m-”

“What!?” Their mother yelled.

“That’s not true!” Thomas defended himself, “It was Maya’s fau-”

The two began to bicker and complain over each other, trying to each tell conflicting accounts of what occurred. As was normally the case, their mother seemed to be more keen of Maya’s side of the story, but tried her best to take a neutral stance.

“Enough!” Anna, their mother, yelled out, “Why can’t you two just get along for goodness sakes. Okay first of all, Thomas, don’t touch your sister’s privates, that’s just gross and wrong!”

Maya gave a side glance of victory to her brother, before their mother continued.

“And Maya, what on god’s green earth are you wearing?! Run to your room this instant and put on something more appropriate. Have you lost your mind?”

Maya’s smugness faded quickly as she remembered that her indecent wardrobe was only allowed when her parents weren’t aware of its existence. She blushed before turning and prancing away to her room. Anna pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head in dissatisfaction at her children’s lack of cohesion.

“Lord help me, why can’t you two just get along.” She muttered under her breath.

“It was Ma-” Thomas started to say.

“ZZZZ!” Anna said, miming a zipper in front of her mouth, “Not another word! You’re lucky I don’t ground you for life for what you did. Touching your sister like that… Has the whole world gone crazy? You don’t do that!”

Thomas looked to the ground in remorse.

“Sorry mom.” He mumbled.

“It’s not me you need to say sorry to, but this better be the last time something like this happens, understood?”

Thomas nodded, and Anna sighed before walking off to her own bedroom. Soon after, their father walked in juggling briefcases and suitcases, as well as a plethora of documents and papers.

“What did I miss?” He said a bit out of breath, closing the door behind him.

Thomas simply shrugged and shook his head in response, before grabbing some breakfast pastries from the counter. Their father continued on until Thomas was alone in the kitchen, somberly munching away at his breakfast. What had started off as a more positive day than normal, had quickly reversed all thanks to his sister, though he had to admit it was slightly his fault.

A minute later Maya walked back into the kitchen wearing marginally less scandalous clothing than before. She placed her hands on the table and leaned out towards Thomas with clearly wet eyes. Maybe he had gone too far with what he had said, Thomas thought to himself, as he saw her teary eyes.

“If you t-tell any of your lame ass friends at school about this morning, I will get Briceson to kick your ass.” Maya whispered with fiery intent.

“Look Maya, I’m sorry about what I sa-” Thomas started to say.

“Whatever, just don’t talk to me ever again.” Maya said, as she turned and resumed getting her breakfast.

There was a pain present in Thomas that had never quite been there before. It felt like he had really messed up, and somehow severed completely what little connection the two had. He decided he would need to go further than just verbally apologizing, though he wasn’t entirely sure what to do for her that would fix the situation. It was something he would need to think long and hard on…

**Chapter 3: Practice Makes Perfect**

Thomas grabbed his book bag from his room and started to head out. He took the bus while his sister had the luxury of driving herself. This was more due to the fact that she was older, but he always felt like it was a sign that his parents loved her more than him, as silly as it sounded. On his way out he ran into his mother, who had now changed and was relaxing in the living room after an arduous business trip.

Her legs were stretched out and crossed, resting on the coffee table in front of the couch, covered by the thin fabric of her favorite pair of yoga pants. They were a deep maroon color and had a criss-crossing hexagon pattern that seemed to draw one’s eyes straight to her goods. The pants left no curve of her lower half to the imagination, wedging itself deep into the crack of her ass when she stood, and tightly conforming to her thighs and calves.

Her chest was also a sight to behold, being much larger than Maya’s. As far as Thomas knew, Anna had never gotten any form of plastic surgery or breast augmentation, and was simply a genetically blessed individual, as she had some of the largest, most inviting breasts he’d ever seen. When his fantasies weren’t of his sister, he often imagined wedging his cock between the jiggly curves of his mother’s tits, and fucking them to his heart’s content.

When not doing her job, Anna enjoyed doing yoga and jogging, giving her body an impressive tone and flexibility. She also did light weight squats which helped specifically target her ass, which was rather prominent. Overall, Thomas considered her a milf, and had gotten plenty of jabs from his few, nerdy friends about how much they all wanted to fuck her. Her body was only half of the equation however, as she also had decent face.

Being nearly 50, her face had gained wrinkles and sagged in places it hadn’t before. As with many of her colleagues and peers, she lacked the wonderful youthfulness that she once possessed, but was still undoubtedly attractive. She was far from decrepit, but her age was starting to catch up to her, despite her exceptionally healthy lifestyle.

“Bye mom…” Thomas mumbled as he walked by, still embarrassed from earlier.

“Goodbye Thomas…” His mother sighed in response.

Thomas normally would have been struggling to keep soft while in the presence of his mother in such sexy clothing, but his shame ensured his flaccidity. He begrudgingly made his way to the bus stop and waited for it to come. He arrived at school, as the bus pulled up alongside the football field. The cheerleaders, led by Maya, were already performing the morning routine. The cheerleaders were allowed substantial breaks, as they played a crucial role in the income of the school.

Same went for the athletes, who made the school a majority of its money. It was clearly a rigged system, but no one could do anything about it, and few cared enough to even try in the first place. Everyone accepted it for what it was and moved on. Thomas rolled his eyes as all the cheerleaders swooned over his sister’s admittedly impressive acrobatic skills.

“How hard could it be to flip around in the air like that?” Thomas thought to himself, unaware that the bus was stopped and deboarding.

“Hey look! Thomas is perving on the cheerleaders!” A familiar voice called out, approaching from the rear of the bus.

Thomas knew the voice was none other than Briceson; Maya’s boyfriend, the captain of the football team, and his bully for the last several years. Briceson was in Maya’s grade, though his academic abilities lagged far behind. He was quite tall, probably close to seven feet, Thomas assumed, and African. Being on the football team had given him a great physique and impressive stamina, which Thomas could attest to anytime his parents weren’t home. Thomas turned to face him and his two friends who shadowed close behind him.

“Try not to pop a boner for your sister, little man.” Briceson mocked, sticking out his pinky and wiggling it, “Hope we didn’t keep you up last night.” He laughed.

Thomas simply ignored him, a tactic that actually worked since Thomas was the brother of his girlfriend. Normally ignoring a bully only made them angrier, but Briceson knew he couldn’t actually hurt Thomas without getting in some trouble with Maya. Briceson and his three friends laughed as they walked on, continuing to discuss how Briceson had fucked Maya the night before.

Thomas grabbed his things and climbed out of the bus behind some other students. As he made his way towards the back entrance to the school, he saw a girl frantically scrambling after some papers blowing in the wind. She was not doing a great job of retrieving them, as her arms were full of books and other papers that she was desperately trying not to lose also. Thomas jogged over to her and began to help her until all the papers were back in her hands.

“T-thanks so much.” The girl said, a bit out of breath from racing after her lost papers.

“No problem.” Thomas said, beginning to walk away before something caught his eye.

Amongst the books in the girls hands was one with a black and white spiral design. He couldn’t see the words on the cover, but it looked like the hypnotism book he had just ordered the night before. Though a bit shy, he did his best to ask her about it.

“H-hey, is that a book about hypnotism?” He asked the girl.

“Uhh no…” The girl responded, “why would I have a book about hypnotism…”

“Oh sorry,” Thomas replied, “I’m just kinda into that stuff so I thought maybe… sorry nevermind…”

Thomas began walking away, making it a few feet before he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Wait…” The girl said, turning him towards her.

She rifled through the books in her grasp, grabbing the one he had mentioned and pulling it out, before placing it on the top of the stack. Sure enough it was a very similar book to the one he had recently purchased, though the title was slightly altered.

“It is about hypnotism…” She continued, “It’s just… Most people would think I’m weird if they knew I had it.”

“I don’t think you’re weird.” Thomas assured.

“Thanks…” The girl said, walking alongside Thomas as they made their way into the building, “So you’re into hypnotism also?”

“Yeah,” Thomas replied, “I really like the idea of getting someo-”

Thomas stopped talking, realizing how odd it would sound to admit that he wanted to control people’s actions.

“Getting someone to do what you want?” The girl finished for him in a whisper, “Me too, but I feel like that’s why everyone thinks it’s so weird…”

“Who was this girl?” Thomas thought to himself, realizing she had such similar interests and motives to himself.

“Yeah probably…” He said.

“Hey listen,” The girl whispered, “What would you say… about helping each other out with it?”

“What do you mean?” Thomas asked, mimicking her quiet demeanor.

“Well…” The girl started, “It’s just that this stuff… It takes practice you know… It could be nice to have someone to practice on…”

“Are you suggesting that we take turns hypnotizing each other?” Thomas asked.

“Do you not want to?” She responded.

The longer Thomas considered the idea, the more sensical it became. It would give him a chance to hone his abilities, before trying it on anyone who wasn’t so “on board” with the idea. The only downside was that now some random girl knew of his interest in the idea, and could possibly mess up his plans later on depending on how out of control he became. But that was mastermind, completely unrealistic scenario territory, so he figured that would never become a real issue.

“No, I think it’s a great idea!” Thomas finally responded, “When do you want to start?”

“How about fourth period, when we both are in the library?” The girl said, “I know your schedule pretty well.”

Thomas was so caught up in the idea of practicing hypnotism, that he completely disregarded how odd it was that this stranger knew his schedule.

“Works for me,” He replied, “I’ll see you then!”

**Chapter 4: Bad Apples**

The periods went by about as uneventfully as usual. Perhaps even more so, due to his anxiousness to get started with hypnotism. But finally, fourth period was upon him, and he made a b-line for the library, where he hoped to find his new partner. As he made his way briskly down the hall, he heard his name called out shortly before being pelted in the back with a football. A few laughs and snickers emanated from his peers around him as he turned to find what had happened.

“Come on man, why didn’t you catch that?” Briceson said as he walked up with the same two friends who always seemed to accompany him, “It was a perfect throw!”

“That was a perfect throw.” The right goonie repeated.

“Yo, is there an echo in here?” Briceson laughed, jabbing the left goonie, who laughed with him.

“Man, shut the fuck up, Brice-bitch!” The right goonie insisted, unamused by what Thomas assumed was not the first time they had mocked him.

Thomas just stood there, watching as their fragile social hierarchy seemed to teeter on the brink of collapse for a moment. Briceson suddenly stopped laughing, and the hallway seemed to become much quieter as he turned to the right goonie.

“The fuck you just say, pussy?” Briceson said, putting on as intimidating of an exterior as he could muster.

The right goonie continued, leaning forward and putting his hand up to his ear in an exaggerated fashion.

“Huh, that’s weird, I can still hear a bitch ass nigga talkin…” The right goonie mocked.

Briceson’s ego had had enough, and he slapped the right goonie straight across his outstretched face. The goonie collapsed almost instantly, taken off guard by the admittedly cheap attack.

“Whatcha hearin now bitch?!” Briceson asked, squatting down to his peer’s level.

The whole hallway was now nearly silent, as the right goonie reoriented himself on the ground. Thomas just awkwardly stood there in front of them, unsure of if he should leave or not. Then suddenly, the right goonie shot up from the ground, running into Briceson like a lineman, and pushing him and the left goonie towards the other wall.

Pinned between Briceson and the wall, the left goonie took a bulk of the impact, and subsequently fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Briceson tried to push the right goonie off, but was unsuccessful. The right goonie began to take underhanded jabs at Briceson’s abdomen, causing Briceson to deliver a couple of powerful downwards pounds onto the right goonie’s back.

The fight seemed to last for ages, but realistically it was only a few seconds before a nearby teacher called out and broke it up.

“HEY! HEY! STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!” The teacher called out over the sound of squeaking shoes on the tile floor, and animalistic grunting.

Briceson and the right goonie struggled for a few more seconds before pushing off of each other and turning to the teacher. The left goonie was still writhing on the ground, and the right goonie was bleeding from his nose, most likely from the initial slap from Briceson. Briceson didn’t seem to have any injuries, but was surely hurting from the numerous punches he had taken to the gut.

The teacher reached for her walkie talkie and called for another teacher to come help her. Within a few more seconds, the P.E. teacher, Mr. Hampton, approached the group and assisted Mrs. Lowry with the situation.

“Please take Jadyn to the nurse, he seems to be quite hurt.” Mrs. Lowry told Mr. Hampton.

Mr. Hampton walked over and began to help Jadyn to his feet, before walking him down the hall towards the nurse’s office. Mrs. Lowry then turned to Briceson and the right goonie, before saying,

“You three are coming with me to the office this instant!” She demanded.

Thomas squinted in confusion as to why she had said three, turning to her with a puzzled expression.

“Does that mean me?” He asked her.

“Don’t get smart with me young man!” Mrs. Lowry insisted, “Now let’s go, come on, chop chop! Everyone go back to your business!”

The hall returned to its bustling noise and conversation, as the four made their way to the office. Thomas couldn’t believe that Mrs. Lowry thought that he had had anything to do with the fight, seeing as how he was nothing but a model student. After a long walk through the school, the four entered the quiet main office, and took seats in separate corners of the room. Briceson and the right goonie exchanged looks of aggression while they waited in their seats.

“These three were fighting in the hall, I’d like to talk Mr. Stevens.” Mrs. Lowry told the front receptionist.

The receptionist nodded and tapped away on her keyboard for a moment, before clicking on the nearby phone.

“Mr. Stevens, Mrs. Lowry is here to see you.” The receptionist said, before gesturing Mrs. Lowry towards the door marked “Principal’s Office.”

Mrs. Lowry turned to Thomas and the others and instructed them to follow her in. Once inside, the three stood shoulder to shoulder towards the back of the office as Mrs. Lowry stepped up to the front of the principal’s desk.

“Mr. Stevens, these three were fighting in the halls.” Mrs. Lowry explained with little to no tact.

“Hey, I wasn-” Thomas began to defend himself.

“Not another word out of any of you!” Mrs. Lowry demanded.

Briceson and the goonie both gave Thomas a sinister look, silently telling him to keep quiet.

Mr. Stevens leaned over to see who the suspects were before turning back Mrs. Lowry.

“I see, and how bad was it?” He asked.

“Thankfully I stopped it before it could get too ugly, but unfortunately one boy had to go to the nurse’s office, he was so hurt.” She responded.

“Ugh,” Mr. Stevens scoffed at the idea, “Christ… Well then they have to be suspended… Buuuutt…”

Mr. Stevens grabbed a pen and some sheets of paper from a nearby cabinet, and began scribbling on them. He then leaned over again and called out to the group.

“You two, give these to Mrs. McGreggor at the front desk on your way out.” He said, holding out the pieces of paper towards Thomas and the goonie.

Thomas and the goonie stepped forward and collected the suspension slip before making their way to Mrs. McGreggor, the receptionist. The door closed behind them as they waited in line to validate their punishments. Despite the closed door, Thomas could still make out the muffled conversation happening inside the principal’s office.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to let him off the hook!?” Mrs. Lowry said.

“What do you want me to do?” Mr. Stevens responded, “There’s a game today. If I suspend him he can’t play. They’re undefeated this season!”

“That other boy was on the football team too?” Mrs. Lowry reasoned.

“He’s just some lineman,” Mr. Stevens responded, “We can’t sacrifice the captain. Look, Brice, you learned your lesson, right? You’re not gonna do this again, right?… See he’s fine!”

“You have got to be joking!” Mrs. Lowry insisted, “He must be suspended!”

The conversation suddenly became much quieter, as if more private information was being disclosed. Thomas stepped up to the desk and handed the slip to the receptionist, straining to hear the office’s muffled whispers. The receptionist tapped away on the keyboard before looking back to Thomas.

“Your suspension will last until Monday next week,” She said, “Do you need to use the phone to call someone to pick you up?”

Thomas couldn’t believe he was actually getting punished for a situation he didn’t even play a part in. Sure he was nearby, but so were dozens of other kids. He shook his head in response, and turned to walk out of the office. As he was leaving, the door to Mr. Stevens’ office opened up and the three walked out.

“Don’t worry Mrs. Lowry, he won’t do it again, right Brice?” Mr. Stevens said, giving Briceson a firm pat on the back.

Briceson nodded with a gloating smile, feeling even more invincible than he likely already had.

“Of course, the one who deserves it the most avoids the punishment altogether…” Thomas thought to himself.

Thomas scoffed before walking out and calling his mother. Hopefully she could pick him up, otherwise he would be sitting on the curb for a few more hours. And to think he was so close to getting to practice hypnotism with that odd girl he had met earlier.

**Chapter 5: First Day Out**

Thomas sat on the curb of the large school building, waiting for his mother to arrive. Luckily she was available, so he wouldn’t have to wait for the final bell to get home, but it also meant that she would be angry. Having to pick him up early from school was in and of itself, not good, but add onto the fact that she had just gotten home from a fairly long trip, and it was a recipe for an arduous lecture the whole ride home. His only saving grace was that he hadn’t been involved at all in the fight, so he felt fairly confident that he could explain his innocence.

After a boring twenty minutes, the family SUV pulled up and gave two weak honks. Thomas looked up and grabbed his bag, before climbing inside. Sure enough, as soon as his ass hit the seat, the lecture began. His mother really was wasting no time at all.

“Thomas Percy Reynolds, what is wrong with you today!?” Anna yelled at him, “First your sister, now you’re getting in trouble at school, what did you do?”

“Mom relax,” Thomas tried to explain, “It was total bullsh-”

“You are on some mighty thin ice, young man!” Anna cut him off.

“Sorry,” Thomas apologized, “It was completely unfair. There was a fight and I was nearby so I got lumped into the punishment even though I didn’t even do anything.”

Anna sighed, calming down at the explanation. Knowing Thomas, she figured he was telling the truth, as he was a fairly honest boy.

“A fight? Did you get hit? Are you alright?” Anna asked, going into protective mom mode a bit.

“I’m fine, I didn’t get involved.” Thomas answered.

“Who was in the fight?” Anna asked.

“It was uh, Briceson… and one of his friends I guess…” Thomas answered.

“Briceson as in Maya’s Briceson?” Anna questioned.

“Yep that’s the one.” Thomas answered.

“Oh no,” Anna said, “I can’t believe he would get in a fight, he seems like such a nice boy.”

Thomas rolled his eyes at her complete lack of understanding of Briceson’s true character. The guy was practically a menace, not only to Thomas, but just in general. He walked around school like he owned it, which he may as well have, since the principal was so fond of the money he brought in. He was basically untouchable, by students and teachers alike, and his ego extended far beyond the school yard.

It annoyed Thomas to no end that someone so rude and downright vile, was able to fly under the radar of so many. Of Thomas’ many fantasies, one of his favorites was that of mind controlling everyone but Briceson, to treat him the way he deserved to be treated, and see how he liked the world he ought to live in. To see his world come crashing down around him as the facade of innocence that he had created was destroyed. It was a fantasy that sent immense waves of pleasure throughout Thomas’ body, and even the thought alone could get him hard.

“Yeah well, looks can be deceiving, I guess…” Thomas said, unsure of how to even convince his mother that Briceson was a complete tool.

“Oh Thomas, don’t be like that. We talked about this.” Anna said, “You just need to try and get to know him.”

“Do you know him, mom?” Thomas asked, losing his patience.

“Of course,” Anna responded, “He’s been over for dinner dozens of times.”

“Oh right, dinner…” Thomas sighed, “I forgot that’s when he really shows his true colors.”

“Thomas, stop that right now.” Anna demanded, “Your passive aggressiveness will get you nowhere in life.”

“Whatever…” Thomas mumbled, talking little on the rest of the ride home.

When the two arrived home, Thomas had a miserable time explaining what had happened to his father, and getting to relive the regrets of the morning as well. A short back and forth followed by a longer than average speech about character later, and Thomas was back in his room with little punishment from his parents. Thankfully they were only really mad about the feud he had had with his sister, and it wasn’t enough to warrant a severe grounding.

The worst part of all of this for Thomas, was that he missed out on getting to practice his hypnotism. That girl would probably think he was a huge jerk now too, who had just been lying to her to get a ruse out of it for himself. Hopefully on monday he’d be able to explain himself to her satisfaction, since they hadn’t exchanged phone numbers or names for that matter. But for now, he got to be at home all day for the next week, with nothing but time and video games.

Surprisingly the days were less amicable than Thomas had originally expected. He was forced by his parents to stay up to date with his teachers, meaning he really didn’t have much less work to do than normal. Plus with his parents home for the time being, they were keeping a close eye on him, making sure he didn’t lose focus and boot up his console. Thankfully he still found time to game when they weren’t looking, but the week was far from the laid back experience he had been hoping it would be.

On the day of the suspension, Thomas spent some time writing a note for his sister, apologizing to her about what had happened that morning. He was sincere in his words, and tried his best to mend what little relationship they had left. Bottling up his distaste for his sister, and praising her immensely in the note was far from easy, but he felt it was both necessary and obligatory. He had taken things too far by touching her as he had, so it was the least he could do to try and be the one to make things right. He doubted she would even care about the letter, and perhaps even make fun of him for it, but it was the gesture that was important. Once it was done, the ball was in her court.

Thomas left the note on the desk in her room, on top of her laptop so she was sure to see it. All he had to do now was wait, and he had plenty of time. The note read:

“Dear Maya,

I know what I did this morning was extremely rude and for that I’m sorry. I know sometimes I have a tendency to take things too far. I’ll admit you don’t make it easy for me, but we’re family, so I shouldn’t let things get to that point. I’d like you to know that the fact that your body has milk is natural and not gross at all, I was simply trying to get under your skin. The truth is, you’re incredibly beautiful and your ability to produce milk is only a sign of your value as a partner. I hope it isn’t too weird to say this, but I’m quite jealous of whoever you end up marrying, as I’m sure you will make for a great wife and mother someday.


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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qillfl/hypnosis_ch_0105_mfincestmind_controlbig

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