Within the constellation Orion, five planets in three star-systems adopted Chinese forms of art, architecture and clothing-styles. They did not adopt anything close to any form of Chinese government: neither Dynastic, Communist, nor *Big-Cash* Communist. These far planets valued art almost as much as money, and exported their musicians, charging fees no Earth-musician ever earned. Among the touring virtuoso players was Xin Kuan, without question the most talented erhu performer in the history of the instrument. She began touring when she was ten years old, and arrived on Regulus IV when she was fifteen. (Here we must make clear: on Regulus and on the Chinese-style planets children mature quickly, and the age-of-sexual-consent varies widely. Some young people know all about fucking, and behave maturely about fucking, as young as twelve. In other words, a sexy twelve-year old has no hesitation to tell an older uncle to fuck-off, and will probably laugh at the pathetic loser. In such societies, sexual intimidation does not exist. The
value of a good education.)

The Hermaphrodite King attended a performance on Regulus IV, in the home of the Martian Ambassador, a performance of three sonatas for violin and piano, arranged for erhu by Xin Kuan.

She performed Mozart, *Sonata No. 22 in A major*, Tartini, *Devil’s Trill* and Debussy, *Sonata in g minor*.

Halfway through the *Devil’s Trill*, the Hermaphrodite King noticed he had an aching hard-on. He shyly covered his lap with his deep-blue robe, and held the erection in his strong right hand, squeezing it gently. He knew exactly why he was aroused. Xin Kuan was perhaps the most beautiful human female he had ever seen. The was covered from neck to ankle in an embroidered silk gown, with only her arms, hands; her lovely neck and face naked, glowing in candlelight. The King imagined her well-concealed small breasts, and her mysterious vagina. Who knows what art was held within her young pubic folds!?

At the wine and dessert reception after the concert, The Hermaphrodite King felt unusually timid. He was never timid. When one is a King, with two soft, lovely breasts, and a glorious large penis, and a fresh-tasting and responsive vagina… when one has all that, one has no need to be timid. Yet, he sat in a corner of the banquet hall, chatting with two minor regents from some *frickin’-worthless* planet in the middle of nowhere. The loud homosexuals having cornered him, kissing his hands and crooning. The King kept glancing past them, hoping to get a good view of Xin Kuan. She had not entered the room. When she did enter the room, she stood quietly at the entrance and received loud applause. She gazed slowly and intently around the room until her eye feel on The Hermaphrodite King. Without hesitation, she strode through the crowd, ignoring the entire crowd. She moved to stand within three feet of the King, looking up at him, smiling warmly. His eyes were shimmering turquoise, and she stood on her tiptoes, as the King was nearly seven-feet tall.

Xin Kuan extended her small, slender hand and said, “Your Majesty, it is my honor to meet you. When I saw you in the audience, I could hardly contain my joy. I hoped I would play my very best for you.”

There were tears in the young woman’s eyes as she said these words. If Kings have groupies, she was certainly one of them; the most mature and sincere of them. He took her hand gently and raise it to his lips, “The honor is all mine, Miss Kuan.” He could think of nothing else to say. Xin Kuan, waited for no interference, nor disapproval of her handlers. (They are rushed into the room after her, two security men, and her booking agent.) She turned to her booking agent and said in a calm and commanding tone, “The King is now coming to my hotel room. I will not be disturbed for the next three days. Move along now. And, thank all the dignitaries for me. Please tell them I have urgent business with The Hermaphrodite King.”

With that she left the room, dragging the King by the hand. Her security and her booking agent were too stunned to say a word. Miss Kuan had never behaved like this before.

During the first night and day together, the King and the Erhu-Player talked and talked, and smiled until the faces ached. By the third day, Xin Kuan was nuzzling her face into the King’s wondrous breasts, and he was spurting streams of regal cream onto her lovely face, and into her open mouth.

[Starship Rimshot on Bandcamp](
