Your New Life As A Fuckdoll [Bound & Gagged M] [Edging] [Introduction]

You woke up at the sound of your bedroom door opening, wondered who would be disturbing you so early in the morning. It was difficult for you to see as the dim orangish light of the dawning sun barely penetrated the closed heavy curtains, but something definitely felt off. Why was everything numb and fuzzy? You heard her heels clack loudly across your marble floor, then there was the blinding sunlight right in your face as the curtains shot open. You tried to cover your eyes, but your arms wouldn’t move, tightly restrained by some kind of soft fur-lined straps, keeping both your arms and legs outstretched on the form-fitting foam bed.

You tried to mutter your concern and confusion, but the gag you just realized you were wearing made anything more than moans and groans impossible. Clamping your teeth into the soft rubbery thing in your mouth felt weird, but at least it didn’t painfully stretch your mouth open like that one time you wore a ball gag to a B&D club. All you were able to do was make a few incoherent mumblings before she spoke.

“Fret not, dear,” her sweet, yet commanding feminine voice tried to soothe you, but so far only put you on edge. Memories of how your grandmother once tied you to a chair to discipline you one summer vacation when you were five once more after you had gotten in trouble for making a mess in her flower beds. Then you recognized the distinctive scent of perfume; sweet yet pungent to the point you could taste it in your mouth. It too was exactly like your grandmother used to wear! “Maybe you were under the impression that you had some choice about what would happen today, but I assure you, nothing could be further from the truth. Now, dear, let me tell you about your life starting today,” she explained to you as if you were still a child.

Your brain finally began to wake up, the jumble of sleepy confusion compounded with the oddly disjointed familiarity of what was happening. Yet with your eyes starting to adjust to the light the Deja Vu only intensified. If you didn’t know better you’d swear the woman now standing at the foot of your large bed was your grandmother from your childhood fifty years ago. Whoever this lady was, she was perfectly recreating your grandmother’s look with the same curly jet black hair, the heavy makeup with long fake lashes and overdone eyeshadow, and even how her massive breasts squished up high on her chest, threatening to spill out of her wide v-neck burgundy blouse because she was wearing a bra two sizes too small for her massive jugs. Overall the whole getup would have been almost comical if she hadn’t always scared the ever-living shit out of you as a kid, keeping you silent as she began her introduction.

“Starting now, you are my fuckdoll,” she said sweetly, a phrase you never expected anyone to say, much less your grandmother. Just hearing someone who looked like her saying the word ‘fuck’ was so crazy, now you wondered if maybe this whole thing was a crazy dream as she continued. “My daughters and I will tend to you, care for you, and play with you, to our heart’s desire,” she waved one hand to the side and you couldn’t believe you hadn’t noticed the three drop-dead gorgeous younger women standing right beside your bed.

Surely they couldn’t be her real daughters, because this woman barely looked forty, yet all of them were fully grown adults, yet dressed in the most bizarre clothing that no girl would ever wear in front of their own mother. Their hair, eyes, noises, bone structure, heights, none of them looked related, even remotely. However, if they were, the only single common factor that hinted that they might be was how all four of them were massively well endowed.

“Cindy, my oldest…” she gestured to a poignant and statuesque brunette wearing a sharp black latex catsuit that gleamed orange in the reflected dawning sunlight. It highlighted every curve and crevasse of her knockout body, from her heavy round breasts capped with nice fat nipples to her seductively pronounced cameltoe, without seeing an inch of her actual flesh underneath. With only her stern, yet stunningly beautiful face and well-manicured hands exposed, you found yourself unable to look away as her mother introduced her. “…will be in charge of your daily milkings and dietary nutrition.” She appeared bored-looking down at you as if you were nothing more than a job for her to be done with as soon as possible, tapping her long red painted nails on her crossed arms, boosting the two glossy smooth orbs of her generous bosom.

“Next, Jessica,” she indicated to the next woman, an almost typical blonde beach bimbo that smiled at you, mouthing silently ‘Hi,’ as she gave you a nervous little wave to ensure she got your attention until her mother cleared her throat to snap her back to anxious attention. “She will be in charge of your exercise and entertainment.” Jessica seemed almost giddy with whatever she was going to do to you, and the way she rocked on her heels ever so slightly made her similarly large breasts bounce hypnotically before you in her tight tube top that probably only stayed up thanks to the shoulder straps of her thong leotard. For as much skin as she was showing in her generous cleavage, tightly toned belly, and long strong arms and legs, it felt like she was trying to make up for what her older ‘sister’ kept concealed.

“And finally, Samantha, my youngest,” the matron finished her introductions, indicating the much more demure of the three, yet she was every bit as much a beauty in her own right. She had fiery long red hair in a single high ponytail, large luscious bright red lips, and the most piercing bright green eyes you’ve ever seen. That was probably because she had such dark and heavy eyeshadow surrounding them that made them stand out like beacons in the night. It also made looking away almost painfully difficult, her penetrating gaze locked you in. She gave a slight curtsy that finally broke her lock on your gaze, allowing you to look her over. You found her black and white french-maid outfit quite fetching, and how she’d augmented the look with long black fingerless fishnet gloves and matching thigh-length stockings playing peek-a-boo on her alabaster skin that made you desire her even more.

“She will be in charge of your bathing and…” you looked back to the older woman after she let that pregnant pause hang a bit too long. “…beautification.” She smiled coyly, then gave a brief wave of one hand to her ‘daughters’. In what must have been practiced unison, the other three women turned away, disappearing out of my room without a single look back. “With the formal introductions out of the way, we can get down to the business of the day. And that starts with a hands-on evaluation of what we’ll be dealing with.”

She then proceeded to take a handful of the smooth silk sheet, the only thing that was covering your naked body, and poorly concealing how erect you’d become during their introductions. With your arms and legs bound to the corners of the bed, you could move a little, but not enough to cover yourself, remove your gag, or stop her from exposing you to the cool morning air.

“Not bad,” she looked approvingly at your naked body. While you’d never let yourself go, exercise had never been a particular hobby of yours. You immediately felt ashamed, doubly so, because even though you knew this woman couldn’t possibly be your grandmother, you still couldn’t get that feeling that she was out of your head. And even worse, with everything else that had happened, you were now sporting a full staff morning wood that she was looking right at, and somehow that just made him even harder!

“I’m glad to see you approve of the staff,” the woman said, lifting up one foot to purposely take off one of her red three-inch heels, then the other. “And I trust that all our preparations and services will receive your…” again she let her words hang, this time to smile at you. Watching with nervous trepidation, she placed her knees on the bed between your outstretched feet and leaned into her hands. You felt the bed shift with her weight by your sweaty knees and ass, both hopeful and dreading whatever she decided to do next. “…stamp of approval…”

She knew you couldn’t answer with more than a shake or a nod, but she didn’t even need that much. Your exposed manhood was practically screaming out that you were already in a state of pure ecstasy, anxiously living heartbeat to heartbeat at the prospects of what was to come. Every moment she was getting close to you, but more specifically your throbbing erection, and she couldn’t pull her eyes away from it. Never before had you seen a girl so transfixed and mesmerized by it.

You knew your manhood was firmly in the average department, as best you could tell, but then again, looking at it now with the light, you’d have to say that the last time it was this big had been when you were a teen, getting ready to wet it in your girlfriend’s pussy for the first time. And maybe not even then, because while that teenage girl you lost your virginity to had been reluctant if not outright fearful of your cock, this woman looked like a cougar ready to strike.

“Yes, this will do quite nicely,” she purred to herself, only barely loud enough for you to hear. “It appears,” she began louder, now clearly addressing you again, “that you are…” she reached out and touched one fingertip against the bottom root of your penis, just above where your forested ball dangled down, “expectantly waiting for attention?”

Then, ever so slowly, she dragged her soft fingertip up, while also slightly grazing my tender skin underneath with her wicked long glossy red nails. The contrast of pleasure and gentle pain together was inscrutably intoxicating. It felt like it took almost a full minute for her to reach the bright red bulbous top, and once she did, you had already clenched up three times, forcing out a small trickle of precum that beaded up on your peehole.

“Hmmm…” she regarded the wet treasure you’d presented for her, and gently she scooped up the drop with her nail and held it before her face as if it was my biography and she was able to divine my soul from looking into it. “Well, I suppose it’s time for breakfast.” Suddenly she backed away, pulling out a handkerchief to clean off her finger. Once she was fine with it she tucked it away, got off the bed, and started putting her shoes back on.

Even though you couldn’t have spoken if you wanted to because you were still gagged, you were still utterly at a loss for words. Flabbergasted that even after everything she’s just said she’d done, you thought for sure she was about to go down on you, or at least give you a handjob. Her leaving you high and dry was literally the last thing you expected right now, but as she began walking away you couldn’t stop yourself from trying to mumble something to show your surprise and displeasure at this unexpected turn of events.

“Oh, don’t worry your pretty little head, dear,” she looked back at you with a patronizing smile. “After I’m done with my breakfast, I’ll make sure to send Cindy in to give you yours.” She opened the door to leave, then turned back and added, “Once you’ve had a chance to cool down, that is.” And then with a soft clock out the door you were alone, still gagged and naked, strapped to a bed in a strange new room, alone and horny as fuck, and bring unable to do anything about it.

This was not how you expected your first morning here to go, but in coming to grips with your predicament you thought over everything that brought you here. Damn, that sleeping pill you were given shortly after arriving late last night just knocked you out. Your last memory was still being in your limo as you were driven out to the middle of nowhere. Maybe you should have read more than the first few pages of that phonebook-sized contract your lawyer had prepared for you to sign yesterday came to mind.

This one-man resort was supposed to be your dream retirement, not erotic torture! You already knew you’d likely never see him again unless there was some sort of an emergency and you decided to utter the prearranged code phrase that would void this entire deal. But how could you even say it if they kept you gagged? And was this really so bad? Grudgingly you had to admit that ‘teasing’ and ‘being bound’ were two of your top kinks, though you had no idea where they got that whole grandmother and her daughter’s idea. But still, the perverse combination of everything has you ready to blow in almost no time. In fact, if she had sucked you off, you doubt you could have lasted for more than a minute.

With no idea when Cindy was going to come back, you considered how you got here. You’d worked hard all your life, living through a couple of shit marriages and even shittier jobs. You were smart enough to never knock up any of those bitches, then lucked out and made your first millions late in life with a stupid fad you accidentally started. It didn’t last long, but enough for a bit of smart investing to make a very nice nest egg for the rest of your life, but then you had no clue what to do with yourself.

That’s when I learned that money sometimes makes things worse. Every date you went on became just gold diggers or fame seekers. You were sick of trying to find love and considered some kind of contractual hooker service. Thankfully, your lawyer knew just the company for you; Fuckdoll Inc. It was founded just for people like you, happy to take your money in exchange for a lifetime retirement contract. The idea was to keep you in totally mindless bliss for all the rest of your days, and nothing to worry about ever again. It was months ago you started the process by filling out the massive psychological survey, but yesterday you signed away every last dollar you had to buy a premium package to retire to this small mansion in the middle of the woods.

You must have dozed off thinking about all this because the sun was already brightly lighting your new bedroom when there was a knock at the door a moment before it opened.

“I’m here with your breakfast, sir,” Cindy said in a rather droll manner as if just speaking was more work than she planned on doing today. She came in pushing a serving cart topped with a large silver cover as if this was the main course of a five-star restaurant and still wore the same black latex suit from before. It was amazing how it covered almost every inch of her curvaceous body tightly while ironically simultaneously leaving nothing about it to the imagination.

“Hope you got an appetite,” she gave a wry smile when she got to the side of the bed, then removed the silver dome. You didn’t know what you should have expected, but instead of any kind of actual food, there was simply an IV bag. That was when you noticed that inserted into your lower arm was a small clear tube, the line must have been put in while you were drugged last night.

For a moment you panicked, wondering if you would even be allowed to eat solid foods ever again. Unconcerned with your quick shallow breathing through your nose, she connected the IV, then hung it on a hook on the wall next to your bed. But that wasn’t all she did. After she was satisfied that whatever the milky substance began flowing into your vein, she bent over the cart to get something from underneath the white sheet.

Despite being on the verge of a full-out panic attack, you couldn’t help but gaze at the erotic cameltoe that she presented, almost right in your face. Had the straps holding you been able to stretch even a few inches, you could have been able to touch her, maybe to grab her and force her to let you free, or at least smack that lovely round ass. But they didn’t, so you were forced to just appreciate it by looks alone. A moment later she stood back up and held up a long glass tube that you didn’t immediately recognize what it was for until she flipped a switch and a motor kicked in and you could hear the vacuum suction coming from it.

“And now for the fun part,” she grinned evilly, bringing it down to your groin. “It’s milking time,” she said, finally sounding jazzed about her job. Your balls twitched, reigniting the fire which had simmered down from earlier. Maybe this whole thing really was going to work out after all. You could only imagine what the rest of the day would bring, but you were definitely eager to find out, groaning as the glass tube slid into place over your already growing penis, expanding in the pleasant vacuum.


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