The Milf Next Door Confronts The Spying Neighbour. [Gentle Fdom][Cheating][Age Difference][Older Woman][Lots of Good Boy][Call me Mommy][No incest][Voyeurism][Virgin][Riding][Handjob][Breast play][Exhibition]

The Milf Next Door Confronts The Spying Neighbour.

Tags: [Gentle Fdom][Cheating][Age Difference][Older Woman][Lots of Good Boy][Call me Mommy][No incest][Voyeurism][Virgin][Riding][Handjob][Breast play][Exhibition]

Summary: Jacob has been sharing a bedroom window with Mrs Harper for a while. They’ve developed an ‘interesting’ relationship, watching each other voyeuristically from their rooms, yet they’ve never met in person. Until today.

[This story was originally a script I wrote on GWA](


As the doorbell rang out, Jacob was jolted awake from the couch. Dazed and confused, he pulled himself up from the couch. Jacob waited for a second ring, unsure if the noise that had woke him was actually real.

Jacob was eighteen, recently graduated from high school, he was as he put it, ‘transitioning to adulthood. Realistically it meant that he was bumming around at home all day while he decided if he would take the plunge into the working world or try his hand at university.

His parents had left him home alone while they were away on a trip. Jacob has two whole weeks to ‘decide on his next life path’. Another chime from the doorbell echoed through the house.

Jacob pulled up his phone, 10:17am. He had fallen asleep late last night watching movies. He groaned as he pushed himself off the couch and stumbled towards the door. Unsure of who would be at the door, Jacob used the few seconds it took to walk across the house to fix his hair and adjust his clothing.

“Hello? Anyone there?” A feminine voice chirped from behind the door.

Jacob took in a deep breath, readying himself to be social so soon after waking up. Then he opened the door.

“Oh, hello.” The woman waved, she looked over Jacob and inspected the house. “Are your parents home?”

It took Jacob a few extra seconds for him to recognise her. Dressed up in a short skirt that drew attention to her attractive hips and legs, along with a tight V-neck shirt that barely contained her spectacular tits, a faint outline of her nipples showed under her shirt. Her brownish, blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail, a light beat of sweat passed by her eyes. Jacob knew this woman well, his next-door neighbour, otherwise known to him as ‘that hot MILF next door’.

“No? I see.” She continued, taking Jacob’s stunned silence as a response, “Well… Hi, I’m Mrs Harper. I’m your neighbour from next door. But I guess you already recognised me.”

Jacob stood awkwardly, unable to speak while his mind internally screamed to start working.

“I promised your mother that I’d return this book. Do you mind if I come in?”

Mrs Harper chuckled awkwardly as she waved a book at Jacob.

“Yes!” Jacob exclaimed in agreement, albeit louder than he expected to, “Yes… Yeah, I know you, Hi” Unsure of what to do, he stood to the side and invited Mrs Harper inside. “Come in, come in. Can I get you a drink of water or something?”

“Oh, no thank you.” She replied, taking another peek around the house. Jacob was too nervous to notice how she scanned around the house. She quickly relaxed when she was sure that no one else was in the house. “Love the look of this place, very cosy.”

“We’ve lived across from one another for a while now.” Mrs Harper remarked, “It’s actually a little crazy to think that we’ve never met till now. In-person at least…”

This last comment sent shivers up Jacob’s spine. The only times that they had ‘met’ so far was from sharing a bedroom window. Jacob had hoped that she wouldn’t mention that little fact, as both parties have had seen each other in ‘compromising’ positions.

“As I said, I’m just returning a book your mother lent me last week, let her know that it is a wonderful read.” She continued, thankfully changing the subject before it lingered. “Where is she by the way? Will she be home soon?”

She placed the book down on the kitchen bench. Jacob stood at the end, not wanting to get too close to the beautiful woman.

“No, she’s away” Jacob replied, straightening himself up as he hoped to look less like the slob he woke up as. “Both my parents are gone, holiday, two weeks.”

“Oh? Your parents went on holiday without you?” A glint of hope sparked from her voice, “Got the house to yourself for two weeks. Lucky boy! Don’t have too many crazy parties.”

Mrs Harper laughed as Jacob awkwardly chuckled along.

“No, Nah, no parties for me” he responded shyly.

All of his friends had started working or was preparing to move away. Jacob was very aware that his two weeks alone would be, very much alone.

“Really? No plans for a party?” Mrs Harper said with an exaggerated shocked expression, “What have you been doing all this time?”

She didn’t give Jacob a chance to respond.

“Oh wait, don’t answer that.” She said with a mischievous smile, “I ‘know’ what you’ve been doing. You’ve been hiding in your room, playing on that computer of yours haven’t you?”

Jacob was a little taken aback by the completely true accusation.

“What? Don’t act all surprised, my bedroom is right across from yours. I can see you in your room every time I’m there…”

She had purposely brought up their shared bedroom view, this made Jacob anxious with guilt, like a child who was prepared to be scolded.

“Whenever I get up, I see you on your computer and when I get home from work, do you know what I see? Yeah, the same thing.” Mrs Harper waved her finger at Jacob, playfully chiding him, “Didn’t your mother ever tell you that it’s not healthy to be sitting down all day?

Jacob shrank into himself, the age difference between them gave Mrs Harper a sense of authority, although Jacob was not entirely sure how old the woman actually was.

“The only time I see you get out of that chair is when you either leave the room. Or when you notice me and close your curtains…” Mrs Harper smirked, “Very rude by the way.”

“The moment you see me, you get up the close your curtains, but you have no shame watching me when you think I don’t notice you. And yes, I do notice you.”

Guilt pranged in Jacob’s stomach, the one thing he had hoped she wouldn’t bring up had just been slammed in his face.

“Naughty boy, perving on your next-door neighbour.” Mrs Harper continued, trying her best to hold in her smile as she lectured the boy, “Should I tell your parents that you’ve been spying on me for months? Watching me while I change and in my even more ‘intimate’ moments.”

“I… I… am… sorry.” Jacob stammered out, sweat trickling down his face. His mind was racing as he imagined how his parents would react. He couldn’t think of the words and struggled to look her in the eyes. He clamped up, waiting for her voice to raise, ready to be screamed at for the horrible things he had done.

He was confused to instead hear her giggling like a child.

“Oh don’t worry, I’m not actually upset.” She said, holding back her laughter, “If I really cared I would have complained after I first caught you staring.”

Jacob relaxed, unsure if what he just heard was correct.

“I was honestly pretty embarrassed when I saw you in my window.” Mrs Harper admitted, she turned her head and gave Jacob a warm, almost loving smile. “You were looking at me with such a cute face, like a puppy.”

Puppy – That word caught him off-guard, he looked up at Mrs Harper, the motherly smile calming him down.

“It took me a few seconds to realise that I was still in my underwear. All I could do was shyly wave as I closed my curtain.”

“Although,” she whispered coyly, “Do you want to know a secret?”

Jacob nodded his head, staring back into her lovely eyes. As he saw beyond that warm smile, a hunger in her eyes.

“I found it ‘very’ exciting.”

Another bombshell had landed in his metaphorical lap.

“I mean,” Mrs Harper chuckled, “I leave my curtains open all the time, it’s almost like I enjoy the idea of a handsome young man watching me.”

She licked her lips as she took a step closer to him.

“Watching as I go about my morning routine of getting out of bed, picking out what outfit to wear for the day.”

His eyes shot down to admire her outfit again.

“Changing in that perfect spot that’s in full view of that window of yours.”

His mind raced back to various moments in the past where he watched her change, ‘stealthy’ peaking from his window as not to draw her attention.

“Watching as I stretch myself out and do my daily yoga in my tight little yoga shorts.”

Every Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 on the dot. Jacob was always on time to watch Mrs Harper’s yoga routine.

“Have you seen the new pair I got? It’s a little small but I like the way it shows of my ass.”

She eyed Jacobs growing erection as her hand crawled along the kitchen bench. Her voice became more sultry as she approached.

“I love the look on your face when you see me after I get home from a hard day of work. I take off my jacket, then my skirt. Then the buttons of my shirt one by one. And finally, I take off those stuffy leggings.”

She could see Jacob undressing her with his eyes, the imagery of her stripping from her work outfit every day.

“And I just lie on my bed, in my underwear and I can feel your eyes all over me.”

Her hand runs down her body, making extra sure to highlight her curves.

“I pretend not to notice you, because if I acknowledge you, you’ll close your curtains and stop. Because I don’t want you to stop.”

“I want you to watch me.”

She reaches the end of the kitchen bench, her hand placed on to Jacobs, who continues to listen in stunned fascination.

“I close my eyes and imagine that you’re still by my window, and that’s when I begin to touch myself.”

Mrs Harper closes her eyes, imagining the situation vividly.

“I place myself in full view of your window as I finger myself until I cum. And you know I cum, because I moan as loudly as possible in the hopes to keep your attention on me.”

She leans into Jacob’s ear and lets out a soft moan, emulating an orgasm.

“Do you remember watching me do that last week? Because I remember it.”

Jacob remembered that moment very well, it had been burned into his mind. His hot next-door neighbour had very audibly finger fucked herself in full view of his bedroom, he remembered jerking off to it and continuing to do so every day since.

“I remember making myself cum so fucken hard.”

Mrs Harper let out another little whimper, her breathing had become heavier as she recounted the story.

“And I remember opening my eyes at the last second. And do you know what I saw?”

Jacob was very aware of what she was about to say next, it had been the reason he was so skittish around her up to this point.

“I saw you” She moaned, “Standing by your window, with your cock out. You were touching it, stroking it. For me.”

She embraced Jacob, ensuring that he could not pull away as she pressed her body against him.

“And do you know what you did?”

His hard-on brushed into her pelvis, she moaned again while she rubbed up to him. Placing her mouth right up to his ear.

“You came.”

Mrs Harper immediately pulled back as Jacob was left using the kitchen bench as support.

Her sultry whispers were replaced with excitement, “And boy by the look of it you came real fucken hard. I saw you, your legs shook so much you had to lean against a wall for support.”

She moaned again, in an exaggerated emulation of Jacob that day.

“And your window, your window has a lovely stain of cum running down it. Fuck, it was so hot!”

Mrs Harper had become a lot more energetic, she stared directly into Jacob’s eyes.

“Then we locked eyes. Only for a second but I felt like an eternity. Was your heart beating as fast as mine was?”

She giggled to herself, placing a hand on Jacob’s chest to hear his currently pacing heartbeat.

“I swear those last few seconds, I was in heaven.”

Her face looked as if she was in a state of pure bliss. Then her hand dropped from Jacob’s chest.

“But…” Her voice returned to a relatively normal and serious tone, “After that day, you stopped leaving your curtain open.”

She looked upset, more upset than when she was pretending to lecture him earlier.

“In fact, your curtains have been shut all week. Were you shy? Embarrassed? Afraid I was upset with you?”

She waited expectantly for Jacob to reply.

“W…well, I…” Jacob began shyly, “I thought… Maybe I… upset you? I guess?”

He didn’t know where to look, her eyes held the same hunger for him. Jacob had never expected a woman, much less his hot neighbour, to be so forward with him.

“Well, I had to take matters into my own hand.” Mrs Harper said with renewed authority in her voice. “You see, I don’t really care about the book, and I knew your parents wouldn’t be home.”

“I’m here for you.”

A warm flush went across Jacob’s cheeks, he instinctively attempted to hide his blushing face but Mrs Harper caught his chin with her fingers.

“Now now, don’t be shy, this is the natural progression of our little ‘relationship’.”

Jacob lips mouthed ‘relationship’ in confusion but were met with the sweet taste of hers. Mrs Harper pulled Jacob closer as the two shared a kiss.

“That’s right.” she continued, giving Jacob no chance to refute, “Now be a good boy and let’s go to your bedroom. It’s up here, right?”

Led by the hand, Jacob climbed the stairs towards his bedroom, half-convinced he was actually still dreaming.

“Ugh, so dark, this room really needs some natural light.” She complained as she stepped inside the room.

She let go of Jacob’s hand to open the curtain. Light flooded in, exposing the messy teenager’s bedroom. Jacob was embarrassed to have not cleaned up earlier, though he did not expect to be entertaining any guests.

“See, that’s so much better. And what a great view.” Mrs Harper admired out the window. “Wow, you really can see my entire bedroom from here.”

She was a little surprised to see just how much of her bedroom she could see into.

“Hmm, maybe I should move my bed slightly to the left for future ‘shows’.”

She made a mental note before turning back towards the teenage boy.

“Anyway, you’ll be a good boy and remember to leave your curtains open from now on right?”

Jacob nodded his head as Mrs Harper pulled him into another embrace.

“Good boy.”

She kissed him again, gently turning him towards the bed as she did it.

“Now get on this bed and let me just straddle you.” She giggled as she pushed him down, Jacob landed at the end of his bed. She climbed onto his legs and pulled him back in for another kiss.

The two spent the new few moments making out on the edge of the bed. Jacob had very little experience with girls, let alone women, so Mrs Harper took the lead as her tongue explored the boy’s mouth.

“Oh, I can already feel you getting excited for this. You won’t mind if I just grind against you for a bit, do you?”

Jacob responded with a kiss, his confidence growing with every second.

“Don’t be afraid to touch me, sweetie.” She added as Jacob slid his hand down along her back till it rested on her skirt. “That’s right, put your hand on Mommy’s ass. Good boy.”

The unexpected pet names lit a fire in Jacob, he wanted to be complimented more.

“Do you want me to take off my shirt? I’m sure you do.”

Mrs Harper smirked as she drew back. Pulling her shirt off in a slow, seductive manner. Giving Jacob a mini show as her breasts bounced free.

“No bra, but I’m sure you noticed that earlier. Why bother, they just get in the way of the fun.”

She giggled as she also took a moment to let down her hair. The sunlight made her hair look far more blonde than it actually was.

“And I’ll let you in on another little secret.” She leaned in towards Jacob, ready to whisper in her ear again. “I’m not wearing any panties either.”

Her hips rocked back and forth, as her skirt slowly hiked up around her thighs.

“Just pull my skirt up, like that, now you can get a real handful of my ass.”

Jacob wasted no time, her skirt was pulled right up exposing her bare ass and Jacob grabbed two meaty handfuls. Using the momentum of his hands, he pushed himself face-first right into Mrs Harper’s exposed breasts. Latching his lips around one of her nipples.

She moaned passionately and went to support his head.

“Oh yes, suck on my tits. Just like that. Such a good boy, such a good boy for Mommy.” Jacob removed one of his hands from her ass cheek and returned it to her other breast. “You want to squeeze them? They feel nice in your hand don’t they?”

Mrs Harper’s face returned to the state of bliss she had shown earlier, looking down at Jacob who was sucking away at her, having the time of his life.

“God, look at you, sucking on my tits, such an adorable boy. I can feel you grinding into me now.”

Jacob was indeed grinding up into her, his cock was desperately trying to escape the confines of his pants, although his hands refused to let go of the curvaceous woman.

“Does your cock want to come out? I want to see it. I need to see it.”

Thankfully, to Jacobs relief, Mrs Harper had a free hand and lots of experience. It didn’t take long for her to expertly unzip his pants and pull them off his waist. She was greeted by a very excited cock poking into her.

“Look at that beautiful thing. Grinding against my pussy.” She moaned into his ear, using her hand to guide his cock. “Do you know how much I’ve touched myself this week after seeing this cock?”

“Now I’m going to fuck it!”

Once in position, Mrs Harper pressed down into Jacob, enveloping his cock entirely. Jacob moaned into her tits as she held him close. After a few seconds, she gently began to ride him.

“Oh fuck. Yes, that’s it.”

The gentle pace slowly turned into a faster rhythmic pace, she wanted to go faster, to completely devour the boy, but she knew it was too soon.

“Fuck yes, good boy. Be a good boy for Mommy. Keep sucking on Mommy’s tits as I ride this cock.”

Jacob was in heaven, he had dreamed of nuzzling his face between Mrs Harper’s boobs so many times in the past and now he had a mouthful of her tit while she bounced up and down on his cock. She let out a very loud moan, noises that Jacob was familiar with, but never quite got the true experience until today.

Mrs Harper eventually placed her hand on Jacob’s head and slowly pushed him off her breasts. Jacob did not want to unlatch, however, he also did not want to upset her, so he let go and continued to let her guide him.

“Now lie back. Lie back, baby.”

Jacob’s head hit the bed, Mrs Harper leaned in over him.

“Let Mommy really ride the fuck out of this cock.”

With Jacob lying back into the bed, Mrs Harper kicked herself into high gear. With one hand on his chest, her hips thrust faster and faster. She looked down at Jacob to see how he was doing and could tell that he was hypnotised by the way her tits moved.

“Do you like that? Do you like the way my tits jiggle in your face as I fucken ride you?”

His cute face was too much for her and spurred her on even greater. This in turn proved to be too much for Jacob, who was obviously approaching his limits.

“What’s the matter, baby? Your face, is this too much for you?”

Jacob was holding on both physically and mentally, however the experienced MILF had broken him.

“Oh god, you’re going to cum, aren’t you? It’s okay, let it all out. Give Mommy all your love!”

With permission given by the older woman, Jacob let himself go. He groaned loudly as he came, this was unlike any time he has masturbated, his body tingled with pleasure as he ejaculated up into her. Mrs Harper gently rocked back and forth as she stroked his face.

“Good boy. It’s okay. Now, don’t you have the cutest orgasm face?” She said with a warm, motherly tone.

She leaned down and gave him another long loving kiss. Jacob was tired but attempted to say something to her.

“What was that?” She asked, falling to his side and climbing off the boy.

“I… I’ve never…” Jacob murmured under a tired breath. “I’m a virgin…”

“You’re a virgin?” Mrs Harper replied, with the same tender tone, “Baby, you ‘were’ a virgin.”

“Thank you…” Jacob breathed.

“Oh baby, You don’t have to thank me.” She laughed, “And we definitely aren’t done yet.”

Jacob’s eyes shot open again, there was the promise of more to come. He wanted to jump up and do it all over again, but his body refused to move. Mrs Harper cuddled up to him, giving him a few more tender kisses.

“Now we can just lay here and I’ll let you run your hands over my body until your ready for round two.”

Jacob smiled back and reached out to her waist, she pulled him in and the two did exactly what she had said. Making out on the bed, Jacob traced his fingers across every inch of her body. He was unsure how long they laid there, however, Mrs Harper seemed to be impressed with his recovery time.

“See there, that didn’t take that long.” Mrs Harper remarked, “Young boys like you always have a lot of energy.”

She pointed towards his growing cock. Sure enough, Jacob could feel himself about to be ready for round two. Especially with Mrs Harper’s soft hands rubbing along him.

“How about I help out as I rub this gorgeous cock.”

Jacob laid back and let Mrs Harper play with his enlarging dick. She cuddled up to the side of him and with one hand, gave him some soft, slow strokes. It didn’t take long after that before his erection was back to full size.

“There we go, nice and grown for Mommy. Now just a kiss for good luck.”

In pure amazement, Jacob watched as Mrs Harper leaned down and placed a loving kiss on the tip of his dick, she held her lips there for a few seconds before swallowing it all. Her mouth felt astounding, it was a completely different feeling from her pussy, yet just as pleasurable. However before anything got started, she pulled away.

“And I think we’re ready to get back at it.” She smirked, knowing full well what a tease she was being. “Now how about this time, Mommy lies back on the bed. And you, my good boy, climb on top of me, and fuck me.”

Mrs Harper took a position at the head of the bed, guiding Jacob on top of her. For the first time, Jacob was able to see her fully naked body as she lay on the bed, waiting.

“I want to look in your eyes as you fuck me.” She moaned, Jacob dared not look away after a command like that. “Yes, that’s it.”

With her help, Jacob positioned himself over her and gently reentered her wet pussy.

“Fuck yes. That’s it.”

His immediate desire was to go hard and rough, but he held back. He wanted to mirror what she had done for him. He leaned down and kissed her, a little nervous and unsure. She accepted the kiss, placed his hands into hers and then without hesitation, wrapped her legs around Jacob’s waist.

“Take my hand. Pound into Mommy.”

Her eyes told him the exact same thing, don’t be gentle, don’t be tender. Fuck her until you can no longer fuck.

Jacob pounded into her as she squealed with pleasure. Every time he pulled back, Mrs Harper would squeeze her legs and bring him right back down.

“Such a good boy. A very good boy!”

The pace rapidly sped up, she kept begging for more, faster, harder.

“Lean into me. Fuck that’s it. Now kiss me!”

Their tongue embraced each other as she wrapped her arms around his head.

“Kiss me as you fuck your Mommy!”

Jacob fucked her with all his strength. In and out, in and out. Each time she would moan into their kiss, each time she would squeeze her legs causing him to fall back into her. When they weren’t kissing, she was yelling. Teaching, helping, commanding him to fuck her better.

“Oh yes, keep going. I’m almost. Almost… fucken there.”

The idea of making a woman cum, of her cumming, was all the motivation he needed. Pounding into her, fucking her into his own bed.

“Fuck baby. I’m going to…”

Mrs Harper froze in place, she let out a long moan that was stifled by their shared kissing. Jacob didn’t realise it at first, but he had just made her orgasm. Her legs tightened around his hips and prevented him from pounding as he did.

“Yes, yes, yes! Good boy!” She exclaimed, kissing him over and over again. “It’s okay. Shh, slow down a little. But don’t stop.”

Jacob obeyed, quite proud of himself.

“You’re close too. Finish in Mommy.”

He didn’t realise till then just how close he was to cumming. The last thrust took him by surprise as he collapsed into her. Another warm feeling burst from him as for the second time today, he ejaculated into Mrs Harper.

“Did that feel good?” She asked, stroking his hair, “Getting to cum inside Mommy twice in one day.”

Jacob could barely respond, making an affirmative grunt as he emptied his balls inside her.

“Such a lucky boy.” She continued and planted a kiss on his head.

The two lay there, neither one wanting to move away, content to remain in their own sweat, smelling of sex. Eventually, Mrs Harper let out a satisfied sigh.

“Now that, was exactly what I needed. Oh look at that, we left the curtain open, you know your neighbours could have seen us.”

Jacob laughed at the little joke, holding on to her, hoping this day would never end.

“You’ll be a good boy and keep it open from now on.” She said firmly.

“Yes ma’am” Jacob replied, excited of the prospect of what’s to come.

“And good boys get rewarded, yes. I believe you have this house to yourself for two weeks.” Mrs Harper thought out loud, “So if you want Mommy to come over, just give me a wave from your window. Okay, sweetie?”

Jacob grinned and gave her another kiss.

“Good boy.”


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