Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F] Part 27


*** ***Bella*** ***

We’re still on “vacation”, well I’m in perpetual vacation the entire fucking time! Stupid Isabella, stupid! You should have gone for that computer science major! But no, computer fucking graphics design!

Well as the saying goes: Hindsight is 20/20.

Alana made sure the steaks were in room temperature, coating it with canola oil and then seasoning it with kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper. She also has some thyme, peeled garlic and some knobs of butter sitting by.

Chris went and fetched some mesquite seasoning, which greatly angered Alana.

“No! Motherfucker, you will eat this steak how I fucking cook it. Am I understood!?”

Chris nodded his head and placed the seasoning back where he found it. “Good, love you sweetie!”

She got the pan rip-roaring hot and as soon as the steak hits that sizzle was furious. Her concentration was ultimate; she’s got three pan going at the same time! When one side is browned, a beautiful crust on it by the way, she flipped it over and threw in the thyme, garlic and butter. With a spoon, she started basting the steak with the melted butter that’s been infused with garlic and thyme. She worked flawlessly, like some master chef, and she threw them in the preheated oven for a good 8 minutes.

Then she served it. ‘Wait 10 minutes before you cut into it please, otherwise I’ll be really, really… really sad.”

She’s holding a knife. A very sharp knife.

We dared not defy her will.

But when we finally got into it, that taste was atrociously addicting. A perfect medium rare! The meaty flavor filled my mouth, accompanied by the saltiness and that peppery bite! She’s right, the steak didn’t need that mesquite seasoning. She allowed the steak to speak for itself, and it spoke really well but with the added flavor of the brown, nutty flavor of the melted butter with hints of thyme and garlic in the background. The meat is tender, easy enough for our knives to cut into but with enough chew to remind us that it’s still meat that we’re eating. I’ve never been a fan of the fat cap, but she’s got it to sear just enough that the gross, chewy texture is gone and it’s a velvety, smooth bite.

“*Oh… Oh* god, Alana this is fucking perfect!” came my words and she grinned and snickered, “this is just as good as sex!”

“I know right! It’s perfect!” Chris reinforced my statement, “you might as well move in here.”

“Trial and error. Also some YouTube tutorials helped. And Chris, I might take you up on that offer.”

The vegetables were a nice accompaniment to the meal, with the sweetness of the carrots and the slight bitterness of the brussels sprouts. It’s a very memorable dinner, especially for these two. Motherfuckers excluded me from a fun time from what it sounded like.

“Wait, you’re serious about that offer right?” she asked. Chris nodded while shoving another piece in his mouth. “Oh, oh Papa would be so happy his girl is finally moving out! And I don’t have to listen to him fuck that girlfriend of his!”

She’s giddy and happy, and I’m actually looking forward to her staying with us.


The first time we’re sleeping in our room, while technically we’ve slept on the same bed in Chris’ parents house. Alana laid between Chris and I, and I’m softly cursing at myself because we’re going to need a bigger bed. A king size at least.

The meal conked Chris out and he’s already fast asleep. I’m wide awake, I’ve only just woken up after all. I’m looking at Alana, like really looking at her. I’m looking at her soft lips, at her eyes and how bright they get when she looks at things she loves and enjoys. How wide her smile can be. I’m looking at her and I can’t help but feel… attracted. I turned to my side and I took her hand. Her eyes opened up, revealing her big, brown eyes.

“Can’t sleep?” she asked me and I only nodded in response.


“Yeah, what’s up Izz?”

“I love you,” I confessed.

“I know, I love you too Izz.” She smirked as she stretched a bit, groaning as her limbs expanded.

“No. I love you, Alana.”

She stopped and gave me a serious look. “Wait, like ‘love’ love?”

I nodded and her arms immediately draped over me. We shared a kiss, a passionate kiss like how I would kiss Chris. I think I’ve finally admitted to myself what I’ve been feeling for her during our entire friendship, having it evolve to something more when Chris got me to look and readjust how I see love and life. Alana has been a constant companion and she stuck with me through my hardest time, and while I kept Chris hidden from her she never left me alone. Even during my transformation into a cold, ruthless bitch she’s been there for me. Even when I made friends with [Danielle and May]( who are extremely toxic and were only together with their boyfriend for food and money, she stuck with me.

And even after learning what I did to Chris, she never looked at me any different. I often wondered why, why she stayed with me knowing what a dirt bag I was, but I think it’s because I changed for the better now. Or maybe she was waiting for me to become a better person.

“Oh, Izz! I’ve been waiting for you to tell me that since Middle School!” she squealed as she hugged me close again. “But… but what about Chris? You’re not thinking of leaving for me, are you? Because… because I love him just as much as I love you.”

“Don’t be a silly bitch, of course I’m not going to leave him!”

Again we kissed, celebrating what our relationship has become. Her lips are sweet and supple and she smiled and cuddled against me.

*** ***Alana*** ***

“Alright, we need some rules. Because otherwise we’re just a bunch of mindless fuck monkeys!”

Izz and Chris is sitting on the couch, with Izz’s leg crossed over one another and her arm folded over her breast, squeezing a bit of tit-meat over her shirt, and Chris is leaning forward and he’s intent on listening.

“We’re going to start with the heaviest of them all: Cheating. Obviously mine is I’m not for it and I’ll never be for it. Chris?”

“I… this is my first real relationship, and frankly I don’t have a lot of experience. That said, I’m not for it either. I don’t think I have it in me to cheat on you two.”

Izz kind of laughed a little but we looked over at her with curious eyes. “No, no I’m not… I didn’t mean to laugh like I don’t believe you, babe. People can change, you know, sometimes for the worse and sometimes for the better. I don’t think I have it in me to cheat as well, knowing how much it fucking hurts the other person.”

“Ok good, good. We got that shit out of the way. Flirting? Do you two consider that as cheating?” I laid out the next point before them. While Izz looks completely against the idea, Chris is kind of shifting between point.

“I don’t like flirting. I’ve got guys fawning over me and I ain’t even doing shit!”

“Ok, but babe what if one of them catches your eye? What if someone has a dick bigger than me, better looking and taller? Then what?” Chris has a legitimate point. Izz is a very good looking girl and Chris is above average at best, so what if there really is a guy out there that is Chris but more handsome and taller?

Izz looked at Chris, obviously hurt. “Then what? You think I’d just give up on you? Throw you aside like garbage? What are the chances that there is a guy out there that has a 10 inch cock, taller than you, just as sweet and compassionate and kind and loving, and better looking? What’s the chance? Tell me?”

“Well, Victor exist, so 100% chance. He’s literally just like the person you just mentioned.”

“You really think I’m going to go and make an enemy of Raissa Oliveira? Do you really think she’ll let him go?” Izz seems hurt by their little exchange, and her aggressive personality is starting to show.

“Babe, I’m sorry but you know I do have my own insecurities. I know those two won’t break up unless something incredibly stupid happens. I’m sorry, ok.”

Chris sat a little closer to her and took her hand into his own and rubbed it. Izz seems to have calmed down, her features starting to soften.

“I… I’m not going to leave you two, alright? I wont. I’ve been through with you guys too much to just throw it away.”

“Alright, alright we’re going to go nowhere if we’re just going to lick each other’s wound. Now, the future. I want to get married, but obviously you two are going to get married and I don’t see myself in a point where we leave each other just so I can get hitched. I’m perfectly fine in a relationship with the three of us. But, having said that, I don’t think it’s a great idea being in this apartment. We need space, a bigger space.”

I see them looking at each other, grinning like they’re sharing a secret between them. Chris beckoned me over then tapped on his lap. I sat on him, letting his hand rest on the small of my back. Izz scooched over a little bit closer, they’re still wearing that silly grin.

“Alana, baby, we’ve been thinking of getting a house together.”

“What? A house? For real?” came my surprised reply. I was honestly thinking that we’ll just get a bigger apartment, maybe a three bedroom one, but a house isn’t a bad idea. Now, we’ll just need to actually find one that works for us. Thankfully, the hospital I work at and Chris’ place of work is fairly close to one another, about a five mile drive away, so getting a house near it would be the ideal spot.

Luckily, Izz has some connection with a real estate company. According to her, she has asked for them to look into a place in a nearby neighborhood. Three bedroom at least with a nice yard for a garden, and in a better neighborhood. Wow, she thought ahead. Like, really that far ahead.

“O-Okay, now we have a final point in my agenda. Chris, what are we going to do about Izz’s lack of self awareness when it comes to cooking. She’s literally an anime trope of a girlfriend who always burns her food, or confuses salt for sugar!”

“W-What!? How dare you!? I am not a cliché!”

“Bella, she’s right. You really can’t seem to keep your head right when you’re attempting to cook. I caught you trying to hold a knife by the blade because you were looking up recipes.” Chris said as he held her hand again, “do you want to enroll in a cooking class? I’ll do it with you if you want.”

“B-But! But! I-I… ugh! Fine, cooking class! You motherfuckers and your fucking… fuck.. fuck! Ugh!”

Now it was her turn to host my lap as I switched over and plopped myself on her. I gave her a kiss and rubbed her shoulders a bit, “now, now, we’ll do this together. The three of us will enroll in a class okay? That way, we can protect the other students from bloodshed!”

“God damn it!”

*** ***Bella*** ***

“Chris, do you like my tan line?”

We’re eating lunch right now, some burritos that Alana whipped up. I wanted to help, but she just glared at me. Such a beautiful meanie! Even when I professed my love the other night, unless I have proper training she wouldn’t let me help.

“Your tan line? Are they going away?”

“I mean, I stopped wearing those slutty bikini’s that She didn’t like, and we haven’t really gone to the beach since I got better. I noticed the kind of bikinis She bought is a little more in terms of coverage, so I’m asking if you prefer I keep my tan-lines how they are?”

“She? Who is She?” Alana inquired. That’s right, I never really told these two about how I would sometimes dream about Her and I having a conversation.

“That’s what Bella and I refer to Amnesia-Bella,” Chris explained in which Alana immediately understood. “But going back to the tan line, it’s really up to you. Sometimes when you wear certain clothing the tan line pops and I really like it.”

“Oh? What kind of clothing?” I asked. I’m immediately intrigued by this as he’s never shown interest on what I wear, but seeing as he has a preference I would like to know more.

“Oh, usually hip hugging jeans, you have a really short hip-hugging jean short that makes your ass pops that I really, really like. Well, when you wear that your tan line kinda comes in an arc towards your hip.”

“Oh?” I said with a wicked grin. I got up and went to the room, and immediately puts on the shorts he mentioned. The jean-short in question looks more like a jean-bikini if anything. So I put it on with nothing else underneath with a string bikini that really just covered my areolas with how sultry and slutty they are. I walked out and Chris’ jaw immediately dropped, and so did Alana’s.

“Yeah mean, this denim booty shorts?”

“Th-That’s… that’s… that’s the one, baby,” he stammered as he tried to go back to his burrito. But every so often he would glance at me.

“I… those really look good on you, Izz,” Alana said as her eyes are practically plastered on me, “really, really good. How did I not see you wear this?”

“Because I used to wear this when I want free drinks at the bar. I never knew Chris likes this little number,” I laughed as I watch him grow more red by the second. “You know, you have a lot of kinks there my friend. You love it when I wear really tight fitting clothes. You like it when we talk dirty to you. You just can’t get enough of tit sucking, and you like it when we’re submissive to you. What else are you into?”

“I… I refuse to comment on that.”

“Oh? I wonder, what else is your kink? I mean, I watched Alana slap you and spit on your face and mouth yesterday and you were so into that kind of shit? Are you secretly a sub too? Huh?”

“I plead the fifth,” he said as he started turning away from me, but he’s still munching on the burrito.

“I wonder if you secretly liked being degraded and dominated on? Obviously not how I used to do it, but I wonder. Are you secretly a bad boy? Hmm?”

*** ***Chris*** ***

Oh no. Oh no, no, no. Why did I let Alana do that to me last night? Why did I let that part of me slip? I’ve been repressing that for a long time now, so when Alana slapped me last night it kind of slipped out.

I need to go. I need to run away. But my keys are in my room, and my cellphone is closer to Bella than it is to me. Shit! I can’t even outrun these two! Alana was in track, and Bella has longer legs than I do. God damn it!

Oh! Maybe, maybe…

“Oh hey, look over there!”

Like idiots, Alana and Bella turned their eye toward the bedroom door. A chance! I quickly grabbed my phone and made a mad dash for the door. Sorry, tasy burrito, I’ll have to leave you behind! Maybe someday, you’ll be reincarnated as another tasty burrito.

But before I can make it to the door knob, Alana tackled me. Am I really that slow?

“Running away are you sweetie?” she giggled as she wrapped her arms and leg around me like a damn spider, “we can’t allow that.”

“No! Let me go! This… this is madness! Let me go!”

So they tied me up, shirtless and only in my boxers. Being tied up is definitely NOT something I like, let me be clear on that. Bella and Alana walked out from the bedroom, with Bella still wearing that sexy little get-up and Alana wearing something similar. She has one of Bella’s bikini top on, with the straps being adjustable and it barely covered her brown areolas and her nipples are poking through. She has a pair of gray shorts on with the waistband folded over just above her pubic area, and she’s wearing one of Bella’s slutty G-String on as well with the straps pulled high up to her waist, resting above her hip. I really do like what I see, but I’m not liking my current predicament. They’re both wearing a thigh high sock, one of my many sexual weakness and it’s honestly gotten me pretty turned on.

“Baby, we need you to be honest with us, okay?” Bella started as she circled me like how a shark would. Her hands would casually brush against my chest and nipple, sometimes flicking it and making me wince.

“Sweetie, be truthful. You’ll feel a lot better if you are,” Alana purred against my ear as she flicked her tongue against it, “I already know you like it when my ass grinds against your crotch, but then what straight guy wouldn’t like something like that?”

“Oh, you never let me grind against you baby!” Bella complained.

“That’s because when you do it, your ass is on my belly instead of my groin!” I shot back, hoping to somehow diffuse the situation, but Bella is wearing a determined face.

“No, I’ll think of a way to do that. I’ll think of a way.”

She got on my lap. She’s considerably heavier than Alana is but considering how she’s built it’s not a surprise. For a 6’4 woman, her height itself is already tall, she only really weighs about 145-150 lbs. she’s already 10 lbs. underweight.

She looked down at me, sneering with contempt in her eyes. “I’ll make you talk, babe. I’ll make you reveal your secrets to me.”

I cant resist not getting turned on. I’m sorry, mother, forgive me. I’m sorry for growing up and being this kind of a man.

Bella pressed her chest against my face and I couldn’t help but lick and suck on whatever flesh I can wrap my lips around on. Her crotch grinds against mine, and she slips her hand under my underwear to maneuver my cock so its pressing against me. “I wouldn’t want to cause it some pain,” she giggled as she licked her finger then added, “you’re a little salty.”

I saw her eyes perked up as she kept grinding against me, “you’re starting to get hard, babe.”

“Wh-Who wouldn’t get hard i-in this situation?” I asked with a groan, “l-let me go, let me show you my appreciation.”

She gave me a laugh, “No, no babe, we’re just getting started!”

Alana came over and she started rubbing my chest, licking and kissing my nipples. I couldn’t help but giggle. “Huh, I read that some guy likes getting their nipples teased.”

“S-Sorry,” I replied, “I guess I’m not one of those guys.”

Bella continued grinding against my cock, taking it out and having her denim shorts gyrate against my bare cock. Watching her perfect abs, her nice, large perky tits bouncing, and how she would twerk against my cock, it’s enough to set a man off in rage.

Rage, because my hands are tied up! I can’t grab her ass or her tits! I can’t rub her nice abs or her thick thighs! I’m tied up! Like some dangerous animal!

Fine. I’ll let them have their fun. Alana has moved behind me, gently tickling my arms and shoulder, rubbing herself against my hands and I’m able to feel her warm mound when she passed.

“I know you like thigh highs,” Bella smirked as she leaned down, letting her lips brush against mine, ” and I know you really like making out with us.” Her lips locked against mine and I couldn’t help but feel elation right then and there, but when we parted she hissed and she grabbed my head and pushed it backwards. She bit down against my neck, a bit too hard for my liking, then she licked me from my throat up to my chin, and then she shoved her tongue inside my mouth.

My cock is throbbing hard now, it’s actually uncomfortable since she’s on it. “Bella, could you get off my dick? It’s pretty painful,” I asked of her, so she brought it up and out so its resting between her ass cheeks. She reached back and started playing with my cock head, using her fingertips to massage it gently.

“Oh, that feels really good babe,” I said absentmindedly and she smiled upon knowing that.

“See? Doesn’t it feel good to be honest with me?”

I saw a flash of Alana’s hair buzz by as she started working on my dick. I could feel her lips wrapping around my balls, and her tongue playing with it. I groaned in pleasure as Bella started kissing me again.

“Sometimes, you know those long sleeve shirts that you have? I want to fuck you while you’re wearing that.”

She almost laughed, but she suppressed it into a sly giggle. She brought her hair back and she twirled it around her fingers. I like that, I like seeing her play with her hair. Am I going to tell her that? Hell no.

“That’s a bit weird babe,” she said as she cocked her head a bit to the side, “but I’ll make sure to wear it one of these days.”

She gave me a kiss and looked at me again, fishing for more. “I like it when you dance when you listen to your songs. I like it when you sing along to your songs.”

Alana has moved to sliding her tongue up and down my shaft, keeping her lips pressed against it. Her hands kneaded my scrotum, massaging my balls. Bella still has her hands around my glans, massaging it softly. This is nothing short of torture! It’s a war crime! A war crime, I say!

Bella graciously offered me her left tit and I gladly took her in my mouth. “Tell me more, babe,” she cooed as her nipple rolled around my mouth, “something sexual.”

“Well, if I’m being really honest… I like fucking you as soon as you get home from the gym. I like smelling your musky, sweaty smell and it turns me on.”

“Okay, that’s really weird. You like it when I’m sweaty? Like… smelly sweaty?”

“Let me be clear, do I prefer you smelling like that all the time? No, because I won’t be able to control myself around you for too long. If you notice that whenever you come home smelling nice and sweaty, I always have to step out until you’ve bathe, because otherwise I’ll force myself onto you.”

There’s that weird smile on her face again. She was wearing back when we first got to my parent’s place, it’s like she’s learning my weakness. That’s not creepy at all, no. Again our lips locked, but she came at me hungrier than before. She got off me, our lips still around each other, and she’s worked her tight, denim shorts off of her leaving her bikini G-String in place. “Baby, I know you like fucking me and Alana with our panties on, I know it turns you on. Right now I really want to fuck you, I really do. But that’ll have to wait a bit, ok?”

“Wait for what? What are we waiting for?”

Alana got on me this time, planting a kiss on my lips while her hand stroked and jerked me off. “This is really turning me on, sweetie,” she cooed as she held onto my head while we kissed. Bella came back from, I guess, a break of some sort and kneeled down between my legs. She watched as Alana rubbed me out, flicking the entrance of my urethra with her tongue.

*** ***Alana*** ***

Looking at Chris softly whimper while I jerk him off is oddly satisfying. “Tell me more, daddy,” I purred against his ears, “please? you’ll tell me more, right?”

“I… I don’t like cumming on faces. I’d rather creampie you or cum in your mouth.” Daddy groaned as I brushed his face with my free hand as my arm wrapped around behind his neck.

“Oh? You’re pretty kinky, daddy!” I giggled, “what else? You can tell me.”

“That’s it! I got nothing else, I swear!”

“Oh? Nothing else? Come one, tell me another and I’ll let you put your massive, cock in my tight, little pussy,” came my taunts, “don’t you want to fuck me today? Don’t you?”

Izz pushed the crotch part of my shorts and underwear aside and I lowered myself onto his thick, throbbing cock. “Oh, daddy you feel so good! Your thick head is just grinding against my walls!”

It absolutely kills him that he can’t grab my ass, or hug me or do anything with his hands. My tits are rubbing against his face while I bounce my ass on his cock, and all he can do is stick out his tongue. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong daddy? C’mon, you can talk. Tell me more, I know you want to.”

“S-Shit, daddy I’m going to cum! H-Hold on, please!” I didn’t think I’d start orgasming so fast into this! I guess holding a sense of power over Chris has gotten me a bit too stir-crazy. I pounded his cock, making his thick head scrape my wall and hit my feel-good spots, and when the orgasm bus arrived, I gladly boarded. I pressed against him, holding his head against my tits as I bucked and spasm against him. My walls clinched and hugged his shaft, trying to milk him of his precious semen. But I know it’ll take a bit more effort to get him off.

“Daddy, you’re making your good girl cum! *Oh, hmmmm* it feels so good, daddy!”

I managed to get off him, falling to my knees and rolling over to my back as I watch Bella turn around and mounted him.

*** ***Bella*** ***

That quivering slut came too quickly to be of any use, so now I’ll have to literally squeeze the information out of him. I stuck my ass out, pulled his cock over towards me and I slid myself in. “God, you’re always such a good fuck!” I said aloud, intending for that to be more of an internal monologue sentence.

“And you’re always so god damned nice and tight, you and Alana both!” he reacted accordingly. “It’s like your pussy don’t want to let me go, and it just keeps hugging me!”

“It’s your fault our pussy loves you so much. But, won’t you tell me some more ways to make you feel better?”

“Never! My secret stays like that: a secret! I’m perfectly fine repressing my secret desires, just so long as you and Alana are happy.”

There he goes again, being a selfless lover. I wish he’d be more open to exploring his own needs. Is it too hard to tell me what he wants to do with my and Alana’s body? Sexually, I mean. Do I have to manipulate the shit out of him just to get this little information? Fine, if I’m going to be the bad guy, then so be it. I don’t like it, but I’ll have to play dirty.

“Do you want to know what I want to do? Would you like to know?”

I leaned in a bit closer to him, “I want to stop taking my birth control. Then, when I’m nice and fertile, I want 10 guys to fuck me all night long, and I’ll let them cum inside my fertile pussy as much as they want, until my womb is full of their cum. I want to get pregnant, not knowing which one of these 10 motherfuckers knocked me up. Then, do you know what else? I’ll then have sex with YOU and then have the kid be passed off as your own kid! That’s what I really want to do.”

I may have been too much because he’s looking at me with such a disgusted, shocked face that I almost felt bad telling him that. I can tell he’s holding back tears, and I could honestly feel him growing soft inside me. Ah shit, I’m so fucking stupid.

“Babe, it was a joke, okay? A joke? Don’t take it seriously. I’m just trying to get you to open up to me more. Don’t… don’t cry, please don’t cry!”

He turned his head away and looked down. I could see tears starting to drip down from his chin, landing on his shoulder and rolling down. I quickly got off of him and undid his binds, and I tried to get him to look at me.

“B-Babe, it’s a joke! It’s just a joke, okay? That’s not what I want, it’s really not!”

“God damn it, Izz why do you always pull this shit! What made you think that was a good fucking idea!” Alana piped up as she went over to check on Chris. “Do you have any idea the kind of nightmare men goes through in todays world? Some women our age are fucking promiscuous and they sleep around with so many guys. Cheating is so fucking widespread now it’s not even funny! And now you’re going to play the paternity fraud scenario? Jesus fucking Christ!”

“I… I wasn’t thinking! I wanted to shake him up a bit, I didn’t think about it!”

Alana’s hugging Chris now, rubbing his back while his head rest against her, “that’s the problem, sometimes you don’t think. Come on, Izz, please don’t do that again. Please think a bit more careful next time. We just had a discussion on infidelity literally hours ago!”

*** ***Chris*** *****

Heh heh, I’m free. My plan worked! I just have to play this a little longer and I can release my pent up frustration on Bella and Alana.

I’m fake crying now, well not bawling like a baby but I’ve got the waterworks going. Bella, still somewhat repentant and remorseful, moved in close to hug me and that’s when I sunk my fangs into her voluptuously tits. I immediately grabbed her, spun her around so that her back is on me, and got her to sit on my cock all in a single, fluid motion that even amazed me. It was a fluke, nothing more.

“Oh! Fuck!” she exclaimed as my cock sunk into her delicious mound, “you… you were lying!? What the – *ohhh nnhhhhh -* you never lie!”

My hand immediately went to her breast, fondling and kneading them with my fingers. Oh, that feeling! Her soft, beautiful perky tits! I pinched her nipples and pulled them a bit, allowing them to bounce back and I pressed into her nipples with my fingertip. She instinctively bounced on my cock, moaning loudly while Alana went in between her legs and I could feel her tongue on my shaft.

“Bella, I’m fully capable of lying. I just don’t do it very often. But you made me pull out my trump card.”

She’s completely enthralled by all this. She hasn’t had a penis in her for a day and a half, actually, she hasn’t had it for a good few days! Ever since Thanksgiving when we were preparing dinner! Oh my, I’ve neglected her. Don’t worry babe, I’ll make it right.

“Babe, you’re so mean! Making me feel bad like that! *Nnnn* but you’re so good to me. I’m sorry I said all those things.”

“If you want to be fucked all night long, let me know. I’ll do it, I’ll fuck you all night long.”

I can see her eye perked up a little bit, the little shine in it so apparent. “All night? Can you do that? Really, all night?”

“With a bit of a rest in between, I can do it.”

She leaned into me, her neck resting against my shoulder while she bounced. Alana has started massaging Bella’s tits too, sucking on it while I gave it a squeeze as well. “A-All n-night… I… I want to try that.”

We moved to the bedroom where Bella laid on her back and I got Alana to lay on top of her. My cock entered Alana first and she gave off such a sensual moan. Bella grabbed her ass and spreads it for me, allowing me to enjoy a full view of her and her button. I tapped on her asshole a bit, causing her to yelp and look back at me,

“P-Please, no! I-I’m not ready for that!” but I wasn’t thinking of doing anything, well until now. I glide my thumb around her, and then I started pressing on it. At first it was soft presses, teasing her, and then I started applying a bit more pressure, causing her to moan and reach back at my hand. Then, finally, I pressed a thumb into her. She gave off a scream as she angrily looked back, but when I wriggled my thumb around and twisted it a bit she started to moan a bit louder. “N-No! D-Daddy, not there please!”

When I took my cock and thumb out of her, she sighed. Now, it’s Bella’s turn as I entered her as well. Her tightness is always welcome, and she doesn’t disappoint in that regard. Like Alana, I started playing with her button too, and like Alana, I stuck and wriggled a thumb into her. Bella liked that a bit more, her moans and purrs confirmed it to me. Every few minutes I would switch between them, and every few minutes I would randomly stick a finger in their asshole. Sometimes I’ll be fucking Bella and I’ll stick a finger into Alana’s butt, sometimes it’s the other way around.

I’m starting to feel it, but who’ll be the first one? I broke into Bella’s pussy first, thrusting into her faster and faster until she’s cumming against my cock. She held Alana as they started kissing one another, grunting with moans as she started convulsing from pleasure. Then I started my own orgasm as I shot a fresh load into her wetness. Bella sighed contently as her head rolled back on the pillow. Then, I took Alana’s hip and my still stiff cock entered her next.

“Y-You don’t want me to clean it up, Daddy?” she asked as she looked back over to me, in which I merely shook my head ‘no’. Alana is plenty wet enough, and her enjoying what I’m giving her is what I’m looking for. “Y-You just came, Daddy? Don’t you want to -*unh ohh* fuuuck!- rest?”

I didn’t want to answer her because I’m trying to focus on myself. Her looking back at me, how nice her back muscles look on her, the softness of her ass, and how her tits are perfectly round and soft, bouncing to and fro. She has the makings of a perfect wife, and I’ve decided to take her and Bella for myself. They’re mine and I don’t intend on sharing!

“Fuck, Alana. I… I want to meet your father. I’ve never met him before, and it’s rude to not be in a relationship and not meet him.”

That seems to take her back as she rubbed my forearm. “W-Wow. That’s… that’s very traditional of you who’s having a non-traditional relationship,” she laughed as she saw the irony in my statement and predicament, but she nodded. “We can go tomorrow, the three of us.”

“Good. I’m g-glad!”

I pressed into her tightly, letting my throbbing cock purge itself of my semen. She screamed and hollered as my warm cum entered her domain. Her shuddering moans brought about another dose of orgasm for her as she shook and spasmed. Her tightening walls continued to milk me dry, coaxing more and more of my protein spunk into her. Shit, that always feels good. That’s one of the reason I like fucking these two. Because of their athletic build, the muscles on their vagina, the contractions that they give out whenever they orgasm is strong and powerful.

Her pussy finally let me off and I looked back at the mess that I made. A clear stream of my semen dripped out from Alana and Bella’s used pussy as they both shared a kiss.

~ End of Part 27 ~



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