Under His Desk [MF]

She sits there, inside, waiting. She doesn’t mind though, in here she’s safe, warm, happy. Not as happy as she is out there of course, with Him. She, however, knows that that is not her place to be right now, He decides. He decides everything. Everything.

Inside the lovely black wire crate she felt at home. This is where she belonged. In the corner of his home office. Waiting for him to need her. For him to want her. For him to use her. Sitting, waiting.

As he watched. She didn’t know that of course, that he was watching. The little camera he had set up to make sure she was safe. He would never actually leave her without knowing she was not in or going to be in any danger. And the camera let him see what she did when she thought he wasn’t looking, if there were any non-permission touches, for example. Obviously the camera was for safety, but it was the little perks like this that made it all that better.

Now, he decided she had waited long enough. He finished dressing in his dark blue jeans and navy sport coat, with a crisp white polo underneath and her favorite brown cowboy boots to bring the final look together. Not that her wants mattered, but he enjoyed seeing the smile the boots brought to her face when she saw it. He headed out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the office. To her. He wondered if she could hear his footsteps as he neared, if they made her nervous, made her wonder if they were heading towards her or towards another room. Well, if she could hear, she would soon find out!

He opened the door to the office just enough that he could see her, however, with how the crate is positioned she cannot see him until he is fully in the room and walking up to it. He says “good morning my princess” to which he hears a lovely little giggle in response (she loves hearing that phrase) and a “good morning Sir”. He smiles and walks on to the kitchen to grab them a protein bar for breakfast and some juice to drink. Usually princess only gets water, but she had been exceptionally good this week so he was allowing juice this one time.

Back in the office he sits at his desk and eats his breakfast, ignoring her. She knows better than to make any sound as she is to be for his entertainment, not his annoyance – a lesson she learned the hard way.

He brings the monitors to life, scrolling through the news of the morning. Looking to see what happened overnight since he last looked. Only half caring as he was mostly just testing princess to see how long she could remember her lesson. After fifteen minutes he decided to take it one step further. He walked to the toy chest and picked out the pretty little medium sized butt plug with the blue jewel on the end. He added some lube and turned to her crate. She knew the routine, but would she follow it after being quiet for so long? He was pushing to find out.

As she saw him turn around she saw what was in his hand and gave him the pleading look of “do I have too?” he ignored the look and walked directly to the back of the crate. With a heavy sigh she crawled herself backwards in to position to let him insert the plug, with a slight whimper as it pushed past her entrance she had it in. He decided to let the whimper go, she did well to accept it first thing in the morning. He then went back to his scrolling at his desk.

There she sat, waiting, pondering. She really wanted his attention but knew better than to get bad attention. She didn’t need that reminder again.

After another 10 minutes (which felt like an eternity to her) he got up and walked to her crate. He bent down, unlatching and opening the door to caress her cheek. She almost purrs while he does this, as it is one of her favorite forms of touch.

“Alright princess, you may come out and eat your breakfast and have your juice. You have thirty minutes of free time, after that I want you under my desk, in your bed, and ready for the day.”

“Yes Sir”, she giggles and with a quick kiss on the cheek she was on her way to devouring breakfast and heading to the washroom to wash up. She decided to grab a quick shower and shave to make herself super smooth for him. A quick check to the clock when she was ready to go and she had 5 minutes before her deadline, occasionally if she was early he would reward her so she decided to go ahead and get into position.

She walked up behind him while he was scrolling at his desk, the timer clearly visible on the screen with a little over three minutes left. She knelt as he reached to rub her naked and plugged ass while she crawled over to her “pet bed” under his desk. She curled up into it, as happy as could be, next to his feet while she awaited further instructions.

He was thrilled she had decided to be on time today, even early. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with the brat that she would sometimes become. He really wanted to pleasure her today and for her to pleasure him. And, he was ecstatic that he was going to get to do it. He couldn’t let her know that of course, not yet at least. It’s much more fun to let her stew in the maybe’s.


Alright, I’m going to stop it here for now until I know if this is something you all would like me to continue. I feel silly spending more time on it if no one is a fan! I have more ideas…I can continue on if you so please, just let me know in the comments!


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qh92od/under_his_desk_mf


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