My massage therapist learns a new trick [FFM]

The weeks of overtime have been long. All of the pressures of managing your team, endless meetings and hitting deadlines had left your body riddled with stress. Plus, there had been no time for any fun. I had no time for dates, no time or energy even for hookups to relieve the stress. I was wound as tight as a spring!

The project was finally complete though. It was a resounding success, and your team had been granted a well earned week of leave. I knew the first stop I would make. My masseuse was a lovely young girl, Emily. She had the slender build of youth, just out of her massage therapy school. You had been seeing her for months now, and despite her inexperience, she was very good with her hands. So good that she actually had her own small branch of a local massage franchise, all to herself. And sure, the eye candy was nice too. A little harmless flirting never hurt anyone, right? I could get a little sexual charge and then head home and really enjoy myself.

I entered her office just as she was stepping out of the back room. Her eyes lit up, as expressive as always as she pulled her sandy blonde hair up in a bun. It exposed a delightfully graceful neck that immediately brought to mind how it would taste on my lips…

“Whoa, get it together girl! I know it’s been a long time, but she’s half your age!” I thought to myself.

“Hello Jane, long time no see! I’d thought you abandoned me!” Emily grinned.

“I could never abandon you! You’ve got the magic hands!” I laughed, taking her hands in greeting. The soft, slender fingers and what they could do immediately flashed through your mind before you quickly suppressed the thought.

“Well, let’s get you ready. I’ve set up your favorite oil on the warmer. I hope you don’t mind, I’ve got a mentor being sent from the main branch to review my work and make sure I’m up to standards. He’s waiting in the back room if you are okay with it.”

How interesting I thought. “Anything for you, Emily. I’ve been dying for a massage!” I was a little nervous, but I figured what’s one more masseuse in the room!

I followed her back, resolutely resisting the urge to look down. There I see it. This is trouble with a capitol T. Tall, dark and handsome. Tousled black hair, muscles across his arms and chest that are immediately noticeable and big strong looking hands. And then he says hello…

“You must be Jane” he drawls, his voice gravelly with a touch of southern accent, the words coming slowly and friendly. “I’m Cole” His hands reach out to grab mine in a firm handshake. I almost struggle to let go of them! I begin to think that I should have taken care of myself before I came here! This massage is going to possibly make me even less relaxed! Still, in for a penny, in for a pound!

“I’ll be observing, and may show Emily some techniques, if that is okay with you?” He says as Emily lays out a towel for me and starts some soothing music.

“I’m okay with that Cole.” I let out, trying to keep the husky desire out of my voice. He raises an eyebrow as he heads out the door. Pretty sure he noticed! I see Emily’s eyes track Cole as he walks out the room. Clearly I am not the only one he is affecting!

“I’ll be back in about 5 minutes” Emily calls out on her way out the door. My eyes follow her out the room the same way, but do I detect a bit more sway in her hips than is usual for her? Maybe I’m imagining it. I slide my suit jacket off, unzip my pencil skirt and slide it over my thick hips, then unbutton my blouse and lift it off. I finally let my dark hair out of the tight, no nonsense bun I keep it in at work. It cascades down my back. I take my bra off and notice my long nipples already hard and eager for attention. Without the thick bra to cover them, they always have been visible through every shirt I wore. Quite the pain! I waffle for a bit, then decide to slide my panties off too in a sudden rush of excitement. I hope onto the table and lay the towel over my body and wait for them to arrive. I try to relax into the music and let the scent of the oil relax me, but it’s just not happening! My mind races with images and thoughts of everything I desperately want.

After what feels like an eternity, Emily and Cole return and Emily gets to work. She’s as warm, calm and professional as always and despite the tension tight in my core she does manage to start getting me to relax and unwind. Her fingers slide across my forehead and my face, letting me relax the forced smile I have to wear at every meeting. She gathers some of the warm oil and moves on to my neck and shoulders, draining the stress away. Everything is going well… I even manage to stay mostly calm as she moves lower, massaging the oil into the top of my no longer quite so perky as in my youth, but still round and pleasing breasts. I can’t help but wonder if the towel is thick enough to hide my hard nipples. I quickly take a peek and I see Cole watching the massage. His face is impassive, and it seems like he is being entirely professional, but his gaze has an intensity to it that makes my arousal spike again.

Emily moves to my feet and continues working the tension out of my body. I am able to start to relax again, but as her hands rise up my legs, the anticipation of her reaching higher and higher gets almost impossible to ignore. As her hands slide past my knees and up my thick thigh, my hips shift, just a little on their own. Her hand continues to move higher and higher and I can’t help but react. She reaches as high as she has ever gone, and before I can even realize I have reacted, my leg instinctively opens a little wider. I quickly peek again to see if Cole noticed. His gaze remains steady and intense, but he shows no reaction. How could he miss it, as intently as he is watching! My face flushes. Emily continues working though, hands reaching higher and higher. This has never happened before, maybe she is trying to be thorough to impress her mentor? Her hands move all the way to the top of my thigh, then even further along the front of my hip. I manage to suppress a small moan, wanting desperately for her hand to slide further down and caress my flushed lips, but she instead moves to the side, applying steady pressure and spreading the oil across my pubic mound. My pussy clenches in desire. She then moves to the other hip and starts working slowly down my other thigh. As her hand drifts further and further away I internally want to scream! I desperately want her hands back where I can use them!

She helps me turn over, holding the towel to preserve my modesty. She folds the towel up and down to just barely cover my well rounded ass and I can’t help but almost wish the towel slipped away to expose myself to further touching. She begins again with my neck and shoulders. The relaxation is sublime and I begin to relax again, letting some of the tension go. She works each arm until they are totally loose, and then moves to my back. She starts from the center at the top and works slowly down. I keep getting little flashes of arousal as her hands drift down my sides and slide along the curves of my sides. The way her hand feels as it comes around the side and slides almost but not quite to the front of my hips feels incredibly intimate, almost like the grasp of a lover. I’m almost overwhelmed by conflicted emotions of relaxation, arousal and maybe even affection?

She moves on to begin working from my lower legs up to my thighs and again I feel my anticipation grow. Will she go further this time again? Or was it a fluke? As she gets closer and closer to my ass I can’t help but arch my back and lift my ass, again just a little bit. Spread just a little bit. There is no way she can’t see my wet slit, desperate with desire. She continues and slides her hands higher under the towel. She grabs handfuls of plush cheeks and begins to massage and stroke them. I am holding my breath, desperate not to moan, especially as her thumbs drift towards my needy holes. I almost cry when she slides them back down. I try and lay back down and hide my face in the table.

She turns to Cole and asks if he has any feedback. I hear him stand up and walk closer.

“You are very good, but you need to recognize when your client needs something a little bit more. She seems relaxed, but watch this.” That slow drawl like honey across my ears.

He put one of his hands on my back, high near my neck. His hand curled around slightly, and I instantly imagined his hands grabbing more firmly around my throat. My pussy is dripping. Despite trying to stop myself, I let out a slight gasp.

He moved his hand slowly down my spine and his hand felt so much differently from hers. Hers were strong, but soft and fine. His hands were rough, like he had worked for years in some form of heavy labor before becoming a masseuse. They almost scraped across my skin, but rather than hurting it just seemed like all my nerve endings came alive.

He came to my lower back, but he didn’t stop there. To my surprise he kept going, all the way down to my ass, brushing the towel down and giving it a firm grasp. My ass immediately lifted off the table, my cunt flooded, the towel sliding right off the table, exposing my desire right in the open. This time I can’t hold back the low moan that comes out of my throat.

I glanced back at Emily and saw her eyes wide, mouth slightly open in shock. Both of us unsure of what to do or what happens next.

“Your poor client is clearly still incredibly tense. Until we deal with this sexual tension, all your other work is wasted! She would walk out of here wound up like a clock ready to burst a spring!” He declares, voice thick with obvious lust of his own, almost growling.

His hand slides between my thighs and finally touches my drenched slit and his thick finger slides between my lips, dragging my wet juices up to my clit where he circles slowly but firmly, spreading the fluid. This time I’m not quiet. I let out a clear, loud moan and I hear Emily gasp.

“Are you okay, Jane?” She says, concern but also clear need of her own in her voice. “We can stop if you want”

I quickly cry out “No, please don’t stop, please don’t stop!” My voice is wracked with need. I’m not used to being this out of control! I normally have to keep myself tightly restrained and controlled in order to be respected at work. I can’t afford to let myself go, especially when I have these kind of desires! I’m too far lost now though, I have to have more!

Cole growls out sharply, “This is your client Emily, can’t you see how much she needs you?”

Emily walks over, as Cole removes his hand. I cry out again, wanting his hands back on my body. She puts her hand on my ass though and slowly slides it back to replace Cole’s. She leans over, whispers in a low husky voice in my ear. “You really do need this, don’t you Jane.” Her breath is warm, tickling, teasing.

“Oh god yes, please Emily, don’t leave me like this.” I haven’t begged for anything in decades. I’m shamelessly begging now, even in front of a complete stranger I hadn’t met until today. I’ve lost all control, completely enslaved by my own lust, the heat of my desire.

“Your wish is my command” Emily says with that breathy whisper. Her fingers immediately start to work between my lips and dance across my clit. Those fingers I have felt so many times working my stress away, now built my desire up higher and higher. She was clearly just as skilled at pleasing a woman as she was at massage! My brain could not maintain a coherent thought, but later I would wonder where she learned those skills!

I felt her small breasts press into my back, and her lips moved down and kissed high on my neck, just below my ears. Her long slender thumb slid towards my g spot, sliding down over and over as her fingers rubbed circles on my clit. I cried out again, body tightening, sensations flooding me. Emily’s hair drifted over my shoulder, tickling, almost caressing. Her kisses grew more ardent, she started to bite and suck at my neck. I was completely overwhelmed, the pleasure too much.

Cole stepped in front of the massage table, taking my cheek in his hand and tilting my chin up to gaze into his dark eyes. Voice thick with lust, he slowly but firmly ordered “Cum for us Jane.”

I exploded. I screamed. My vision went dark. My body shook uncontrollably. I could feel wetness splattering my thighs. My scream trailed off in a long moan as Emily’s fingers slowed and caressed, softly pulling me back. I very nearly passed out entirely. Emily’s other hand started stroking my back softly and I melted into the massage table. Relaxed deep down to my bones, I felt like I wouldn’t be able to move for hours. Maybe never again!

“Great work Emily” Cole said as he headed to the front to walk out the door. “Everything looks to be in good shape here, just remember to always give your clients exactly what they need.” We both watched him walk out and I just knew both of us certainly wanted him to come back.

I turned over on my side and looked at Emily, who suddenly looked down, shy again. “Are you sure you are okay with that Jane?”

I chuckled, “Emily, that may have been the single best thing that has ever happened in my life.” My hand reached up and cupped her cheek, directing her to look at me. “Was that okay for you.”

She quickly nodded, then looked a bit conflicted. “What’s wrong Emily?”

She turned back to face me, eyes filled with a sudden need. “Jane, I know I’m the one that’s supposed to be doing the massages but do you think you could touch me like that?”

The happy smile on my face spread even wider. “Darling girl, I thought you would never ask.”



  1. I loved that one, hot and sexy af. Well written and no unnecessary filthy words. A+

  2. Such a coincidence that I came across this FING HOT ASS STORY as just this past Saturday I go for my first ever massage and was a little nervous about this new experience and I choose Toni whom I assumed would be a strong experienced man that I would feel a little more at ease with being a straight older gentleman doing this for the first time. Surprise surprise Toni was a young sexy lady and it now made as nervous as I felt when making the appointment. Not to turn this into a story but Toni ended up by surprise to be a TG and I had my first gay experience and I am now saying WOW maybe I am gay or bi cuz I need and want more of TONI

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