incest with sister part 8

Hello guys, welcome to the eighth part of the story. Hope you enjoyed the previous parts. If not click this link.

Let’s have a quick recap.

I had to complete the task but it’s way harder than expected. I tried my best to complete it. Got help from my sister too. But still couldn’t. So I was handed another task. Which I spooled too. I had my own cum bath that day.

Next day I got very weak. I cummed like more than 10 times in 2 days. I couldn’t even feel my dick below.

Parents left the house. I had to be naked again.

I had nothing to do so I started watching tv. My sister joined too. But that day nothing was coming on tv aal the boring stuff.

So I decided to something else but couldn’t have much to do. We started talking on things happened in 2 days.

I asked why you gave this challange.

She replied she just want to test how much are you willing to get it done.

She said again ” but you couldn’t complete it”

I replied ” it is not easy as it seems”.

She replied ” oh really, but this was your thing. You only wanted such things”.

I replied “no it isn’t that. That was different thing. Obviously Touching gives better feeling”.

She said “you are a pervert”.

Then I asked again ” why you raised your t-shirt?”.

She replied ” she wanted me to complete the task.”

I asked why.

She didn’t said anything.

I asked will you ever do it again?.

She denied.

And she slept.

I have nothing to do. So I too tried sleeping. But sleeping on the same bed naked with my sister isn’t comfortable. It reminded me of the nights.

I got hard imagining them.

But can’t do anything so slept. I had day dream about than events. Maybe I had a boner in sleep. When I woke up, my sis was looking at my dick.

This time I asked why you keep staring.

She replied ” nothing, I was thinking something”

I asked what but didn’t replied.

The she asked ” what made you hard now”.

This time I freely replied it’s you. I had a dream of you.

She said now you dream too about me.

I replied I couldn’t control.

This things happening only make me more into you.

She asked ” what you saw when I sleep”.

I replied ” your navel, boobs, pussy, ass, everything”.

She didn’t said anything.

Then asked how you felt when you saw my navel while jerking.

I replied ” that was heavenly moment for me. It’s like a queen of beauties standing in front of me which gave me erection”.

She gave me weird look and asked me ” what you thought will happen “.

I replied ” I just wanted to have fun watching you and touching “.

She didn’t said anything and went to another room. She started watching tv.

I followed her and asked what now?.

She replied you can jerk off seeing me.

I asked what?

She said ” you can see my navel to jerk”.

I was shocked and extremely happy.

I said why you doing that.

She replied ” if you don’t want then let it be”

I was like ” I never thought this gonna happen “.

She said ” don’t get over excited, only from distance. Assume it as your birthday gift”.


