Mighty MILF – Chapter One – Part One [Public], [Humiliation], [Rough], [MF]

Michelle Williams had been surprised when she’d received the call to action. While it was true that she had once been one of the world’s greatest and most popular heroes, she had given up that life nearly two decades prior. Surely, she thought, there must have been others more suited to rise to the occasion, but America’s Hero Society was off-world, and the situation was too tense to bring in foreign powers. With great reluctance, she resigned herself to her fate and prepared herself for the battle ahead.

Her career had begun when she was only twelve, a short time after discovering her powers. In those days, she had been known as Mighty Girl, and had been the first apprentice taken on by the countries greatest, Mighty Man. Pretty, confident, a perfect ideal for which your girls could strive, she skyrocketed in popularity faster than any heroine before her. It was no surprise that even twenty years later, her rise to prominence was seen as the perfect characterization of the transition from the bronze age into the silver age.

Later in life, however, she had hit her rebellious streak, and her fall from grace had started. Determined to be her own hero, she had abandoned her more conservative costume—her long sleeves, turtlenecks, and frilly skirts, all white and silver—in favor of a form-fitting swimsuit that emphasized her maturing body. With her change in style had come a change in name, too: Mighty Woman; though Super Slut, a name conceived by sexless men on internet forums, had been quick to catch on with reactionary media.

This phase had not persisted, though, and by the time she had finished high school, Mighty Woman had returned to modest costumes that more closely resembled her mentor’s. The media had still harassed her for her past decision, but she had been popular with the people, and was able to reclaim her reputation as a symbol of peace and hope, and a proper successor to Mighty Man. Her renaissance, however, had not lasted long. Public perception of the heroine had taken a hit after a series of rather violent altercations that left dozens of villains permanently injured, and her reputation had been all but destroyed when photos were released of the young heroine seemingly lactating through her suit.

The name Mighty MILF had caught on quickly, and with a few weeks, every article printed about her was nothing more than speculation into who had “knocked her up”, or how her “mom bod” no longer fit into her suit, or how terrible of a mother she must have been. Of course, everything they had printed was nonsense; she had still been the same shape, and there had been no possibility of her family being found, but the slanderous coverage of her had caused problems. The bad press for such a popular hero had been damaging to all heroes, and every time the media had guessed who the “lucky guy” was, he had been harassed relentlessly by villains. Not to mention the deterioration of her mental health. Being a superhero was hard enough without constantly being called a whore and a slut, and worst of all, a terrible mother.

And so, she had left it behind. Michelle had abandoned her hero identity and focused instead on raising her daughters. Those years had been the best of her life, but she had never cast off the feelings that something was missing, so when she received the call, she knew she had to answer.

The new suit she had been given was similar to her original, though clearly modernized. The top was same—a tight, white shirt with long sleeves and a high collar, a bold M printed on its chest in silver. The bottoms, though, were quite different; the cute skirt of her Mighty Girl years and the silver undies of her early adulthood had both been replaced by white tights. Her cape had been removed from this new design, but it retained a modernized version of her domino mask.

Once she was dressed, Michelle looked at herself in the mirror. She had certainly changed a lot since her retirement. Her hips were wider, her breasts were heavier, her backside was plumper. Thankfully, she hadn’t stopped working out, and the skin-tight suit high-lighted her well-toned stomach and her muscular thighs. The tabloids would certainly have had a lot to talk about, but that wouldn’t stop her from completing her mission.


Adam’s gaze was locked onto the various screens arranged before him; all showed some variation of the same story. The government had enlisted one of the best superheroes out there to come and upset his utopia: Mighty Woman. She was making a few stops before her trip to Haven City—rallies with the people to announce her comeback—and all the stations were paying lip service to her. The villain licked his lips in anticipation as he watched her.

He had taken the name Adam once his conquest was complete, as he viewed himself as the first of a line of new men on Earth. He had made sure that the best of the Sisterhood were bred as soon as possible, so as to ensure his vision of a world at peace was soon to come. With a light sigh, the young ruler rose from his seat and turned off the televisions. “Such a shame, don’t you think Alena? No one looks at what we’ve accomplished and want to emulate us. They only want to destroy us.”

The nude woman at the door nodded in agreement. She had long, black hair that ran nearly to her hips, a perfect contrast to her pale skin. Her body was heavy and gravid, being well along in her pregnancy. “It is, Adam. They just don’t appreciate your generosity and foresight.” A hand on her belly, she smiled and looked at him with soft, emerald eyes. “Did you want me to signal the Sisterhood to ready for battle?”

Alena had been the leader of the Sisterhood before Adam had arrived. Their battle had been fierce, but its outcome had been inevitable. The deluded hero had to finish inside of her three times before his seed had broken her, but after she was under his thrall, she had become one of his most trusted leaders, retaining her command over the reformed Sisterhood. The massive loads that she had received from Breeder X had made her fanatical in his vision.

“No, there’s no need for that.” Adam floated over to his lover, his naked form glistening in the sun, and he placed his hands on her belly. “You and your sisters carry my vision with you. I will face her myself.”

Adam had chosen the former city hall as his new seat of power, and he had converted it from an old government building to a palace. He drifted to the stand that displayed his uniform. It had been modified since his crusade to free Haven City from the Sisterhood. Most notably, it was now totally crotch-less, letting his massive endowment dangle free beneath him. Minimal pieces of white armor adorned his arms and legs, giving him a great range of motion, and a hardened shell of metal engraved with a dark X covered his front and back. Adam had little need for armor, but he did enjoy the aesthetics of it. It had a regal air to it that was emphasized by the golden cape draped over his shoulders.

His feet touched the ground, and a small collection of the Sisterhood went about dressing their master. More than once, a wandering hand stroked his shaft or groped a fat testicle, but Adam didn’t mind. It was their way of showing their reverence; who was he to criticize that?

As the last piece of armor was fitted, he turned to Alena, who had watched her lover suit up. He rose into the air as she looked on, longing. “Please, let me fight at your side,” she begged.

“No. If she’s even a fraction of the power she was at when she was younger, she will be too much for you. I refuse to put you in harms way.” Adam turned from his cadre of followers and drifted to the balcony at the far end of the room.

Mighty Woman had the potential to be his perfect breeder. Their children would be unlike anything seen before. If he could conquer her, Adam’s dream of a peaceful world would be all but assured. Behind him, one of his women turned on the one of the monitors. As he stared out over his city, he listened for updates on her arrival.

“For the last time,” the heroine repeated for the thousandth time since starting her tour, “it’s Woman. Mighty. Woman.”

She was standing on the steps of Passage’s city hall, her last stop before Haven. Beneath her were swarms clamoring civilians, their cheers, applause, and catcalls all blended tighter in a deafening roar. It wouldn’t have been too bad, were it not for the mob of reporters in the front. Just like they had before her retirement fifteen years ago, they shrieked questions and hurled accusations at her, all while their cameras kicked and flashed.

“Mighty MILF! Mighty MILF!” one eager, young reporter shouted. “Some people have been speculating that the new costume you’re wearing is designed to make you appear naked! Is this true?”

Michelle groaned and rubbed her temples. She had thought that this would be a good idea. Back in her days as a sidekick, rallies like this would inspire hope; but things weren’t like that now. Whether it was good for the people or not, the media was only interested in what would make them the most money. Were it not for them, the public’s perception of Mighty Woman would have been much better.

In truth, no one was speculating about her new suit. It was top of the line, custom-made, government issued. The kind of costume she wore was standard amongst strong and durable heroes. It had heating and cooling, microscopic drones that stitched it together whenever it received any damage, and it was so perfectly form-fitting that it gave no resistance to movement. Sure, that meant that it essentially acted as another layer of skin, and that everything from her toned stomach and her muscled calves to her nipples and her camel toe were perfectly outlined by it, but still.

“Next question,” Mighty Woman grumbled.

Curious, Adam turned to face the monitor. The reporters continued to bombard her with personal questions, but something seemed wrong. They were all supposed to by live, but the timing of the different channels was the same. Every one of them was in sync. If they were all live, surely there would be varying delays. Even stranger, it was too bright. It should have been evening in Passage.

That was when he realized, just a moment too late. As soon as it had clicked in his mind, he heard it: the thunderous sound of something breaking the sound barrier, followed by the shattering of every window in the palace. If it had been a villain with that kind of power, or one of the government’s heroes, he would have certainly been killed. Thankfully, he was dealing with Mighty Woman.

“Breeder X!” her voice boomed from outside. “I’ll give you one chance to come quietly! Give yourself up and no one needs to get hurt!”

The humans serving in the palace scattered as fast as they could, scurrying around shattered glass and out of the danger zone. They knew that with Mighty Woman on the scene, they were more likely to get hurt than if they just walked away now. However, despite Adam’s explicit orders, a few members of the Sisterhood standing guard outside were compelled to defend their master. While none of them had the ability to fly, their legs were toned and torqued, and with mighty leaps catapulted themselves at Mighty Woman.

Of course, since they were fighting Mighty Woman, they lasted only seconds. A few dialed back punches and some creative throws from the heroine had the vanguard unconscious before their ruler could even take to the skies.

Adam knew that would be the outcome; their blind loyalty stopped them from thinking strategically. Regardless, his moment of truth had arrived. He exited the palace to see Mighty Woman floating above the memorial pond in front of Adam’s new home. He couldn’t lie; he was nervous. The Sisterhood was beneath him in their powers, but this was an equal. Breaking her would be a challenge.

The villain took a few steps forward before rising into the air, ascending to his opponent’s level. “Mighty Woman, I was just about to offer the same to you.” He knew this was being filmed from all sorts of angles, both by citizens and drones sent in by news agencies. “I see Haven as the first step in a world policed by people like us. I’ve proven it can be done. I just need the numbers to do it. Which, as you can see, I’ve already started…” With a sweeping arm motion, he gestured to his palace; various nude members of the Sisterhood watched in nervous anticipation, each of them cupping a gravid belly.

Adam looked back to Mighty Woman, his gaze lingering on her form. Her outfit left nothing to the imagination, that was certain. Her power was one thing that appealed to his breeding ambitions, but his adversary was, in his mind, literally built to be a mother. His body reacted naturally, his exposed cock stiffening as he floated forward, until its massive shaft pointed right at Mighty Woman. “Come with me and be the mother of the new world. This is your one chance.”

Mighty Woman kept her distance as the villain approached. She didn’t know everything that he was capable of. He had enhanced strength and speed, and his semen had some sort of mind-controlling effect, but everything else, even in this dire situation, was classified. Even Breeder’s ability to fly came as a surprise to the hero, so she made sure to not lose the high ground.

“The world needs to be protected by us,” she said in the heroic voice she’d been practicing on tour, “not policed by us. Just because something can be done doesn’t mean something should be done. You’re manipulating people’s minds, Breeder X. That already tells me you’re more concerned with being in control of them than serving them.”

She took up a fighting stance, raising her arms to protect herself from any sudden attacks. Hopefully, she thought, if Breeder still saw himself as a Hero, he would fight like one. A fair fight would be ideal, but she needed to be wary of any underhanded tricks.

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to turn down your offer,” she told him, voice booming throughout the city. “Maybe you haven’t heard, but I’m already the proud mom of some beautiful children. I don’t need to be the mother of anything else.”

Adam let out a disappointed sigh. He knew she would never accept his offer, but he had still wanted to try. “I’d hoped you would agree. I’m sorry it has to go this way.”

He the best way to overwhelm Mighty Woman would be to use his body’s cocktail of pheromones. Even without cumming inside of her, his proximity alone would be enough to arouse her and erode her fighting edge. The trick was to make sure he stayed in the fight long enough. Adam had no idea if her superhuman physiology would be more resistant or not, but given her superior fighting capabilities, he didn’t have much choice.

Raising his and assuming a fighting stance, Adam launched himself at Mighty Woman and their fight began. As expected, she blocked his first flurry of blows, though the strength he put behind each one was enough to keep her on the defensive for a moment. The impact of each hit echoed like a thunderbolt through the cityscape.

When Mighty Woman finally threw a punch of her own, Adam spun out of the way, rising in the air as he did so. Whether intentional or not, the move landed the first real blow of the fight; Breeder X’s turgid cock slapped across Mighty Woman’s face, leaving the older woman more than a little flustered.

The sound of the impact echoed throughout the city. Caught off guard, Mighty Woman let the blow propel her backwards, letting her disengage for a moment. She didn’t know how she had been struck. Since the fight had begun, she had carefully watched her opponent’s limbs. The only part of his body that had been close enough to land that kind of blow was his knee, but even then, that should have connected with her chin, not her cheek.

The realization dawned on her when two things happened. First, she felt the thick, slimy fluid slathered across the right side of her face. Second, with her heightened senses, she could hear the reporters below, who had just arrived at the scene, in a frenzy over what had just happened. Every single one of them was raving about the cock that had just struck her face, speculating on whether she had let it happen and whether she had enjoyed it.

Michelle’s face flushed red. She had avoided looking down there out of decency. She had never expected that the villain would be so bold as to use his own genitalia as a weapon in this fight. As the embarrassment faded, an indignant rage filled her eyes.

“You fiend!” she shouted. “It’s one thing to have yourself exposed like that, but to use it as a bludgeoning weapon against unsuspecting women?! How can you even call yourself a hero when you have no sense of honor or shame?!”

Adam studied Michelle’s reaction and realized an advantage he had over her. He was shameless; his vision of the world was not a prudish one. He made it clear that he believed his super-powered children would guide the world to a new era of peace. He wore his moniker of Breeder X with pride because he knew he would be the one doing the work to get the world where he wanted it to be.

Mighty Woman was…conservative. Traditional. The superhero age she was raised in and fought in was a different time. The years of media ogling her had produced a woman who took refuge in heroics, a personal escape from that raw sexualization. If he was going to keep her off balance and win, he would need to keep pushing.

Adam placed his hands on his hips, his horse-cock jutting out from him. Dollops of slimy precum formed and dripped to the ground below, like a leaky faucet. “I have no shame because I know what it will take to save the world. And this right here—” he gripped the base of his shaft with a gloved hand, pumping it once, twice, three times “—is how it will be saved.”

As he let go, his cock throbbed from the sudden lack of stimulation. It wanted more, needed more. A smirk crossed Adam’s face. “Don’t lie, Mighty Woman. It’s okay to admit you want it.”

Michelle averted her eyes in disgust. She had fought deviants and rebels before, as well as worked with them. Many female heroes and villains leaned into their sexuality and wore costumes with the explicit purpose of arousing onlookers. Even Mighty Woman herself had once worn a very revealing outfit when fighting crime, but she had never met a villain so shameless and depraved as to masturbate himself in the middle of a fight.

She had had enough. Mighty Woman had not returned after fifteen years only to be mocked and harassed. She had not donned her costume, endangered her family, so some self-righteous narcissist with a god complex could taunt her. Her face grew hot with rage. She clenched her teeth and she balled her fists.

“Want it?” she demanded. “The only thing I want is to free these people and put an end to this sick game of yours! You don’t want a new world; you want to be the god of a new world!”

With that, she raced forward. Kicking off the air, she rocketed towards Breeder X, breaking the sound barrier before she had even crossed the short distance. With a defiant shout, she wound back her fist and threw a punch that could reduce a military base to rubble.

Adam’s eyes went wide with the speed Mighty Woman attacked. He barely had time to raise his arms in defense before she struck him. Breeder X went flying back, the blow sending him end over end into a building. His impact blew through the walls as he tumbled through. Pushing off a rather large piece of rubble, Adam was surprised to see his armor had taken most of the blow, with his natural resilience taking the rest. Of course, such a punch had broken his armor into near-useless shattered shards. Adam shrugged off the armor, somewhat irked that he would need to have a new one made.

Outside, a few more of the Sisterhood attacked the distracted Mighty Woman in retaliation. This time, the three that attacked did so in unison, from three different angles. While Mighty Woman was able to knock two out of the air before they even got to her, the third was able to latch onto her back. This Sister was Nadia, an expert grappler. Despite the superior strength of Mighty Woman, Nadia was able to wrap her arms and legs around the heroine in a way that made it nearly impossible to move.

“You dare attack our leader?” Nadia hissed into Michelle’s ear, her distinct Czech accent providing an extra edge to it. “I will make you pay for that!”

Before either woman could do anything, Adam emerged from the rubble, sans armor. His deep blue under-suit clung to his lithe body, leaving as little to the imagination as Mighty Woman’s uniform. He bolted straight towards the two women, but he didn’t punch. Instead, with Michelle’s arms and legs still restrained by Nadia, he gripped the collar of that expertly crafted uniform and started to tear it.

The fabric was tough and durable, making Adam work for the smallest tear to start forming. But a small snap of binding material was all that was needed for a cascade. With a yell of exhaustion, Adam tore Michelle’s suit open from her collar to her stomach, and her heavy tits flopped free for everyone watching to see.

Gritting her teeth, Mighty Woman struggled against Nadia’s grip. The hero’s strength was incomparably greater than hers, but the woman was clearly very practiced in her art. Were she to go all out, to put her full strength into breaking free of the grapple, Michelle would certainly be able to, but not without causing serious injury to the young woman on her back. Even if Nadia was a villain, she was not in control of herself, and Mighty Woman couldn’t bring herself to harm her.

“So, you’re not just charming and raping them, but having them do your dirty work, huh, Breeder?” she yelled at approaching villain. “Putting them in harm’s way to give yourself an edge is low, even for someone like you. Do you feel no shame that you need to force your opponent to hold back to beat her? To know that you can’t win a fair fight? How can you think you’re the one to father the new world, when you can’t even beat me with your own strength?!”

Breeder X seemed not to listen. With frightening determination, he tore open Mighty Woman’s uniform. She was shocked. Even reading the reports of how he treated the Sisterhood, she had not expected this. Below them, in the streets, reporters went wild, screaming about finally having a clear view of “Mighty MILF’s” chest.

The costume slowly started to knit itself back together, but with Breeder X still tearing, there was little the nanites could do. So long as she was held, her chest would remain bare to the whole world. Exposed to the cool air, her nipples started to shrivel and stiffen, which only sent the reporters into a deeper frenzy, speculating about her arousal.

“You’re sick,” Mighty Woman hissed at the villain.

Adam held the two torn parts of her uniform apart. He had not anticipated just how advanced her suit was, with it trying to repair itself from the damage he had done. But he had done what he wanted, which was to expose the prude to the world that had so long craved to see her.

“What you see as manipulation and control, I see as enlightenment and re-education.” Adam gestured to Nadia over Michelle’s shoulder. “Do you really think a normal prison could contain the likes of Nadia? Or any of the other countless members of the Sisterhood? I provided them with purpose and redemption. They serve to right the wrongs they created.”

Breeder X let of one edge of the uniform, moving his hand to Mighty Woman’s throat. “I don’t want to fight, but you’re leaving me no choice.” He gave her neck a squeeze, before letting his hand travel down her clavicle to her exposed tits. Her body reacted to his touch, flexing and trying to get free from Nadia’s grip. Adam’s hands cupped and groped those teats, living out the dreams of people everywhere. “Don’t tell me you don’t like this. Your uniform is a glorified skin suit. You might as well be naked…”

News casts all over the world had started to tune in to this fight. People everywhere were seeing their heroine groped and seemingly be turned on by it. The internet was on fire at this point.

Michelle closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Shouting and struggling weren’t going to be enough to get her out of this situation. She was dealing with someone who would not play fair and had no shame. Someone who thought he was a hero, despite his beliefs being flawed and contradictory. She didn’t like violence, but she might need to stop pulling her punches if she was going to win this.

In the meantime, the villain continued to fondle her heavy breasts. As he cupped and squeezed and pinched, milk slowly started to trickle out of her nipples. Unable to resist, Breeder grinned and had a taste, driving the people even madder. Reporters shrieked about the confirmation of Mighty MILF being, in fact, a mother, while sexless men wrote posts on how her lactation was a sign of her arousal.

In truth, despite her complacency and bodily reactions, Michelle was not aroused by the man. His depravity and nonsensical ideology sickened her, enraged her. What would really get her off would be seeing him sentenced and imprisoned. Still, she could feel something happening. It wasn’t voluntary, and it wasn’t quite arousal. Something was slowly making her more docile the longer she was close to Breeder X. Whatever she was going to do, she would need to act fast.

“This is it,” she growled. “Last chance to back down before things get ugly.”

“Bold claims by someone who can do nothing but sit and be fondled by me.” Adam wiped a few spare drops of milk from his lips with the back of his hand. He could see that he was starting to influence the woman, with a slightly glazed look in her eye. He could imagine that her thoughts were starting to get a little hazier being so close to him. Still not enough to make her subservient to him and his goals, but enough to potentially knock her off balance.

Of course, Adam was so focused on Michelle that he didn’t notice Nadia succumbing to his proximity as well. It was so much easier for a woman already under his thrall to fall victim to his potent pheromones, and the effect was much greater. The woman had become flush with arousal, her body reacting with need and desire for her lord. Her slacking grip was noticed only by Michelle, thanks in no small part to the Sister subtly grinding on her to get some satisfaction.

Breeder X gripped the base of his shaft, running his hand up along its length until it reached the fat, bulbous helm. He rubbed his thumb against his slit, slathering it in his pre-cum, then brought the glistening digit to Mighty Woman’s mouth and pressed it against her lips. “Open up.”

“It looks like this might be it, everyone!” one reporter shouted from below. “America’s favorite dommy-mommy has finally found a cock that will make even her submit!”

Michelle glared down at the reporter, wishing for just a moment that she had her mentor’s heat vision. After a moment, she brought her gaze back to Breeder’s cock, a look of pain and reluctance on her face. Slowly she opened her mouth and brought her head forward. However, at the last moment, just before her lips met it, she slammed her head back into the woman holding her.

Nadia cried out in pain, almost as loud as the sound of her nose being broken. Instinctively, momentarily free of Breeder’s control just by the shock and pain, she released Mighty Woman and clutched her own face.

Not one to pass up a perfect opportunity, Mighty Woman pried Nadia’s legs away and tossed her aside. The villainess flew through the air for a moment, blood streaking behind her, before she crashed into the roof of a nearby apartment building. Michelle winced. Nadia would survive. At worst, the villainess would recover in a few weeks with a broken nose, but she still didn’t like doing it.

As her costume started to knit itself back together, she glared up at Breeder X and said, “You’re going to regret that. I’ll punch that smug look right off your face, and right out of the solar system with any luck.”

As soon as she finished, before her costume was even fully repaired, she rushed forward and began to lay into the villain. She managed to land a few blows–an uppercut to the chin, a knee to the ribs, a jab to the stomach–but the villain blocked most of them. Still, it didn’t matter. Her goal was to push the villain out of the city. She needed to move the fight somewhere he couldn’t get help and she didn’t need to worry about protecting civilians.

Ever since Mighty Woman went on the offensive, Adam’s mind had been racing. He was designed to be a top-of-the-line thinker, one of the best in the world. But it was more than a little hard to think when he was being assaulted by a such a vicious attack. Mighty Woman’s reputation was clearly well earned; it took almost all of Breeder X’s concentration to defend against the flurry of punches, kicks, and even the occasional headbutt.

That said, his teasing and public displays with her had clearly knocked her off-balance. She was still obviously very proficient with her fighting style, but she was overly aggressive, almost sloppy with her attacks. It was the only thing allowing Adam to keep pace with her. Without that anger, he was confident he would have been taken apart quite quickly when the fight began again.

He needed to slow things down a bit. With all their movement, his pheromones would be no where near potent enough to overwhelm her before she beat him. It didn’t help that he was squarely on the defensive. Although, being on the defensive did provide some advantages, and he knew this city much more than she did.

Adam did his best to take in the surroundings. They were still close to the center of Haven, a place that he had converted into a large open park. Adam managed to give Michelle a counter hit hard enough to daze her before making a beeline for the city proper. The maze-like streets could be enough for him to get the drop on her if he managed to break her line of sight. And then he’d see if he could grapple as well as Nadia could. After all, how could even Mighty Woman withstand being that close to him for so long?

Michelle started forward but stopped herself. Her rage and ferocious fighting style had served her well in a close-quarters brawl, but it wouldn’t be of any use to her trying to track her opponent. After taking a deep breath, she descended onto the roof of the nearest tall building and took a knee. She needed to wait for her suit to repair itself, and for her wounds to heal.

For the moment, Mighty Woman’s foe was gone, and that gave her an advantage. Breeder X needed her. He couldn’t force her to be the mother of his new world if he didn’t face her. She didn’t need to follow him into an ambush; he would come to her.

From her vantage point, she watched everything from the skyline to the streets below. With the reporters shouting and pointing at her, hiding would be an impossibility. With nothing else to do, she watched and waited for any sign of Breeder X or the members of the Sisterhood.

In the lull, Adam took time to recuperate. He was certainly worse for wear from when he woke up this morning. The only lasting injury he had delivered to Mighty Woman was to her pride. After literal decades of the world wanting to see her body, he had at last provided just that. In the event he was defeated, his name would now be synonymous with hers.

But Breeder X had no intention of being defeated today. Ever since his conquest of the Sisterhood, he had made sure to be trained by their best. While no where near the level of experience of Michelle, he saw firsthand how effective Nadia was against her. Adam was sure that Mighty Woman would expect the same move now, but there were others that would do just as well to make sure she stays nice and close to him. His shaft twitched at the thought, almost like it had a mind of its own and was thinking of how it would feel to be inside the heroine.

Adam made sure to avoid the main city streets and the inevitable crowds gathered there. Just as they were all ogling her, he was bound to draw just as much attention. As he watched from afar, he was able to see a few members of the Sisterhood assault the building Michelle was on top of, only to be routinely thrown off and defeated.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qecmb8/mighty_milf_chapter_one_part_one_public