[FF] Saw a video of my boyfriend fucking himself in the ass with anal toys (butt plugs) and a dildo. Idk what to do… [NSFW]

I know that some straight men do like it in the ass and that men typically have their p-spot up there… but I just never saw him as that type of guy. Idk how to approach him. Even saw him wearing my thongs… Is this normal? I don’t mean to be sexist… but do I confront him? Is he gay? bi? does that have to do with anything? Maybe he’s just exploring…I need advice!!! I don’t know what to do and where to start. I remember when I would jokingly tell him i’ll also fuck him in the ass like he does to me , he’ll say that it’s gay… is this a defense mechanism? Is he hiding or he is just not comfortable because this ass fucking thing is only perceived for females and gay males?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qe7g6r/ff_saw_a_video_of_my_boyfriend_fucking_himself_in


  1. Honestly might be secretly bi or just gets off on the risk of being caught doing stuff like that

  2. Queer femme here. These are two separate conversations. Being interested in anal play is not related to sexual orientation in anyway. You wouldn’t ask if a woman is gay or bi if she likes receiving head, right? As a woman who loves pegging, I can assure you that many hetero, masc dudes love ass play.

    Second conversation: would it be a problem for you if he isn’t straight? Before you bring anything up with him, I would make sure to unpack your feelings around it. There’s a lot of stigma around men being bi, which is rooted in homophobia.

    I would have an honest conversation with him and ask what he likes. If you care about him, hopefully your goal is to more openly explore sexual desires together.

  3. How did you see a video of him was it left out or someone else show you. If it was left out it might of been his way of saying he was open to play. I agree with one post earlier you got to come to terms on it also if you not opened to it maybe day nothing unless he brings it up to you openly and y’all two talk about it. Not sure if helping you out hurting it more wish you the best with it.

  4. As a straight guy, it’s not gay. It feels good, and just like women with anal play, some like it and some don’t. Saying it’s gay is a defenses mechanism, it took me a long time to admit it to my wife and I was drunk when I did but I’m glad I did. As for the panties I don’t know but don’t judge too quickly, maybe he’s secretly a fem boy (doesn’t means he’s gay or anything it’s quite normal as well but I don’t have any experience in that area).

  5. Perfectly straight old man here. Anal play sometimes feels good. It doesn’t mean he’s homosexual or bisexual; sometimes it feels good.

    What can you do? Offer to help.

  6. Buy a small strap on or a butt plug and bring it out next time you wanna get it on, it will ease his anxiety about telling you his fantasies.

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