[FF] – My best friend is deeply submissive, and to make sure she’s never taken advantage of, I’ve become her dominant.

I’d known she was submissive for years, though I never guessed itd also be in the bedroom. She’s the type to shy away from conflict, go completely silent if someone ever raised their voice. Always did what she was told the first time, never having to be told a second time.

She admitted her nature to me, the sexual part of it, one night when we were probably high. At this point we were roommates. I guess she expected me to be weirded out, because I can remember seeing a huge weight being lifted off her shoulders when I asked if she was staying safe with all this.

She told me all about shitty doms. People who took advantage of her just for themselves. People who saw her as lesser just because she was submissive. People who incorrectly assumed that being dominant made you above the submissive in every way. Basically, assholes and dumb shitheads.

She’d been with a lot of these guys in the past. Well, by a lot I mean 3 or 4, but that was 3 or 4 too many.

It made me angry. And it also put the idea in my head to be her dominant. But I didn’t say it then, I just listened. I wasn’t educated on the topic, so to say I could be her dominant then would be dumb and irresponsible.

So I spent a month researching. Kinks,!aftercare, healthy dynamics, how to communicate well. A lot of it was just stuff that’d lend itself great to the most vanilla of relationships. I still sucked up as much knowledge as I could.

So I finally approached her with the idea. It remember spending a week alone trying to come up with a good way to introduce the idea. I could be subtle, but that could confuse her and stress her out. Being direct sounded like the most boring, mundane way of doing it, but it was also just the smartest. Most responsible.

I sat her down one night, and I spilled everything that was on my mind with this. My fears for her, the sense of protection I felt towards her. I mentioned a lot of my research. I maybe went a bit overboard with it all. I said how I was willing to do anything for her, how I’d love to have her and her perfect everything. I even started on this whole tangent about understanding if she didn’t want to do anything sexual, I just wanted to be in the know of her partners to make sure they weren’t assholes.

By the way, side note, at this point in time we were both out-the-closet bisexuals. I wasn’t approaching her not knowing if she was into women or not. And I also felt like she might’ve already had feelings for me.

But anyway, after I’m done my massive tangent, I get to the point again: I want to be your dominant, if you’d have me.

She stayed quiet for a bit. She was really red in the face. I thought I was about to be yelled at. But instead she just threw herself at me, and hugged me, and started crying. Sobbing, really.

I held her so close, and rubbed her back, and shushed her and said “hey hey hey, it’s ok, it’s ok,” stuff like that. She cried for a couple minutes, trying to talk, but only getting out little stutters. When she she finally got some words out, she said “I love you so much.” Obviously that melted my heart.

She’d never been great at handling intense emotions, good or bad. With good, she makes these adorable little squeaks, that she’ll only do when no one can hear because she’s self conscious, but it’s so cute. With intense love and relief, I guess you could call this set of emotions, she cries.

After she’d calmed down a little, still some little tears hiccuping out, I had her in my lap. Rubbing her back, softly shushing her. She laid her best on my shoulder when she was all out of tears, all tired. And she said “I’d love to be yours.” I asked if she meant she’d have me as her dominant. She nodded, and said yes. Now it was my turn to happy squeak. And then we kissed. I forget who kissed who, but it doesn’t matter, it was very mutual.

It was an intense kiss, but we didn’t fuck that night. Instead I carried her to my bed, and we cuddled, kissed a little more, spooned, then fell asleep.

Our first dom/sub experience came a couple days later. We established mutual kinks the days before, talked extensively about it. I made like 50 pages of notes. I’m a big note taker.

Our first experience was simple. I had her strip for me, and kneel on the bed in my lap. I slipped a dark blindfold over her eyes. And I began fingering her. For every little sound she made, I’d give her a lovebite, AKA a hickey, but lovebite sounds cooler.

Her little body was so right in my hands. So tight and perfect. I held her thigh open with my other hand, making sure she didn’t try to squeeze her way out.

Her attempts to muffle her moans were so adorable. She couldn’t, and honestly I doubt she even wanted to. They’d escape her pretty lips in little sounds. They’d get louder as I’d kiss and softly bite suck on her neck, having nothing left to lose.

Feeling her orgasm in my hands was… honestly it was heaven. The feeling of pure joy in my chest as I felt her cum from *my* fingers, *my* hands. Feeling her body shake and her loud, long moans. My perfect girl.

I was proud of this little idea I had. It combined her love of being almost objectified, being made to strip. She loves sensory deprivation in any context. And she loves a bit of exhibitionism and public embarrassment, which is the master the hickeys served. She went to work the next day with many.

This was around 3 and a half years ago. We’ve played and experimented extensively since then. Built a very tight sub/dom bond. A very healthy, strong relationship. I mean obviously we still have our arguments and disagreements, but we listen, and we change, and that’s really all you need for a healthy relationship.

I can post more stories of our experiences if you’d like. I can delete this too, if it doesn’t really fit. I’d understand. I’m mostly writing this for myself anyways, as a reflection I guess. I’m posting it to see if anyone else likes it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qdimnn/ff_my_best_friend_is_deeply_submissive_and_to


  1. This so erotic and wonderfully positive. Friends first is so important. I love your emotional journey and, greedy, more of your sexual journey, too. How you act as a loving dominant etc. I’m male but I would so love this from my wife but her health is bad. Thanks for the vicarious thrills.

  2. Excellent introduction to your sub/dom relationship. I forgot one would love to read more about it.

  3. So many stories is straight forward to the point sex. I have recently, days, restrained my wife in an attempt to connect the mind to sexual act. She requires aggressive sex to orgasm and I like that but want more. I brought up the idea and said just trust me and she did. I started off kissing all over her body, lightly breathing on her ears and vagina. I would only use the tip of my finger and tongue. The effect was spectacular. I stopped and released her. She said it was incredible. My intention was purely mental aspect. She actually begged me not to stop. Your story seems exactly what I’m attempting and want to give her what she wants and needs. Sensory deprivation is what I feel I need to do to intensify her her stimulation. Just like you, I’m researching on what I need to do to increase a more mental and emotion response. Thank you very much for your story and it has been very enlightening to my endeavor to satisfy my wife even more

  4. I’d love to hear more, in every respect. The emotional journey is so touching.

  5. I think this fits perfectly, a wonderful blossoming relationship – I think you should post much more. Can’t wait to read on…

  6. Wow- you go to Reddit to just read something hot, and you stumble across this beautiful story!

  7. I’d definitely like to hear more. This sounds vaguely like what I did for a girlfriend of mine in college.

  8. This is a fantastic story. It’s lovely to read about a healthy relationship dynamic

  9. This is so beautiful and heartwarming. You’re her precious thing too 😉! Would love to hear more :D

  10. This was a fantastic post. I loved how it went from being friends and roommates to something more! I liked how you gave us something erotic that wasn’t just straight up sexual. Please do write more!

  11. Aww, that’s both sexy and wholesome!
    Hope you two have a good relationship for many years! (And I’d definitely like to hear more!)

  12. Awh, this is so sweet! I actually cried a little, and I’m so happy for the both of you! You honestly remind me a lot of my domme.

    I’m sure a lot of people would enjoy hearing more of your stories, but ultimately it’s your relationship to explore and enjoy!

    Also, you should check out /r/gentlefemdom and /r/FemdomCommunity (/r/femdom is mostly porn)

  13. This might be one of the sweetest and the most sensual stories I’ve come across on reddit.

    Congrats for both of you and couldn’t be happier for both of you for finding right partners.

  14. That is a really touching and sweet story and I would definitely love to hear more.

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