My [F]irst time fucking a [M]arried guy, twice my age on a business trip (long post)

A couple of weeks ago I got blind drunk with some mums at my older kids school and ended up sat in the garden having the first cigarette I’ve had since before my kids were born and telling one of the other mums some stories from my younger years. She seemed pretty shocked. Not only do me and my husband and kids live more than an hour outside of the nearest big city, where a lot of people got married pretty young and haven’t ventured much past London bar their yearly holiday to France but nowadays I’m a pretty reserved, sensible type. Always helping out at school events and organizing drinks for my small group of girlfriends. But until I was in my 30s I was pretty crazy and sometimes (quite a bit of the time these days) I really, really miss it. My husband was also the first long term boyfriend I ever had, before him I loved my singlehood and the ummm…. opportunities … it presented. Telling some stories to the other ladies got me more turned on than I’ve been in years and I want to relive more of those memories so I’ve decided to start sharing anonymously on here. This is really not the craziest one by a stretch but perhaps the memory I’m most fond of, at the time I felt ridiculously grown up and I loved it, so I thought I’d start here.

This is a long one because … well I want it to be. You can skip down to the next line break for the sexy stuff.


So I’m 25 in this story. I had been working in my job at the time for about a year, working for a large music management company. I worked with a senior manager and we represented three artists. The senior manager was away in the States with our biggest client so for the first time I was being sent abroad to represent another client on a promo trip for his latest release. I was over the moon excited and felt like some hot shit travelling for business.

When I arrived I met up with our guys who were already out there (when people say music is a male dominated business, they aren’t joking. There was one other woman involved in this trip and probably 20 blokes). The first day was jam packed with meetings and interviews and then we went out for dinner with our record label. The artist was there, myself on the management side plus someone from our Berlin office, three people from the record label – all men in their forties through sixties -, a couple of the local promoters we worked with – men in their thirties I would guess – and then Karl. Karl was a kind of fixer for us, I guess his technical title was a label coordinator or something. He was older too – 56 at the time. He was Austrian and this is in the days before everyone was doing video calls so I’d never seen him before but I talked to him a lot on the phone and always thought he had the damn sexiest voice on the planet. He was also one of the only older guys I worked with who I liked, who wasn’t insane or rude. He was old and married and I was working so really nothing had ever crossed my mind. Anyway in real life, well he wasn’t as sexy as his voice but his voice was like melted butter poured over an A&F model (I’m a product of my times) so he was still quite good looking for someone of his age. I sat myself next to him at dinner and for the first time I kind of relaxed a bit and enjoyed getting a bit tipsy on the nice wine and playing up to the many guys around the table who are all products of their times and all wanted to show off in front of the attractive 20-something year old. Apart from Karl who was seemed relaxed and interested but only in a professional, kind way. That’s how they get you I suppose haha.

After dinner we all headed back to the hotel. Myself and a couple of the other guys and Karl walked the 15 minute walk to clear our heads. I had the first personal conversation I had had with Karl, talking about whatever. The group parted ways at the hotel and I went to bed still not thinking anything, but pleased to feel interesting and important.

The next day was interview after interview culminating with a big performance on a major TV show in the evening. At the studio it was the artist, his core travelling party, myself and Karl. We watched the show, and wrapped up at the studio around 10. The artist and most of his group were going back to the hotel to change and then go on to a club so we headed back with them but neither Karl or I fancied a night out with another slew of early morning meetings the next day. We went to the hotel bar along with one of the artists security guys and had two drinks, chatting more. After the second I was offered another drink but refused “to be honest, I get a bit bored with alcohol after a while.” “Really?” said the security guy … “what about some weed?” Now that was a more appealing idea at that time. “Let’s go up to the roof” the security guy said. The three of us went up and smoked a bit and talked. After maybe 15 minutes the security guy got a call to say that the artists party were ready to go out and he had to leave, but he left Karl and I with his stash and I rolled another one. Now is the first time that I got a sort of tingle and thought “okay, I’d like to fuck this guy” but still … Karl was so sensible and married and not creepy and I was less than half his age. I decided to see if I could bring up something a bit 15 rated in conversation and see where it took us.

“The last time I was on a hotel roof was in Hong Kong. I don’t know if its still like this but when I was there a few years back one night a week all the bars had free drinks for the women and I got royally blasted out of my mind. After the bar we all headed back to our hostel and started a bit of a lobby party. I went up to the roof with one of the guys and well – I won’t say what happened on the roof but I came back to the party and every looked at me until a girlfriend pulled my aside and told me I had black sticky marks all down my back and in my hair. I guess the roof had some kind of black tar on it and I was too wasted to notice.”

I laughed while telling the story and kind of focused on the joint, so I could play it cool if he thought I’d taken the conversation too far. He looked, not obviously surprised but there was this little smile on his face and maybe a little taken a back. He leaned over into the gap I had created between us and plucked the joint out of my fingers, hesitating a second while he was right up close to me. I looked him in the eye as he got closer but didn’t move or say anything else. He took a deep drag and said “So what, you’re a party girl?” in that sexy deep Austrian accent… I thought the line was a bit lame but also quite clearly a come on (I guess just the way he said it, looking me deep in the eyes) so I said “No, obviously not I’m a total professional.” He knew I was joking and I shuffled a bit closer with the excuse of taking the joint back. As I went to put to take another drag he leaned into me and took it again and just waited, holding it in his hand, looking at my mouth. I leant in and kissed him.


He scooped me up at the waist and sat me on his lap. I knelt astride him and our mouths melted into each other, his big hands holding on to my bum, my arms wrapped around his neck. After a minute I said “we don’t want you getting black marks on your suit do we?” I staggered up and so did he. “Do you want to go to my room?” he asked. He sounded still cool and mostly assured but there was the most tiny, slight tremble in his voice which turned me on even more. “Yah, lets go” I said in a stupid German accent because I was drunk and high? He chuckled and put an arm around my waist. He was tall – well over 6 foot and I’m just 5 foot and 4 inches, I felt like a doll in his arms. Once we had gone through the “Employees Only” door, back into the main part of the hotel he let me go. I stopped and asked for his room number and said I would make my way there. I stopped in at my room. Partly to take my bra off which was not in the least bit sexy, and check my appearance and partly because I was terrified we would bump into someone we knew.

When I got to his room he waiting on the other side of the door and pulled me in. He pushed me against the wall just inside the door and started quickly fumbling to unbutton my shirt but I grabbed his hands and stopped him. He looked at me with surprise. I turned him around, I wanted to be in control, but I couldn’t reach him even on my tip toes so I slowly pushed him over to the bed and sat him down. I slowly sat down on his lap, grinding against the erection I could already feel through his suit trousers. He’d taken off his jacket but not removed his loosened his tie so I sat back on his knees, pushing him away when he tried to put his arms around me and kiss me, and just looked in his eyes while I lazily undid his tie. He smiled. I then started slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Every time he tried to touch me I pushed his hands away. Between buttons I would lean forward, pressing again against his erection and kissing his jawline, behind his ears, his neck. As I pulled the shirt off him I pushed him down so he was lying on the bed and straddled him, kissing him fully on the mouth again. I let his hands slide up to my breasts. “I thought you were wearing a bra before?” he said. “I don’t think I need one, do you?” I sat up and pulled my shirt over my head and revealed my perky little boobs. “No, you don’t” he said, then putting one in his mouth. I moaned and ground against his some more.

I could feel his dick throbbing and twitching through all the fabric so I sat up again and undid the buckle, sliding myself backwards off the bed, kneeling with my face up close and personal with his crotch. I shimmied off his trousers and pants and went to work with my mouth, first just licking the tip, making tiny little baby sucks on his bellend, then licking down the underside of his shaft, rubbing his balls and the sides of his crotch with my hands. He sat up to watch the show. I grabbed the length and started jacking him off. I wasn’t making eye contact at this point. To be honest those Bambi eyes in porn kind of gross me out, I was just studiously wanking him off, letting the tip bob in and out between my lips. He put his hands on either side of my head and pushed a little, just enough to encourage me to go deeper, taking more of him into my mouth and sucking harder. “Stop” he said. I stopped. “Sorry, yes fuck, that is really good. I don’t think I can umm I don’t think I can hold on much longer going like this.” “Okay” I said, hopping back onto the bed, “my turn then?” I lay full back against the big plump pillows and he pulled up my skirt then removed my heels, tights and knickers. He went to town. It wasn’t the elegant, slow performance I had given, it was a rough fucking of my clit with his tongue. The feeling of his stubble against my ass checks drove me insane. He stuck two, then three fingers inside of me, I thought he was trying to burrow his way deeper in by the way he was going but the pressure was nice and I moaned and grabbed onto his head, sliding my fingers through his slightly wavy salt and pepper hair. As seems to always be the case, it might not have been quite as long as I would have wanted but by the time he is sucking hard on my clit I was gushing and ready for him.

As crawled up the bed towards me, I pushed his shoulder, him rolling onto his back and straddled him once more. I let his cock rest between my vulva and I splayed my hands on his chest, rocking backwards and forwards, letting his cock caress my lips. “Come on baby” he purred at me. I cocked my head to one side “What do you say?” … he looked at me blankly. “What did I say?” he said, confused. “No, it’s a Briti-. Never mind.” “You’re really fucking hot.” He said. “I know” and grabbed his shaft and slipped the head into me. He groaned, his body tensing up so hard I was worried he was going to finish right then. Thankfully he didn’t. I rocked down onto him, pushing him further up inside me, arching my back and letting my head roll back. The view of my tits must have been incredible. I used my hands on his chest to push myself up and down on him, my moans getting louder and louder. I didn’t check until the next day the rooming schedule to see if anyone we knew was near his room, thankfully not because I was crying his name out loud. All of a sudden he stopped and again, I thought he must be about to finish but instead he grabbed my tiny waist and lifted me off him, pushing me down to the side. “Okay, you’ve had the fun. Now it is my turn” he said, while lifting me off the bed and settling me where he had been, on my back, head on the pillows. He pushed my knees up to my neck and leant his body weight on them, causing my ass to rise up into the air for easy access. He slipped his cock back into me and started going at me like a jack hammer. After a minute I felt him tense up, and he thrust three or four more times deep into me, his cum filling me up and dribbling out. The thought his seed inside me sent me over the edge too, he loosened his grip and I let my legs fall back on the bed, pulling him into me for another deep kiss as I orgasmed as well.

He rolled off me, us both getting our breath back for a second before I headed to the loo to clean myself up. I was covered in sweat so I popped my head around the door and said “do you mind if I take a quick shower?” “do you mind if I join you?” he said. I started showering and he joined a second later. We kissed a bit more, and he soaped me down but we didn’t do anything else naughty.

“You can sleep here if you want.” He said. “We have to be at a meeting in just over 5 hours and I can hardly be seen coming out of your room, can I and wearing the same clothes?” “What if we set the alarm some time early, then you can get ready in your room. Please, I’d like you to stay.” I agreed and we fell asleep, his arms wrapped around me. I woke at 6.30am, slipped out of the room and back to mine. We met at 8.30am to leave for our first meeting; the artist and crew were still sleeping after their big night. We met up with some of the other reps going to the meeting and I panicked thinking they would realize we both looked extremely tired but obviously no one noticed. We fucked again that night and then at every other opportunity until I left the company 18 months later. For 2 years after that he would always text me if he was coming into London for business and we’d meet up.



  1. That’s super wild and I guess you continue to recreate the wilderness with him

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