Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F] Part 21


*** ***Bella*** ***

“Hmm, aren’t you a wild little thing?”

Darkness consumed the world around me as I looked around, “Oh, this again.”

“Oh, pish posh. We don’t get to talk often, you know, at least be happy to see me again!”

There she is, sitting under a pillar of light with her white-as-snow sundress and wide-brim sunhat. She’s all smile, wearing her brunette hair in braids and down to past her waistline. Again, she kept herself shorter than what I normally am.

“You really like being shorter, don’t you?” I asked with annoyance because, with the exception of her being short she also morphed herself to be less muscular with breast a little smaller but her ass is nice and thick. “You really like rubbing it in.”

“Well, how I present myself is how YOU think we should look like!” Amnesia-Bella said to me as she stood up and twirled around, her dress swirling around her like a vortex, “You need to accept the fact that you cannot achieve your ideal figure, okay? I need you to be happy with yourself. I know you’re projecting yourself as this tough, no-nonsense kind of girl with a wild side but I also know you’re a bit jealous of Alana.”

Alana! Is this what this means!? Amnesia-Bella smiled at me as soon as the thought entered my mind. I guess, deep down I always saw her figure as MY ideal figure, she’s what I wanted to look like. I mean she’s the perfect size for Chris! A bit petite, with nice tits and she can do the whole romantic looking embrace and kisses bullshit that I can’t! Fuck!

“Don’t hate her for this. Don’t. It’s not her fault. You just need to accept it, okay? Because if you don’t, then it’ll just damage your relationship! Well, nap’s over because here comes Alana!”



Alana sits down next to me on the bed and the resulting shockwave caused me to awaken. Fuck, such a weird dream! Why am I napping when it’s still morning time anyway?

“So, Izz-baby, we going to talk or what?”

I know what she means. She curled up next to me and I just draped my arm over her belly and she laid down on my biceps. “I did think about it,” I answered, “and… I’m alright with it. I knew it was going to happen. I don’t know how Chris feels about it, but if he’s okay with it then I am too.”

She rubbed the hand on her belly with her own and she took it and gave it a kiss. “I was hoping to find my own boyfriend, you know. But every time I go on a date, Chris always finds a way into my head. We’re talking about food? Oh, Chris loves his steak Medium Rare, why don’t you? Eww, well-done steak! Alcoholic beverage? Oh, Chris doesn’t really like to drink! My head could not stop doing it even though I kept trying.”

My other hand went over and started rubbing her head, then she continued. “I haven’t even hooked up with anyone too! The guys who just wanted to hook up was throwing up red flags everywhere that made it so hard to ignore. One dude was clearly married, ugh. Then last night, when Chris was kissing me, my heart just felt so full and happy. It was beating like a fucking drum against my chest, and I knew.”

She sighed heavily, trying to process what’s happening in her head. “Then – then I thought to myself ‘Why am I like this? Why am I betraying my sister?’ and I couldn’t help but feel like a piece of shit! Because here I am, falling in love with my sister’s boyfriend! But then, but then you said it’s ok, so now I really want to know how you feel.”

I thought about it, and ultimately I am fine with Alana. “Come on, we have to talk to Chris about this.”

*** ***Chris*** ***

“So let me get this straight. You two want , basically, a three way relationship?”

The girls managed to corner me, yet again. I need to start being super aware of my surrounding if these two can just sneak up on me. I mean, the laundry room doesn’t have a lot of venues for me to escape from.

“Yes. Alana and I feel that this would be the normal progression of our relationship,” Bella pressed as she basically took up the entire escape route with her legs spread and her arms planted on her hip. Alana is right behind her, poking her tongue out at me like some kid.

“I wouldn’t call it a ‘normal’ progression,” I countered with a scoff, “normal would be me proposing to you. How am I going to do that now? Propose to you AND Alana? How’s the wedding going to go? A three-way wedding? I don’t think polygamy is legal here anyway!”

“Oh you’ve thought about it that far ahead?” she aid while blushing, “I… I didn’t think that far ahead.”

“Well, I did,” I answered… Shit, I just revealed that I was planning to propose! Come, on Chris, be better! “B-But now, h-how am I supposed to, um, propose? I’ll have to do it sometimes in the future to you and Alana, r-right?”

My confidence is wavering. Shit!

She turned red and then walked out with Alana in tow. God damn, I just revealed my hand to her! I huffed as I started doing laundry again. It’s also her and Alana’s laundry. I didn’t even give it much thought until I started separating their delicates and their regular clothes.

It took me about a couple of hours but I finished laundry. Now, we’re supposed to go shopping for food ingredients.

*** ***Bella*** ***

He was going to propose. He was going to PROPOSE!? Oh god! What do I do?

“Izz-baby, calm down! Calm down!” Alana said as she held my shoulders.

“He… he was going to propose! Alana, he was going to propose! But… but its on hold. Did he change his mind!?”

“Izz! I said calm down!” she slapped me, “he said he has to think about how he’s going to propose to you AND me. Wait… he’s… he’s going to propose to me too!? To me!? Oh my god, Izz! What, what do we do!?”

Now it’s my turn to slap her. “Focus! We need to focus! I… this means he’s ok with this relationship. Ok that’s good. Ok, just act normal. He needs to figure this out on his own, ok? Don’t be weird with him.”

Chris came out of our room. “Hey, laundry’s done.”

I just nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheeks, “ready to go shopping?”

Alana did the same, although she started fidgeting with her finger a bit and looking down on the floor. Chris kind of looked at her in confusion and then he slapped her in the ass.

“Stop being weird,” he whispered into her ears.

“S-Sorry,” she stammered as she gave him a giggle afterwards then a peck on his cheeks.

We met up with Jackie and Dean and we got into the SUV. The girls sat in the back while Dean sat in the passenger side.

“Babe, do we go to Jumpmart or Smartcart?” Jackie asked as she tapped Dean on the shoulder.

“Um, Jumpmart has better prices but Smartcart has better selections. Chris it’s up to you.”

Hmm, their dynamic seems to have shifted. I gave Jackie a little nudge and she smiled at me appreciatively, ending it with a wink. “Well, Chris, let’s just go to Jumpmart and see what’s there.”

Jumpmart is a huge all-in one supermarket. It has everything from clothes to motor oil, to gardening and groceries. Naturally, the girls stuck together while Dean and Chris went their own way towards the meat section.

*** ***Chris*** ***

I didn’t want to go shopping with Dean, especially after what happened last night. But, somehow, he’s different today. More calm, softer. Approachable, even.

As soon as we’re out of their earshot, he came in a bit closer to me. “I’m sorry, for everything,” he began, “I’m sorry that I kind of stole Jackie from you. I knew you were going to ask her out that night and I wanted to fuck up your plan.”

“I had a feeling,” I said, “but I’ve gotten over it. How are you?”

“Better. Honestly, when she came back last night she was still kind of horny. She wanted more, and when I was watching you and her I felt so… aroused. Weird, right? So we made love last night.”

I remembered that I told Jackie to clean herself up in front of Dean. I shudder to think if she did or did not do that. Ugh, I’m starting to get sick! Urk… I need to stop it.

“So, I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you. I’ll be a better husband to her, I promise.”

“Hey, don’t promise that to me. Promise that to her, mom and dad and your in-laws.”

He playfully punched me in the arm. This is good, we might be able to have a better relationship going forward now.

“I might need you to fuck her once in a while.”

Fuck my life. Where did I go wrong?

*** ***Alana*** ***

They have a lot of Hispanic food items here. I might prepare some nachos or something fun. Well, you don’t need authentic Hispanic ingredients to make Nachos but I’ll throw in a few Mexican items just for fun. Oh shit, they have a fresh fish market!? What the fuck!? I can… I can make some fish tacos for lunch!

“So, Dean finally fucked me last night.”

Oh? This just turned from lame to interesting. “Do tell!”

“After Chris sent me away, I was still horny. Like, I still want more, you know? I know, you know, but I didn’t want to inconvenience Chris anymore because I know he’s tired for fucking you two. So I went back to my room and Dean was sitting there, crying but his cock is hard. Like, it’s fucking red hard. So, we made love.”

“Oh nice! How did it feel?” Izz pressed and I scooched into them closer. I fucking love gossip!

“It felt great! I mean, he’s not as big as Chris but it felt just as good! You were right, you know, chemistry adds to to the experience and I guess Dean and I were just meant for each other! I think he came about four times, but the amount and volume isn’t as thick as Chris. But still, he’s my husband!”

Jackie giggled softly and Izz embraced her a bit. “Thank you guys,” Jackie said as she wiped away the tear, “I can’t believe that made my marriage better.”

“Well, just talk to each other. If something is bothering you, let him know and ask him to do the same,” I added and she nodded, “if I didn’t tell Chris and Izz-baby here that I’m falling in love with Chris, I think I would have kept that bottled up until it festers and erupts into some homicidal explosion where I go on a rampage and kill Chris, Bella and everyone they love and then end myself in a glory of guns and explosions!”

“Alana, simmer down a bit there love,” Izz laughed as I started making explosion sounds with my mouth.

*** Chris ***

Fifteen fucking bags of groceries. Fifteen, and I think Jackie has a couple of bags of her own. Did they go clothes shopping too!?

The man-code prohibits a double trip, but seeing as Dean is here I don’t think that’s a problem. I see that Albert’s Prius is in the driveway, so he’s probably back from his own shopping.

We got the bags into the kitchen, but there’s no sign of Albert’s groceries or anything. Weird. It must be in the fridge already, oh well. My parents own another bigger refrigerator unit in the garage where Dean and I packed up the stuff in there.

“Chris, did you notice?”

“Notice what?” I answered.

“There’s nothing here, nothing from Albert I mean.” He pointed out and I agreed. The stuff in here has been here the whole time!

“You don’t think….?”

“Oh, I definitely think so.” He answered with a nudge and a huge smile.

*** ***Bella*** ***

I noticed Laura is all smiles and giggle today, then I received a text from Chris.

*They didn’t go shopping!*

Oh? Is that so?

I followed her into her room, noticing little Saleen is not there. “So, Laura, how was it?”

“How was what?”

“Shopping, I mean. Where is Saleen, by the way?”

“Um, Albert’s mom wanted to take her out shopping for toys!” She hesitated in answering.

“So, you were alone with Albert, then? Hmm, I wonder where did you two go?”

I closed in on her, sniffing the air around her. Sex! It smells like sweat and sex! I smiled at her and she instantly knew. “Taking it slow there, Laura?”

“I’m… I’m sorry, Bella! We just couldn’t help ourselves!” she cried out in shame, “we we’re going to go shopping for the type of food he eats, but one thing led to another and we ended up going to a hotel!”

“For fuck’s sake woman! Keep it in your pants! Can’t you two go out on a normal date or something!”

“Everything is booked solid for the next couple of weeks,” she sighed.

“So!? Go out for coffee. You two don’t have to rent out an entire restaurant or something! Take a walk in the park, talk and laugh and sing or something. Just something else besides sex.”

“Ok, alright I’ll take your advise.”

I gave her a hug and rubbed her back a little bit. “I’m sorry if I’m being harsh or like I’m a damn mama hen or something. I just don’t want you to marry Albert without knowing anything about him.”

*** ***Alana*** ***

Mama Hen decided to teach her little chick a lesson is what I’m hearing. Chris and Dean are in the kitchen, making some preparations. They have no fucking idea what to cook and they ended up buying an turkey and a brisket.

Fucking idiots, I swear.

“Move! It’s like you two are trying to put on the same pair of underwear! If we’re making turkey, we cook it on the same day so it’s nice and moist by the time dinner is ready. If we’re making brisket then we cook it early morning so it’s good and tender by the time its dinner time. What kind of turkey did you two get?”

“Um, just this,” Dean said as he held up the turkey. It’s one of those cold ass turkey, frozen. “Will this do?”

“Ugh, we need to defrost that so we can brine it. Fuck, we should’ve done this on Monday instead of today! We’re going to have a very lame turkey, I swear to god! Chris! What kind of brisket did you get!?”

“Well it’s not frozen or anything,” he said confidentally as he held up a thick cut of brisket in a nice, plastic wrap.

“Oh? So fucking what!? Do we have some fire wood? Cherry and oak maybe?”

Chris shook his head, “fucking get some then! Christ, I gotta do everything here!? Go, *ándale*!”

Dean and Chris scampered off, trying not to trip over themselves and they fetched Albert on the way out. Fucking idiots!

I took out the steak that I bought, well Izz bought it but whatever, and I cut it up nice and thin and in squares. I placed it in a bag with some olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, lemon juice, lemon zest, paprika and cayenne. I’m going to have to marinade this and cook it tonight, because I am craving for some nachos! I made sure to set aside the vital ingredients too, especially the tortilla chips, salsa and cheese. Knowing Chris, he’ll probably munch on those.

But it is lunch time! So I went about to prepare some fish tacos! Three per person, if you want more fuck off! I got some nice tilapia, fresh of course and I filet them nicely as well. Izz finally came up she asked for help but I push her away and told her to make drinks instead. She’s just going to ruin everything, and she pouts and complains but this is my domain! I really need to teach her to cook basic shit. I don’t know how she manages to fuck up simple dishes, but she does.

Now Laura comes by and she’s handy with a knife. I can see Bella just glaring at the two of us. “Hey! Stop staring and make some lemonades! Don’t glare at me woman, this is your fault!”

“But I want to cook!”

“But nothing! When we get back home I’ll teach you how to cook, but until then you make the drinks!”

She complained again, groaning as she fills up a pitcher with water and pours some lemonade mix in. I watched her closely, well as close as I can because I’m frying up some tilapia for the tacos.

But wouldn’t you know it, she fucks up making lemonade too! I tasted her concoction, “This is too fucking sweet! Izz, how do you mess up Lemonade!? It’s literally two ingredients: Water, lemonade mix and you mix the whole thing!”

“I’m sorry!” She hollered, “I’m sorry, okay! I get so nervous cooking!”

“Izz, this isn’t even cooking! You! Oh, my god! Okay, get another pitcher and divide it, then add water and fucking TASTE IT!”

I left her alone. She should be able to handle that, right?

Wrong. As soon as she tries pouring in the super-sweet “lemonade” into the other pitcher, she biffs it and spills the entire thing on the floor. “Isabella Marie-Rose Campbell! Get the damn mop and clean up your mess!”

She cries as she goes and retrieves the mop. I actually have no idea where it is, but if it gets her out of the kitchen that’s fine.

“I swear, how is she going to be a wife when she can’t even cook,” I shook my head in disappointment and Laura just laughs at me. She’s been cutting up some cabbages and she flipped the tilapia while I was yelling at Izz. “Laura, we need to make a sauce. So grab some mayo, sour cream, cumin, paprika, lime and Cilantro.”

She’s a good egg, and I guess since she cooks for herself and Saleen she’s learned some stuff in the kitchen. Izz came back, surprisingly quick, and she went about sweeping up the floor. “That better not be sticky when I check!”

She grumbled as she wiped the floor.

I made a first batch, three tacos, and I made sure to slightly toast the tortilla. I put the fish first, making sure it’s not swimming in oil, and then the cabbage slaw and then the sauce. I added some paprika on mine. I gave one to Laura, she earned it, and I was hesitant in giving one to Izz, but she gave me her puppy dog eyes.

It’s surprisingly good, but I need to adjust the amount of paprika I add. I seasoned the fish with salt, pepper, a bit of paprika and a bit of cumin. Tilapia is one of those fish where it takes on flavor really well, and it’s very cheap too. Laura seems to enjoy it, and Izz basically devoured the whole thing and she didn’t even savor the flavor.

“Izz, part of cooking is tasting the fucking food! Chew it a few times, let it sit in your tongue for a bit. Don’t just inhale the damn thing!”

“It’s really good, though,” she said as she licked her fingers, “can we make another?”

“We’re making more, but we’re not eating until everyone is here.”

*** ***Chris*** ***

Ugh, we got back after scouring every part of town for wood. Nothing. We came up with nothing. Albert went back to his room saying he has to finish some work stuff.

“What the fuck do you mean there aren’t any wood! What the fuck are we going to do with the brisket!?” Alana scolded. She is really scary when it comes to cooking. She’s practically taken over my kitchen herself!

“There aren’t any. We looked everywhere for some,” I answered but she wasn’t having it.

“Fuck it! Get in the kitchen! God damn, useless pieces of shit!”

My feelings are honestly hurt.

“Dean, get some beer and onion! Find me a glass baking dish NOW!” she roared and Dean practically ran to the back fridge.

“Jackie!? Where the fuck – Jackie!? So help me god, if you fuck this up! Chili sauce and brown sugar! I want it in my hands yesterday!”

“Chris, fucking go find me a nice medium onion.”

So we got the ingredients for her and we waited expectantly at her. She just looked at us, “What the fuck are you looking at me for, just gather them up. I’m not going to cook the brisket now you idiots! Go set the table! Chris, help your useless girlfriend in preparing the tacos!”

Oooh tacos.

So I guess she’s got Bella fixing up the tacos. She’s a mess, a sniveling crying mess. “She’s so mean!” she cried and I just wiped away her tears, “why is she so mean?!”

“Shut up over there! Those tacos better not be salty from your god damn tears!”

*** ***Alana*** ***

Stress. That’s all I’m feeling right now. Stress. Cooking, for me, is a great stress reliever, but when other’s are trying to help me well I loose control. Especially if Izz is “trying” to “help”.

I’m laying down in my room, my room and not Bella’s or Chris’ room just trying to decompress from lunch. It’s a successful lunch, everyone enjoyed it and it was tasty. I’m glad I bought enough fresh Tilapia from the store too. Mrs. Maeve, in particular, praised how well it was cooked and she even asked for the recipe. She should be able to handle it. Right?

I hear the door open and Chris and Izz walks in, all grumpy face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Grab her,” Izz said and Chris lunged at me and grabbed me by my waist, spun me over and basically held me in a Full Nelson.

“What the!? Stop! Let me go!” I screamed at them, trying to get Chris away but the man is too strong for me to resist. Izz squeezed my cheeks together.

“You’re so mean! So now, we’re going to be mean to you!”

“No! What are you two planning! We just ate!”

Izz held my legs back while she brought herself in. She bunched up my shirt over my breast and then pulled up my bra over it, then she started massaging and playing with my tits. I cant overpower both of them, especially not Izz who’s built like a fucking Amazon and definitely not Chris who spends two hours in the gym. He’s lifting me up and my leg is dangling down.

Izz produced a slice of lime from somewhere and she squeezed it on my tit and licked it up. She slobbered and sucked on it, trying to get every bit of lime-flavor off of my tit. Honestly it was hot and it actually turned me on a bit. “Th-That better not be the last lime!”

“Feisty… but I think that’s the last one,” Izz smiled and I’m so mad right now. Mad! But me kicking and shouting wouldn’t produce anything. Chris dropped me, finally, but then Izz grabbed my hands and she held me up.

“Izz! St-Stop!” I shouted but her grinning face told me it’s useless. Chris pulled down my skirt and thong and he squeezed my ass a bit, rubbing it and touching my wet slit. Then he started slapping me, hard and with barely any breaks in between.

“You’ve been a bad girl! Bullying us like that! Bad!”

“Ah! St-Stop!”

“Bad girls need to be punished,” Chris remarked as I see him lick his palm and smacked me again. That hurts so bad!

“D-Daddy, please stop!” I begged, and Daddy did stop.

“Such a bad girl you were,” Izz started as she sat herself down on the bed and she pulled me over to her lap. Now it was her turn to punish me. She started slapping me too and I yelped and screamed, “such a really bad girl!”

“N-No! Stop! Please, I’ll be a good girl! Please!”

“Yes, but right now you’re a bad girl!”

She slapped me once more and I screamed, but then Daddy shoved his cock into my mouth. Izz turned me around to my back and she started playing with my pussy.

As Daddy fucks my face, Izz started by licking up my lips first, then she pinched my clit and twisted it softly and then hard. She continued this, poking her tongue inside my pussy while turning my clit like it’s an old TV dial. These two put my head into the clouds with how much pleasure they’re giving me. I couldn’t wait any more, my body couldn’t handle what they’re doing to me and I started shaking and I had to take Daddy’s cock out of my mouth or else I would’ve bitten him.

I grit my teeth as I rode my orgasm, pushing Izz’s face down against me while Daddy tried to hold my arms down. “St-Stop! I-I’m coming! Stop playing with my clit!” My back arched and she finally released me. She came up to me and we started kissing, and I could taste a hint of lime in her.

But then, Daddy shoved his cock into my aching pussy! He wasn’t waiting, now it’s his turn to punish me! I’m trying to push him away but he just held my arms as he continued fucking me. Izz sat behind me and she’s been massaging my tits and rubbing my clit.

“See, you need to relax girl. Don’t be so mean.”

“I’m not mean! I’m only mean when useless garbage tries to make food!”

She pinched my nipple and clit, causing me to scream. “Now, now, words hurt okay? You hurt us, so now we’re going to punish you for being a bad girl.”

Izz held me while Daddy pummeled my sore pussy and he grabbed my hip. He would often lean down and kiss me, lovingly and he would often grind his crotch against mine. He pulled out and he turned me around so I’m facing Izz and she watched me as Daddy hammered my pussy again. Eventually, she’s laying down on her back with me laying on top of her and she’s just holding me.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!”

Daddy’s thick cock really rubs me the right way, the perfect way. He didn’t let go as he pumped his seed into me and his twitching, throbbing baton sent my mind into overdrive.

When they were done, they left me on my bed. Izz cleaned up Daddy’s twitching cock. “Be nicer okay?” Izz said as she departed.

“B-Be a better… cook… garbage… *ugh*.”

~End of Part 21~



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