I was dating my professor and got myself off during class [FM]

Yes, I am that cliche who dated my professor briefly in college. That sounds bad, but he was in grad school and still in his mid twenties. Plus, he was super hot and nerdy with his passion for history.

Anyway, once after we fooled around I told him it was really hard being in his class because I always thought of fucking him during lecture. He asked for specifics and I said I would imagine him bending me over his desk. He found this image super hot and suggested that I should just take care of myself during his next lecture next time I was tempted. I quickly dismissed this because I was very shy at the time and could not imagine doing anything so public.

So next time I’m in his class I start fantasizing yet again. He had on a fucking grey sweater and was giving a lecture on economic trends during the late 1700s. How exactly was I supposed to fight the passion?

I was in the back of the lecture hall and no one was around so I very slowly moved my dress up and started playing with myself. My professor almost never made eye contact with me during class, but I think he sensed something because he looked up and immediately knew what I was doing based on my expression. He raised an eyebrow and I gave a little nod. He stumbled over his words as he turned back to towards the other side of the room and didn’t dare glance my way for another couple of minutes.

So yes, I was imagining him bending me over his desk, telling me to take it as he continued his rant about supply during the war. I started rubbing harder, trying to hold my breathing steady as he pretended not to notice. Finally, he did make contact with me for only half a second, but it was enough to get him flustered. He almost always walked around the room as he spoke but immediately went to sit down and turned bright red as he tried to answer a question from an unsuspecting student in the front row.

I was feeling brave and no one had noticed so I let my head fall back as I came with a shudder. I coughed so no one would notice the hint of moan that escaped me… he noticed. He lost his train of thought at least five times in the following minute of his lecture, and I had never seen him so relieved to dismiss the class when the period had ended.

Almost comically, several students swarmed him with questions about a paper we had just been given back and I sat smugly in the back as I watched him get agitated by how long it was taking to get free.

Finally, after the last student he left, he climbed up to meet me and simply said “You. My office. Now.”

We didn’t even speak as he led the way and the door was barely even closed behind us before he crossed the room and bent me over his desk.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qbqob0/i_was_dating_my_professor_and_got_myself_off

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