[M4M][M4A] An Intimate Conversation in Most Exquisite Afterglow [man finally surrendering to another man][trust][bicurious][culmination]

It’s funny.


I’m not really attracted to men. Not in general. It’s not like I pass men on the street and notice them and think about being with them, each in their own unique way.

I understand. I’m not either.

But then, once in a while, usually when I’m talking to someone, I find myself suddenly aroused by a man.

What’s different?

I feel comfortable with them. I see something in their eyes. In the way they move. I sense that they are open and safe and attractive and that they are looking at me that way too. Like they are the type of person who would truly feel special and blessed to give me pleasure. And yield themselves to me to give them pleasure. It’s a comfort and trust, I suppose.

I trust you.

I trust you too. The more we talked and was put under a spell by your presence, I started imagining.

Oh? What?

I started to think about how your eyes would look when you asked me, encouraged me, to bare my cock to you. That moment that can be so hideous when you are nervous, but so magical when you are not.

How did that image make you feel?

It make me feel warm and pulsing. My cock began to come alive. To beat slowly, more strongly. To get harder and harder.

Mmmmm, yes.

And after a while like that, I felt wetness. The thought had me dripping.

Jesus, you are going to get me hard again.

I started parting my legs little by little while we talked, not only to relieve the pressure, but to give in to the fantasy of feeling safe enough to give you my cock. Completely.


And when you invited me back to your place to see all of this wonderful artwork, I could barely breathe. I knew it was happening, finally, and at the same time, I knew it wasn’t happening. But I wanted it to. God, I wanted it too.

How did you feel when I started to mention sex? In the artwork, of course.

I stammered. You heard me. My heart was thundering in my chest, I thought I might pass out.

I asked you about how you felt about no boundaries erotic experience. Once I said it out loud, I knew I could not turn back.

I think I actually pushed my hips forward in that moment.

Yes, you did. It made my knees weak.

The way you described being held at the gates of heaven, prolonging that, feasting on the person’s moans and reactions….

I watched you face as I said it. You flushed, and your lips parted.

And when you confessed you wanted to do that to me, I thought I might pass out. I’ve never felt that before. And that look on your face as I shook and stripped off my clothes, I that I might die, knowing that you would be the one to embrace me. To join with me.

Your cock is so beautiful.

And I loved that you waited for me to be entirely naked. Entirely open and vulnerable. And you watched me writhe on the couch. My cock stiff and motionless, too aroused to dance.

Your cockhead was glistening with that wetness.

Fuck, yes. My opening was wide, forming a blessed channel from that place at the tip all the way into my depths where the river was flowing. I kept thrusting into the air. Holding. Begging your eyes to feast on the underside of my cock. Where all of the secret and sensitive pleasures are. I wanted you to have me. To savor me.

You were a work of art yourself. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

And then, there was that moment when we were both frozen. My back arched, my mouth open, my cock standing high, and your face an inch from me. The only thing moving was your hot breaths on my cock. And it was indescribable. Just that sensation. I threw my head back at the pleasure of it. So warm and gentle. Part of me wanted to just feel that. To let that delicate sensation to finally cause my cum to boil and erupt.

Oh fuck, look at my cock.

But then, we let go. I can’t even sort out the fragments of insane memories. I know I humped against your lips. I know you pressed me down and tortured my tip with tiny licks. It was furious and then slow and then an earthquake and then like an aria. It was perfect, and I came so hard and so long that it was on the edge of painful. Fuck I must have sounded like an animal. I can’t say how much I appreciate what you gave me.

I want to confess something to you. R-right now.


I want to kneel. I want to press my face down into the bed. I want to feel my cock being licked from behind. Long, luscious licks. I’ve never asked anyone before. I was afraid. But if you’d rather—

Give it to me. All of it. I want to make love to you.

Please. Oh please. [Turning to kneel.]

That’s it. Tip your hips as far back as they will fucking go….

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qbhapr/m4mm4a_an_intimate_conversation_in_most_exquisite

1 comment

  1. This is truly spectacular. I don’t know if I can describe everything I love, but… the sense of comfort and intimact throughout. Both men feeling the thrill of being able to confess exactly how badly they want each other, and feeling completely safe doing it because they know they both feel the same way. Just the whole concept of talking through the sex you just had in exquisite, lingering detail as a form of aftercare and foreplay rolled into one.

    One exchange I particularly love…

    >I think I actually pushed my hips forward in that moment.
    >Yes, you did. It made my knees weak.

    In stories, a character unconsciously revealing their desperation like this is often presented as a moment of embarrassment and weakness. And while that can be incredibly erotic in some dynamics (like a dom teasing their sub for being needy) there’s something special about it being described so straightforwardly, as something beautiful to be celebrated without embarrassment. That’s really the highlight of this whole story – each new degree of intimacy and vulnerability is presented as good, beautiful, even divine, and it’s done with such unflinching sincerity. It feels especially valuable to see a MM couple written that way, given the shame that’s often attached to gay love.

    Some other descriptions I want to talk about

    > My cock stiff and motionless, too aroused to dance.

    This is such a hot, vivid image. I know how a stiff cock “dances” as the muscles at the base contract and relax, so the idea of the character being so aroused that those muscles can’t even loosen, and his cock is just hanging there, permanently at its most tense state, is delightful.

    >My opening was wide, forming a blessed channel from that place at the
    tip all the way into my depths where the river was flowing.

    This is one of the most poetic ways I’ve ever seen the buildup to orgasm described. 10/10.

    >So warm and gentle. Part of me wanted to just feel that. To let that
    delicate sensation to finally cause my cum to boil and erupt.

    The idea of a lover’s warm breath being enough to push you over the edge into orgasm… holy shit, that’s hot.

    >I want to feel my cock being licked from behind. Long, luscious licks. I’ve never asked anyone before.

    And ending with the other man now feeling comfortable enough to share his desires, too… it’s beautiful.


    Excellent work, you should be proud. I don’t understand how this doesn’t have more upvotes.

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