Beneath the Bleachers [MF] [Bondage] [Femdom] [Oral] [PIV] [XL story]

It’s a teenage cliche – making out under the bleachers during a football game. Almost considered a rite of passage in most parts of the Western Hemisphere. Unfortunately, neither of us were cool or popular enough to have experienced it ourselves back in the day. As we wandered the local track circuit of your former high school (nearly 20 years after our respective graduations), you lamented about missing out on that particular magic moment. You were a band geek, and girls just didn’t pull guys from the woodwind section underneath the bleachers.

The mental image of a flag bearer sneering at your flute has me rolling, but in all honesty I can’t relate. I attended a French Catholic academy so strict that students were separated by gender during assembly even though it was the early 2000’s. I shudder, remembering how many times I heard “leave room for Jesus” during school dances. No bleacher make outs for me. Not that the austere school environment did me any good; I grew up to be a deviant just the same. We wrap up our walk in comfortable silence, but the seed of an idea has been planted.

A few weeks later, I’ve convinced you to join me on an adventure. It’s well past midnight but you can tell by the tone in my voice when something is going to be worth losing a bit of sleep over. “It’s a surprise” is all I’ll tell you, which means it could be anything from an ice-cream run to adult activities in unexpected places. Again, the lilt to my speech indicates you’ll be getting more than just a late night fast-food milkshake.

I park along a stand of trees on a side street and grab my backpack from the trunk. If I look at you directly I won’t be able to keep a straight face, so I just hook my arm through yours and steer you towards the shortcut through the woods. I can feel your squinty, suspicious eyes trying to burn a hole through my skull, wondering what I’m up to, but you stay silent. It isn’t until we emerge from the brush, backed up against the bleacher supports, that you begin to laugh as you realize what’s in store for tonight. “Really?” you huff a laugh and shake your head in disbelief.

“Yes, really.” is my only reply as I duck beneath the metal struts and drop my bag with a clunk on the grass. You frown at the noise but I’m pulling you towards me by your jacket for a kiss. Instantly we’re teenagers again, giggling at how bad and sneaky we are. Only at this age there’s no curfew, no risk of a random teacher or classmate catching us. The kisses get deeper, a sense of urgency building between us despite the fact that we can take all the time we want. I lean into you, want to feel you pressed hard against me. Your hands cup my face and brush against my neck before moving down to knead one of my breasts. When that same hand goes to snake under my top, you feel the shirt underneath my sweater and pull back slightly in confusion. “What have you got on under there?” you murmur, a smile spreading across that adorable face as I tug the sweater off completely. The mesh shirt does nothing to conceal the black bra and harness I was sure you were going to discover as you felt me up just now. You let out a low whistle and take it in.

“I’m in the mood to play” I shrug, trying hard to sound flippant but my heart is beating fast inside my chest. You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “Pass me my bag.” I swallow, the familiar confidence seeping into my voice at last. My head is still spinning from your kisses, and it’s taken me longer than usual to slide into my controlled persona. With a grin, you retrieve it for me and hold it as I open the zipper.

I wasn’t sure of how wide the stand supports would be, and so I came prepared with a variety of gear. I make a snap decision and choose some zip ties along with your wrist cuffs; that should do the trick. I point at the ground. “Kneel.” is all I have to say and you’re on your knees with your hands in your lap, looking up at me. So compliant. I tilt your face up with a finger under your chin. “You’re in the mood to be played with?” I muse.

“Please.” you whisper, voice hoarse and eyes locked on mine. I melt inside when you look at me that way. I want to tackle you to the ground and smother you with kisses but that will have to wait. I instruct you to hold one arm out at a time so I can place the dark leather cuffs on your wrists. When I’m finished, I bring one of your palms to my lips. A vow to treat you well even as I torture and degrade you. A silent prayer of thanks that you put your trust in me this way. I tug you to your feet and guide you between two of the uprights. In a matter of seconds, the zip ties through the D-rings on your cuffs have you secured with your hands at shoulder height. Stuck. Just like I want you.

I curse inwardly when I realize that I’ve trussed you up before taking off your shirt and jacket; I had pictured you naked and helpless but this will have to do. Reluctantly admitting it’s probably for the best, considering where we are at the moment. I drag a finger down your chest and hook it into your belt, relishing how fast your breath is coming. I look up at you as I unbuckle your belt and shove your jeans to the ground. Mine to do with as I please. I hold your gaze as I lightly brush my fingers over the erection I know you’ve been suffering from the moment we snuck under here. I stroke you again, slowly, and this time you can’t help but moan. You want to beg me to touch you directly but know better by now – pleading only delays things and so you grit your teeth and let me tease you. I’m impressed.

By the time I finally move to pull your underpants down, your knees are shaking and the zip ties groan as you pull at your restraints. Still no complaining; such a well-behaved and willing victim. I retrieve another item from the bag but it’s too dark to see what I’ve got. I drop to my knees and against all odds you stiffen further in anticipation. This time I’m merciful and take you in my mouth immediately, eliciting a groan. I set to work, licking you from base to tip and sucking your cock in turns. It isn’t until I pause that you hear the low hum of the vibrator I’ve been using on myself while I go down on you.

“Holy fuck” you breathe at the sight of me; on my knees with one hand holding the toy between my legs, skirt pulled up to my waist. One hand is still wrapped around your prick, and I lean forward to rest my forehead on your hip, panting. I’m impossibly close to cumming and want to put on a show for you. I had hoped that you would see this and spill yourself across my face and chest, but my excitement has outpaced yours and I realize I’m going to finish first. Vibe firmly in place, I manage to insert you back into my mouth as the first wave of my orgasm hits. I moan and your cock slides to touch the back of my throat. Managing to look up at you as I cum, tears stream from my eyes but I stay put as I squirm and mewl. Finally, I press the power button as it becomes too much. I sink down, letting you slip out of my mouth. Precum glistens on your tip, but my knees are too weak for me to hoist myself up to lick you clean again, I think lamely as I sprawl backwards onto my elbows, legs spread slightly.

I’m jolted out of my reverie by the loud ping of a zip tie snapping. The crosspiece keeping you from pulling your arms downward is a flat piece of metal unlike the round uprights – giving you enough leverage to break the plastic strap. You fumble with the left cuff for a moment before freeing yourself completely. Before I can react, you’re on your knees in front of me.

The look in your eyes, lust and frustration and *want* sends a jolt of fire through my belly as you grab my hip and roll me over roughly. I don’t resist as you grab my hair and push my head down into the grass so you can enter me from behind. Don’t care how hard you slam into me, my pussy already slick with my own cum. Fill me. Fuck me hard and take your revenge for everything you’ve endured tonight. The endless teasing as I pleasured myself with a toy instead of you. You lean forward to pin me to the ground as you pump into me, faster now as your orgasm builds. Slide in and out in a near fury as I clench around you, my turn to be the helpless one. Your reward for being my uncomplaining slave. I manage to turn my head and catch your eye.

“Come for me” I order, and you spill despite yourself. I buck my hips and writhe beneath you as you freeze, unable to move as your orgasm rips through you. Eventually it ebbs and you slide out of me, sinking to your knees. I roll onto my back and we sit there in silence, staring at each other and breathing heavily in the cool fall air. After a while, you help me to my knees so we can get cleaned up and straighten our clothes. I finally get to pull you into my arms and plant kisses all over your face like I’ve been waiting to do since we snuck out here. Aftercare will continue back in bed with milkshakes, I inform you soberly, and you nod in agreement. We head towards the car, still giggling.

It isn’t until a few months later that you come across the trophy I’d tucked away in a side pocket of my backpack. A smile spreads across your face as you reminisce holding the zip tie, locked but broken in the middle from where you managed to free yourself.


1 comment

  1. You very nearly brought a childhood fantasy to a “live” adult fruition here and I’m rock hard and aching for release right now. What a thrilling experience!

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